>Have Anon be gripping your throat >Slowly but surely you are running out of breath >He stares into you with the fury of one thousand suns. >You are unable to recollect how you might have gotten him like this. >As of right now, you are only concerned with when you will be able to breath again. >The panic building in you from his anger, and the crowd gathering around you two, has rendered you unable to register what he has been saying. >He is nearly frothing at the mouth now. >Pathetic pleas and cries escape your trembling lips. >Right as you are about slip into darkness he spits in your face and lets go. >Your legs catch you, still in panic mode you run. >Pushing through the crowd easily enough you just run on. >Putting as much distance between you and Anon as you can, you now seek a place to hide. >You spot a bathroom to your immediate left and dash into it. >Rushing in you claw at the first stall there is in attempts to get in it and hide. >Upon opening it you see some one else in it. >It's a chimera girl. >She's doing something with her snake tail you notice. >Before you can further evaluate what it is she's doing, she punches you in the gut and you stumble back. >Landing against the wall you just slink down against it gripping your now bruised gut. >As you are about crawl to the door and get out, another somebody rushes in. >She immediately starts propping stuff against the door to hold it shut. >She runs over to the trash can next to you and grabs it, ignoring that your there. >The trash can being metal seems like it should hold against the door well you think. >Once she is satisfied with her barricading she takes a deep breath and sighs. >She turns to you and examines the room. >You finally take a deep breath too, now that you've settled down a little. >Its the elementary bathroom at the far side of the lunch hall. A small one, single stall with two sinks and a mirror in the ceiling corner. >The girl who just rushed in has fuzzy lion-like legs, thick clawed hands, a set of wings, and an playful look on her face. >"See something you like white bottom?" She asks. >You fumble out spaghetti still working on your uncased tension from earlier. >The chimera girl in the stall flushes the toilet and steps out of the stall, she looks to you then the other girl. >The snake tail looks around between you two as well. >You face the wall, curl up into the fetal position, hugging your knees tightly to your chest, and quietly sob. >"What's his problem?" The harpie girl asks. >The chimera girl doesn't respond right away, "... I-i don't know..." >There is another moment of silence before the harpie speaks again, "Looks like you were ...uhh... getting intimate." >The chimera gasps and swings her fists at the harpie, "N-n-no! No No no NO!" >"Simmer down kid, what's it really matter to me what you two are doing." The harpie holds the chimera at arm's distance. >"We weren't we weren't! I don't... I DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM!" Before the chimera can yell even louder, the harpie silences her. >There are loud and heavy foot steps outside the door that stop. >The moment rolls over slowly like a massive rock before finally passing. >The footsteps move on down the hall. >The harpie sighs, "I'm not in the clear yet. If you keep your mouth shut a little longer then we get out of here all the sooner." >She removes her hand from the chimera's mouth, "I don't know him! I dont!" >"Fine whatever, just keep it low for now, we clear?" >"Y-yeah..." >There is another moment of silence before they decide to sit down against the wall and relax. >The harpie has a backpack with some snacks in it and is now sharing one of them with the chimera at the other side of the room. >"So, what did I walk into here? You and white bottom hanging out in the kids bathroom, or something?" >"N-no... I don't know him actually. Uhh...like I had said before." >"All right alrighty. I get it." The harpie turns her next question to you, "Did you have the mystery meat, dude? I'd feel pretty terrible after eating that crap too." >You just sniffle there in the corner, trying to compose yourself is hard. >The harpie scoffs to herself, followed by another moment of silence between you two. >"Oh! M-my name is Kimmy," The chimera says breaking the silence. >Her snake tail pokes out and actually speaks up too, "Mera~ Sssss" >"Oh hey yeah! The name's Alex! I'm the sphinx that just transferred here." >Kimmy gasps, "Y-you were the Alex who tossed Muddle trash this morning?" >"I guess so." Alex smirks."The punk was feeling up a some girl that wasn't interested. So I helped her out." >"Ssssservesss him riiight." Mera says. >Kimmy looks up to Alex now with sparkling eyes. >"I actually ran in here because of some bullheaded defenders of that red-bottomed dork were chasing me." She flexes her biceps "I totally could have taken them if there weren't so many of them. I'm only one girl unfortunately." >You've finally stopped snivelling, feeling relieved in the thought that you might have someone to defend you. >But you still have to ask her to do that actually. >Frozen in uncertainty, you don't realize the girls are standing over you. >You flinch and cower when you suddenly realize them. >"Perhapssss he merely he hid away a ssssscare?" >"Does your tail, like, speak for you or have a mind of its own?" Mera snips at Alex. >"She has a mind of her own. And doesn't like being called an 'it'. I can't apologize for her. She does and says what she wants some