>You are Anon, and your vision just went white with rage.
>You've worked a tireless construction job for all but your latest pair of months in Equestria when your wife Twiligjht, the newly ascended Princess of Friendship insisted you stop after finishing a big project.
>And you just learned that spoiled idiotic good for nothing brother in law Shining Armor has been fucking not only your wife behind your back, but his own mother as part of some stupid Equestrian tradition.
>You scan the whiteness, expecting the glorious visions of the gods of rage and blood to come any minute, but it fades and you again see Twilight looking up at you in concern.
"How long?"
>"Before you even came to Equestria."
"How often?"
>"Quite a bit."
"What does that mean? Every time you  were gone for longer than a day? His birthday? My birthday?"
>"...B-basically? How could you not know? I gave you a book all about it."
"Name one time I read a book you gave me front to back."
>I uh, um... oops?"
"Oops? You've been bending over for your brother every time he wanted it and passed it off as official business to me and all you have to say for yourself is oops?"
>She smiles a wide, flawed smile.
>"I thought you just wanted to ignore it.?"
>In the rage your concentration wanes, and a voice escapes from your mind.
"I'm going to fucking kill him."
>"Anon! He's my brother!"
>She realises this isn't about to stop you.
>"And they'll throw you in the dungeon for the rest of your life!"
>Your sigh comes out as more of a growl.
"Then we'll do it by tradition. We're going to the Crystal Empire now, and I swear by the stars the next words out of my mouth will ruin your brothers life, and any illusions of grandeur that short stack of shit ever had."
>Twilight shivers in a familiar way, her new wings popping free of her back.
>You give her a look, intending to make good on your promise if it kills you.
>"I knew you were an alpha male."

>Twilight conveys why you're at the Crystal Empire castle at dinnertime, your stone cold gaze never leaving Shining, who does his best to avoid meeting it.
>You get the  feeling Shining is the reason Twilight never mentioned any of this to you.
>"Are you sure he wants this Twily?"
>He doesn't look at you, neither does she.
>"He's sure."
>And yet Cadence can't stop eying you.
>Before another word leaves either of them a familiar white coated mare walks into the throne room.
>You break your stare long enough to meet eyes with Twilight Velvet, who smiles genuinely upon seeing you.
>"Anon, what brings you here?"
>Shining brushes off his mother, "We'll use the sparring room our guards do. He wants to do this now?"
>Twilight nods, and soon almost all of the Sparkle family and a retinue of guards are walking down the hall, Cadence filling in Velvet along the way.
>You immediately and wordlessly walk into one end of the ring, and resume staring at the spoiled prince who sheepishly finds his place facing you.
>He meets your eyes and asks, "Do you want any rules apart from tradition hand to hand combat, magic allowed?"
>He breaks away again in discomfort, looking to the mares of the family and shrugging to them, "Guess not."
>You found it funny that the sorry excuse for a stallion wanted to use magic when he knew you couldn't, but you had a surprise for him.
>"I'll go easy on him for you Twilight, but i hope he knows I won't be too happy about this."
>His words make your teeth set again, and your rage is biting at you while he takes too long to start.
>Finally he nods to a guard who stands taller than all the others.
>"You're the witness."
>The guard salutes and takes a step forward, his eyes scanning the two of you from behind his helmet.
>"Begin," The guard simply barks after a pause.
>You set towards Shining in a stern walk, wanting to see the look of hopelessness on his face before you break it.
>Despire his word on going easy on you, after you've taken several steps his horn shines against the walls and a tremendous blast of energy tries to send you tumbling away from him.
>Your hair isn't even disturbed as it flows around you and crashes against the wall behind you, a tremendous bang filling the room as a gale of wind you can't feel courses through it.
>"That's cheating!" Shining yells out like a desperate child, his voice cracking. "He's warded against magic!"
>"He's naturally immune to it," Your wife calls from the sidelines, "I've told you this before."
>His wide eyes frantically dance around your form as you near, like a deer caught in the headlights.
>And then you hit him, hard.
>You're relatively sure your first blow breaks his nose, though it also jump starts years of training to the dim unicorn's brain.
>He quickly follows up with a buck almost entirely on instinct, his hooves nicking your knee and narrowly missing your most important assets.
>Spoiled and miniature or not, the equines buck still stirs up quite a bit of pain.
>You get an arm around the ponies neck and pull it tight with another, lifting the prince off the ground and putting as much pressure on his neck as years of manual labor allows you to.
>He gasps and chokes, every part of his body fighting for freedom, his pony body's limited ability to reach behind itself doing him no favors.
>You realise you're not quite done yet right after he gives up on fighting, and you drop him to the floor and follow with a fist.
