Snow Day My eyes crack open, staying in a squinted position as they adjust to the pale light that trickles in through our bedroom window. I smile to myself, knowing we're on holiday vacation from work and that there is a large amount of snow laying on the ground outside of our apartment, the perfect set up for a lazy day. Beside me, Lilly lays in a deep sleep, her body nestled up tightly against my side and her arms holding me in a gentle embrace. She's always been one to cuddle up to me, even during the hot summer months when we really don't need to share our warmth at night. During the winter though, she always has a habit to curl up and position herself right against me, which I certainly have no arguments against. I smile and give her a light kiss on the cheek before rolling out of bed, making sure I don't wake her. I stumble out of the bedroom while regaining the strength in my legs, stretching my arms and yawning as I head into the kitchen and put the tea kettle on the stove. As the water heats, I go and take a seat in our living room, flicking on the TV to check through the various weather reports. Everything seems to be the same: snow for the next twenty-four to fourty-eight hours with minimal slow down. Most reports say to expect around a foot of snow, which makes me laugh a bit to myself. I hope Lilly didn't have anything planned for us over the next few days, as it seems we're not going to be going anywhere any time soon. After a moment of channel surfing, I go and prepare two cups of tea, bringing both of them back with me and placing them down on the coffee table. Within a couple of minutes, the door to our bedroom creaks open. As I draw my attention to it, out stumbles Lilly, yawning and stretching her arms as she trails her hand along the wall for orientation. I can't help but feel lucky every time I see her; the flowing blonde hair, the pale white skin, the wonderful motherly attributes... they all just seem to come together and form what is a perfect woman in my eyes. I stand up without speaking a word to her, moving behind her before she makes it to the living room and wrap my arms around her waist. This startles her a bit, but she recovers and giggles as I plant a light kiss on her cheek. "Good morning, beautiful."  She turns her head and responds to my unintentional compliment with a kiss, as well as a slight blush. "Tea's ready for you in the living room." "You're such a gentleman, Hisao." She releases a few girlish giggles before I place my hands on her shoulders and guide her over to the couch. Once seated, I place the tea cup in her hands and take my place beside her. She snuggles up nice and close to my side as I reach and pull a blanket over the two of us.  In all honesty, I wish I could fall asleep in the position that I'm in right now, with the woman of my dreams resting her tired head on my shoulder as snow falls outside of our home. I quickly push these thoughts out of my head as I have a couple of things I need to get done around the home today. "Would you like me to get a fire going? We rarely ever have an opportunity to actually use our fireplace, you know." She turns her head and smiles at me, leaning her head forward and accidently giving me a kiss on the tip of my nose. Normally she doesn't seem to be this happy in the mornings, probably because she knows she's got the stress of a day of work coming foward at the speed of a fighter jet, but today is much different. She must be as excited to spend a couple of days at home as I am, although I doubt it's as much about her spending time with me than it is just being away from her job. "That would be lovely." I hop out from underneath our blanket and place my tea back on the coffee table. We have a few spare logs left in our one closet, so I take them and bring them back to the fireplace. Within a few minutes, a full blown fire is crackling and releasing heat from our fireplace. I sit with my arms wrapped around my knees for a couple of moments in silence, just staring into the flame before me. My mind runs through my path leading up to where I am today, a path that was not met without resistance. The heart attack, moving to Yamaku, meeting the likes of Lilly, Hanako, Shizune, all of my friends from back there... boy, they sure as hell steered me back on the right path. The silence in the air seems to have gotten the best of Lilly as she stands from couch and walks over to me, putting her hand on me for orientation before taking a seat beside me. She drapes the blanket she has around both of our shoulders, leaning in close to me and placing her head on my shoulder. "What's on your mind, love?" "Just you." She smiles at my response and nuzzles her head against my neck, planting a light kiss there as a follow up. "My savior and love my life, how can I not always have you on my mind?" "Oh stop it, you're just trying to flatter me." Her cheeks burn bright red, her embarrassment overcoming her natural complexion. Well, I hope she likes being unintentionally flattered, as there's more to come. "But you know I'm not. Going back all those years to Yamaku, just look  what I was when-" I'm cut off by a hard punch on my shoulder. It takes me a moment to realize what I did, but once I do, I feel absolutely terrible. