All you can offer is a somewhat blank stare, raising your eyebrow as you reply, not sure you just heard that correctly. "You want me to paddle you? Shouldn't you save that kinda thing for marriage?" >The orange apple-assed pony is not amused by your lame attempt at humor. >"This is serious, Anon. Ah need you ta do this fer me." "I don't get it..." you say, scratching your head in confusion. >Applejack groans in frustration. >"Ah done wrong, Anon, and this is mah punishment. I can either have someone ah know do it in private, or let some dang guard do it in public for the whole town ta see... Ah only got this choice cause ah owned up ta what ah did..." >She takes her hat off and looks away from you. >"Ah can't have mah little sister see me like that, Anon..." >A pony asking you to spank her because she's been naughty. It was something you'd fantasized about before but this wasn't quite what you had in mind. There's an awkward silence before Applejack looks at you sullenly, awaiting your answer. "Why me?" you ask, genuinely curious about her choice. >"Well, ta be honest, Anon? Ah can't think of anyone ah'd trust more to keep this a secret. Well, ah mean ah'm sure the girls would keep it a secret, but... it would just be..." >Applejack is visibly frustrated searching for the right words. >"Ah don't want any ah them ta lose respect for me is all." "Oh, so it's okay if *I* lose respect for you then? How flattering, thanks AJ. Nice to know our friendship means that much to you," you half-joke. >Applejack stomps at the earth beneath her hooves kicking up some dust with a frown. >"Ah didn't mean it like that, Anon, and you know it." >You playfully slap AJ on the shoulder "C'mon Applejack, you know I was just teasing," >"Well this *ain't* the time ta be teasin' me, Anon," she says with a sigh. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry. So um... if I do this... what exactly do I have to do?" >"Mah sentence was fifty licks. They got this big heavy wooden paddle they use... darn thing is kinda intimidatin'... got holes drilled in it an everything..." "Fifty!? Jesus Christ AJ what did you do???" >She barely mutters under her breath "Please don't ask that... Ah don't wanna talk about it..." >The shame exuding from her as she utters those words is nearly tangible. "Alright... I won't ask then..." You rub the back of your neck and kick at some rocks on the ground. "You sure you wouldn't rather have someone else do this?" >Her answer comes quicker than you expect >"No. Ah want *you*" she says, looking at you with a smile. Kind of odd, given the circumstances. >She shakes her head. >"Ah mean, ah want *you* ta do this. Please Anon..." her eyes are almost pleading. How can you say no? "Fine... I'll do it... at least I can go easy on yo-" >"You can't do that..." "Beg pardon?" >"It has ta be ah proper whippin'. Ya gotta make sure it hurts... if ya don't, they'll know... and I'll just get it a lot worse." "AJ... I don't know if I could *hurt* you..." your tone changes drastically, the weight of the situation finally starting to dawn on you. >"It's okay, Anon... Ah... took mah share a licks when I was a youngin'. Ah'll be fine..." >There's some hesitation in her voice, which concerns you deeply. You're surprised to suddenly find the mare's front hooves wrapped around you, her head pressing into your lower chest as she squeezes you in a tight hug. >"Ah promise things won't change between us... we'll still be friends... you mean too much ta me for that to change..." she blushes slightly. >You move to put your arms around her, clumsily bumping her hat off her head as you try to return the hug. She makes no attempt to retrieve it, instead seemingly trying to pull you as close as she can, making it kind of hard to breathe. >She'd never admit it, but she's scared. You've never seen her like this. She finally releases you, clearing her throat and putting her hat back on. "When... does it happen?" >"This afternoon... we've only got a couple hours..." "What?? Why so soon? Don't you ponies believe in appeals or anything like that?" >"Ah confessed, remember Anon? Besides, *I* requested it to happen as soon as possible. Ah didn't want ta have it hangin' over me for weeks. Best ta just get it done and move on with mah life." "I guess I can understand that..." >You still can't help but to wonder what she did to deserve such a harsh punishment. >The time has arrived. You stand in a well-lit room along with the judge and the mayor. It's completely empty and barren save for a single set of stocks in the middle of the hardwood floor. There are deep scuff marks on the floor approximately where the hind hooves of a restrained pony would be, obvious signs of the struggles of previous occupants. The sight of it turns your stomach. >Eventually AJ is escorted into the room by two guards, one of whom is holding a paddle that's at least the length of your forearm and a good half-inch thick. He offers it to you and you take it, the weight of it coming as a surprise. >Fucking hell... they really expect me to use this thing on her? >It's too late for second thoughts. AJ's counting on you. >She puts up no resistance as she approaches the stocks, taking off her