Chapter 7 >A tickling sensation begins to build up on the tip of your nose. >It moves up to the bridge of your nose, and then between your eyes. >It then moves up to your forehead, and gently brushes off your hair. >The feeling curves down your face, right through your cheek. >It stops on your chin, holding up your head slightly. >You let it all happen; it would be extremely awkward if you suddenly opened you eyes right now. >And knowing who is doing this, you rather have a quiet morning. >Resisting the urge to laugh, you maintain a cool face. >She silently giggled to herself, studying his complexion. >For once, she had someone to call her own. >For once, she was being loved back. >It didn’t have to be a pony. >She lay next to him, still staring at his peaceful expression. >A smile formed on her face again. >After the nightmare, this was dream come true. >Maybe now she could be normal… >She sighed happily and slipped under his arms. >Turning his back over his stomach, Luna saw the morning rays coming through her open window. >Its thick, navy blue curtains shook lightly on the cool mountain winds. >The equally dark walls looked shades brighter; Luna never saw her room in this state. >She was usually asleep for her nightly duties. >Looking back to her window, she saw the endless expanse of the world lay through the small gateway. >Clusters of green mountains lay in the horizon, with large, fluffy clouds dressing the cobalt blue sky. >Small dots moves between the two colors, most likely birds. >And at that moment, a gust of refreshing air rushed into the room, shaking her once-ghastly mane. >She closed her eyes in sheer joy of discovery. >This was the Equestria she never got to see. >And at that moment, Anonymous’ arms wrapped around her, bringing her closer to him. >She felt the warm breath tickling the back of her head. >Individual strands flew forward, light azure mane slowly covering her view. >And for that moment, it was a good morning. >You can’t deny it. >She is so huggable. >The way her coat feels on your skin… >You inhale the thick scent of blueberry, with a hint of lavender. >This only makes you hug tighter. >You can hear her quiet squeak, and you can practically sense the heat her cheeks are radiating. >Eh, you’ll let her have it for a while. >And it’s not like it’s a crime to oversleep… >No Anon, this is bad. >Really, really bad. >She’s a flying, magical, talking pony. >And you are human. >Sentience isn’t a question here. >She’s nice to you and all… >But is it what you really want? >You never saw yourself with a girl, let alone an animal. >You were never such a fan with horses to start with. >But let’s put that thought aside. >You step under the warm shower, letting the thoughts wash over you like the blue fur all over your arms. >Should’ve known. >At least you’re glad it was accommodated to the princesses’ height. >After wiping you hair and face, you wrap a towel over your waist, and step out. “All yours.” You point backwards with a thumb. >Luna gets off her bed, and lazily makes her way to the bathroom. >She suddenly stops in front of you, eyeing your face. >”Anon, is there something bothering you?” She asks, her face soaked with worry. >You relax your facial muscles immediately, and open your eyes wide once. “What, me, bothered? Nah.” >Luna maintains her stare as she slowly cocks her head slightly, looking curiously. >She then smiles, and give you a small peck on the lips. >She happily jumps inside, and the bathroom door close. >You return to your frown, still burdened with your thoughts. >”I’m guessing everything is not going well.” Celestia speaks. >You slightly jolt at her sudden appearance, almost choking on your breakfast. “No, it’s not that, it’s just because-“ >”She’s different?” “How’d you know?” >”I can tell Anonymous, it’s written all over your face.” “I’m assuming you had a lot of cases like this?” >”More than you and I would like.” >Celestia smiles brightly, before sipping on her morning tea. >”Maybe-“ >”Goodmorning, everypony!” Luna giddily trots into the room. >”Maybe you can get a new tie!” Celestia realigns her words. >You can’t help but to smile at her antics. >Luna grabs a toast and heads off again. >”Where are you off to, sister?” Celestia calls out. >”I just have to see the mountains on the east, be back in about an hour.” >Celestia smiles again, her eyes closed. >”Have fun, sister.” >Luna nods eagerly, and flies off. >”Now.” >Your attention is back to Celestia. >”Maybe-“ “I could just dump her and say I’m not interested?” >”N-no…” Celestia stares at the wall, her thousand-yard stare going off. >”Let’s not do that…” >You blow a raspberry and cross your arms. >Celestia has a playful look on her face; >”What if you saw her as what she is inside, not her physical makings?” “And I thought my plan was-“ >”Anonymous, I’m being completely serious here.” >You look into her suddenly stoic expression, searching for flaws. “By god, you’re being completely serious.” >She rolls her eyes. >”Try, Anonymous. It just might work out.” “Celestia, I don’t think-“ >”Try, for me- please?” She puts on the puppy eyes. >You groan audibly and murmur curses. “Fine. I’ll try.” >”Well, you better try all you can, because you know what will happen if she realizes…” >Both of you shudder, and chills run down both of your