>Be Purple Smartest pony of Princess. >English is hard. >After a small visit with Princess Celestia, you begin trotting through Canterlot to go see your coltfriend. >"Oh Anon, stop!" you hear to your left. >Looking over, you see Anonymous. >Your first reaction was to wave and greet him. >But looking closer, you see him holding a mare's hoof and whispering things, causing her to blush and giggle. >You forgot about Anonymous... who is he with...? >That long, thin body... >The pink mane and tail, with a white stripe. >"Anonymous! We're in public~" she whispers. >Looking around, you didn't notice that you had approached them. >Doesn't seem like they noticed you. Turning around, you begin trotting away nervously. >Before turning the corner, you take one last look, only to see them sharing a kiss. >Your heart skips a beat as you trot away slowly... >Day spying on Anonymous. >You are a Princess, and you will do what you please! >You can't stand Flash anymore, he's just not what you wanted. >Sure he's nice, charming, and comes from a wealthy family... >But he's not Anonymous. >Anon treated you like a Princess before you became one... >The memories of Anonymous helping you learn to fly... >He always had the best advice... >Maybe you could talk to him... ask him for advice again. >Yeah, that sounds like a great idea! >Moving from your spot, you float down to Anon's door. "Okay, just knock on the door and say you need some advice and want to talk... you can do this Twilight." >Motivational speech doesn't help, but you raise your hoof to knock regardless. >What stops you is the moans you begin to hear. >You knew that mare was here but... >T-that’s fine... stallions don't last long... >A minute passes. >Anonymous isn't a stallion... >He's told you of human stamina.... >Another minute passes as you listen to Anonymous and his... m-mare friend go at it. >The door next door opens with a Pegasus walking out. >"Oh, Princess Twilight!" >Putting on your best poker-face, you move away from the door. "H-hello," you greet the mare. >"Need to talk to Anonymous? By the sounds of it, they just started. There's no telling when they will be finished, could be now, or a couple minutes from now. That mare is lucky to have that stallion, just the other day he took time out of his day just to help me move some boxes." >Listening to this, you quickly excuse yourself, apologizing as you leave. >W-what have you done? >"Is something wrong?" Flash asks you. >Snapping out of it, you look at him. "No no, everything is fine." >"You haven't touched your food..." >Looking around, you're in a rather fancy restaurant. >You think Rarity told you it's the most expensive place in Canterlot. >Taking a small bite of your salad, you give him a small smile. >The look on his face tells you he doesn't buy it. >"Look, I can tell something is wrong. How about we finish our meal and I'll walk you to the Castle?" >You nod your head in agreement, eating your meal quietly. >With Flash leaving the castle, you head outside onto your balcony to get some fresh air. >Looking at the stars, you silently compliment Luna on her work. "Is any of this right?" you whisper to yourself. >You haven't talked to Anonymous for months.... >Yet he's all you can think about. >With a sigh, you look below you to check out the flowers. "What's that?" you say to yourself as you pick yourself up to get a better look. >It's Anonymous! >Getting excited, you get ready to race down there... >At least until that mare comes into view, approaching him rather slowly. >"A-anonymous... I got your letter... are you alright?" >Watching this play out, Anonymous turns his head. >He looks rather sad... is he unhappy?! >Did she hurt him in some way?! >That horse! You'll have her thrown in a dungeon! >"Yes, I need to talk to you." his voice is ragged, as if he's been crying. >"My love, what is wrong?" the mare approaches him. >The words strike deep. It stings, but you continue eavesdropping. >"I-I don't know if I can do this anymore," he stutters out. "Oh my gosh oh my gosh," you whisper to yourself. >"W-what do you mean?" the mare nervously asks, completely caught off guard. >You want to get up and tell her to beat it, tell her she can't hurt Anonymous anymore. >You want to take Anonymous for yourself and apologize, and just talk to him. >"I can't stand not having you in my life." "What..." you whisper. >"The moments we are apart feel like ages," Anonymous's frown flips upside-down instantly as if Pinkie told him a joke. >He kneels forward, producing a small black box. >"We have only known each other for a few months, and maybe I'm jumping the gun here, but- I would be lying if I said I didn't love you." >He opens the box, revealing an amazing diamond ring. >"Fleur, will you marry me?" Anonymous is visibly shaking. >You can tell he cracked under the pressure, and jumped straight to the end of his speech. >The mare almost knocks Anonymous over screaming, "Yes! Yes!" >It's as if a mirror is cracking behind you. >You lose control of your hooves, falling to the ground. The only thing you can do is curl up into a ball and begin to cry. Month later >"Twilight, you got a letter." >Taking the letter from Princess Celestia, you see who it's from. "A-anonymous..." your hooves begin to shake. >Taking a seat, you rip into the letter. >It's an invitation to his wedding... >You don't say anything as you drop everything. >Bringing your hooves back up, you manage to carry yourself back to your room where you curl up with you Smarty Pants doll. Two weeks later >You are eating dinner with Flash. >It's a simple salad and such, but it's fine, you don't need anything fancy. >Flash takes a quick sip of his water before pulling out a letter. >"I got a letter from your Anonymous friend, wanting to know if you will be at his wedding." >Your magical grasp on your fork fails, causing it to bounce off the table and onto the floor. >Taking a quick breather, you recompose yourself and pick up your fork, setting it on the table. "I uh... I guess I can make an appearance." you giggle