Stray Shot limply trots along the dirt path of the town towards the Embassy. he had just slept for about 12 hours after the events of the night before. He still felt groggy, and his body still felt very tense, but he was thankful for the help that deep sleep brought. Last night he had found a hollowed out trunk of a tree where a large branch fell off. He turned it into a makeshift tent, sleeping in a ball shape with his tail curled around him. Nevertheless, the events of the last couple of days had left the stallion alertly darting his eyes in every which direction as he travelled, the horrors of the monster from yesterday still making his stomach churn. It all only underscored the urgency to complete the mission Stray Shot had been trying to complete since he appeared in Equestria: try to get back to Earth >Curiosity lifted her gaze from the tools she was holding to look at the pony approaching the embassy's entrance. She didn't fail to recognize him on the distance; having had stalked him over the last three days had paid off on interesting ways. Relating his presence with entertainment, her expression softened and became happy. However, she didn't move from the crate where she was sitting, patient due to the damage done to her last night, evident on the broad bandages around her midsection. >SS spots @Bit from a ways off as the horsebird was almost frantically scanning the area in front of him, noting the location of any particular person he sees and monitoring it. Seeing Bit wave at him, he forces a slight smile and waves back with a wing as he breaks from his targeted path and goes over to where @Curiosity rest on the crate. The smile on his face immediately falls to a more glum, businesslike expression as he addresses Cury. "Come on, we gotta get your bandages changed. If they're not dirty, dirty 'em up, cause I need an excuse to get in there and talk to these Equestrians about getting back home." >Curiosity opted to entirely put down the piece of wood and charcoal she was holding. On the semi rectangular plank was scrawled 'Fock off my swamp'. Instead of using magic to maneuver the piece of coal, the mare had been holding it with a hoof. Stray's request came in good time; she only had to drag and push the dirty limb on the bandages to fulfill the request. "You have to carry me." Softly stated the mare, extending her hooves towards Stray like a toddler to her mom. "And you have to make ambulance noises." >Stray Shot watches with a smirk as the mare soiled her bandages, glancing at the Embassy with a mischevious smirk. He rolls his eyes and sighs at Cury's demands, at least relenting enough to grab her hooves and heave the injured pony onto his back. Although his facial expression doesn't show it, she can tell that he is indeed handling her with some element of compassion. When he gets her ontop of his back and situated, he looks behind him to the mare on his back with a blank expression, as if trying to decide if she actually wanted him to make ambulance noises or not >Stray shrugs and realizes that making siren noises will make him not have to talk to anyone he might happen to pass, and starts trotting towards the medical tent going "WEE WOO! WEE WOO! WEE WOO!" >oofed as she was helped to be in tow of the stallion, but he had a firm back and her lithe figure found it easy to lay across it, hugging his neck. The look he gave her was met with a sunny smile which grew onto a wide grin and laughter when the noises started. Quickly putting on her role of injured, the mare wailed and feigned to be in pain, squirming every so often until the baffled staff of the clinic stopped them and demanded an explanation. "I busted my mummy disguise, help please!" >As Stray Shot bursts through the flap of the medical tent, the startled Equestrian staff's expressions of surprise and confusion soon turn to a collective deadpan at the humans. Stray stops in place as he approaches the makeshift front desk, with the Equestrian unicorn mare staffing it looking none-too-pleased. Stray Shot clears his throat from all the siren noise making and takes a deep breath before addressing the Equestrian medic, who also appeared fed up with the shenanigans. "Uh... she needs new bandages. They got dirty. >The medic sighs and shakes his head, motioning for a staffer to roll up a stretcher. "Put her on here. We'll just change out these bandages real quick" The Equestrian says with emphasis on the last two words >Stray Shot obeys, tilting to the side to allow @Curiosity to climb onto the rolling cot. "Now wait a minute, I had a physics question too. They told us when we got here that there were advisors for that sort of thing." The stallion states in an even tone, his expression reflecting genuine need. >The mare at the front desk looks at the medic, who was now preparing to change out Cury's bandages, and sighs, "Alright, I'll go get Cosmo," she says with a total lack of enthusiasm >The medic looks up from carefully removing Cury's bandages to the front desk mare who is now heading for the door. "Cosmo?" he asks in a whiney voice. "Does it have to be him?" >The mare nodnods as she exits the tent through the flap. "Yep! He's the only one with a PhD in that sort of thing." >Curiosity yayed for herself. New bandages meant she could ask to keep the old ones, or at least snatch them if the doctor was distracted. "Okay Orange, I'll be fine! Thanks for the help." She said, waving to Stray as a manner of sending him on his way. >Stray Shot watches as the medic rolls Curiosity to the other side of the tent, but her words make Stray tilt his head. "Uh... I think I'll just be right here." He quietly sits on his haunches, assuming the secretary would be back with who he needed to talk to >The medic hums some Canterlot-type opera tune to himself as the unicorn uses his magic to take off Curiosity's bandages and place them in the TRASH CAN next to the cot. >Stray Shot sits patiently by the entrance of the tent, the stallion leaning his back up against the wall of the tent and staring at nothing on the other side >It's only about a minute before the secretary mare returns