>Day Longest Day In Equestria in Equestria. >It's finally almost time. >You, Speck, and every p0ny in P0nyville worked hard yesterday to set everything up. >There is an adorable bat p0ny laying on top of you. >Sleep did not come to you. >Speck absorbed any of the sleep that was meant for you and took it all for herself. >This was a predicament. >Judging by the clock, Celestia was due to raise the sun in about two hours. "Speck. It's time to get up." >She hardly stirs. >You pick her up off of you and hold her in the air. "Speck, wake up." >She starts to snore. >On the inhale, it sounds like a typical snore. >On the exhale, though... >"Keekeekeekeeee." >You set her back down on your chest and hug her tight. >Not even the most stone-cold killer could resist that. >You pray that the day she stops being adorable truly is the day the world ends. >There will be nothing worth living for after this. >Not even Mr. and Mrs. Cake's family Marzipan Mascarpone Meringue Madness recipe. >If Speck were a cake, she would be that one. >She still needs to wake her little bat p0ny butt up. >You tap her on the shoulder. >No reaction. >You trace a finger lightly over her nose. >Nothing. >It looks like you're going to have to resort to extreme measures. >You stick your finger in your mouth and get it nice and wet. >She yawns, smacks her lips and snuggles back into you. >It's now or never. >You hold the side of her face with one hand and plunge your finger into her ear. >She wakes up with a start and begins screeching. >Hold formation, the beast must be slain! >Her hooves flail and her wings flap as she tries to get away. >Her efforts bear no fruit. >"Why Anon! Why do you do this to me!" >You cackle and remove your finger, pushing her off of your chest. "Because, it's time to get ready to go see Celestia raise the sun." >Speck jumps up off the floor with a gasp. >She must have forgotten all about the festival. >It was probably the excitement from meeting her favorite princess. >Sitting at the same banquet as Celestia and getting to meet Twilight probably didn't help. >"Anon? Are we going to go? >She stares up at you with wide, pouting eyes. >Focus is definitely something you need to work on. "Yeah. Yeah, let's go. I want to get as close to the stage as possible." >You follow Speck out of the house. >The two of you start for the town's main plaza, where most of the festivities were set up. >And more importantly, the center stage of the event. >It was a fairly simple stage. >Flat surface. >Few decorations. >The only thing that you could say was interesting about it was the pedestal in the middle. >Celestia would jump up as she raised the sun and align the sun, pedestal, and herself to cast her silhouette over the crowd. >It was flashy and unnecessary. >But it was their tradition. >And, you guess, yours now. >Speck has climbed onto your back and wrapped her limbs around your torso and neck while you were pondering the stage. >"This is going to be my first time seeing Princess Celestia raise the sun." >You reach behind her head to scratch her ears and pet her mane. >She must have never been active during the day before you came along. >Today was going to be a good day for her. >Her first Summer Sun Celebration. >She might get to hang out with Luna again. >She'll get to play games and have fun. >Speck nuzzles into your neck. >You spaced off again. >You really need to stop doing that. >It's getting really bad. >You're just really tired. >It's been almost 48 hours since you had a full night's sleep. >"I'm hungry, Anon. Can we go get something to eat?" >Rumbles sound from your stomach, which causes Speck to giggle. "Mmm. I guess we can." >You tone of voice is one of feigned indifference and slight displeasure at her suggestion. >She ignores it and points you in the direction of an exotic fruit vendor. >Oh, here we go. >Speck's about to have another one of her episodes. >You walk over there with your bat-p0ny backpack. >The vendor waves at the two of your. >He must be new to p0nyville. >You've never seen him before. >He reacts to Speck in a manner similar to a treasure hunter finding untouched ruins. >"Ahhh, a bat p0ny. I have many rare and succulent delicacies for sale. Might you be interested?" >Speck is nodding. >And drooling on your shirt. >Why do bad things happen to good people? >You look over the fruits. >Bright yellow star shaped fruits, mangoes, durians, coconuts, some weird writhing tentacle fruit. >Nothing that could be grown in the immediate area, that's for sure. "See anything you want, Speck?" >She nods and points at a mango, shying away and hiding her face in the back of your head. >She still has trouble around new faces. >But she's getting there. "How much are the mangoes?" >The vendor touches a hoof to his chin. >"Hmm. I suppose I could part with one for free." >Free is nice. >But what's the catch. >You squint your eyes at the vendor. "What's the catch?" >He chuckles and picks a particularly ripe mango up. >"There is no catch." >He tosses it up at you. >You go to catch it, but a certain gray blob is much faster than you. >She now sits on your shoulders, her hind legs wrapped around your neck. >She's going to take a bite out of that mango. >Its juices are going to leak down into your hair. >There is nothing you can do about it. >Her fangs pierce the mango's skin. >They sink deep into its flesh. >Her eyes close and she elicits a light moan. >Mango juice drips down her chin and into your hair. >It drips down onto your neck too. >God, you hope that's mango juice on your neck. >"Everything is worthwhile when your fruits can make a bat p0ny happy." >If he knew Speck, he wouldn't say that. >Any kind of food makes her happy. "How much are the mangoes normally?" >"Five bits for two." >That's... not actually that bad. >And they all look perfect. "Where do you get these?" >"Hollow Shades, to the north east. It's the primary home of bat p0nies." >You shrug. >You read about it in that bat p0ny compendium. >It said something about them founding it and living there in hiding after Nightmare Moon was banished. >It sounded plausible, but you don't