hat and offering it to one of the guards as the other guard secures her in place. The judge reads the sentence, the whole process taking less than a few minutes. >"The accused has confessed to her crime. In light of her confession, she has been granted the courtesy by the court of selecting her punisher and having the sentence executed privately." >She turns to you as the two guards step aside and take up positions by the door. >"The sentence is 50 strokes. You are instructed to inflict these strokes with enough force so as to administer appropriate punishment to the accused. You are additionally instructed to allow fifteen to twenty seconds between strokes, so as not to overwhelm the accused or dull her ability to feel the full impact of each stroke. Strokes are to be administered on the buttocks, and not below the gaskin. Failure to comply with these instructions will result in your immediate dismissal and replacement, as well as the movement of these procedings to a public venue. Is that understood?" >You give a quick nod. >"Proceed." >AJ has her tail raised, exposing your target for you. It's disconcerting to have the normally modest mare exposing herself to you like this. Why is she being so compliant? >You draw back your arm and give a half-hearted swing, the tip of the paddle barely making contact with AJ's left buttock, causing little more than a wince from her. >The judge quickly stops you. >"The full surface area of the paddle must make contact with each stroke. That one will not be counted. This is also your only reminder that these must be forceful swings. You won't get another chance. Proceed." >You gulp. >AJ whispers to you. >"It's alright sugarcube... just get it over with..." >You close your eyes and give the paddle a good swing, all too soon feeling the heavy implement making contact accompanied by a sound akin to a whipcrack, and a surprised "OW!" from AJ as she kicks one of her hind legs in reflex. >"ONE!" The judge announces. >After a few more strokes she can't help but to clamp down her tail in a desperate attempt to protect the searing flesh of her buttocks from further attacks. One of the guards walks over and pulls her tail out of the way. >"TEN!" >AJ is sobbing and thrashing around in the stocks at this point, digging her hind hooves into the floor as she pulls as hard as she can against the stocks, adding to the countless scuff marks on the floor beneath her. >"Okay okay I've learned my lesson... pleaAAAH!!" *WHACK* >"TWENTY!" > Applejack tries to kick out at you with both hind legs. You know she doesn't mean it, she's just reacting to the pain. You also know if she makes contact, she won't be the only one hurting for a while. The other guard, a unicorn, holds her hooves in place. She can't move at all now, not even to flinch. This is unbearably cruel, yet you continue. >"THIRTY!" >Her sobs have become frantic now. Her begging tears your heart out of your chest. >"PLEASE!! PLEASE STOP!! ANON... ANON STOP PLEASE... I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! I'LL DO ANYTHING... ANYTHING..." >Fuck you wish she hadn't said that... >You bite your tongue and remorsefully ignore her pleas as you feel a tear run down your cheek. To see such a strong, independent mare reduced to this... to say it's sickening would be an understatement. >"FORTY!" >"FORTY FIVE!" >The begging has stopped, replaced by loud groans and heavy breathing which makes it kind of sound like she's in labor. Every nerve ending in her bruised, swollen cheeks is screaming at her to do whatever it takes to escape, but she knows the end is near. "FIFTY!" >AJ gives a triumphant cry of victory and relief having borne her punishment before her hind legs collapse. The stocks are unlocked and the guards help AJ to her hooves, returning her hat to her. >"The sentence has been carried out. The court thanks you for your service, Anon." >That's it? That's fucking it? You're not even going to acknowledge the hell you just put this mare through? Just "thank you for your service?" Fuck... >The walk back to Sweet Apple Acres is silent. You'd offered to carry her, but she refused, insisting on walking on her own, which you'd honestly expected from her. >About halfway back she speaks up. >"Ah'm sorry Anon..." >That almost hurt worse than administering the paddling to her. What the fuck does she have to feel sorry for? "Why?" >"Ah'm sorry ya had ta see me like that..." she says with a bit of a sniffle, her tears having long since dried. "Don't apologize to me, AJ... I don't care what you did, you didn't fucking deserve that..." >AJ stops. >"Anon... ya did just what ah asked you to. That can't have been easy... but ah want you ta know how much ah appreciate it..." >She stands there for several moments, hesitant to keep walking. "Was there something else on your mind, AJ?" >"W..well, Ah'm just a bit more sore than ah thought... do ya think..." "Hmm?" >"Do ya think... you could carry me after all?" >Her cheeks are nearly as red as her rump as she asks you this. You smile warmly at her. "Sure thing." >Scooping her up into your arms, she wraps a hoof around your neck and rests her head on your chest with a sigh. Poor thing, she must be exhausted.