>Walking through the town, you hum along like nothing is wrong. >Suddenly, you hear a small whisper from the side. You stop, but see nothing. Just as you are about to continue forward, you hear it again, "Psst, Anon." >Now you're really creeped out. "Who's there? God?" >Hearing a commotion in a stack of hay, you see a small purple dragon come out. >"No, its me, Spike." "Jesus Spike, dont fucking scare me like that. I thought you were the thing that sent me here." >"Sorry." "So what’s up?" >"Umm..can we talk?” His voice is trembling, and you can actually see his body shaking. “Dude, you all right?” >At this point, you notice the tears in his eyes, sniffling, he wipes away some snot and nods, “Can we hang out at your house for a bit?” “Sure.” >At your home, you pour a glass of lemonade, and serve it to him. Going to the couch, and tossing yourself on it, you look over at him sitting on the recliner. “So what happened? This looks serious.” >He curls up into a small ball of himself, and begins to shake again. “Spike, man, tell me, did somebody beat you up?” >”No.” “Did you get into a fight with Twilight?” >”No.” >”Was Rarity dating somebody again? C’mon man, she is old enough to see other stallions, its nothing against you.” >”No, it’s not that.” “Well then what man?! You’re fucking worrying me.” >”I don’t know all right!? I just..I did something..to Sweetie Belle.” “…Dude.” >Spike hyperventilates on the recliner, while you sit on the table now in front of him. “Calm down Spike, breathe in, and breathe out. Take it slow.” >Slowly he follows your advice, and controls his breathing. When he reaches to a stop, you offer him the now cool lemonade. “Now tell me what happened.” >Swallowing the drink, he cleans his mouth and sets the glass down, “We were playing, and then I…she…I couldn’t control it.” “Spike, what did you do to Sweetie Belle? Did you hurt her?!” >”No! I’d never hurt her! Its just..when we were playing, I felt weird, and then...my thingy got big.” >Exhaling, you get up and scratch the back of your head. >”Sweetie Belle saw it, and…she tried touching it, but I ran away.” “Fuck me.” >Smacking the side of your body, you walk in circles thinking of what to do. >”You’re a guy, what does this mean?” “Didn’t Twilight tell you anything?” >He looks up at you with those sad, confused eyes, and you exhale before looking to nothing. “Of course she didn’t.” >”I did something bad, didn’t I?” “Yeah, you came to me about it.” >He begins to start crying again. “No, no, no. No more tears, just..just give me a minute.” >”What am I gonna do Anon? Twilight is gonna kill me.” “What do you think she’s gonna do to me?! Man…ok, first, sit down Spike.” >”But..I’m already sitting.” “Well sit down again; because shit is gonna get real awkward.” >Sitting on the table, you look him in the eyes. “Spike, its time I told you about the birds and the bees.” >”The birds and the bees?” “I don’t know what the fuck you guys call it here, but back home, that is when we talk about these types of things. Boy into man, girl into whore, stuff like that.” >”Oh.” “Look, when you and Sweetie were playing, you said you felt weird right?” >”Uh huh.” “Why?” >”I don’t know, we were wrestling, and then something just..happened. It was like I saw seeing her differently, I noticed how she smelled, her body, her mane, and then..” he curls up his legs trying to hide his shame, “Its..its happening again, what do I do?” “Take it easy, that’s called..*sigh* an erection. It’s a perfectly normal, and healthy thing for boys your age.” >”Why?” “It just means you’re starting to notice women for the first time.” >”What do you mean notice?” “Notice them, like, like you find them attractive.” >”But Sweetie Belle is my friend.” “Yes, its, normal to be attracted to friends at first, I mean, you guys get along, have things in common, its only natural. But that doesn’t mean you should be sticking your boner in their faces.” >”….Will it ever go away?” “No. It never does.” >”This sucks!” “Hey, hey, I know it’s not the most convenient thing in the world, but that little guy is gonna be your best friend. You have to take care of him, and deal with its annoyances.” >”Do mares have one too?” “No, god no. They have something else, but, lets just stick to learning about your thing for now. Now, there are gonna be times usually in the morning, where you wake up with that guy. That’s called morning wood, its nothing to be embarrassed about, its just..part of life. There are a few ways to settle it down, cold showers, thinking about something else, and taking care of it.” >”How do you take care of it?” “Let me give you a hint, you can do it by yourself, and you only need your hands. I’m not saying anything else. But, the best, and more often used method, is just thinking about something else.” >”Like what?” “Well, think back to something you did with Snips, and Snails. Just anything that was fun, or stupid, or scary.” >Spike closes his eyes, and strains trying to remember something. A few minutes later, his expression loosens, and he seems more calm, “Hey..that worked! How!?” “Your erection is usually tied to something sexual, like thinking about how Sweetie smelled, or how beautiful Rarity looks.” >You can tell by his expression, that its happening again, “How..ungh!” “Now think back to something else, fight it, don’t let it control you.” >He strains trying to get his