Drug Lord Anon; Chapter 2- Yo ho~ Yo ho~ A faggot's life for me ✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙ You toss and turn in your covers as you sleep, tangling yourself in the blanket Eventually, you wake up and start kicking off the sheets in a frail attempt, you get them off sooner or later >You stand up near the window, it's cracked open a hair, but the breeze coming off the water is as cold as ice, and you feel it running on your shoulder >You close it and put the pants on that you made last night >Last night.. >That yellow mare was putty in your hands last night >It's not a comfortable feeling, in fact you don't really want to pursue a relationship with any inanimate creature at all >Not sure how you're going to talk to her about it, so you decide to just wait until she brings it up again >You walk into the hallway and close your quarter's door, gently as to not wake the others >Heading up to the main deck, it gets colder and colder, your chest hair stairs to stand up as your erector pili go berserk hard >You cross your arms and walk up the stairs onto the main deck >The old col- the Captain, near the rail, peers over the ocean. You walk over to say good morning Good morning si- >"Do you see that Anon?" >You analyze the water carefully See what sir? >"The great blue, the mass that sustains all life. Did they have this back in your home?" Yes, quite a lot of it. >"It's a shame that we only get to see the surface of what's grand and vast under it, don't you think so?" It is, but back home, we eventually created the gear to go down to the depths and study the ocean and it's inhabited species. It's really interesting, I'm not much of a marine biologist, but I'm rather intrigued by the wonders of the ocean. >"This gear, how did it work? Is it possible for our 'species' to go down ourselves to study these magnificent creatures?" >They've yet to get the technology to do so? I'm surprised you haven't already. >"We're in a rut with our what you could call 'technology', I wish they would figure out some other way that us earth ponies and pegasi could operate tools without the assistance of unicorns." Unicorns? >"Why yes, there's a few on this vessel actually, you haven't met any of them?" I might have, but why do you need unicorns to assist you with everything? ✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙ >"My boy, look at us, we have hooves, some of us have wings, but the magic is where it's at. You're considered a fortunate foal to have been born with a horn. They use levitation, telekinesis, teleportation, all without the use of hooves. We cannot hold these tools and use our strength at the same time." I understand what you're saying. Maybe soon they'll find out a way for you earth and pegasi ponies to get things rolling. >"We can only hope, but it's no troubling or urgent matter. It can wait. Why don't you go down to the mess hall and get some breakfast? Before all these pigs get it all." >He rolls his hoof over to all the passed out, drunken stallions and colts on the deck, asleep >You nod to the captain and head downstairs, you head to the mess hall and find miss Fluttershy sitting alone drinking what appears to be coffee Good morning. >"O-Oh~, good morning Anon. How did you sleep?" >You head to the counter and the cook notices you, he finishes frying what smells to be eggs and trots on over to you Oh, good. Not much trouble sleeping, better than the island for sure. >She cocks her head to the side and smiles, she winks at you and sips on her coffee >"Good morning Anon, what can I get you?" I'll have some of those eggs if it's alright? >"Of course, here." >He gets you a plate full to start with, noses it down on the counter toward you >"Anything else?" No sir, thank you. >"Of course." >You take the plate and sit down in front of Fluttershy, she snaps out of a daydream and looks to you >"New clothing?" Yes, figured it would've been appropriate. >"Well I like it, it looks good." Thanks, so when do we get to the harbor? >"I believe tomorrow? Can't say for sure." ✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙ >Alright Okay, what should I be doing in the meantime? >"Well.. you don't have to do anything really. You could stay with me~ though, get to know each other better. You seem like an interesting person Anon." >You're flattered.. kind of. Thank you, but I suppose I owe the crew for getting me off the island. What do they do all day? >She slightly frowns at you shutting down the idea >"Um, you sure you don't want to-" Yes, I'm sure. >"They're hunters, they're on the deck all day crabbing, tossing out pots and hauling in the catch. B-but it's dangerous, you shoul-" That's not too bad, who should I speak to? >"but A-Anon, you -" Miss, I'll be fine. I'd like to spend the day with you but I owe the crew, maybe some other time okay? >She looks down in reject and back up to you >"Moss, he leads the crew, he answers to the Captain." And where's he? >"He should be up on main deck,- >She looks at the clock on the wall >"In about 10 minutes or so." Alright, that gives us time. So, why would you go on a ship like this? Why not a transport ship? >"I know the Captain, got on for no charge." Huh, and how did you sleep? >"Reaally good~, dreamt of home." That's good >She mutters "and you~" Hm? >"What?" Nothing. ✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙ >You finish your plate of eggs and head up to the main deck, you search for Moss >He's a big one.. has to be at least 4 times stronger than you >You walk over to him and he turns to you Sir, I'd like something to do. >"Yeah? You want something to do huh? Ready the pots and await my call for them