Reunited and It Feels so Good (or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love My Sludgenoid) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cloud Pillar, it was only a short ago that Comet stood atop this building, but to him it felt like an eternity. Since he handed over his brother to Spyglass the last time he was here, his mind has been wracked with guilt. His body moved through the daily motions like a zombie, a shell of his former self while his mind was stuck on what had happened, trying to think of a way to fix what he did or if it could be fixed at all. That was until he received a message from Spyglass telling him to meet her back on the Pillar. Comet's mind cleared, there was only one reason she would be calling him back to that spot, he was finally going to see his brother again. The wait on the roof wasn't as stressful as Comet would have imagined. Now that he knows he'll be seeing his brother again, the guilt over what might have happened has lifted, even if momentarily. These thoughts are disrupted by the sounds of an aircraft approaching. A hover transport comes into view in the distance, one like the ships that surrounded this spot last time. He braces himself mentally and physically as the ship closes in, not knowing what the situation might be with his brother. The ship lands, Spyglass stepping out followed by two soldiers carrying a net. The trio stops a few paces away from Comet, Spyglass standing stoically as the guards set the net down and open it, revealing an unconscious sludgenoid. Comet's bracing falls as he is filled with panic as he rushes over to his comatose brother. "Rokarx!" Comet kneels down aside Rokarx's body, worrying over what happened to him. He turns his head towards Spyglass, glaring in anger. "What did you do to him?!" -"I assure you that, is fine Comet Rush, just like I said. He was merely sedated for the transport." Comet stands up now, facing Spyglass face to face, who is still standing calm and cold. "You didn't need to do that, he wouldn't have done anything!" -"We have rules for moving aliens prisoners, he doesn't get to overpass them." "Prisoner?! You said he'd be sanctioned after all of this, that means he's not a prisoner!" -"If he did his job correctly, we will see." Comet looks down at Rokarx after hearing her words. "So you just brought him here just to take him away again?" -"No, you may take him back today. There are test results waiting to be finalized, so you're not off the hook yet." One of the guards pulls out a large cloak and tosses it to Comet. Comet catches the cloak, and turns his head back to Spyglass. -"Until then, keep him out of sight and tell no one." "...Fine." Comet drapes the cloak over Rokarx, wrapping it around him and then lifting him up onto his back. Comet turns and starts to walk away, stretching out his wings to take flight. -"Goodbye, Comet Rush." Comet stops, pausing a moment, thinking of saying farewell back. He brushes it aside, and jumps into flight, focused on getting Rokarx to safety. The flight is no less guilt-riddled than the wait before, Spyglass' words on the testing meaning they could take him back at any moment if those went wrong. Hopefully they wouldn't. Sitting on the hotel bed, Comet is still full of worry. Its been a few hours since he brought Rokarx here, but he is still unconscious. The flight on the way wasn't as terrible as he would have imagine carrying a wrapped up body on his back, a few odd stares but luckily no one confronted him about it. Seeing the sky outside start to darken, Comet lays down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, hoping his brother was alright. Thought starting to rush back, Rokarx slowly opens his eyes. As his vision starts to focus, he sees the scenery, the walls and ceiling are all different. The last thing he remembered was a soldier approaching him and then everything went dark. He sits up in a panic, tossing a bed-sheet off him. >"W-Wha? Where am I?" He looks down in confusion, seeing the tossed bed sheet, realizing he's in a bed. A vast difference to his last location he remembers. He looks around the room before his eyes fall on Comet, sleeping in a bed across the room. Most of his mind of recent events is a blur, still foggy from his sleep. He feels there's something wrong, something happened to him and Comet. He's also feeling a warm feeling, a new feeling he hasn't felt before. Rokarx steps out of bed, stumbling as his legs still haven't regained full feeling yet. >"B-Brother?" He takes a step forward, but falls to his knees. Comet wakes up at the footsteps, wondering what the sound is he rolls over to see Rokarx is awake, and on the ground. Comet jumps out of bed and runs over to him, helping him back onto his hooves. "Rokarx! You're finally awake, are you okay?" >"I-I'm fine. W-Where am I? What happened?" "We're back at the hotel. And, that's not important right now, you need to take it easy." >"B-but, I feel something big happened, something... bad." Comet lifts a hoof towards Rokarx's bed, gesturing towards it. "Just lie back down, you can barely stand." Rokarx takes a step back, legs still shaky. >"B-But something happened, I-I can't remember, but there was something." Rokarx looks up at Comet as he says that, looking him in the face trying to recall what happened. Nothing comes up, but the odd feeling starts to surface again, his face starting to feel hot. "We can talk later, but a lot has happened. You just need to relax, you just woke up. But, everything will be alright from here on." Rokarx tilts his head in confusion. >"W-What do you mean, what happened?" "Just, I'm going to make sure nothing like that happens again. And, I'm sorry. I can't fix what happened, but I'll do anything to make up for it." Rokarx straightens his head, starting