>You are Anon, currently living in the quaint little town of Ponyville >You're currently packing up equipment to go to the gym once again >After living in Equestria for a while, you finally decided to lose all the weight you gained over the years >You signed up for a gym membership, and have been going for over a year now >You've lost a lot of weight, and you can actually see your abs >Holy shit right? >Not wanting to lose your gains, you continue going almost every day >You still feel as if you can do better >After putting on your shorts, you head out the door >The gym is a simple 10 minute walk from where you live >You notice ponies staring at you, and once you make contact with their eyes, they quickly turn their head away >That's probably nothing >"NONNY!" >You're pulled out of your thoughts at the sudden yelling >You turn your head to see a pink blur barreling down at you >You do a sick backflip and dodge the blur >Just kidding, it smashes into you a mach like speed and you fall flat on your ass >"Hey Nonny! Are you going to the gym again?" >Pinkie is sitting on your lap, directly in front of your face >You can feel people staring at you two >In embarrassment, you quickly stand up >Pinkie rolls over onto the ground "Yeah, I was just on my way." >You feel a pain in your ass >You rub it in protest *SPLASH* >You look behind you to see a pony laying down in a puddle, in a spasm >Must have tripped into it >hasn't it been 3 days since it rained? >Nah, you're crazy. >"Oh hey, I have a super cool idea! I could join you! We could be fitness buddies!" "But you don't have a gym membership" >"There's a 3 day trial. Now come on, can I join you?" >She looks up at you with her big blue eyes, waiting for an answer >Damnit, you really don't like working with a partner >Being watched and all >But she's doing her puppy dog face >Damn you, you adorable bastard. "Alright, fine." >"Alright! Comeoncomeon! Let's go!" >She takes off running in the direction of the gym "Wait no, slow down!" >It's too late, she's off >Fuck, cardio's gonna kill your gains >Fuck it, you take off running after her >A couple minutes later, you arrive the gym entrance with a bored looking Pinkie leaning against a wall >"You are SO slow Nonny." >Those pet names just add insult to injury "Just... Come on" >"Okie Dokie Lokie!" >You and Pinkie walk inside the gym >You see many ponies running on treadmills, lifting weights and doing other miscellaneous exercises >One big white buff one is injecting something into his upper leg >Note to yourself: Avoid that guy >"What do we do first?" She inquires, "There are so many options here." "I usually start with a short warm-up before I use any equipment" >"Oh, okay! Lead the way!" >I have to exercise with this pink energetic hyper horse >Not how I wanted to spend this day >You lead her to a small room with nothing but mats on the floor, a couple punching bags and mirrors on the 2 red and white walls perpendicular to wall with the door >A bench also lays next to the door >You enter the room and set your bag on the bench, noticing there is no one else in the room >Pinkie happily hops in behind you >She stares at a thermostat for a couple seconds before turning to you >"So, what do you do first?" "I always start off with a couple of quick stretches." >"Well go on then." >During your stretches, you notice Pinkie just sitting there watching you. >Her big blue piercing unblinking eyes watching you. >Making you quite uncomfortable. "Are you planning to join in?" >She continues to sit there, not replying or even acknowledging you said anything >Great, she's just here to watch >Even better. >Slightly annoyed, you continue on. >You turn your mind away from here, and purely focus on your warm-up >After finishing your final stretch, you look down to find Pinkie has moved from her spot >You scan over the room to see her standing next to the thermostat "What are you doing?" >She jumps slightly, then turns her head towards you with a smile. >"You seemed a little warm, so I turned on the AC" "Oh, thank you." >You smile at her kindness and concern for your well being. >Even if you don't feel that warm >But why would she lie? >"So what's next?" "Nothing too extreme, just situps and push-ups, 100 of each." >You lay on your back and get into proper position. >"Is there anyway I can help?" "Yeah, actually. Come sit on me." >Suddenly her face gets beet red. >"Y-you want me to...-to s-sit on you?" She barely stutters out "Uh... Yeah. Come over here." >She practically sprints over to you and stands over your head >She starts to lower herself... "What are you doing? I need you on my stomach." >"O-oh... Of course! Right!" >Her stuttering disappears and face turns to normal as she places herself on your stomach, just above your legs. >"Ready when you are captain!" >Right. >You begin, bringing yourself up slightly then down >Bitches jelly of your proper sit up form "20..." >You feel yourself starting to get warm and sweaty >You don't usually sweat this early "35..." >You see Pinkie's face start to get red again. "60..." >She starts to squirm a bit on your body "85..." >She bites her lip and starts moving forward and backward slightly "95..." >You see her gasping for breath "100!" >She looks on the verge of explosion "Hey, you okay?" >"ooaahh... I'm just... Fine..." She barely manages to spout that out >You place her off