>Day how ‘bout them apples? in Equestria. >You are Anon, and currently you are trespassing. >But it’s not like Applejack would press charges. You WERE dating after all. >You two had been dating for…what, six months now? >Damn. Though it’s not hard to believe. >She was the first to find you when you were dropped here, the first to give you a job, the first to trust you. >Heck, she was the first person to believe you about Fluttershy. >Thank the lord for that. You were beginning to think she would never stop. >Thankfully, after Applejack had a little talk with her, she had ceased her daily fetish attempts. >Only to try and “Win you back.” >That crazy mare. >But back to the situation at hand! Er, hoof. >You were stealthily sneaking through Sweet Apple Acres towards Applejack’s room. >You wanted to tell everyp0ny about your relationship, but were too afraid that the town wouldn’t accept them. >The last thing you needed was trouble for the farm. They didn’t need that kind of [spoiler]corruption.[/spoiler] >So you had to show your affection behind closed doors, in dark alleyways, anywhere private. >Keeping it a secret was trying at times, even her family didn’t know, but you were just happy to have her. >Tonight however, was special. You were going to finally have a horizontal monster mash. >You quietly sneak up behind the main house, and peer through the living room window. >Lights out, not a soul in sight. >You quickly backtrack, and find the tree nearest to the house. >You quickly scale it, and make you way to Applejacks window. >You quietly knock, and softly say “Hey AJ!” >The window quickly but quietly slides open, and you are greeted by the eyes of your favorite p0ny. >”Hey there partner.” She says, before kissing you deeply. 1/? >Her tongue ravishes yours, and you attempt to bring the battle back onto her territory. >Sadly, her power was too much, and you were resigned to simply enjoy the moment. >Pulling away, she stares into deep into your eyes. “Care to come inside?” “Yes please!” >You carefully make your way inside, and embrace AJ again, your tongues dancing a slow waltz in your mouths, and the both of you falling onto her bed with a slight “poomf.” >You break the kiss, and quickly begin kissing lower, giving small nibbles around her neck, savoring the small moans she couldn’t contain. >You make your way lower, stopping for only a moment to nibble her nipples, before diving into her apple pie. >She lets out a loud moan as you ravage her apple, and you quickly go silent, and listen for any sign of movement in the house. >”…AJ?” you hear a deep voice call out, followed by heavy hoof clops on the floor. >You frantically stand up, and rush towards the window, AJ pushing you out. “Hurry!” >One of her hooves pushes you a little too hard, and you feel your weight shift dramatically. “Wait, I’m gonna lose my bal-AGH!” >You fall, and hit the ground hard. Fighting to keep conscious, you quietly yell up to Applejack. “…I’m fine!” >You hear the window shut, and you struggle to stand. >You stumble a few steps, before falling again, hitting your head once again on the ground. >Your vision swims, and blackness overtakes you. - >As you slowly come to, your sense of smell is assaulted by what smells like… >Hay and apples? >You open your eyes, and take in your surroundings. >You appear to be in the barn at Sweet Apple Acres. >You get to your feet, but quickly realize that was a bad idea. 2/? >You sit back on the hay bale you had found yourself on, and nurse your headache. “Ugh…this was a mistake.” >”Yer darn right partner.” >You jump, and look to the end of the barn. >Standing there was Big Mac, AJ’s big brother. >And boy did he look mad. “Oh, uh..h-hey there Big Mac! D-didn’t see ya there!” >You stumble to your feet, and try to ignore the throbbing of your head. >He simply glares, and walks forward, meeting you in the center of the barn. >”I know you were here last night Anon. I know you were seein Applejack.” “W-what are you talking about? I didn’t see her last night!” >You’re now face to face with him, and you can see how unhappy he is. >”Stop lyin to me. I know you were here.” >You sigh, and your heart feels like it dropped into your stomach. You didn’t want anyone to find out like this. “Yes…I was here…but you ha-“ >He cuts you off with a hoof to the mouth. “Anon. Listen.” He pushes you back down onto the hay bale you awoke on. >His demeanor suddenly changes, and he turns away from you. “Anon, I’m happy that you’re dating AJ…” >He turns, and walks towards you, his eyes changed to the kind only two p0nies have ever given you. >”I’m just… a bit upset that you didn’t try the rest of the apple family.” He leans down, and kisses you. >Your eyes go wide, and you push him off. “Whoa! What the hell?” >He gives a sigh, and puts his hooves on your arms, sufficiently rendering you immobile. 3/? >”Ya see, ah’ve been watching you work here for a while, and while ah’m happy that you’re making AJ happy, Ah want to show ya what you’ll be gettin when you join the Apple Family.” He goes in for another kiss, but you move your head out of the way. “Mac, I don’t want this. I love your sister, and there’s no way I’m cheating on her, especially with her brother.” >He sighs. “Ah figured you’d say that. Lucky for me, Fluttershy had the niftiest idea for me! If you an’ I don’t do this, the whole town will hear about the ‘abominations’ that you two have been doin.” >Your heart falls at the idea of the whole town finding out. An angry mob would probably chase you out of town, if you weren’t executed by Celestia. >You weigh your options as Big Mac lies on top of you, and come to the only conclusion a reasonable human who is stuck in a land full of horses who can’t comprehend interspecies relationships can come to. “Fine. If it means me and AJ can stay together, I’ll do it.” >He grins a bit, and leans in for a kiss. >This time however, you have no choice but to sit there and take it. >His lips touch yours, his much rougher than Applejacks. >His tongue prods against your mouth, pining for entry. As much as you wish you didn’t have to, you reluctantly open your mouth a bit, and allow passage. >His tongue enters, and caresses yours with a tentativeness that you didn’t know he had. He skirts around your incisors, before going back to your tongue. >He begins to massage your tongue, and you attempt to take control and push back into his mouth. 