>you awoke up to a constant disturbance >"Hmph! You are getting drool all over meine perfect coat, Schwein!" >she was poking(/hoofing?) you in the chest, trying to wake you up >fluttering your eyes you see that both you and Aryanne were still embraced in the same hug from last night >at least she didn't try to kick you off the bed this time >baby steps, Veronika. Baby steps >with an audible yawn you respond to the mare "Good mornings Comrade." >Aryanne shifted her focus away from your belly >"Ah, Veronika! You are awake, finally." "What is with the cherry tune?" >Aryanne froze up a bit >"No reason. We have a lot of tasks to handle today so get your lazy rump outta bed and grab der coat!" >you give her a quizzical look >weighing your options between the inevitable goose chase or bed cuddles your choice of action was obvious >but Aryanne seemed determined >more determined than usually "What is of such terrible importance that it can not wait for a few minutes?" >Aryanne scrunched >"We have two tasks that rank highly on our to-do list today!" >oh boy here we go >"Ein. We require more firewood, this place is cold enough as it is without being left with no way to fend off your country's horrible cold." >"Zwei, we need to loot ze dragon corpse for supplies, if my mind serves me right, and it always does. There are a lot of neat contraband stacked somewhere on the carcass." >Aryanne lent in towards you and delivered a deep, hard kiss to your lips >she tasted of heavenly saliva and fresh mowed grass >withdrawing from the bed and your mouth she tossed on her coat and dashed towards the door >"Get a move on, Russisch! We don't have all day!" >you still lay in the bed >utterly bewildered at the sign of affection. >before you even managed to reply she was out the door >you hurriedly grab your own coat and rifle to catch up with her >opening the bunker door Celestia's radiant sun blinded you for a moment >shit! "Arianne!" "What is the fuck rush?" >"Ich told you, we have a tight schedule." "This tight?" >"Ja this tight. Now start gathering some wood with mich." >you look towards Aryanne's saddlebags and sure enough two axes lay comfortably at each of her sides >you holster your rifle to your right flank while picking up one of the axes with your magic >"Onwards, Veronika! We have many trees to kill." "Aryanne." >"What?" "What was up with kiss this morning?" >"Kiss? Ha ha ha!" >she condescendently petted your mane with a hoof >"Ich would never have done such a thing to an enemy of ze Reich." "But... You literally just-" >"Didn't happen Bolshevik. Now let's get to der chopping of wood." "But I. And you.. Fuck it, we will talk later." >"Gut! Glad we understand eachother!" >you both proceeded to hack away at the local trees >after a couple of hours of casual banter Aryanne announced she had to take a piss >you think little of it as you proceed to chop wood >manual labor was no stranger to you >it was moments like these back home that relaxed you the most >simple workings of the land to net something of value >you turn to see Aryanne was still walking away from you >was she embarrassed? >before the kiss you would say no, but now.. >that mare had some deep underlying issues that's for certain >that's probably what causes her to deny the fact that she kissed you as well >pride most certainly has something to do with it >along with her devotion to her Reich >if she actually had feelings for you, you almost felt bad for her >not because you would shoot down her advancements, far from it >but that her own set of twisted views on 'race' and ideologies would tear her up from the inside >turning your head to guide your horn's magic towards some loose branches you heard an ear-piercing rifle shot >you immediately throw yourself onto the thick snow to make yourself less of a target >"stoppen!" >you turn around and see 3 figures moving onto your position >you desperately try to un-holster your rifle to fire back but are instead rewarded with another rifle bullet flying right past you >this one was so close >it was an obvious warning shot >your hooves were tied >you lay in the snow silently, not moving a muscle >the three figures turned out to be war-torn burly Germaneian stallions with cold glares >daring to raise your gaze to the one in the middle, you're rewarded with the butt-end of a rifle smashed against your skull >"Where ist SS-Oberführer Aryanne?" >one of the soldiers placed a solid kick in your gut >you wince in pain as the middle one spoke again >"Were ist SS-Oberführer Aryanne you inkompitant Schweinehund?!" >the question was followed with several more rifle-ends to the back of your cranium as you did your best to protect your horn >you felt your mane getting violently pulled by a pair of teeth, exposing your bloody face to the third stallion >the middle solider and apparently the one in charge drew a pistol with his magic and placed it at the template of your forehead >"I am going to ask you again, subpony scum." >his lips shook with disgust >"Were is the Dragon rider named Aryanne? Answer truthfully and your death shall be quick" >your life was flashing by in front of your eyes >did Aryanne sell you out? >no >these ponies don't know were she is >or maybe