of you >Jeez, you're sweating a lot >Your shirt is sticking to your skin with sweat, and you have a particularly large wet spot on the lower part of your shirt >Pinkie must be covered in your sweat >You'll apologise later >You sit up, take off your shirt and throw it to the side. >A gasp is very audibly heard from Pinkie >You see liquid all over her lower body "Ah, crap. I think all that's my fault" You say as you point to the wetness of her lower body >"Oh, like you wouldn't believe." She says, in a strange voice. >Great, she's mocking you. >And she's going to let you take all the blame >And man, you're sweating far too much, you're absolutely drenched >Regardless, you roll over on your stomach and get into push-up position. >You see Pinkie roll over as well, and you think she's going to join you in exercise >She instead, just puts her hooves below her chin to support her head >She smiles at you, with half open exhausted eyes >"Please, go ahead." >How'd she even get that tired? >You're focusing on the wrong thing here. >You begin your push-ups. "1...2..." >"Mmmm..." >You stop for a moment and look at her. >"Yes?" "..." "3...4..." "10..." >"You're really strong..." "30..." >Her face is once again blushed "35..." >"Ooooh Anon, go faster~" >Finally, some encouragement! >You thought she was going to mock you all day "50..." >One hoof disappeares behind her as she lays her head on the ground "60..." >"A-Anon! You're so good at this! A-ah~!" "Damn right I'm good at doing this... 65..." "70..." >"Don't you dare stop anon!" >I don't plan to. "73..." >"Riggidty Raggidty and I need your Dongamus Kongamus..." >What? "What?" >"Don't stop!" >Why does she always have to be so weird? "80..." >"Faster! Yes! Faster!" >Her tongue is hanging out >It really is hot in here >We'll need some water after this "95..." >"Almost there! Keep going! Faster! Faster!" "99..." >"YYYES IT'S COMING!" "100!" *SPLASH* >"AAAAAAAAaaauu..." She starts mumbling incoherently. "Wow, you were really pumped about this." >You overlook her sweat wet body "You need to calm down a bit. You're as sweaty as I am. Especially down there..." >This heat is seriously messing with you >You glance at the thermostat "That's why it's so god damn hot in here." >You turn it down to a suitable temperature >Just then, the door opens up. >Standing in the doorway is Rarity, wearing sweatbands on her forehead and forelegs >"Oh, this room is occupied?" >You see her eyes glance over the downed Pinkie, and widen as she see's you. >"Well, you could grind meat on those bad boys..." Do ponies grind meat? Should I replace it with cheese? Ah, who cares. >Pinke is just starting to get up, her legs shaking >"Was it good for you too?" "What do you mean?" >"I mean... You're really strong I bet." "Hell yeah I am." >She smirks >"Could you lift me?" >You walk over to her and grab her by the scruff of the neck, lifting her up to face level. "Hah, too easy." >Rarity trots over to you >"Anonymous, I had no idea you were this muscular." "Heh, I have been pushing myself really hard lately." >You punch your abs with your free hand "Though I doubt I'm completely fit. I'm just above average, I'd say. >"Well I say you look positively fabulous..." >She walks around you, eyeing every part of your body >"And you look very strong..." "Well, strong enough to lift a little horse." >You say as you look at Pinkie >"Oh yeah?" Pinkie replies, "Can you lift 2 ponies?" "Yes." >"3 ponies?" "Absolutetly." >"How about 4 ponies, all on a weight bar?" "Without a doubt." >"If your so confident, how about we make this interesting?" Rarity chimes in with. "Do you mean..." >"A bet!" Pinkie yells in your ear, which staggers you a bit >After the ringing subsides, you set her down on the ground. >"A little wager. If you can lift 4 ponies on those little weight bars, you win the wager." "This sounds interesting." >"If we win, then we get to..." She stops to eye your body, "...'experiment', on your body." >Experiment? >I bet Twilight set her up to this. "And if I win?" >"You can set your own terms." >Thinking for a bit, your mind draws a blank. "How about... everyone involved gives me 20 bits?" >"Aw, come on Nonny, that's so boring." She leans on my leg, "Can't you think of anything better?" >"I have to agree with her Anonymous." "Uhm... ah..." >They're staring at you intently "If I win, you both have to..." >They lean in closer "You both have to be my..." >They lean in even closer "be my..." >Pinkie leans in too much and falls flat on her face "Be my slaves. For a month." >... "Er... Was that too much? >"Oh no dear... In fact, I'd say it's just perfect. Wouldn't you agree Pinkie?" >Pinkie picks herself up off the ground >"I think it's the best idea he's ever had." "So it's a bet." >That went a lot better than expected. "So... Where are we going to get the ponies to be the weights?" >"Darling, did you already forget about the rest of our friends?" >You kind of did >"Okay! I'll get Rainbow and Applejack!" Pinkie proclaims. >"Alright, I'll get Twilight and Fluttershy" Rarity adds. "And I'll... Wait here." >They then race off to find their friends. >This will be fun. >Be Pinkie >Anon agreed to the wager! >Rarity is so smart. >You're racing to Rainbows cloud house this very moment >You're so excited to see what'll happen >No matter the outcome, this'll be so fun! >Riggity Raggety Roo, I'm coming for you!