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry Lilly! I didn't mean-" She puts a finger up to my lips and gives me a reassuring kiss on the cheek, laughing a bit as she pulls back. "I'm just joking around with you, dear. You know I'm okay with your speech, don't be so insecure." I smile and lean forward, touching my lips to hers. The kiss is long, her hand finding its way up to my cheek right before we break apart. Our foreheads stay connected, the soft skin of her hand gently caressing the side of my face. "Am I still being insecure?" I laugh a little to myself as I see a blush rise to her face, but this time I have a feeling it's not from embarrassment. "Oh, what is this? My husband attempting to seduce me?" "Possibly..." I trail off in thought, which is quickly broken up when I feel two hands guiding my body down towards the floor. Lilly straddles me with her thighs and leans into a lustful kiss, our tongues dancing as things begin to heat up. I can easily say this is one thing in life I was never expecting to do: make passionate love to my wife in front of a fireplace while on holiday break. My mind is drawn back as I feel my sleepwear beginning to be undone, my button-down shirt being separated as we continue on. In response, I begin to unfasten the bow of her nightgown, which reveals a generous amount of cleavage. My hand moves from her bottom and begins sliding down her thigh, her breathing picking up from the sensation of every minor touch. I slide my unoccupied hand to her back and begin to undo the back of her nightgown, our tongues still tangling together in preparation of what's yet to come. Within a minute, all of our clothes are discarded minus our underwear. I roll over and take the top position, which draws a little gasp from Lilly as her back touches against the blanket that has found itself lying on the ground beneath us. The fire crackles off to our side, the warmth not even close to matching the sensation of our kissing and touching. I lean into yet another kiss, my hand sliding down to the inside of her thighs. She gasps as I rub the outside of her panties, a light amount of moisture visible on the outside. "You certainly know your way with women, Hisao~" She coos as I move my fingers inside, rubbing her sensitive nub with my thumb and inserting a finger inside of her. She moans lightly as I begin to rub my finger against her walls, her breathing becoming uneven and erratic as I switch up speeds. At the same time, I move my kisses from her lips down to her neck, heading for her generous chest. My face moves forward, as my mouth finds its way to her slightly hard nipple. I playfully suckle and nip at it, drawing a heavy sound of approval as I get into it. Her groans pick up pace as she nears her first, and probably not last, climax of the day. Within a few moments of hard work inside of her panties, she releases a loud final moan of approval as her fluid is released onto my hand, her underwear managing to become fairly soaked from the outburst. I remove my hand from her panties and give her a moment to catch her breath. She smiles and giggles at me, as I'm still positioned and waiting patiently on top of her. She moves her hands down and slides her pale blue panties off, tossing them towards the fireplace to dry a bit. "Go ahead Hisao, I know you've been waiting long enough." She gives me a wink as I position my length between her thighs, teasing her by rubbing the tip along the entrance to her lower lips. She moans with a mix of pout and pleasure, enough to make me giggle before sliding myself into her. She gasps as I begin to move my hips, starting off at a fairly quick pace. She wraps her legs around my back and her fingernails dig into my back with every thrust, a sign that she is genuinely enjoying my actions. She continues to cry out as I mix up my pace, her enhanced sensitivity to touch becoming more and more obvious as we continue on. "Hisao!~" Her coos and moans of joy will me forward as my member continues to move towards climax, my lips moving to silence her outspoken words of encouragement. I mix up speeds to increase the pleasure, as I can feel the end coming quickly. Within a few moments, my pace picks up as we reach the home stretch, her pleasure reaching a maximum amount as indicated by her cries and moans of pure joy. "Lilly, I'm about to-" Her moans of joy do not fall on deaf ears as I reach my final blinding moment of pure sensation. Our fluids meet inside of her, mixing around as I stop on a dime and fall over on my side. My heart is beating at an erratic, uneven pace, so I give it a moment to slow down before speaking anything. As we sit in relative silence, the only audible noises being the low crack of the fire beside us and our heavy breathing, I slide myself out of her, rolling onto my back. Lilly obviously recovers faster than I do, as she rolls over onto her side and embraces me with her arms. I turn to her and see a massive smile on her face, something that I feel that I'll never get tired of my in my lifetime. I lean in and give her a kiss, one that is a bit weak due to my current level of exhaustion. I pull the cover up over us now, our bodies now lying on the carpet of the living room. "Hisao?" "Yes, Lilly?" "Thank you." "For what?" "For loving me more than anyone else in the world." Within a moment of those final words, the sound of slumber arises from her. Her nude body lays beside mine and has been overcome with sleep, something that is slowly starting to take me over as well. Before I manage to fall into the darkness of slumber, I give the woman beside me one final look. All I can do is smile.