Nickname: RavenBlackPhoenix aka Raven Age: Is currently the age 20 ( Full growth towards death is age 90 which to most humans that’s the age most pass away. As a phoenix he is much older even dying over an over.) Gender: male Species: Phoenix race but a forbidden born of two phoenix's mated together. BlackPhoenix and ElementalPhoenix Abilities: Blood use, elemental control, sense of hearing and smell are ten times stronger than you're average dog. speed and strength inhuman. has the ability to control his output of his nerve system of electrical output. able to see every detail with shift eye movement and control. Can slow his heart rate allowing him to react to things in his mind set at a slow time rate as everything else around him will be moving fast but to him he see's things slowly. Weapon/Combat proficiency: he is well versed with any and all blade usage, carries if the mood strikes him two katana's, and carries three sets of daggers two on his hip and the third on his left ankle in his boot hidden. he carries a satchel that carries 6 black plasma orbs created from his nerves, four white electricity orbs also created from his nerves. His combat is several styles that depends on what he will use depending on who he faces; either close combat or long distance fighting or both. Family:has a mother that is away traveling but is basically a loner. Weaknesses/Flaws: he is one big weakness...meaning he can do of one of two things too cause his weakness to be shown and cna be used as his strength as well. He can cause himself to bleed which the blood use comes to play but depending on the amount of blood he loses, second is his ability too cause the flames off his body to explode on impact or near his opponent which in turn can cause damage to himself which as i said is seen as a strength to him as well. Personality Traits: sadistic, calm minded, has a temper when provoked, enjoys making others suffer hence the sadistic side, smart-ass, flirt, but cares, kind hearted, but very observant, and usually quiet. Basic bio and history:Two parents were high elders of each respected clan his mother high elder of the black phoenix clan which were masters at seals and rituals as his father was high elder of the elemental clan that mastered in the elements and fighting as well as survival skills as well... Well it was forbidden between both clans that they were not allowed too mate with each other only within there own clan ...well the two high elders had a secret as they been lovers for over 5 years secretly meeting only at night in a clear not far from both clans... well one night the mother was pregnant and it was kepted as a lie within her clan that she had a guy within there too see her for those nine months.... (now they are human looking of course but the only features that was different was the ears and eyes) Well after nine months she had the child at night at midnight basically had her servant that she trusted most of all too bring the child to the father and from there the father raised and taught the boy who had his mothers kind heart but his fathers spirit in wanting too always train and further himself.... Well at the age of 6 a trader from his mothers clan would come by every week or so too trade food and items with his.... and seeing raven for once the trader could tell the features of his mother upon his face and knew right off what had happened so that day he had gone back too well tell... next day raven woke up and came outside only too witness his mothers and fathers death as soon as he came out like they had been waiting for him too see his mother and father being tied and at that moment beheaded (( now mind you this is a moment that will be explained more as well just keep in mind and u will see where and how it all plays out and who knows u may take something from this and add to yourself for how u come about too him i think it be an interesting story) Well as soon as his parents were beheaded Raven snapped and blacked out... now two days later he wakes up in a pool of blood and bodies stacked in a large pile from both clans in a very sadistic way torn apart and well you can think of the most goriest way it would seem.... but he wakes up without memory of how he got it that way or how it happened. 10 years later he is being trained by his mentor Keira ( who went by a different name at the time); he had been traveling with her as he had heard a rumor that his mother was alive when he knew well enough it was impossible but he told his teacher about it and she was willing to help him after he arrived at her family's empire at a age where no child of 6 years old should be covered in blood and reek of death not from the blood but his eyes those silvery eyes. He had heard the rumor she was out in a small village of Torgau that was down the valley not far from where his clan was slaughtered; they stopped at the nearest tavern that sat on a cliff just overlooking the town of Torgau. Raven was still young at the age of 16 his body had felt stronger and he had been honing his abilities since Keira's family took him in and she took him under her wing as a student. Raven asked Keira if she wouldn't