>You've been with Fluttershy for about a year >When you first met her, she was the most beautiful mare you have ever seen >You could of sworn she was an angel >It was a miracle when you found out her feelings were even stronger towards you >"I found my true love at such a young age, oh I'm so very happy" she would say to her friends >A year after you two "fell in love" she moved into your tiny apartment with you >It was then you noticed little habits she had >They were cute at first but now they're becoming annoying >She would sing far too loud while cooking in the mornings and it'd wake you up >There is always animal shit in the bedroom by the windows >She always spoke too fucking quiet >You love her, but she pisses you the fuck off at times >One day you notice >Fluttershy loves you far too much to ever leave you >You wonder for a while what it'd be like to just..smack her >Give her a good beating the next time she leaves her animals shit in your room >You can hear her in the kitchen now >She's singing insanely loud >Something about music in the trees >You get up and walk to her "Fluttershy can you give it a fucking rest?!" >She turns to you, her wings flapping >"Oh wh- goodness, I'm sorry anon. Do you want me to sing something else?" "I want you to give it a freaking rest for once >"Give what a rest?" "You're constant singing!" >Shes pissing you off now >Shes such a fucking idiot sometimes >"Oh I'm so very sorry anon, I didn't mean to upset you...can I at least hum?" "...I guess thats okay" >You turn to walk and she starts singing AGAIN >Thats it >You turn and give her a good clean blow to the head >She falls back and bangs into the wall and falls to the floor >She looks up at you with big big eyes and covers her head >"Y-...You hit me..." >You keep glaring down at her, feeling more powerful than ever >You take a step towards her >She flinches >You never knew how entertaining this is >She really does look scared though >Holy shit what am I doing >You step back >You can't believe you just struck her >You forgot for a moment that you were so in love with her >You're still standing over your cowering loved one >You let out a little flustered sound and turn and leave >You go into your room and slam the door "Oh my god what do I do..." >You think up excuses in your head to try and justify this >You remember all the things that she does that pisses you off >You come to the conclusion that you're just correcting her >You love her, she must know that by now >You come back out and see Fluttershy putting away the things she knocked over when you hit her >You see her and she is silently crying >You feel like shit now >You get down on your knees next to her so your at better eye level >She winces a bit "I-I'm sorry Fluttershy...I don't know what happened" >"A-..are you REALLY sorry?" >You nod >She gives you a soft smile >"Well then... I guess its okay. Everyone makes mistakes >She gives you a hug >You hug back >You know this isn't the only time you'll be hitting her >Part of you suddenly craves it >Part of you feels like shit about this >Who would smack someone they love? >You're sitting on the couch >Fluttershy seems distant but she still speaks to you >"Um...Anon?" "mm?" >"Oh um..if its not..t-too much trouble.... um.." "Spit it out." >You notice how sour you sound "Ahem..uh..yes what is it, love?" >God you sound awkward >"Um..is it okay if...um...well this mouse um..broke his leg and um...is it okay if it sleeps in this tiny bed I made for him in our room? Oh but if you don't want to tha-thats fine too.." "You're going to let a wild animal stay in my room?" >"H-He won't take up space i mean...oh...um.." >Why would she bring a wild animal in the house? >This thing could bite you or even her while you two sleep >Why would she even ask something that stupid she should of known the answer would of been no "...Wh- why would you even ask? No! Of coures not! Its a dirty animal" >"Wh- he is NOT dirty..." "How do you know he doesn't have fucking rabies?" >"I...I think I'd know.." "How? Huh? Tell me." >How can she be so stupid >You feel your anger swelling >"H-he's not...he doesn't have it.." >Her head it lowered >You feel that urge to hit her again >Telling her off doesn't seem to be working >"H-he'll only be here for a few nights..." "What!? Nights?! A few?! No way." >She's not listening >You don't want to hit her >But you still do >Nothing too hard >A backhand across the face "Fucking listen!" >She flinches and lets out a tiny cry as her head cocks to the side >You didn't really mean to hit her that hard >"I-I'm sorry anon I'm sorry..I-I'll go take him outside now.." >Shes on the verge of tears as she runs to your room >You hear her slam the door behind her >You hear her muffled cries "I don't like hitting you y'know!" >You snap back at her through the walls >You feel a lump in your throat "...I don't like hitting you..." >You share a bed with Fluttershy >She’s not cuddling with you tonight >You two lie on farthest ends of the mattress >She is an arms length away but feels as distant as the moon >It feels more cold than anything >You'd always feel smothered or way too hot when you cuddle her >Plus some