Image related Just so we're clear, we're calling these "booty calls" Also: /r/equesting greentext for the Mane 6 being driven to orgasm by constantly vibrating asses ============================= by Shortstick !!pfAmNY4T4Hx >Triumphantly holding your latest invention above your head, you laugh maniacally. "I've finally done it! The Perpetual Oscillating Motion Flitter!" >Looking down at the two clear pads with tiny indiscriminate machinery attached, you chuckle. "Who would have thought that the missing component was unicorn magic?" >Rushing to your cluttered desk, you wipe it clean, sending diagrams and tools scattering off the side. >Scribbling notes and plans, you roll the parchment up and stuff it into your lab coat. "I must find Princess Twilight! If I am able to market these to ponykind, why I'd be as richest man in Equestria!" >You cackle as you grab the device and run off to see the Princess. >At Twilight's. >"Thank you Spike, I hope you and Rarity have a fun time!" >"Thanks TwiAAAHHHH!" >The little dragon goes flying as you kick down the doors. "Twilight, Twilight! You have to see this!" >The purple pony rolled her eyes. >"Great...just what I needed, another invention. What is it this time Anon?" >You get face to face with the Princess. "It's the future, the future of Equestria!" >Producing your invention, you hold it up to her face. >"What is it this time Anon?" "I call it the Perpetual Oscillating Motion Flitter! POMF for short, I admit the name needs work, but the application will revolutionize the lives of mares all over Equestria!" >She raises her eyebrow. "POMF? H-how does it work Anon?" >You smile. "I thought you'd never ask!" >You place the two clear pads on her cutie marks, ignoring her protests. "Now Twilight, you need to channel your magic into the micro mechanics on the POMF. My theory is that the more intense the magical charge, the more intense the...administrations the POMF will produce!" >She shrugs, her horn glowing a bright purple hue. >You hold your ears as Twilight experiences her 12th mind shattering orgasm of the day, the floor soaked with her juices. >"Anon...I're really onto something here." She pants as her horn starts to glow once more. ============================= >be anon >boning your waifu, going at a good pace too when: >cutie mark starts vibrating >slap it to connect the call "Hello?" >"I can't hear you very well, could you please speak directly into the vagina?" "Is this better?" >"A little. For best reception, please keep the tail erect." "Okay, I now have the tail upright. Now, what is it?" >"We were wondering if you were interested in our friends and family long distance plan? We already see..." "GOD DAMN TELEMARKETERS!" >Slaps ass really hard, ending call. >Be anon >Trying to make a call >"Please insert one bit to connect this call for the next five minutes, or this call will be terminated in thirty seconds" >I reach into my pocket for the 1 bit required. >"Anon. What are you...?", She gasps in surprise, "That's cold! I told you I don't like bits going in my butt." "Sorry, Twilight. Butt I need to contact Rarity in Manehatten." >sighing, "When are you going to get that long distance plan? My butt is still a little sore when you hung up on them earlier." "I thought being an alicorn would grant you that plan automatically." >"Well, it doesn't. I'm more concerned with the fact that the coins actually disappear while in me. And where the hay do they go?" ============================= >be anon, stuck in Equestria >be dating Rainbow Dash >learn about booty call system >every time there's a friendship problem, all 6 ponies asses start vibrating uncontrollably until they check the map >come up with a scheme, but you need some help >go visit Spike Spike, I've got a plan that you might be interested in >spike looks at you What do you have in mind? >pull him aside "Ever wish that you could get rarity in the mood at just the right time?" >spike looks at you wide-eyed "Of..of course anon" Well here's what we're gonna do, you help me, and I'll help you... >Next day, spike sends a letter to your friend Soarin in the wonderbolts "Hey guys! I'm gonna be balls-deep inside Rainbow Dash tonight…can you go make some pegasi in Cloudsdale miserable right around…mmmmm…9:15?" >spike belches out a reply "Sure thing anon, so long as it's my turn next" >it's happening >tell spike to go make rarity dinner, and get ready for the fireworks >spike goes over to rarity's house at 7, he locks the door and melts the handle >this isn't opening anytime soon >dash comes over to your place >you put the moves on her, sure enough, you're balls-deep just as her ass starts vibrating she's not going ANYWHERE >she cums harder than you ever thought possible, as do you >meanwhile at rarity's, dress-horse is clawing desperately at her door that will not open, her ass still vibrating uncontrollably >she's starting to create a puddle at the foot of the door "Spikey wikey! help me!" >and so he does >you and spike decide to run this scam once a week >sometimes you lock the ponies in a room with nothing until they beg to come out, willing to do anything to get the vibrations to stop life is good ============================= "Yeah, I'd like a double cheeseburger and hold the lettuce-" >"Anon." "Don't be frontin' son, no seeds on the bun-" >"Anon." "We be up in the drive-thru, order for two-" >"ANON! Would you please stop shouting at my ass like it's going to give you service?" >She slaps a hoof to her face as you giggle at her poor choice of words >Suddenly her ass starts vibrating again >"Would you like fries with that?" >You both stare silently at her ass >"Did it just-" "Yes! Extra ketchup, please!" >"Did it really just-" >"What was that?" "Extra ketchup!" >"I'm sorry, sir, could you speak directly into the vagina?" >"WHAT?!" >You grab Twilight's tail and lift it up as you smoosh your face directly