>He realises whats happening the second you let go, and his "No!" is stifled by the blow.
>Against the inevitable he scrambles to his hooves again and goes for a kick, though not only are you ready for it,but you're low enough to the ground to grab it  after you ensure it misses.
>He tries to free himself with his remaining legs, but you're already lifting him off the ground and bringing your other hand down against his leg."
>His leg bends the wrong way after the force you leverage on the pony blasts through the solid resistance of the joint, a scream leaving him.
>You drop the ruined leg and stomp on the other the second it settles on the ground and get to punching away a long term relationships worth of extramarital affairs onto the helpless horse.
>"Stop, stop!" He manages to cry, "I gib-"
>Your foot crashes against his teeth before he can fully surrender, breaking a few loose and bending the remaining inward.
>His scream is marred in awful ways by the injury, and you almost feel bad. Almost.
>You back away and the guard finally speaks up, maybe he understood just how angry you were.
>"The winner, the new Prince of Equestria, Anon!"
>Cadence is there before he can finish the sentence, she knows what comes next, and even though you just learned about it today, so do you.
>The first sense to come to you through the haze of adrenaline is smell, and the air is thick with the scent of feminine excitement only an alicorn princess or two could produce.
>Any worries about performing are scattered as Cadence brings her backside close enough to radiate its heat against you, her tail lifted out of the way and swaying with her hips as she exposes herself to you.
>Your pants are discarded and your quickly swelling member kisses her outer lips, her excitement wetting your tip and throbbing with her heartbeat.
>She doesn't back up an inch more, rubbing against you and waiting with unparalleled eagerness for you to thrust forward.
>You take in a breathful of her musk, lose your fingers in her plush coat and soft, shapely form, and take your first prize.
>She moans at the friction and tantalizing sensations of your first of many meetings, her husband making a low tone of despair all the while.
>Her excitement makes your motions smooth, and with your adrenaline flaring once again you begin fucking her in long, fast strokes.
>You make a low chuckle of pleasure as you discover the Princess of Love is a great deal tighter than you remember your wife ever being. You'd fix that.
>Cadence loses her restraint and leans back into your motions, her head drifting upwards in bliss and an eye watching you take her.
>Your frantic pace is too much for the Princess, and she twitches around your member before your pleasure even begins to build.
>She screams louder than her husband ever managed, making the bleeding mess of a former prince on the ground twitch in surprise.
>You keep pounding away, intent on making a good lasting impression, though the Princesses sheer eagerness makes that impossible.
>Before she's fully left cloud nine she's thrown upwards again, her second orgasm not leaving her with enough sense to shout as her legs give.
>You move to keep assaulting the thoughtless moaning mess of a Princess, but movement catches your eye.
>Velvet is closing in, her own tail thrown upwards and leaving her on display to her daughter and two guards.
>You oblige your mother in law and to your pleasure Shining does his best to groan out "Mom?" through his shattered teeth.
>Velvet leaves you with no impression of claiming a prize, and she's moving with your motions as soon as you drive your already battered rod home.
>Every smile and kindness the matronly mare has given you is transformed into pure desire, and you start to wonder if there was something more sitting behind her joyous expression every time she saw you.
>Whatever drove Velvet to offer herself to you proves that this victory can taste sweeter, and she nearly takes you over the edge with her as she too cries out in excitement.
>Resolve in making this a through revenge keeps you going, and you motion a shaking Twilight over.
>She darts her head towards yours for a kiss, and after enjoying the contact and making as much noise as possible, you turn her around.
>She's never been more ready for you than she is now, and you wonder just how much dominance ment to ponies.
>Twilight makes more noise than the other two mares combined, thoroughly enjoying being promoted to the Alpha mare of the sparkle family.
>Her body does all it can to push you to orgasm, burning like an oven for it's mate's seed.
>As much as you hate to you deny Twilight the feeling of being bred she enjoys so much, still not entirely forgiving her or shining.
>With your member pulsing and leaking with the desire for release you pull Cadence's rear end back up by her tail and push back into her.
>After a few slow, twitching motions she's too spent to fully appreciate you hilt yourself and give into release, her overstimulated moans turning into a symphony of pleased whines.
>You pull out, not a drop of your seed spilling out of the pony princess's tight confines, her walls still flexing and throbbing.
>You inhale the fresh scents of sweat and sex filling the room, the guards still on looking stoically.
"Shining Armor, not only as the head of your family, but as your prince, I forbid you to any form of communication and contact with the entirety of the Sparkle family, including Cadence, not mediated by me."
"In addition, you are forbidden to interact with a mare romantically or sexually unless you first bring them to me and earn my blessing."
"If you break either rule you will not only face my discipline, but this lands as well. Do you understand?"