they do know and were just ordered by Aryanne to lie to you >so that in your final moments you wouldn't judge her? >you hear the gun getting cocked >sweat was pouring from your brow onto the snow >you shut your eyes and waited for the end >you hear, and feel one of the soldiers spit on you >"I am going to ask you one more time, retarded Weizen Scheiße." >"Were is SS-Oberf-" >"RIGHT HERE YOU INSUFFERABLE LITTLE SCHWANZLUTSCHER!" >out of fucking nowhere Aryanne jumped up and onto the stallion to the right >with a furious stomp of her hoof, the stallion collapsed under a brutal crunch, no doubt the result of a broken spine >Aryanne continued from the broken pile of a stallion to plant her wood axe into the throat of the pony threatening you >showering both you and her with blood in the process >panicked gurgles of blood could be heard from the stallion as Aryanne struggled to dislodge her axe from the Nazi's cervical vertebrae >"Viktoria! Shute der other stallion!" >while struggling with her axe, Aryanne delivered a powerful buck to the stallion on the left, throwing him off his hooves >you fumbled with the holstering >drew your rifle >and pierced the rising stallion's skull with white hot lead >right as you were to lower your rifle you heard another sickening crunch >it was Aryanne who finally managed to pull her axe out of the Nazi stallion's throat, coating her in more of the crimson fluid >upon examining you, Aryanne flew into your hooves and started to whimper >"Don't you EVER do that to mich again, Geliebte!" >her forelegs were wrapped around you tightly >her face was filled with the odd mix of excessive amounts of fresh blood and tears >you don't think she was even aware of the fact that she was laced in gore at the time, as she just kept hugging and crying into your chest >eventually Aryanne's rapid breathing quiet down and she turned away from you to look at the sole surviving stallion, the one with the broken back >her face was hard to read >she was still shaking from crying, her mouth bore a wicked sinister smile >her pupils the size of pin-pricks >the unfortunate stallion winced at the sight of her while pleading in Germaneian >"...Veronika." "Yes?" >"Go to the dragon corpse, pick up eine great orange crate and go home." "Are you not coming?" >she let out a hollow chuckle >"In a minute, Ish just need to set the record straight." "I am not leaving you with this stallion, Aryanne. " >"Do ho ho, yes yoo are. I do not want you to think any less of me. Trust me, you do nicht want to see this." >she lead you into another hug >"Be safe, always." >during your trot back towards the dragon corpse some klicks away you could hear the unrelenting sound of the surviving Nazi stallion who attacked you howling in pure, relentless agony >even your most deprived imagination wouldn't dear try to comprehend what Aryanne was doing with him to make him scream with such horrible sincerity >you try not to think about it as the bloodcurdling screams from your previous location returns ever quieter >arriving at the slain dragon you soon find the orange box sticking out like a sore thumb >being a little too heavy for your limited magic you decide to simply push the thing back to the bunker, it wasn't that far anyways >back in the bunker with the box and a sore neck you wait up for Aryanne >it didn't take long until the bunker door creeps open and a grinning Aryanne meets your gaze >she was still just about covered in blood but it seemed to have stagnated somewhat >"Guten Evening, meine Freund!" "Hello again Aryanne, did you finished 'taking care of the businesses?" >"Sure did!" >her smile faded a bit as she looked herself over >"Himmel, I am redder than sentral Moscow. This place don't happen to have a shower?" >that was a really good question, you hadn't showered in days "Now that I think about it..." >life takes you to the strangest places >first you're on a farm deep in the heart of the motherland >then you're on the front lines, trying not to get killed >now, that would be the end for most ponies in your position >yet here you are, further away from your starting point in life still >in a cold, industrialized bunker shower >face down in your mortal enemy's lap as she carefully rinses any traces of Nazi blood out of your mane >you don't know how long you've spent washing each other without a single word uttered the entire time still >the grumpy protests of the pipe-workings, the only thing to disturb you two from absolute silence >you both walk back to the makeshift bed you've made for yourselves in the infirmary and lay down, finally clean from all the piss and grime from the outside world >while laying down on your back you notice Aryanne cuddle herself up to you >she placed her lips against your ear and whispered >"I lovezyoo so much I zink I would die wizout you. Please don't ever leave me. I'm sorry i'm difficult. You make me so happy." >she brought her head up and looked you in the eyes >without a word she quickly kisses you >"I love you I love you I love you I love you." >over and over she whispers it >you could feel her smooth coat against yours as she slowly starts rocking back and forth >she buried her head in your chest-fluff >"Never leave me."