Forces 1: You gain the ability to detect forces within the range of your senses [such as hearing radio waves, seeing heat sources, etc] as well as create minor 'cantrip' effects such as lighting a cigarrete or creating a small light source. Forces 2: You gain the ability to manipulate existing forces. You can slow the descent of a fall, turn invisible, strengthen a flame, or turn a sword-slash into a searing wind. You can deal lethal damage. Forces 3: You can freely convert forces into other forces, allowing you to shoot waves of fire, bolts of lightning, rise into the air in flight, etc. You can deal aggravated damage. Forces 4: You can apply Scale modifications to any Effect, allowing you to create new forces of nature that apply to any object or being within their field of influence. For instance, along with Life 3 you could create 'the Force of Aphros' which causes everyone with the sphere of influence to be fully healed. Forces 5: You gain access to Enhanced Scale, and can create and manipulate esoteric forces such as black holes. Matter 1: You can detect matter of a specific type within the range of your senses, as well as learn all the traits of matter you can see just by looking at it. You can also perform cantrip effects such as modifying a coin to always come up heads, or causing nearby marble to ring like a bell. Matter 2: You can convert matter into different forms, as long as it remains in the same state [solid to solid, liquid to liquid, gas to gas]. For instance you could turn water into wine, or lead into gold. You can deal lethal damage. Matter 3: You can convert matter into different forms regardless of state of matter, such as turning oxygen into a sword, or a desk into liquid nitrogen. Matter 4: You can modify matter into forms that require complex moving parts. Matter 3 is sufficient for ornate materials, but objects with many moving parts require Matter 4. You can deal aggravated damage. Matter 5: You gain access to Enhanced Scale, and can create and manipulate esoteric forms of matter [Antimatter, etc] Life 1: You can detect life of a specific type within the range of your senses, detect life in general within range, learn the characteristics of a lifeform you can see, grant yourself specialized senses that lifeforms possess [such as infrared vision, a broader field of view, or echolocation] as well as perform minor cantrip effects such as elevating your heart rate or changing your eye color. Life 2: You can modify a lifeform by improving or weakening its native abilities. You can increase or decrease physical Attributes and Abilities, modify secondary traits such as lifting strength or movement speed, as well as heal or deal lethal damage. Life 3: You can modify any lifeform as long as its general bodyplan remains recognizable. You could grow gills, turn into a mermaid, grow angelic wings, turn into a werewolf or lizardman, grow razor sharp claws, etc. You can heal aggravated damage on your self only, and go without any biological need [food, water, air, etc]. Life 4: You can perform any modification on any lifeform. You could turn men into pigs, transform yourself into a mouse, or become a fleshshaped horror. You can both heal and deal aggravated damage on others. Life 5: You gain access to Enhanced Scale. Coorespondence 1: You can detect spacial dimensions, determining the width, length, and height of any object or space, detect the presences of subspaces or irregularities, detect that someone has teleported [or where], as well as perform cantrip effects such as lifting small objects with telekinesis. Coorespondence 2: You can see through space, allowing you to scry on any location you are aware of, create spacial windows that allow for the passage of light or sound, or modify space in minor ways such as flight or nondamaging telekinesis. Coorespondence 3: You can manipulate space freely, allowing you to move people or objects to any location you can see or have connection to, or perform Effects with like range. You can also freely manipulate space to perform large-scale and damaging telekinesis. This deals lethal damage. Coorespondence 4: You can create permament gateways in space, linking two locations indefinitely, create 'bubbles' of distorted space that always loop back on themselves, or cause persons or objects to exist in multiple locations at once. You can also perform aggravated damage. Coorespondence 5: You gain access to Enhanced Scale. You can also stack different spacial coordinates on top of each other, causing them to exist in the same location with levels of interaction set at casting. Time 1: You can detect the exact time and date, as well as temporal anamolies or points where people have travelled through time, as well as perform minor cantrip effects such as causing a clock to move quickly or backwards. Time 2: You can see through time, seeing probable futures and past through precognition and postcognition. Without Coorespondence 2 you can only see the past and future at your location. Time 3: You can move an object or person slowly along their own timeline, reversing their timeline to undo damage, or fast-forwarding them causing them to vanish for a brief time. You can increase or decrease the speed of time to haste or slow an object, or freeze time. You can use time to deal lethal damage. You can 'hang' an Effect, storing it for later use. The stored Effect will activate upon an activation command or mechanism, or when a certain preset condition if fulfilled. Time 4: You can rapidly move a person or object along their own timeline, causing them to revert to fetuses or age into dust. This can deal aggravated damage. You can move forward in time into possible futures. While in the future you are connected to the point you left with a static or floating anchor allowing you to return to the era you left. You can bring objects or people back from these futures with a Time 4 Effect. Time 5: You gain access to Enhanced Scale. You can travel freely into the past and