>It is the weekend. >You are hammered after a night drinking with the guys at the bar. >After paying your tab, you bid farewell to your comrades-in-booze. >The trek home proves to be a challenge since it is a cross-town walk, but you are sure you can make it. >Lucky it is night and you will not have to deal with any of these self-righteous ponies judging your drinking habits. >You cut through Ponyville's park since it is a short-cut. >You stumble about in a drunken haze, relishing in your surroundings. >This place is serene. >The soft wind feels nice against your flushed skin. "Holy shit I gotta pissh like a racehorshe!" >And hopefully no one heard that outburst. >That doesn't discount the fact that you do have to take a leak. >You find a pretty big tree in the middle of the grassy meadow. >After a quick check to see if no one is around, you make a beeline towards the tree. >Fingers unbutton your pants with drunken finesse. >Takes you about half a minute, but you manage to get those pesky trousers down to your ankles. >You drop your underwear as well. >Why? Because you fucking can. >Step out of them and kick them off to the side. >Getting them wet is a party foul, and party fouls are for squares. >You take hold of your limp snake and unleash hell on the tree. "Take that shtupid, uh...tree." >The relief of letting out all that bladder juice washes over you. >You aim it lower so it splatters against the roots. "Drink it all up. Hah!" >Everything is all well and good. >As you finish, you give your manhood a few shakes before bending over to grab your pants. >"WEO WEO WEO!!! Halt right there, Citizen!" "Shit! The 5-0. >You take a step and immediately faceplant into the soft grass. >Face down, ass up; the worst position to be in with the cops around, especially when you have no pants on. >You decide to stay perfectly still, remembering that cops rely on movement to sense their prey. >The internet would never lie like that...right? >So far nothing happens. >You let out a sigh of relief, thinking that the pig left you alone. >That was until a gentle hoof caresses your backside. >"Well, well, well. We meet again, Mr. Human." >That gentle hoof lifts slightly before it is brought down onto your bum with a rough slap. >You hop up to your feet and curse up a storm while rubbing your hide to ease the pain. >"We gotta stop meeting up like this." >You stumble a bit in an attempt to keep your balance. >Looking down, your swirling vision attempts to focus on the violet eyes of the pony standing before you: blue coat, unicorn horn, light blue striped mane with a matching tail, and a police woman's outfit. >However, the slutty get-up this mare wears makes you think this is some sort of prank. >She looks familiar, but your mind is too fucked up to even think of who this mare could be. >Either way, you have time to kill, so you play along for now. "Hey there ociffer. I...uh, I was just airing out my clothes. Nothing to worry ab...about. Hic!" >"That's officer Trixie to you, human!" >You can see her lips curl into a naughty smile. >"Have you been drinking tonight?" >You pick up a hint of an ulterior motive behind those words, but you push those worries aside. "N-No ma'am. Imma good citizen, I swear." >She scoffs. >"Would you mind consenting to a breathalyzer test?" >You laugh. "Sure. Whatever." >Trixie's horn shimmers in a pink glow. >No sooner are you brought to your knees. >Her hooves rest on your shoulders. >"Remember to blow for me." >She brings her lips to yours. >You cannot believe that a pony is kissing you. >Yet, you aren't complaining. >Maybe it is the alcohol. >Or the way her soft lips press against yours. >Her slick tongue caressing and twirling around yours, licking every surface of your orifice. >Her soft breaths tickles your lips. >It feels nice, but it comes to an end too soon. >Trixie licks her lips, probably tasting the alcohol on your breath. >"About 0.13. That's over the legal limit to safely walk these streets." >You raise an eyebrow. >Trixie unlatches a pair of hoofcuffs from her belt and forces your hands behind your back. >"I'm taking you in." >You struggle against her mighty magic; but once you hear the cuffs tighten, you knew you were in deep shit. "Wait, you are a real cop?" >Trixie rolls her eyes. >"The Great and Powerful Trixie is more than a cop. She is the law!" >You are forced onto your feet and her baton keeps poking at your bare bottom. >"Go on. Keep walking." >Each jab forces you to take another step. "Wait! I can't go to jail! Do you know what they would do to a good looking guy like me?" >Trixie feigns ignorance of your plight. "C'mon, Officah Trix. I can't go there. I'll do whatever. Just don't take me in." >Trixie takes a gander at you. >The jabbing stops. >Maybe that begging will help ou get out of this mess. >"Hmph...you think your ass-kissing can get you out of this?" "Yesh!" >You swear you caught a devious glint in her eye. >Maybe you should have kept your mouth shut. >"All right, hot stuff." >You feel Trixie's trusty baton sweep you off of your feet. >The mare's magic flings you against a nearby tree, making your daze-like state even worse. >Being manhandled by a unicorn is not fun. >Looking up, your swimming vision focuses on a tight, pony ass mere inches from your face. >"I'll sweep this whole thing under the rug if you can kiss ass...the right way. >Your nose scrunches when a wave of her womanly scent wafts past your face. >This is not what you had in mind in trying to get off. "Can we talk about another way? How about paying a fine?" >A whip-like strike from her tail answers that question. >"Trixie doesn't have time to waste on a miscreant like you. So either get in there, or get in a cell for the night. And then, I'll add sexual assault on an officer to the charges." >This is going too far. "This is police brutali- OOOMPH!!" >Trixie