between her ass cheeks and scream [spoiler]"WHOPPER"[/spoiler] >"ANON!" Twilight yelps >"Please drive around to the other window." ============================= by Mind Wave >Spread over your couch, you enjoy not having to do anything in particular today. >Eventually though you start feeling that familiar itch again. >tfw no gf >tfw only human in horseland >tfw too socially inept to make friends >tfw no one to snuggle >Now you wait. >Eventually the girls appear in the room with a flash. >Because fuck doors, amirite? >”Anon! The map detected a friendship problem. What’s wrong?” >Putting on the best puppy dog eyes, you plead your case. “I’m so lonely, being the only human and all. I need another orgy to get my mind off of it.” >Twilight deadpanned. >”Again? This is the third time this week!” She asks incredulously. >Pouting, you cross your arms and roll over. “Well fine. I just thought you guys were best friends or something. Guess I’ll just wallow here in my feels. >Twilight lets out an exasperated sigh. >”Alright, fine.” >And then they all fucked. ============================= >Ring ring >Ring ring >Riiiiing >"Hi. You've reached the cutie mark sex line, where all the hottest flanks are ready and waiting for you." "Oh baby." >"So, how's it going, stud? What are you wearing?" >Twilight rolls her eyes >"Would you please stop phoning sex lines with my ass?" >"Is that your wife? Mmmm, would she like to join our party line?" >"No." "YES." >"Just a moment, sweet stuff." >The sax solo from Careless Whisper starts playing as she patches you through >"Really? Really?" Twi deadpans >There's a click >"H-Hey th-there, handsome. Ohh, I hope I'm reading this right." >"How's it hanging? I hope to your knees or you're wasting my time!" >"Boy howdy! Ah sure am in need of a good ruttin'." >"Ready to get dirty, darling?" >"The party flank is ready for action!" a kazoo sounds off as this one speaks >"W-Wait, girls?" "Awww, yeah. It's an orgy!" >"Girls, why are you all on a flank sex line?" >"Whatever do you mean darling?" Rarity speaks >"Wait, what?" adds Rainbow >"Mmmm, Ah'd like ta hogtie ya and-" >"Is that mah flank jibber-jabberin' back there?" AJ this time >"What the fuck is going on?" >"Teehee, our flanks our talking!" >"Yuppy duppy! And we're looking to get glazed, if you know what I mean~" "Oh boy, how come your mom let's you have 12 sex operators, Anon?" >"I-Is that Anon? Is phone sex your, um, fetish?" >"Obviously he's an ass man. R-Right, Anon?" >Great, now there's two of them >"How in the heavens is my posterior speaking?" >"Anon, what did you do?!" "I dindu nuffin." >"Hey stud, why don't you come over and rut me. First one to cum loses!" >"H-Hey! I didn't say that!" "But your flank sure did." >"I- that's- GAH!" >"How is this even happening?" >"I- I want this to stop now." >"Silly, we're just getting started!" >"Ah swear on mah nethers, that's the last time Ah'm lettin' Big Mac back here without proper supervision!" >"Now wait just a cotton-pickin' minute-" "LADIES, LADIES, PLEASE." >The lines goes dead silent >Was... was that your own ass? "THERE'S ENOUGH OF THE GREEN LOVE TO GO AROUND." >Why does your ass sound like a smooth-talking black man? >"Anon, was that your-" >"Fluttershy, did you put poison joke in your ass or something?" >"G-Goodness, no!" >"Teeeheeeheee" Pinkie snorts "THE BIG CHEEKS IS ON CAMPUS, AND HE'S LOOKING FOR A LITTLE LOVE." >"Anon, your ass is scaring me." >"This is scientifically impossible, but it's making me so wet..." >"Twilight?" >"That wasn't me! It was my ass! A-And I'm not wet! That's a lie!" >You can practically hear the sphincter contracting "OH BABY, ARE YOU READY FOR THE RIDE OF A LIFETIME?" >"Yes! Rut me! Ohhhh, rut me!" "MMHMMM, OH YEAH." >"Yes! Harder! Harder! Make me your bitch!" >"Okay, this is just weird. Later, freaks." >"Ah'm hangin' up now." >"O-Oh, my..." >There's a series of clicks as the party line comes to an end >Twilight and you stare at each other in silence as your vibrating asses continue to have glorious buttsex with each other "Great, even my own ass gets more action than me. I blame you, Purple Stank." >"Oh, shut up and rut me, you big doof." >"Weeeeeeeeeee!" >"Pinkie's ass, get off the line." >"Awww, okie." >Click >And then lots of sex happened >Except somewhere down the line you got cucked by your own ass and now you're jerking off alone in the corner while he pleases both Twilight and her ass >Lucky bastard ============================= by Integrity !!aboXdS00Vng >Be Anon. >The 'mane 6' have managed to obtain vibrating cutie marks, allowing connection to problems in Equestria. >You're sitting around with said ponies when suddenly Twilight's ass starts shaking. >"Hello, this is Baltimare, come in ponies." >Must have a problem. >Twilight looks to you. >"Anon, could you get that?" >You walk behind her, facing her cutie mark. "Hello? The fuck you want?" >"The duck you want?" "A lucky sauna?" >"A tucking llama?" "That is not at all what I said." >"Sir, I can't hear you correctly, you need to speak directly into the vagina." >You get pissed and literally shove your arm into Twilight's vagina, getting a yelp from both sides. >After balancing yourself, you pull out a scared mare with a phone. >Twilight cries in bleeding pain. "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW, BITCH?" >She doesn't respond and simply stares. >She wanna dun fuck with you. "I SAID..." >You throw her on the ground and start raping her. "CAN YOU HEAR ME FUCKING NOW!" >"YES, YES, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, YES! JUST LET ME GO-HO-HOOOO!" >You grab her by the neck and look to a crying and broken Twilight. "GET BACK TO YOUR WHORE HUT, CHILD." >You slowly shove the mare back into Twilight's vagina, sending her back into Baltimare. >Walk out of the castle with an officially destroyed Twilight and fear-paralyzed friends. >Rules of fucking nature, bitch.