with another pony in tow. The workers of the tent all look up from what they're doing at the fellow Equestrian that just entered >The physicist was a deep-blue coated unicorn stallion with coke-bottle-thick rimmed glasses. He had an orange afro that nearly reached the roof of the tent, and the only clothing the scholarly stallion was wearing was a polka dot yellow bow-tie. >Stray Shot did his best to stifle a smirk >Cury looked with disdain how the doctor discarded the dirty bandages. The song he hummed gave her a reason to talk, "Doctor do you like operas? Do you know what are those?" She asked with feigned interest. >"Yes, yes, you have summoned me?" the professor says with pursed lips to everyone in the room, taking the seat at the desk of the secretary, much to her dismay >Stray Shot couldn't help but notice that the blue unicorn vaguely resembled an exaggerated Albert Einstein, but he pushes the thought out of his mind. The stranger professor gazes around the room with his bug-eye glasses, his eyes fixating on @Curiosity momentarily before grimacing at the sight of the injured, soiled mare and turning his attention to the secreatary and Stray Shot. >"Who summoned Doctor Cosmo?" He asks in a louder, more demanding voice. >"I did," Stray Shot says as he stands up from leaning against the tent, taking a couple of steps towards the desk Cosmo sat at >Meanwhile, the medic was obviously doing his best to hide his disdain for the eccentric Professor, grinding his teeth with exaggerated focus on Cury's question. "Hm? Oh, that was from the Canterlot Symphony Orchestra. We have lots of operas in Canterlot," he tells Curiosity under his breath before looking at her with genuine interest. "I didn't know humans were familiar with operas..." he muses to himself as he wraps Cury in fresh, clean bandages >Stray Shot leans his hooves on the desk, sitting on his haunches as he regards Dr. Cosmo. "Listen, I don't want to take up much of your time, I just want to know if there's a way to get back to Earth. Is this something anyone's even looking into?" He asks >Dr. Cosmo looks Stray Shot up and down, as if evaluating the pegasus. It almost sounds like he scoffs before addressing Stray. "And just who are you? That's not the right question to even be asking, young one," he admonishes like a haughty professor >Oh great, he really is a college professor...' Stray Shot thinks to himself as he sighs. "Stray Shot. I'm a human, from Earth. And I'm ready to get back now. I'm not the only one, you know." >Dr. Cosmo's tail wags behind him as he leans forward on the desk with an amused smile, his huge afro looking like it was about to roll off the rop of his head. "Like I said, Stray Shot, that's not the right question to be asking, though it's an interesting one," the professor explained, becoming visibly excited at the opportunity to lecture a captive audience on his recent work. >Stray Shot silently sits back in the chair opposite the front desk, gesturing with his hooves for the PhD Pony to keep going Doctor Cosmos clears his throat, closing his eyes as he begins to go on in a monotone, lecturing voice like that of a profressor with an hour and fifty minutes of class time. "The correct question to be asking is, 'How did you get here?' You see, it will be impossible for anypony to discover or invent some way of travel between this world and the one you hail from until we discover and understand exactly what caused such a massive number of humans from another dimension to, seemingly inexplicably, be transformed into a being of our world and transferred to random locations in Equestria." The professor stops to take a sip of tea that the secretary had previously been sipping on, causing the secretary mare to grumble and go off to make another pot of tea. >He takes a deep breath through his nostrils, savoring the tea before nodding to Stray Shot. "To answer your other question, yes, this event has caused a great deal of interest in the scientific community in Canterlot and across Equestria. For instance, I am the detached physicist from the Royal University of Canterlot's Physics and Astrophysics Department. Even with all of our current effots, the only thing we can safely assume to know about this cosmic event is that is wherever you came from, it was seperated by vast, VERY vast, distances of space, and therefore time." >Stray Shot's curious expression quickly falls to one of dissapointment, and then suspicion. Did this scholar have some reason to propagate falsehoods about the humans' situation? Then again, the only thing he really told him was that it involved vast distances of space and time, which was probably safe to say from any standpoint. >Stray Shot frowns at the professor, gesturing with his hooves. "There's got to be a way for me to find a way back though, right? I mean, if it happened once, can't it happen again in reverse?" Stray is on the edge of his seat by the end up his last question. "I have at least one member of my family I'd like to see again!" >Dr. Cosmos regards the former-human with a certain academic detachment, raising an eyebrow. "You're talking about cheating time and space, human. I've heard your people are resourceful, but I doubt that much so," >Stray Shot scowls at Dr. Cosmo. He felt tingling in the tips of his hooves, and he took a couple of deep breaths to try to help not to freak out about the fact that he was stranded in another dimension. "Alright," he says impatiently, clopping his hooves on the desk before standing up on his hooves. "Thanks for explaining, doctor," he forces himself to say, even though he felt like punching him. Stray had the self awareness to see that it was the professor's answer that upset him, and that compounded with the scholar's obnoxiousness made him want to hurt him. >Stray Shot briskly makes his way over to Cury, who had just had her bandages exchanged for fresh ones. He hurriedly helps the mare onto his back as Cury snatches the dirty bandages from the trash can, much to the medic's bewilderment. Stray and Cury quickly exit the Embassy without much more word, the stallion eager to get away.