to realize what this feeling is. >"A-Anything?" Comet nods. "Anything." On Comet's confirmation, Rokarx steps forward, and catches Comet by surprise with a quick kiss. Comet's eyes widen and his wings flare up in shock. Rokarx backs up after, and seeing Comet's reaction, tilts his head away in embarrassment. "I, u-uh, I..." Comet is at a loss for words, he didn't expect this kind of reaction at all. He did say he would do anything, but he never expected this is what he would have wanted. >"O-Oh, I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean, i-its just..." The shock starts to fade, and looking at Rokarx standing there embarrassingly stammering looked... cute. >"...I-I had this weird feeling, a-and then you said anyth—" Rokarx's stutters are cut off by Comet, who pulled him into a deep kiss. Rokarx's already weak legs buckle and he nearly collapses, and he would have if it weren't for Comet holding him. After a few seconds, Comet pulls away and smiles at his brother, who is now blushing heavily at Comet's returned affection. >"B-Brother..." "You don't need to explain yourself." >"N-No, its just... d-do you... r-really feel the same way? A-And aren't just doing this b-because you said anything?" "You know, I guess I do feel the same. I just, needed something to make me realize what I cared about." Rokarx squeezes Comet tight in a hug, his wings buzzing happily, causing him to hover off the ground slightly. >"Oh thank you! I'm so glad you feel that way!" "A-Alright, but could you loosen up? You're choking me a little." Rokarx lands back down and let's go of Comet, taking a step back. >"S-Sorry. U-Um, Brother, when you said anything..." "Yes?" >"I-Its, I mean, th-there's still this feeling..." "I understand if you still feel a bit nervous about coming out." >"No, n-not that kind of feeling. I-Its, more physical..." "Physical? What do you— oohhh..." Comet's gaze drifts downward, and he can now see what Rokarx was talking about. Just underneath Rokarx, the tip of his erection is seen, swaying side to side as Rokarx shifts his stance, unsure of how to deal with it. The sight of it causes Comet to blush, and he can't help but smile at Rokarx's comfortableness. "Well, let's take care of that then. And I bet you must be pretty hungry too." >"W-Well that kiss earlier was a bit filling..." "Oh shush. Now, you do know was sex is, right?" >"I, uh, I know of it." "Well then, now you get to learn about it first hoof." Comet steps past Rokarx over to his bed. He lifts his forelegs onto it, resting his body on the bed and letting his back legs hang off the side. He shifts his tail aside giving Rokarx a full view of his backside. "Alright now, climb on." Rokarx slowly walks over, propping himself up with his forehooves on Comet's flank before pausing. >"A-Are you sure this can work? W-We're different species after all." "That doesn't matter, and you aren't all that different from a pony anyways. Now to start, just slide yourself in." >"A-Alright..." Rokarx adjusts himself, lining up and prodding his stallionhood at Comet's backside before giving the final push to penetrate. Comet gives a pained grunt as Rokarx enters him, while Rokarx lets out a low moan. >"O-oh, that felt good~" "Y-Yea, now you rock your hips back and forth." Rokarx nods and slowly starts to thrust, a wave of pleasure pulsing back through him with each one. >"Ooh this feels amazing~" "Mhmm." Comet responds, feeling more from the rhythmic rocking rubbing his penis between his body and the bed than from Rokarx inside him. Rokarx increases the pace as he moans again. >"B-Brother, I-I feel... I—" Rokarx gives one last thrust as he reaches climax, his body tensing up at the ecstasy as he unloads his sludgenoid seed inside Comet. He pulls out and slumps to his flanks, sitting down on the floor. >"Th-that, that w-was..." Rokarx is at a loss for words, his mind overwhelmed by this new experience. Comet rolls onto his back and sits up, his stiffened cock flopping down and pointing itself right at Rokarx. "You feel better now?" >"Y-yea..." Then Comet's musk hits Rokarx, and his eyes are drawn to his hard on. It is slick with pre-cum, and the aroma is enticing. Rokarx stands and takes a step forward in a near trance-like state. Before Comet can react, he dips down and licks Comet's shaft from base to tip, cleaning off the juices. The sudden sensation sends chills up Comet's spine. "A-Aah, Rokarx~" >"It... it tastes like love." His mind taken by a near primal instinct, he take's Comet's head into his mouth, and then slowly starts to bob up and down. Comet is too stunned from Rokarx's sudden forwardness and the pleasurable sensation to react, and just sits back letting him continue. Rokarx slowly increases his speed, the feeling enhanced by his fangs brushing on the sides of Comet's stallionhood, making him shudder as he reaches the edge. "Rokarx slow down, y-you're gonna make me..." Comet is pushed to climax, involuntarily thrusting his hips up and holfing himself inside Rokarx as his cum gushes down Rokarx's throat. After gulping down the last of Comet's juices, Rokarx slides his mouth off, a strand of the white fluid bridging from his muzzle to Comet's dick. He flicks his tongue up catching the strand and licks the remnants off Comet's tip. He looks up at Comet and smiles. >"That was even better than feeding off emotions." "Told you it'd fill you up." Comet leans down and gives Rokarx a smooch, then pats the bed next to him. "Come on, you must be pretty beat after all that. I know I am." Comet lays down on the bed. Rokarx climbs on and lays down, nuzzling up against him. >"I love you Brother." Comet puts a leg around Rokarx, holding him in close. His mind finally at ease, the recent events having cleared away all fears and worry in his mind. "I love you too."