to be thrown over." Alright >His back hoof kicks your shin back >"I want to hear a yes sir out of all of my men. Just because you're a new guy doesn't mean I let up on anyone." Y-yes sir. >You get up and rub it off >You head toward the pots and rope them up, tight and secure to the hold >All of them roped now, you attempt to pick up one of the pots.. they're extremely heavy >You heave them over to the spots he told you to put them, and you settle a minute to catch your breath >He wakes up several stallions, some of them backtalk to Moss and it obviously doesn't go over well >The stallions head to the pots, you get on the last one and Moss gives the mark to throw them over >You and the stallions heave the pots over the rail and into the water, the bouey rises to the surface and they trail behind the ship >Not the most ideal way to crab, but you don't argue >He then gets you and all stallions to wash the deck, rail and all the quarters as well as the mess hall, cargo and windows >Several hours later he calls everyone back up to the deck to haul in the pots >2 stallions each pot, you get on one of them and a stallion comes over to you >He nods to you, smiles and holds out his hoof >"Hey, I'm Rivet." Nice to meet you. >You shake his hoof, a pretty strong guy, someone you'd expect to be a construction worker or something. >"You ready to pull this in?" I guess >Moss calls the mark, you put your hands on the rope and pull >Rivet gets behind you and bites down on the rope, pulling with his neck >The pot comes up, filled with crab, a few fall off and back into the water >Moss comes around to inspect all the pots, he's pleased and calls for a count of all grab before turning the pots in ✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙ >The suns goes down, you all head into the mess hall and get something to eat, the chef serves the same thing over and over apparently, you don't mind though >You spot Rivet and sit down by him and several other stallions >They all say "Hi", ect >"Enjoy your first and last day on the job Anon?" It was alright, nothing too bad. >"Should've been around a week in, got real cold that day. Pots were frozen to the ship, bait was even iced up." >"Everyone was slipping everywhere, it was pretty funny actually." >"I guess you could say that." Hm, well sorry I couldn't have helped then. >"Ain't your fault, you were stuck on that island for how long now?" I was on there for about a day and a half until you guys came. >"Ah, in fact Star Bright here was the one who found your sign." Thank you very much, I probably wouldn't have survived on that island had it not been for you. >"Not a problem. Say, how did you get on that island anyhow?" >You lean into the table and take a bite into the bread You know, I'm not sure how I even got here. I woke up on this island, and prior to that, I was killed by an Italian mob style beat down and a bullet to the head. >"Bullet?" Yeah, a bullet for a g- Oh, right. Um, something like an arrow, a bow and arrow, do you guys have those? >"Yeah." Like a bow and arrow, but extremely fast and the particle shot is no bigger than a rock. >"Built for you 'hooves' I- Just hands, >"Hands, I assume?" Yes. >"Interesting, so what can you do besides get killed and fish for crab?" Um, I guess anything really. >Another stallion who's been listening in sits down >"Can you use magic?" Magic? No. >"Can you use tools? You were able to grab onto the rope today." Uh, yeah I suppose so. >Rivet swallows his food, and turns to you >"I work for a construction company in Ponyville if you want a job there, could use your help." Is that right? Alright, I'll think about it. >"We dock tomorrow, I'll give you the night to think on it." Sounds good ✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙✙ >More casual talk goes on, and the chef brings out kegs for the crew >"The gold and old is here!" >Everyone grabs their own mugs and get's a large frothy amount of the alcoholic cider >You yourself get a mug and fill up as well, you all head to the deck and sing songs to end the day >Most of them pass out after several mugs, but after you've had 9 of them, you still stand >You head down to the mess hall to turn your mug in and you head to your quarters >Looking at the doorknob, you almost forget how to open it until >Fluttershy opens you door, her inside your quarters >She's wearing some form of a nightgown, she seductively lures you into the door and onto the bed >You're not that wasted, you shake your head No.. No. Miss, this isn't right. We can't do this. >"It's okay Anon, there's nothing wrong, trust me, you'll want this." >She takes off her night gown and mounts you, you're still wearing pants >She starts rubbing herself unto you, your pants are drenched after a few seconds >You pick her up and put her down off of you Fluttershy, no. You can't do this, we're not the same species, shit, we don't even know each other that well. >"I-I'm sorry. But maybe if we'd spent the day together like I'd mentioned it'- No, it's still not okay. Get out of my quarters. >She hangs her head low as she leaves, she left her nightgown on your bed >You slowly shake your head and try to think Why? >You look down on your pants and see a large wet mark right on your crotch- >How did she know your dick was there? She could've thought your leg, your knee, your ass, but she knew just to go there >It slightly angers you.. but you let it go. You'll just avoid her tomorrow and hope to never cross paths again >You dock tomorrow, so you head to bed and try to get some sleep, the alcohol helps End of Drug Lord Anon Chapter 2: Yo ho~ Yo ho~ the Faggot's life for me Next Chapter: Small world ey?