backs that firm, pliable ass up against your face. >The pale light of the moon is eclipsed from your view. >"Brutality? Hah! Officer Trixie has been nice up to this point. But if you want 'brutality...'" >Her hips move up and down, smearing her puffy vulva against your nose and lips. >The pungent scent of her musk fills your nostrils. >It is hard to breath without getting a lungful of her scent. >Meanwhile, Trixie is having the time of her life. >Her moans cutting the night air as she rubs even harder against your face. >"I don't feel any ass-kissing from you, human. Maybe you really want to be Bubba's bitch." >You have no choice. >You snake your tongue out of your mouth. >It didn't travel far before making contact with those puffy lips of the Great Police-Mare Trixie. >Half-naked and your pride gone, you give in to Trixie's ultimatum. >Your tongue glides over her sensitive lips and laps at her dripping juices already rolling down her legs. >This would be easier if your arms were not cuffed behind your back. >Trixie's hips cease excessive movement. >She is using her strength to keeps standing firm. >You nibble at her soft folds and give it a soft yank. >In a domino effect, her juicy cunt gushes all over your face and drips down onto your favorite shirt. >You accidentally gulp down a bit of her nectar during her gushing moment. >That is something you are quickly regretting. >It tastes bitter, carrying that aroma of musty hay. >"Yeah...now that's some good pussy licking. However, human..." >She pulls away slightly, giving you the much needed reprieve. >You close your eyes and suck in a lungful of fresh air. "Oh God. Too much." >When you look ahead, Trixie's other hole stares right back. >"That wasn't ass-kissing." >Your body shivers. "Pleashe...shtap." >"What's the matter? The Great and Powerful Ass too much for you to handle?" >You try your hardest to break out of these cuffs. >They barely budge one bit. >Impatient, Trixie presses Her anus against the tip of your nose. >Surprisingly, other than the smell of sweat, it doesn't take the usual scent of an anus. >"C'mon. Show Trixie how good of an brown-nose you are." >She lowers her hips so your mouth and her tender hole line up. >Not wanting to challenge the law, you give the mare what she wants. >Closing your eyes, you lean forward with your lips pursed and press them against her puckered asshole. >With how large her anus is, you would think you're actually kissing a pair of lips. >Well, that is what your drunken brain thinks anyway. >It starts off slow with light pecks. >In time, you become bolder, and your body relaxes. >Your lips press harder against Trixie's puckered ass. >Trixie sighs softly, pressing back to feel your lips against her. >"Mmm...Trixie likes." >You can feel her cheeks clench against your face. >Maybe she is hoping that it would end this way. >Who knows; now you are in the moment and will go the distance. >Your next move is a bit hesitant, but you manage to slip your tongue from the safety of your lips. >The squirming appendage lathers a good amount of saliva all around her hole. >You thank the heavens that this mare cleans her back entrance. >"Oh yes! You know exactly how to hit all my buttons." >You can feel her muscles relax. >She wants it bad. >"Don't be afraid to get in there, human." >Giving her opening a few experimental prods with the tip of your tongue, you give that asshole one good jab. >It penetrates deeply. >She whinnies and clops her forehoof against the soft grass. >Her firm cheeks press against yours in an attempt to smother you with her flesh, and her rectal walls grip around your organ. >You flex your tongue a few times, making it wiggle inside of Trixie's bum. >"Oh my, seems you were packing a dangerous weapon down here as well." >You wonder what the hell this mare is going on about. >"Seems Trixie will have to discharge it...for our safety." >You gasp a puff of air against her clenching backdoor. >A hot, wet squirming entity strokes at your erect dick, stroking your length from base to tip over and over. >A pair of soft lips wraps around your cock. >It wastes no time in moving up and down your length. >You are sure those lips and that tongue belongs to Officer Trixie. >Not like you could stop her. >So you go about scratching her itch while she scratches yours. >Her sloppy blowjob somehow works for you. >It works too well. >You can feel yourself edging at that peak of release. >Your strong cock grows harder, twitching inside the policemare's mouth. >Not wanting to disappoint Trixie, you give her the best rimjob you could muster. >Trixie's tongue circles around the swollen head of your pre-cum spilling cock. >When her tongue grazes against your sensitive glands, you lose all control. >Your cock spasms, shooting thick streams of spunk deep within her mouth. >She eagerly gulps down everything you give to her. >Even after you finished cumming, she sucks hard to get out the remaining cream deep in your urethra. >You feel weak in your groin. >Standing up would be impossible at this point. >"Mmmph." >Trixie slurps her way up your cock. >She releases you from her mouth with a slick pop. >"You tasted better than I thought." >She casually steps away from you, shivering once your tongue escapes her black hole. >There's a thin string of saliva connecting her anus to your mouth that breaks in the gentle autumn breeze. >"Lucky that you were able to keep up your end of the bargain." >She releases you from your binds. >"Trixie will let you go with a warning, and you got something extra out of the deal." >You groan in exhaustion. >"Oh yeah, and here." >You feel your pants slap against your face. >"Put your pants on, human. You're in public." >She trots off with a pep in her step into the night. >Too weak to move, you sit on the cold grass. "Did that...really happen?"