>The doorbell rings and you stand from your small bench >You check your watch, Seven A.M. in the morning >Ought to be the Mailmare that comes around each morning >You walk to the front door and open it >The Mailmare currently is digging through her bag on the ground and muttering something to herself "Good morning, miss." >She lifts her head out of the bag and looks back to you with a letter in her mouth and smiles, then goes back to sifting through her bag >You continue to stand in the doorway, waiting for her to finish >She presents you with a stack of papers in her mouth "Thank you." >You take them and begin looking through them >About twenty, surprisingly >You step back and close the door >Most of them are actually to you, which you immediately discard if they aren't from Filthy Rich >A few bills... an invitation for Diamond Tiara to a birthday party >You walk back into a small office and inspect the invitation >Nothing unusual, most likely from one of her friends >Now, for the bills >With the budget you have been appropriated, none of them are an issue >Filthy Rich seems willing to do anything for Diamond Tiara except give her his attention >She acts like she doesn't care, but at home when she thinks you aren't closely listening, you can hear her sobbing quietly in her room >Only natural behavior, the first time you knocked she never answered the door, and ignored every question involving it >No point in you attempting to question further >You write in the appropriate funds and stand from the small, candle lit desk >Now, to make sure the mansion is in presentable order >One of your jobs is to be the head butler as well as a body guard >So long as Diamond Tiara is in the house, you act as head butler, but once she leaves the premises you are her body guard >Speaking of which, she will most likely be waking soon >She enjoys walking around the town, mostly just to show that she has you as a body guard >You most likely do not appear intimidating, being rather thin and not entirely muscular >So far, you have yet to be able to show your skill in battle, and have only shown your prowess in holding groceries or being a parental figure to Diamond Tiara >You probably know her better than Filthy Rich >Once again, you check your watch and it reads 7:15 A.M. >Time to make breakfast >You quickly walk to the dinner table >Diamond Tiara didn't do much last night, and mostly stayed inside with her friend Silver Spoon >Although she did order you around for a while for her amusement >This morning, you shall treat her to... >Pancakes and eggs >It shall be both delicious and nutritious >You head into the kitchen and see the chef "I will need you to step out for a moment." >He nods and quickly leaves >You walk over to a nearby sink and wash your hands >Now... >You open a pantry and grab the pancake mix, then pour it into a pan over the the oven and turn on the stove at low power >Now, for the eggs >You open the fridge and take some eggs, then crack them over the pan >Working away at both with the spatula, not accepting anything short of perfection, by Diamond Tiara's standards, anyway >Just as you finish you hear a familiar voice call out >"That better be my breakfast that I smell!" >Indeed, she's finally up >Perfect timing, you just finished both >You apply the syrup and butter to the three stacked pancakes and walk through the door leading out to the dinner table "Of course, what would you like to drink?" >You place the two plates down in front of her on the table >"I want milk." "Certainly." >You walk back into the kitchen and fill a cup from one of the jugs in the fridge >Back to the dinner table, you place the cup in front of her as she begins eating the pancakes "Perhaps you should try the eggs as well, you could use the protein." >She rolls her eyes >"Who died and made you my dad?" >You slightly smile at the comment "Nobody, although I care enough to remind you of your health." >It's tempting to mention her father, but you don't want to actually hurt her feelings >She continues eating the pancakes then looks around >"Don't you usually have letters or a news paper for me?" >How could you have forgotten?! "Why, yes! Of course! You have an invitation to a birthday party. From one Silver Spoon." >Her eyes slightly widen >"Right! Today is Silver Spoon's birthday! How could I have forgotten?... Anon, we're going shopping in a little bit." >You sigh slightly "Yes, of course, master Tiara." >She looks down at her plates then to you >"Go and get the news paper." >You nod and walk out of the door >Then break out into a sprint >If you hurry, you might be able to see her finish her eggs >You fly down the hallways and out into the front yard >Looking around, you finally see the paper lying on the ground some distance away >You quickly run to it, pick it up, and sprint back into the mansion >Back down the hallways, past a few other butlers and maids and back to the dinner room >You quickly fix your suit and enter the room >Damn, she finished her eggs!! >She smirks at you >"That was pretty quick, think that was a new record?" >There are several rooms and hallways that separate the dinner room from the front door and yard >A few hundred feet, in any case >You were able to get out there and back in only a few seconds, yet she still ate all her eggs in that time?! >Unless... >You walk to her and place the paper in front of her then check under neath the table >No, she didn't just dump them out somewhere >She pushes herself back and stands from the chair >"Gather your coins, we're going shopping!" >As you grab the plates you turn back "Why must I bring my coins? Are you expecting trouble?" >She shakes her head >"I thought of something better than shopping, instead, you'll