of her mane would always get in your mouth >Being too hot, having hair in your mouth, awkward boners >Everything that naturally comes with spooning someone as beautiful as Fluttershy >You ponder about all the times you’ve hit her but you haven’t verbally damaged her >You couldn’t call her ugly, that’d be a straight up lie >Ignorant and dumb maybe >She clearly doesn't want to cuddle >It feels weird >Its an empty feeling >Empty and of course, cold >You look to the back of Fluttershy's head >She looks like she's shaking >You go to put your arm around her >She flinches >For some reason this irritates you >She always wants to cuddle, whats her problem tonight? "What? I'm not aloud to cuddle you anymore or something?" >”I..I don’t want to snuggle right now...” >You sigh angrily “Whats your problem Fluttershy?” >”....nothing.” >She is facing away from you as she speaks “Can you look at me when you speak to me?” >She shutters and slowly rolls over >In the dark of the night you can still see the physical mark on her face from the last time you struck her >You think to yourself “Evidence, shit I could get in serious trouble for this” >What? >Why are you worrying about yourself in this situation, Fluttershy is clearly mentally and physically injured >The thought keeps popping in your head >What would happen if she tells on you >You need to think of a way out of this >You put your arm around and apologize to her like always >Like always she forgives you >You wake up >Fluttershy isn't there >She must be out >Why hasn't she told you she was leaving? >You frown at the thought she'd just up and leave >What could she be doing thats so important that she can't tell you before she's leaving >You sit up and rub your eyes >You get up and go to the kitchen >No breakfast made, no dishes clean >Does she expect you to do this? >I mean, you WOULD but you have work and stuff >Its not your fault >You two agreed at the start of the relationship that you'd provide the money and house and everything >All she needs to do is cook and clean >Its reasonable, you do your job so why can she do hers >You sigh, skip breakfast and go to work >Usual work day >Come home early >Dishes still not done, still no food prepared, still no Fluttershy >You let out a little angry sound and start cleaning "Fucking...work constantly I don't need this shit..." >You hear the door open >You walk out to see who it is >Its Fluttershy >"U-uh...oh A-Anon, I...you're home early um...let me get dinner starte-" "And where were you?!" >"Um...T-Twilight needed my animals for a spell and um...oh I couldn't let those poor angels to to her without me there so...um..." "So what? You care more about those filthy animals than me?" >"N-No of course not I-" "Then you must like Twilight more than me." >"Wh- huh? What are you implying, dear?" "I let you live here, I buy you food, buy you nice things, I do so much for you and you have the nerve to do leave out your half? >"I-...I was going to-" "Can you stop fucking mumbling?! I can't hear you!" >"I-...I..." "What?! I cant hear you!" >"Anon I re-" "What?!" >She tops trying to apologize or make up excuses >She's asking for it now >How can she have the gut to go against the rules but doesn't have the guts to give a reasonable answer >And like that, Fluttershy cries >She doesn't run, she doesn't turn her head, she just stands there crying >It pisses you off more >Why the fuck is she crying? >Because you caught her? >This isn't the first time she's left to go help the animals instead of here, with you, her significant other "I can't fucking believe you're crying...." >"Y-...you're mean...." "wh- Mean?! How is paying for all your food, letting you live here, buying you cute clothes, working so YOU DON'T HAVE TO mean?!" >You know you already brought it up but you feel like she can't seem to process all you sacrifice for her >"I-...I understand I'm sorry I'm sorry..." >The fuck, she's apologizing? "I didn't ask for an apology! I asked if you care more about those filthy animals than me!" >"I...I..." >She's not listening >You can't resist >You hit her across the face like you've done before >She screams and falls to the side >"I-I'm sorry...I'm sorry..I'm sorry..." >She keeps muttering "Oh my god! I'm not asking for an apology! Just answer me, damnit!" >Holy shit she's pissing you off beyond reason >You raise you hand again >But this time, she flinches >Her eyes open and she looks up at you with her big eyes >And you remember for a moment >She's absolutely beautiful >You pause, hand still in the air >You slowly lower it back down limply "....get up..." >She doesn't miss a beat obeying you >She instantly stands up, sniffling "I...I'm sorry..." >She sniffles and rubs the spot where you hit her, a nice round bruise would form there sooner or later >Fuck, more evidence >You're nice to her every other time, you only hit her when she pisses you off beyond belief >You feel like shit afterwards so you can't be that bad >Right? >Fluttershy stumbles to the kitchen, still quietly crying >You don't follow >You need to make her forgive you >You decide to go out and buy her something >That should stop her from even considering hating you