really know. >Luna refused to answer that question, and Celestia would not even allow the name Nightmare Moon to be spoken in her presence. "I'll buy twenty." >He looks surprised. >Speck also looks surprised. >You hand him fifty bits, and take the bag of mangoes he offers you. >You and Speck thank him and walk around some more. >That mango was so juicy. >When you bit into it, the juices leaked into Anon's hair and all over your front. >You got some on Anon's neck too. >Your Angel just bought you twenty more mangoes. >Oh, you were going to feast for days. >You still preferred bananas over any other fruit, but mangoes were the general favorite of your species. >They were easily your second favorite fruit. >Anon is carrying you around the festival areas. >"Do you see anything you want to play, Speck?" "Not really. We played almost everything last night." >He sighs and starts heading towards the town hall. >"I'm gonna see if I can find the princesses. Maybe we can kill time with them." >You perk up and start screeching. >Seeing Luna two days in a row? >Life is too good to you. >Speaking of... "Hey Anon, how exactly do you know the princesses anyway? You seem pretty close with them." >"I'm not that close to them. Celestia and Luna took me in for a while when I first came to Equestria." >He scratches his chin. >"They asked me questions for a few days before telling me to move here." >You rest your chin on the top of his head as he continues. >"As for Twilight, I met her in the library in town one day, by random happenstance. I thought I already told you all of this?" >He did, several times. >But you like to hear him talk. >It isn't something he does a whole lot. >You absolutely love his stories too. >Especially the ones about before he came to Equestria. >He still won't let you read his journal though. >There are probably some amazing stories in there. >Maybe more about those vidoo games he's told you so much about. >You wonder if that has any relation to voodoo magic. >He might curse you if you ask though. >You dismount him as the two of you arrive at the town hall. >It's big. >And old. >You enter after Anon. >And sure enough, he was right. >Princess Twilight and Princess Luna are here. >They regard the two of you with warm smiles. >You trot up to Luna and bow briefly. "Good morning, Princess." >"Good morning, little bat." >Luna sits beside you. >You look up at her and smile. >"And how are you doing this fine morning, little one?" "I've been alright, Princess. Anon and I have been hanging around all day." >"I bet you've been driving him absolutely batty." >The two of you giggle. "Oh, I have. It's definitely helped to stirrup his emotions." >"Oooh, you should be careful. He might try to harness his anger and-" >A hand wrapping around her muzzle cuts her off. "Hey, Anon what's the matter? Are you saddle so-" >He binds your muzzle with his free hand. >Luna giggles and you see her tongue slip between her lips. >You see what she's doing. >The two of you quickly lick Anon's hands. >He retracts his hands and wipes them on his shirt. >"That's disgusting! I can't get the feeling off!" >He glares at both of you. >"Why would you do that?!" >You and Luna cast a quick glance at each other. >She smirks at you. >And the both of you say, in unison: "Because your smile is turned upside down!" >Nothing can stop you now, as you run from your demise. >And you don't ever want to feel the way you've felt today. >Speck will never take you to a place you love. >She will never take you all the way. >So you ran. >You ran so far away. >At least you got away. >Princess Celestia smiles at you as you sit beside her on the bridge leading towards Canterlot. >"What brings you to this fine bridge, Anonymous?" >She would never just call you Anon. >It didn't bother you much. "Your sister and my bat p0ny decided to start throwing puns around." >Celestia chuckles. >"Yes. Luna and her bat p0nies have always been quite fond of puns." >Celestia knows how you feel then. "How do you deal with it?" >She leans into your ear, whispering. >"If you can't bat them, leaf them behind in a-" >You grab her muzzle. >Royalty or not, she was your last safe haven in the small group of p0nies you called friends. >Twilight couldn't even be trusted. >There was a look in her eyes as you were leaving the town hall. >Celestia started to giggle during your inner dialogue. >You remove your hand from her muzzle before she can even get the idea to lick you. >That was absolutely disgusting. >"My apologies, Anonymous. I assumed that since you were so close with a bat p0ny, you would appreciate their punmancy." >Punmancy? "Punmancy?" >"Yes. On top of their heightened senses and reactions, they have a knack for puns." >That is the worst racial bonus you have ever heard of. >That's just... useless. >Celestia sighs and starts to walk away. >You walk beside her. "Almost time for the big moment, huh?" >She nods. >"I have done this one-thousand-three-hundred times since I banished Luna." "That's a lot." >She laughs. >"Oh, dear Anonymous. If only you knew." >You follow the Princess of the Sun back to P0nyville's plaza. >Twilight and Luna were waiting on the stage. >Speck sat in front of the stage. >She grins at you in a very devilish fashion. >Speck, stop. >You're going to die of sugar overdose if she keeps this up. >She climbs in your lap and wraps her front hooves around your chest. >"I'm sorry I upset you, Anon." >D'awww. >You can't handle her. >You hug her tightly and stroke her mane. >She moves her left hoof to your right shoulder and twists to get a good view of the Princesses. >Celestia takes her pose and starts casting her magic. >She steps forward, raises her head, and leaps into the air. >The sun aligns perfectly with the pedestal and her body. >And as the sun rises, you feel two fuzzy lips pressed against your own. >Your mind speeds up and slows down simultaneously. >Your bat p0ny was kissing you. >You don't know how to react. >You wouldn't know how to react even if you had the time. >Speck pulls back from the kiss, smiling as wide as she can. >[spoiler]"I love you, Anon."[/spoiler]