times." >"Yeesh! Okay sorry.... Mera." Alex looks to the snake tail, locking eyes with it. >You look up at Alex, her short white hair with purple tips atop her tough evenly tanned skin holding to her gruff expressions on a petite yet firm and strong set of shoulders leading further down to her thick muscular arms into her proportionally enormous forearms that dangle themselves above you with a mystic wonder. >"You think Alex is really cool too, huh?" Kimmy says an inch from your ear. >You blush frozen in a new sense of fear. >You don't want Alex to think you are checking her out or anything. >You just cover you face with your hands. >Alex looks from the snake to you again, "So what's your name white tail?" "S-s-Simmer" You say through your hands. >"Didn't quite catch that?" Alex leans in. "s-simmer" You mutter louder. >Alex leans in really close, "What was it" >Before you can mutter again you feel something tickling your inner thigh, this causes you to giggle out in surprise spitting fire. >Alex reels back as the blue flames coming from you only barely miss her. >She laughs out, "Now there's some gusto!" >Staring up at her laughing even though you burned her stirs something within you. >You sit up and look at her, she's still laughing. >Kimmy has fallen back laughing too. >Normally kids laughing before you would frighten you, but these girls aren't laughing at you. "My name is Simmer." >Alex settles down, "Good to meet ya Simmer. Don't worry about that bit you caught me with. It looks like the last thing you need is for me to get you with eye for an eye." >She continues, "You must have it pretty rough with how shell shocked you were for so long. But you know, right there, what I saw is that flame, a burning spirit still raging within you. A spark that will never go out. Kindle that flame Simmer." >You feel something trickling down your cheek, catching it you hand, you find its a tear. >Nobody has ever said something like that to you before. >Without thinking you reach out and wrap your arms around the girl. >You hold there for a moment before Alex pries you off of her. >"Don't get so huggy, you have to earn those," She says to your face now. >Standing up to meet her, you have a new found strength in your legs. The feeling of butterflies in your stomach makes you feel like your on air now. >Kimmy stands up too smiling. >Alex asks you, "So Simmer, now that you've come to, what brings you to this make shift hide out? You were here before me, so what's up with that?" "Oh okay, well..." You take a moment to remember."I was enjoying the lunch break with Ivy when..." You pause. "When Anon came up to me and started yelling..." >Your smile turns back into a frown. >Alex and Kimmy watch you intently. "He just kept yelling and getting angry and angrier. I don't know what I was doing today to get him like that. Th-then he grabbed my neck and squeezed really hard and... " Slumping down, "...I ran here... afraid." >Before you slump down lower Alex's clawed hand rests upon your shoulder, "Don't you let Anon get to you, I'll make sure he never hurts you again. You're my friend now, and as a friend, I'll keep you safe under my wing." >You look up to her, latching on to her with another hug. >You hold it for a moment again, but Alex doesn't stop you so soon. >She lets you hold it, and have a just a moment. >Still frothing at the mouth Anon stands before you, his goons disbursing the crowd gathered the moment before. >Various pony teachers move in to manage the scene as well. >Anon just wipes his mouth and pulls you along. >You follow him out of the mass and on towards your next class. >Your next class doesn't start for another five minutes, but you guess it's better than being tardy. >Finally outside the classroom, you both stop and wait. >Anon often does this with you, when ever some boy comes near you. >You really don't like why he does what he does sometimes, but you can't really stop him when he does it. >Anon has kept many boys away from you. These boys whom of which you've only wanted to be friends with. >Hotshot is does these cool skateboarding tricks that you would like to watch him do, if only Anon didn't always have to loosen his trucks. >Jay practices mixing his music tracks out in the yard, if only Anon's friend Pogo didn't always download pornography to his laptop device. >Herc is really fun to watch lift weights, he has this routine he does like his dad where in which he yells after each set, if only Anon's friend Icarus didn't always put laxatives in his sports drinks. >Fraise makes candied treats in the HomeEc room during the free time it smells really good when you stop by to wait for a batch, if only Anon's friend Pogo didn't have to throw so much extra sugar into the mixes and rewrite the ounces in the cook books. >Mason would be fun to hang out with you think, if only Anon's friend Little Mac didn't get him explaining on tangent about the politics of multiversal school districts and town zoning around a boarding school academy. >You look down at the ground now, you see Anon has slumped down resting his head on his forearms that he has bridged on his knees. >Slumping down next to him you sit resting your hands on your lap and look out the nearest window. >You still have to thank Anon for being there for you. >He's practically a brother, and his friends are like the family you never had. >Especially since Dad and Timber have passed, you really can't be more grateful to him for his efforts to show he cares.