future [or alternate timelines], create stable timeloops, or delete spans of time from time. Spirit 1: You can see into the Near Umbra and hear its inhabitants. Spirit 2: You can interact with spirits while not in the Near Umbra, or manipulate with objects in the 'real' world while in the Near Umbra. You can also inflict lethal damage to spirits, or pull a spirit from the Near Umbra into the world. Spirit 3: You can enter the Near Umbra physically or project your spirit into it, summon distant spirits from the Near or Deep Umbra, banish spirits back to their dimension of origin, or modify spirits as though using Life 3 [you cannot use this to heal spirits] extreme modifications possibly change the abilities of the spirit. You can store certain spirits in physical objects. You can cause the local Gauntlet to become thinner or thicker, but cannot destroy it. Spirit 4: You can create gateways into the Near Umbra, move persons or objects between the Near Umbra and the Earth, collapse the local Gauntlet, modify spirits as though using Life 4, heal lethal damage on spirits, deal aggravated damage to spirits, or bind spirits to your will as though using Mind 3. Spirit 5: You gain access to Enhanced Scale, and can modify spirits as though using Life 5, or heal aggravated damage on spirits. Prime 1: You can detect the presence of magick[c] sources such as Avatars, Nodes, Quintessance, Wonders, Mages, Sorcerers, certain spirits and vampires, etc. Your permament Quintessance rises from your Avatar rating to 20 minus your current Paradox. Prime 2: You can detect the degree of magick[c] sources, determing the ranking of the Avatars, Nodes, Quintessance, Wonders, Mage/Sorcerer Arete, etc. You can deal aggravated damage, or grant a being or object the power to deal or soak aggravated damage. When combined with any other Sphere you can create examples of that Sphere from nothing, as noted below -Forces: With Forces 3/Prime 2 you can create forces out of nothing, Forces 5/Prime 2 is required for Enhanced Scale. -Matter: With Matter 2/Prime 2 you can create matter from nothing. Matter 4/Prime 2 is required for complex mechanisms, Matter 5/Prime 2 for Enhanced Scale. -Life: With Life 3/Prime 2 you can create any lifeform out of nothing. The resulting lifeforms lack intelligence unless Mind is added [see below], instead acting as automatons or on simple instincts. Massive creatures require Life 5/Prime 2 -Coorespondence: With Coorespondence 3/Prime 2 you can create subspaces that allow for dimensional storage or geometries that are larger on the inside then outside. Coorespondence 5/Prime 2 is required for truly enormous scales. -Time: With Time 3/Prime 2 you can create 'time', creating areas where time flows faster or slower then its surroundings. -Spirit: With Spirit 3/Prime 2 you can create spirits. The resulting spirits lack intelligence unless Mind is added [see below], instead acting as automatons or on simple instincts. Massive creatures require Spirit 5/Prime 2. The powers and appearance of the spirit will be slightly 'off' from the intent unless Spirit 4/Prime 2 is used. -Mind: With Mind 3/Prime 2 you can create Minds. The resulting Minds will be slightly 'off' from the intent unless Mind 4/Prime 2 is used. Unless combined with Life 3+ or Spirit 3+ the resulting mind will be disembodied. If 'installed' into a mundane technological medium these Minds can often use simple robotic bodies or manage computer systems without the need for Life. Prime 3: You can move Quintessance from any source to any other source, from Node to Avatar, Avatar to Avatar, Avatar to Node, etc. You can rip Quintessance from other Avatars [even sleeping ones]. You can also store Quintessance in mundane objects. You can perform countermagick on any Effect regardless of Sphere or Sphere Rank. You can 'hang' an Effect, storing it for later use. The stored Effect will activate upon an activation command or mechanism, or when a certain preset condition if fulfilled. Prime 4: You can grant passive Countermagick to an object or person, causing it to resist any Effect cast upon it. You can also create Wonders using any Spheres you possess. Prime 5: You gain access to Enhanced Scale, can create Quintessance out of nothing, create Nodes, create Avatars, cause Awakenings, raise Avatar Ratings, and can dispell Paradox by spending Quintessance at a 1-1 ratio. You can also trigger Paradox accumulated in a target, causing it to activate immediately. You can also choose the way in which the Paradox manifests. Sphere Interelations: -Converting the contents of one sphere into another [such as Forces into Matter, or Spirit into Life] requires both Spheres at least at Rank 3. -Combining two Spheres into one [such as adding a Mind to a nonsentient lifeform, or raising the dead by combining a spirit and a body] requires both Spheres at least at Rank 3. Average Magic DC: -3+Highest Sphere used Number of Witnesses: 1-10 +1 10-99 +2 100+ +4 -DC can't be lower then 3 -Up to Avatar in Quintessance can be spent at once. Potence: -Damage/Healing is 2d10 per success -Raising/Lowering Attributes is 1 per success -Raising/Lowering Abilities is 2 per success -General Shield is -1d10 per 1 success -Specific Shield is -2d10 per 1 success -Modifying Secondary Traits [Lift/Speed/Haste/Etc] is 1 success to activate, then 2 successes per increase after that. Duration: -Turn [Free, Every higher rank required another Success] -Scene -Day -Month -Permament Targets: -First target is zero successes, 1 success per 2 additional targets Scale: -Individual [Free, Every higher rank required another Success] -Small Room -Large Room -Building -Large Building Notes: -Only Effects with a Duration require successes to add Permamence. Effects that are by natural permament [such as turning lead into gold] do not require Duration. -Scale can only be used on Effects which would benefit from a wider area [such as generating explosions or transforming a large span of matter]. Everything else must use Targets.