mind waiting for him here at the tavern and she told him " I don't think you should go alone and plus I don't trust this information something doesn't feel right about it." Raven nodded as he had felt the same but he had to go as he assured her with a warm smile upon his face. " I understand I feel it too but I might be able to get some answer and I want to do this part alone; highly doubt she be down in the village waiting on me I'm coming back to you won't take me long." With that he had turned smiling as he did towards her as he assured her with that smile. He made his way down an hour later just as he made it to one of the areas that lead in to the village square he kept his eyes peeled but the back of his neck stood up and the feeling got stronger the more he got closer to the square yet he wasn't scared he was more enjoying the feeling of the fear he was feeling like something called him. Raven now entering the square he looked around his silver eyes piercing as they were he could tell no one was here; but then he felt frozen the moment he turned yet he couldn’t even more his head or any part of his body but he was able to move his eyes and who stood across the waterfall with her raven colored hair and the features that he shared except his fathers eyes who were silver; but she had light bluish eyes that just glowed as she smiled but the smile wasn't in joy it was more a grin. He felt fear for the first time in his life and for some reason something about her caused him too feel it. He had at that moment felt a hit across the back of his neck as the world went dark; next hour he had woken up in a dark room but with a light it was reddish glow he slowly stood but staggered as the pain hit him hard he reached for his neck and rubbed it clenching his teeth to the pain. " Damn that hurt…." Looking around at his situation he became aware he was caught and sighed in disbelief. " Jeez she is going to kill me if she knew I was caught not good… hehe well better get started huh." he smirked as he then went for placing his hand on the barrier that was surrounding him in diameter it was as large as a living room space; which caused Raven to feel impressed they gave him such room. As he touched the barrier he felt a surge of rocketing pain ricochet throughout his body as he screamed in pain and agony he feel on all fours smoke on both shoulder and his feet began too show as he breathed heavy sweat building up as droplets hit the floor. " My My dear child seems you thought you could get out…" His mother has then showed herself who had been hiding within the shadows. He looked up at still breathing but unable to move he clenched his teeth not knowing why he couldn’t sense her or… his eyes widen as he then felt it he couldn't heal and he couldn't summon any of his power. " That's right dear mommy knew what you were and how to contain you well not one flaw made. Hahah…. Now I want the power I gave birth to and if you can't give that power to me…maybe I should have that female you traveled with…" being cut off Raven growled and somehow over coming what she had him on and summoned that dark half just briefly as what was known as the beast stared her down. " Don't you touch her… Or I will bath this ground with your blood women…" Raven falling back passing out from what had happened. Two days later…. Raven woke up to screams near him as he was on his back he was chained at the wrist, ankles, and his neck; but who he saw at the corner of his right eye was his Teacher screaming at him to get up she was beaten up it looked as he then saw two other people near her one on her right had thrown a punch at her mouth as if to shut her up or make it worse.. The other was…(( sorry wont say))… Raven screamed in protest but he couldn't speak he felt helpless… " That’s right dear you can't save her don't worry she will be insurance to make sure I get what I want she will remain here in a way of seeing you release that beast to me but seems it has a thing for her huh…" Over the next 2 years Raven was tortured in front of Keira over and over he was beheaded, ripped apart, and killed over and over just too get that power within him to come forth as his teacher suffered even more but for some reason that dark half never came.. It somehow knew even if it came forth nothing could be done they both be killed if he was given up. So when his mother gave up after 4 years of trying her best to get what she wanted but didn't she left them both to die sealing the door behind her as they both laid in the darkness Raven dark half came out to say something to her before Raven would pass out from what he went through as if he was on the verge of his last breath. " Keira I will save you from that women wait.. For him…" with that Raven had died but being he was a phoenix breed he would just burn out and reform… but for some reason it didn't his breathing stopped but he never burned out for some reason. Couple months later… Raven had now found his mother and had killed her severing her head and throwing it in to a man made black hole created by one of his own devices he now made that allow him too open and close such holes in time and space fabric…