4/? >He grunts, and forces his tongue into your throat. You gag a bit, and pull off. >While you attempt to cough out a lung, he grins, and steps back. “That was only a practice run. Ah said ah wanted all of ya.” >Looking down, you see his noticeably large member is standing at attention. >Pushing you to the side, he lays down, and motions downwards. “Ya can take it from here I reckon’.” >You shakily move towards his crotch, and attempt to block out the smells assaulting your nose. You slowly grasp his manhood, and begin to stroke. >It’s warm to the touch, and pulses slightly. >He pants a bit, and you feel his hooves on the back of your head. “I said all.” >He forces your head downwards, and you take his girth in your mouth. >You’ve barely encompassed the head, and you can hardly breathe. >You attempt to pull back, but he holds your head down. “C’mon, get to work.” >You shut your eyes. This is gonna suck. Literally. >You slowly start to work your tongue around his member, and begin to suckle a bit. >Mac groans a bit. >You pull your tongue back a bit, and dip a small bit into his urethra, and taste something slightly sweet. >You feel his hooves grasp the back of your head again, and he begins to move your mouth lower onto his member. >Gagging, you attempt to back out. You're beginning to choke. >He strokes your head, and says calmly "Breathe through your nose." > Panicking, you struggle harder, and eventually break free of his grasp. >Coughing, you pull yourself away from Mac, and begin to walk away. “I *cough* don’t care if the entire *cough* town knows. I’m not *cough* doing this anymore!” 5/? >You just want to find AJ and feel better again. You’re not degrading yourself anymore. >Big Mac moves in front of you, member still unsheathed, and glares at you. >”Ah don’t care if you don’t want this, we’re doin’ this.” He turns around, and bucks you in the chest. >You go flying back, dazed, and land on the pile of hay. >Groaning, you attempt to crawl away, but he kicks you in the head. >Vision swirling, you’re barely able to tell whats going on. >You feel your pants being torn off, and his warm member pressing at your entrance. "N-no!" >You continue to struggle, but he pins your arms to your sides, and uses his weight to keep you down. >"You better hope that BJ lubed me up 'nuff, otherwise this is gonna hurt." You whimper as he begins to press forward, his large girth pining for entry. >You attempt to keep him out, but he is unrelenting, and he begins to enter you. >His head starts to inch its way forward, the small amount of saliva coating his member making it only slightly less painful. >As he begins to bottom out, the pain becomes immense. It feels like your ass is splitting, accompanied by a persistent burning feeling. >His hips finally meet your cheeks, and you pant a bit, knowing the worst is yet to come. >"Ugh...you're tight Anon. Real tight. I don't think ah'll last very long." He begins to pull back out, and you whimper as the pain that had dulled a bit returns with full force. >He begins to slowly pump in and out, groaning a bit. >You attempt to think of something else, anything to take your mind off the sodomy occurring. >Before you're able to completely 'escape,' he reaches down and grasps your semi-hard member. 6/? >"Ah can see someone's enjoyin' there time!" he says, and begins to stroke in tandem with his thrusts. >And as much as you hate to admit it, you are getting a little aroused. Your shame is displayed across your face as your member becomes hard, and what was once pain from behind turns to dark pleasure. >You begin to grunt and moan as he pushes in and out of you, feeling every contour of his member, his flared head rubbing your prostate. >Your face burns from embarrassment, and your stomach aches at the thought of cheating on Applejack, and enjoying it. >He begins to thrust harder and harder, hitting your walnut sized pleasure center almost every time, driving you wild. >Your cheeks blush, and you try to stifle a moan. You didn’t want him to think you actually wanted this. >Panting, he begins to thrust more erratically, and strokes your member harder. “Ah’m getting close, so I hope you like it inside.” >Moaning a bit, you can do nothing but wait for this nightmare to be over. As much as you hated to admit it, this was turning you on a bit. >He thrusts twice more into you, and empties himself into you. You feel his warm [spoiler]coom[/spoiler] inside you. >He pulls out of you, a small amount of his warm seed leaking out. He backs off you, and begins to walk away. >”Ah think ah’ve made my case Anon. You can choose which Apple you want more.” You curl up in a ball, and hug you knees. >The warm liquid continues to empty out of you, and you cry softly. “This was all for Applejack.” >You whisper that to yourself over and over. >This was all for her, right? 7/7 I hate myself I'll just be in the corner