be the surprise for Silver Spoon! She'll like that." >You raise an eyebrow "Why would I need my coins for that?" >She gives you a somewhat frustrated look >"Just get your coins and follow me." "Very well." >You quickly clean the plates and set them out to be put away by another servant >Now, for your coins >Your coins aren't for currency, more like ammunition >You can fire these coins from your hands like bullets and easily shred just about any target >There are a few types, the large, golden types mostly meant for shock and awe, they're harder to fire, but pack a massive punch >A type of bronze piercing type that is more oval shaped, meant to invisibly be fired at a target >And the silver types, each one with a nasty surprise inside >She told you to bring your coins, she probably wants you to demonstrate your shooting skills that easily amazed Filthy Rich >You load your suit jacket full of stacks of various coins >If need be, you can use typical every day coins, but your specialized ones are much better >For ammunition, anyway >Although you do carry normal currency in the event that you need to purchase something, which is quite often >You quickly go to the front door where Diamond Tiara awaits impatiently >"You done lollygagging?" "If I say yes, will that satisfy you?" >She nods "Then yes, I am done." >"Good, now, what time is the party?" "I do not remember, although I believe it said six P.M." >She lightly rubs her chin >"Although I prefer to show up fashionably late, I just really want to show her what you can do. So, we'll be there around twelve." >You check your watch >Already 8:00 A.M., which gives you four hours until your early arrival "Very well, how shall you preoccupy yourself until then?" >You walk to the front door and open it >No need for an umbrella on this clear day >"Oh, I suppose the usual. Walk around town, go out somewhere to eat." >Naturally... >You step out and allow Diamond Tiara to pass then close the door behind her and begin following >The front yard is fairly spacious, a walk way leads directly from the door, goes around a fountain and to the front gate >Here and there is a bush, or a tree, and a hedge lining the inner side of the wall surrounding the yard >It's a short walk to ponyville from here, it's unlikely anything eventful to occur on your way there >You hold many things on your person at all times, keys, coins, papers, etc >A ring of keys to just about anything in and around the mansion >Although there are a few rooms in the basement that are locked even to you, but if you really wanted to, you could easily break into any of them >You reach the gate and quickly open it, allowing Tiara to pass through, then once again, close and lock it behind her "Where shall we go first, today?" >She begins walking down the trail leading to ponyville and you follow >"Perhaps we could browse the market for a while." >You nod, mostly to yourself >Doesn't seem like you can ever get a break from carrying her goods... >No matter, you must do what she says, regardless of how you feel or what you think "Very good." >Now, what does she have in mind involving you and your coins at a party? >Or, you showing off with your coins? >Curious, indeed "If I may ask, what will I be doing at the party or event?" >She glances back at you >"If you must know, I want you to do your coin trick at her party, but the rest is a surprise." >Well, that ought to be easy enough >Your coin trick involves a game of extreme coin toss, in which you flick a coin into the air, and rapidly flick the coin through the air before catching it in one of your hands >When you do this, to a normal person's eye, your hands and arms seem to disappear due to how fast you move them >Effectively making it impossible to spot the coin >It's quite enjoyable to preform, actually >You get to cut loose when you do it >Although she said that the rest is a surprise... >You ought not to ask, since she most likely won't tell you anything, and she will become annoyed by your pestering >Finally, you and Diamond Tiara have arrived at ponyville >Tiara momentarily pauses at an intersection and looks around >Directly down the road should be the street vendors and stores >You will also pass by several restaurants and clothing shops >Oh joy, you'll probably be paying every one of them a visit >You check your watch again, 8:08 >This is probably going to be a long day... >Tiara starts down the road, and you follow, waving to various ponies and quietly saying hello to ones that pass by and notice you >If you didn't have so many coins, the ponies around you may not have noticed you, but with each step they jingle, giving you away >And towering over every pony around you doesn't help >Although you must admit, Diamond Tiara is quite good at driving away other ponies, just with her presence or a dirty look >You're somewhat disappointed in Tiara for this, but it's also nice to have a break from a mare hitting on you every other five minutes >And you've noticed that Tiara tends to watch you more closely if you have any conversations with anyone aside from her >Does she think she has competition or something? >You could outright tell her that she has nothing to worry about, but that would imply that you think lesser of her than yourself >That is quite literally, unthinkable >You are unable to think that way >For reasons that... you can't remember >No matter >Your job is here, and now >And all you have to do is wait for a few hours, and you can enjoy yourself >Suddenly, Tiara stops, looking into one of the clothing shops >Oh great... >Her face is pressed up against the glass >"Anon, look at that!" >You look in and see what she is currently staring at >A pink and white, jewel encrusted dress