urges under control, and seems to have won, panting, he wipes away some of the sweat from his brow, “This is awful.” “Life only gets harder my friend.” >For several moments, neither of you say anything. Rather, you just take in the moment. Suddenly there is a knock at the door, Spike’s heart almost gives out, as he clutches his chest in pain. >”Don’t tell em I’m here.” >Ducking behind the recliner, he pathetically hides while you go to the door. Opening it, you see Rarity and Twilight. >”Where is he?” “Nice to see you too Twi.” >”Don’t play games with me Anon, I’m not in the mood.” >Looking back, you push them outward, and close the door behind you. “Look, just let him spend the night here. He’s going through a lot, and I’m one of the few people he can talk to.” >”He’s MY responsibility; I have to talk to him about this.” “Yeah, as a female, but I know where he is coming from as a man. You guys just can’t really relate, and no offense, but the last thing he needs, is to be berated by girls. It’s hard enough as it is.” >”Anonymous dear, can I speak with him?” “Right now, not a good idea, sorry Rarity.” >”I understand. Just..tell him what he need to know. I already told Sweetie Belle about..boys..it wasn’t easy.” “How’d she take it?” >”Surprisingly well, but..that can wait for another day.” “Sure.” >You look over at Twilight, and give her a reassuring smile. “Just let him spend the night, you can take this time to get some notes ready.” >”Well…I could get a presentation up in that time…fine. I’ll be here to pick him up bright and early, got it?” “Sure.” >Going back inside, you close the door, and Spike comes out of his hiding spot, “What happened? Are they mad at me?” “I don’t think so, but the good news, guy’s night out. What say we order some pizza, get some drinks, watch a movie, and take it easy?” >”All right.” >With the pizza ordered, you made a quick run to the store. Picking up a few 6 packs of assorted soda, you rush back home. Inside, you see Spike getting the living room ready. “Here, take these to the fridge.” >”Ok.” >When he is going over, there is a knock at the door, you go back and open it. There is a stallion with the pizzas you ordered, “2 large pizzas?” “That’s me.” >”10 bits.” “Sure.” >With the transaction complete, you close the door just as Spike returns, “Oh man, just in time, I’m starving.” “Get my paper plates first.” >Spike waddles away, and you set the pizza on the table, opening it up, you pick out the cheesiest, most appealing slices. >By the time he returns, you are eating a slice, when he looks at the box, he realizes what went down, “Anon! I wanted some of those slices.” “That sucks.” >He scrowls before picking the remainder, but you nudge your slices over. “I’m just messin with ya, get whatever ya want.” >”Tsk, you got me.” >Being aware of the situation, you picked out one of the more timid movies for him to watch. It was a western that was either an homage, or a rip-off of Seven Samurai, but was good either way. >However, despite your caution, the movie was all about duty, and the responsibilities of males. Those messages didn’t go unnoticed by Spike. >As the movie comes to a close, Spike sighs, “I’m scared Anon.” “Of what?” >”Of what everyone will think of me, I’m sure everyp0ny in Ponyville knows what happened.” “Nah, I doubt it. You have good friends, and they wouldn’t sell you out like that. Besides, everyone goes through this in one way or another.” >”Even you?” “Even me. You sleepy?” >”Not really.” “Come over, I’m gonna tell you about my first steps into manhood.” >Spike moves over, and sits in front of you. ”So I was in school one day, and I noticed this girl had huge boobs, and the next thing I know, everyone is laughing at me because I have a boner in class.” >”Oh wow.” “Hmm, and that’s just the start, we haven’t even gotten to my first girlfriend.” >Epilogue as Spike >Spike and Sweetie Belle sit on the floor of Carousel Boutique, and play with building blocks. Building a tower, Spike holds it up, while Sweetie sticks in the blocks. >”Hold it…there.” “Whew.” >Spike lets go, and sits on the floor, “Told you we could build it higher than 3 feet.” “All right, all right, I get it. Sweetie smart, Spike dumb.” >”Hahaha.” >The two get quiet for a moment before moving on. “So, what have you been up to?” >”Not much, we tried getting our cutie marks in lawn care, it didn’t work out.” “Oh yeah, Anon told me he’ll be lucky if his grass ever grows back.” >”Is he still mad?” “Not as much as before.” >”Say Spike, I know we’re both changing and everything, but I don’t want to ever stop being friends.” “…Me neither.” >The two awkwardly look at one another before bashfully looking away, “So umm..do you wanna hug?” >Spike can feel that familiar tingle, but closes his eyes and thinks back to when Anon was yelling about his lawn. The tingle is gone now. >Exhaling in relief, he looks back at her, and smiles. “Sure, but first. Hey Twilight! Can we hug?!” >Spike yells to the side, where Rarity and Twilight are sitting and watching, “A hug is fine Spike, just keep those claws by her neck.” >”And do keep your bodies away, no stomach touching.” >Sweetie Belle and Spike both have an awkward laugh, before giving the biggest just-friends hug to one another. Pulling apart, they go back to playing with their blocks. >Today was a small step for a boy, to an eventual giant leap into manhood.