nervously. >"Are you alright? No offense, but every time your friend Anonymous is brought up, you kinda..." >Oh no... he knows... >"Kinda go into panic mode," >You can feel some of your hair split off and go in random directions. >"I'll be honest, I've noticed I'm not the giant star in your eyes..." >The only sound in the room is Flash playing with his hooves. >"Sorry, this wasn't the best time to bring it up..." >You''re at a loss for words, unsure if you're happy or sad... "I-I'm sorry," is all you manage to choke out. >Flash shakes his head. >"Don't be, Cadence said she saw something in us... Maybe she was wrong." >All you can do is watch as he stands up and looks at you. >"I hate to be the one to do this," he chokes out. >"But maybe it might be best if we were just friends." He wastes no time in picking up the plate, causing it to rattle as he took it to the kitchen. >You like Flash... >It hurts to watch him go... >But what do you say? >'Stop! I'm sorry, I'll forget about Anonymous!' >You would just be lying to him... >You've lied and hid it enough, you just sigh as you mull over what just happened. Two more weeks later >You dreaded getting up this morning. >Dreaded getting dressed to go out. >But what you dreaded the most, was arriving at Anonymous's wedding... >Alone. >Why are you doing this to yourself? >Just say you can't make it, say you have the stomach flu of some kind. >But you didn't, so here you are, in the same hall your brother got married. >No one has seen the bride or the groom. >Most of those who are attending the wedding are those Anonymous considers friends or family. >Strangely enough, you don't see any p0ny you don't know. >Maybe she doesn't have that many friends? >Surely she would have some kind of family. >Glancing at the clock, you take a seat next to Cadence. >Looking at her, you can tell something is wrong with her. >She always gets giddy during weddings. >You hope she doesn't hold it against Anonymous for the way you feel. >You told her everything, she helped you through the rough times and said it would be okay. >Both of you knew what she was saying was empty, no one knew that. >The room goes silent as music begins to play. >Why are they starting? Anonymous isn't even up there. >Whispers begin quickly. >"Something isn't right..." Cadence trails off as she looks out the windows. >Is this some kind of human tradition? >Eventually, the music stops, as a brown stallion climbs onto the stage. >”I-I um...” you can tell he's not good with crowds. >”I-I'm sorry to say, but the wedding is postponed until further notice.” >Cadence's mood doesn't change, as she stays in her seat. >Something is wrong, why is it postponed? Is Anonymous hurt? >Getting up, you rush to the stallion. “Excuse me,” you say loud enough to grab his attention. >He does a small bow, “Princess Twilight, how m-may I help you?” he stutters. “Yes, why was the wedding canceled? Where's Anonymous.” >”I'm sorry, I have no idea why, but Anonymous is on the balcony, top floor.” >Wasting no time, you quickly rush up the stairs and begin searching the balconies. >Eventually you run into Cadence once again, who is staring out of one of the balconies. >Following her gaze, you find Anonymous... with a bottle in his hand. >You can only watch as he takes a rather large drink of the bottle, before hanging his arm down again. “I-is he okay?” you whisper. >”I don't know...” “M-maybe he needs a friend to talk to... you should go talk to him.” >Cadence looks at you, confused. >”Me? You are much closer to him.” “I haven't spoken to him for months! I doubt he considers me a friend.” you look down and fiddle with your hooves. >”Twilight, we didn't talk for years and we still considered each other friends.” “I-I don't know, I'll go get Rainbow Dash.” >”Twilight, months of trying to talk to him and you're going to give up on your one chance?” Cadence lifts your face to look at him. >”I'm sure he could use a friend right now.” >Your gut turns inside-out as you begin to slowly approach the balcony. >'You can do this' you say to yourself. >Opening the door and walking outside, Anonymous makes no action to see who it is. “Anonymous?” you say quietly. >All he does is sigh. >”Go home Twilight, didn't you hear? The wedding is postponed.” >Silence, you can't think of anything to say. >”Thank you for coming.” “Huh?” >”Thanks, for coming... even if I'm not getting married...” >You can't think of anything to say, so instead you just sit with Anonymous, looking out over the Canterlot gardens. >Time passes as ponies seem to leave in a hurry. With no reason to be here, most of them split. >But you have one question on your mind, a big one. “Anon, why was it canceled?” >Silence... but he lifts his hand and points a finger out towards the garden. >Curious, you follow it. >Squinting, you spot a couple on a bench, but you can't make out who. >”That's her...” >Looking at the couple, you can see the features of the mare, but you can't make out who the stallion is. >”Think she even knows I'm watching, or has any sense of time?” Anonymous hurls the bottle in the direction of his fiancé. The distance is impressive as it shatters on a tree overhead, startling them. “I'm so sorry Anon-” >”Don't say it.” he interrupts you. >”Just... it hurts, you know?” Anonymous fiddles with his hands, popping each knuckle. >”I lost you to that Flash guy... and now Fleur, to some Prince from another family... Seems like all she wanted was a trophy husband, and ya can't beat Royalty..." >Your heart skips a beat as it begins to go into over-drive. >”I guess it really wasn't a secret that I had a thing for you, sorry to bring it up now.” >You waste no time. With a flap of your wings, you manage to pounce onto Anonymous, bringing him to the floor. >As your lips touch, you can feel your heart begin to race, as your stomach feels like butterflies. >Anonymous wastes no time in breaking the kiss though. >”T-Twilight, you're with Flash-” “Broke up two weeks ago.” you managed to quickly say before sharing another kiss, one neither of you will soon forget.