spines. >”Well then.” Celestia rises from her cushion. “I should get back to my duties.” >Her golden hoof points at you. >”And you too, Anonymous the human.” “I suppose.” >”Hey, I’d rather be courting a mare than to deal with officials any day.” >The look of horror you give Celestia is enough to get her laughing. >”I jest, Anon, I jest.” >Her laughs echo down the halls, as you try to wipe the image off your imagination. >You get off your seat, and begin your own plan of the day. >Which meant doti- you mean- dating Luna everywhere. >At her return, Luna seemed especially ecstatic. >”I think I know what we’re doing today, Anon.” “Shoot.” >”Let’s go on a picnic. I found a great spot on the mountain!” >Before you know it, a servant got a simple basket of food ready for you. >They even packed the red and white checkerboard ground blanket. >A quick peek inside the basket reveals several fruits, some collection of hay and grass and other vegetables. >You hesitantly hang the basket on your wrist, and follow Luna out of the castle. >You only stop when you realize you are on one of those extended balconies. >You can already see Luna flaring her wings, ready to take flight. “Uhhh Luna, one quick question.” >”Ask away, Anonymous.” “How am I supposed to get there?” >”That’s easy!” >She lowers her already fragile form, ushering you to get on. “I don’t think that is a good idea…” >She gives it a little shake, as if checking your statement. >”Perhaps…” “You know, I know this spot on the park-“ >Your words are cut short by a certain force yanking you away. >You look down to see the blue aura covering your feet, and most importantly- >The city below you. >You panic right away, houses barely pinprick on your feet. >You scream and try to struggle, but her magic holds you still, as she moves toward a distant mountain. >And still yet, a creeping feeling tells you that this will be a common thing for now. >You land on a nice open clearing in the woods, short grass covering the grounds. >You lay down the ground blanket on the area illuminated the most, wanting to catch as much as sunlight as you can in the cold mountain tops. >Dead leaves crunch on your step, and provide as cushion for the blanket itself. >You loved autumn, with its orange-brown sights. >Luna hops around the place, looking curiously at the sights. >She then plops next to you, looking from her laying position. “Let’s see what we got…” You set the basket at the center. >Luna opens the lid and takes out a piece of bread, along with some hay and lettuce. >All with magic, of course. >And with the same magic, she splits the bread in two, and fixes herself a nice sandwich. >And as that happened, you were struggling on your own bread, trying desperately to recreate that effect with your hands. >”Do you need help?” “What me? Nah, I don’t-“ >Luna takes it off your hand, and quickly cuts it in two. >She passes you a smile. >You return it, also fixing yourself a sandwich. >It is sad that you are confined to a vegetarian diet. >Perhaps you can- WHAT IS THIS? >You reach in and produce a plate of egg, to which your eyes begin to water. >It was perfect. >You put it between the assorted content, and begin eating yourself. >You find yourself staring into the open horizon, spotting Canterlot in the distance. >”It’s quite a sight, isn’t it?” “Y-yeah, it’s mesmerizing.” >”Really?” Luna replies. >You turn to the smug pony, looking at you strange. >”Is it the only one that is mesmerizing?” >She bats her eyes, with a certain gleam in her eyes. >Oh shit. >The amazing taste in your mouth is gone now. >You shallow hard, and put the sandwich down. >Luna is leaning on your now, her eyes still on yours. >”Well?” “Well, I uhm-“ You clear your throat, and cough once. >You slowly lean away, as she leans onto you. “I mean yeah, you’re a beautiful mare and all…” You almost choke on the word beautiful. >She giggles shyly, staring at you with her sultry look. >She closes her eyes, and you clench your close. >You know what is going to happen. >Her wet lips touch your dry ones, and at that moment- she pounces on you. >She forces her way through, as your back makes contact with the leaves below. >Your hands are helplessly spread on the cold ground, letting Luna have her way with you. >She is somewhat sloppy with this. >You can’t really blame her. >You suddenly (and only) come to attention when you feel a hoof on your pants. >You break the kiss, and back away slightly. “Luna, I think we’re rushing this.” >O-ho, the ace in the hole. >”R-really?” >Luna shrinks, looking disappointed. “Yeah, maybe we should get to know each other a little?” >”I-I suppose…” “We can still cuddle.” >This brings back some light to her face, as she wraps herself around you. “NO, NONONONONO” >”Anon, I think you’re taking this way too far.” “Oh, I’m taking this far, am I? What about her and her twitchy hooves?” >”Maybe you should calm down.” “Oh, look who’s telling me to calm down! I’m not some sex puppeteer who laughs at scene for the sake of national security!” >You sink back on your seat. “I don’t- I can’t love Luna, Celestia, I can’t.” >The solar princess sighs, looking down on her dinner. >”I’ll try to work something out, then.” >You play with your food again, trying to distract yourself. >So distracted, you don’t even notice the tall pony behind you.