>It's a new day >The sun shining through your window and onto your face tells you so >You really should invest in some curtains or something >You turn around and try to get back to sleep >Unfortunately you're wide awake >You get out of bed and run through your normal morning routine >You pull your shirt on as you make it down the stairs >Then you plop down on your couch >... >You sit there for a few moments until it hits you >You have nothing planned today >No work at Sweet Apple Acres >And nop0ny has knocked on your door yet >Maybe you can make your own plans today >And you know exactly where to go >You exit your house and lock the door >Standing on your doorstep, you check your surroundings >You think to yourself for something suitable to say "Oh my, it seems my penis is getting hard. I wonder why." >You feel like a retard saying that POMPF >It worked anyway >A pair of yellow wings extend from the top of a nearby tree >You start on the path to Sugarcube Corner, but not before killing Fluttershy's already-failed rape attempt "Alright, Fluttershy. I know you're in the tree. You can go home now." >You swear you heard a quiet voice say "Darn it!" as you walk away >You had gotten used to Fluttershy's rape attempts >Though you're not sure you could call them 'rape attempts' anymore >They consisted of Fluttershy stalking you and, more often than not, failing miserably >You learned that if you just say something even remotely sexual her wings would betray her >Thanks to this, the stalking became less annoying and more like a game >Fluttershy cursing herself for failing was more cute than anything >She would just try again, and fail, another day >If only Applejack were as easy to deal with >You arrive at Sugarcube Corner >Before you get inside a white p0ny with a purple mane walks out looking back >"And be sure to come by sometime this weekend, Cupcake." >She turns around and notices you >"Oh, Anon! Just the human I need. I have some new designs you simply must try at the boutique." "Yeah...how 'bout no." You say flatly as you pass by Rarity and enter Sugarcube Corner >As soon as you step foot in the bakery, a familiar pink p0ny jumps in your arms and plants a kiss on your cheek "Hey, Pinkie. How's work coming along?" >She lets loose while you carry her behind the counter >"Great! I've been working the register all day! You won't believe who came in to see me today. Can't figure it out? Give up? It was Cranky! He and Matilda came in to get some cupcakes and boy..." >And she's off >You can't help but smile around this mare >She always makes you feel better no matter how shitty of a mood you're in >That was one of the reasons you started dating her >It might've also been because she was the one who discovered you when you arrived >You stared at each other for a few seconds before she broke the silence with a barrage of questions that ranged from, "What are you?" to, "How do you go to the bathroom?" >That made you burst out in laughter, which showed Pinkie that you weren't something to be feared >You gained each others trust almost immediately. The relationship only grew from there >Ever since you started dating, Pinkie Pie has shown you more love than... >"Earth to Anon! You can put me down now." She says with a giggle >You let her back on the ground >But you're not letting her off that easy >You close the distance between your faces >She looks like she's expecting a kiss >Nope >Instead, you flick her muzzle with your tongue, eliciting a series of giggles and snorts from her as she rolls on her back >"Hehehe, good one, Anon! But I'm gonna get you back." She smiles as she gets back on her hooves >You decide to help behind the register for a while. The Cake's don't mind at all >Seeing as Pinkie Pie is like a daughter to them, they wanted to get to know everything about you when they learned you two were dating >Now they treat you like family >It's not long before Twilight trots in, Spike on her back "Well looky here, if it isn't my favorite dragon." >Spike jumps off of Twilight's back onto the counter >You two brofist >"You helpin' out here today, Anon?" "Yep, just felt like spending time with Pinkie here." You say draping an arm over her neck, to which she replies by nuzzling her cheek in your side >Twilight smiles >"So Twilight, what can I get for ya?" >"I need half a dozen cupcakes, Pinkie." "Alright, that'll be four bits" >Before you can even process the order in the register, Pinkie's gone and back with a bag in her teeth >Twilight places the bits on the counter, levitates the bag and thanks you two >"Hey Twilight, mind if I stay here and hang with Anon?" >"Just don't get back to the library too late, Spike." "I'll make sure he gets back alright." >"Thanks, Anon." >Twilight leaves >You have your girlfriend and your bro >It's gonna be an awesome day >Afternoon soon turns to evening >Work at Sugarcube Corner was pretty easy >You took orders and relayed them to Pinkie, Spike took the bits, and Pinkie helped Mr. and Mrs. Cake with the baking >After the work day is done you sit at a booth with a carrot smoothie Pinkie made just for you >Spike is sitting opposite of you listening to you speak "...and then I turned around and said, 'Oh my, it seems my penis is getting hard. I wonder why.' And POMPF! Yellow wings pop out of a tree." >Spike is laughing his little dragon ass off at this >He knew about the rape attempts since they started happening. You needed to tell -someone-. Fortunately for you, Applejack and Fluttershy thought he was oblivious to the whole thing so they never tried anything in front of him lest he say anything to Twilight >Pinkie Pie exits the kitchen, followed by Mr. Cake, and sits next to you, cuddling up to your side >Mr. Cake places a small sack in front of you >"It's payment for today's work." "Oh no, Mr. Cake, I can't take this. I just came here to keep Pinkie company, after all." >Mrs. Cake overhears this and exits the kitchen, speaking from behind the counter >"Nonsense! You still helped out. And besides, you need to make money somehow." >Mrs. Cake lectures you on why you should always have bits in your pocket >It reminds you of being scolded by your mother whenever you didn't take care of yourself and got hurt. >You smile. Being lectured by Mrs. Cake only meant she cared. "Alright, alright. I'll take the pay. You guys are too good to me, y'know?" >Mrs. Cake, content with you taking the money, smiles and walks back to the kitchen >"Spike's cut is in there too, Anon." "Thanks Mr. Cake." >"No, thank -you- for the help today." >Mr. Cake smiles and walks back to the kitchen to help Mrs. Cake with the dishes >You empty the bag and count the bits >Thirty of them >You take fifteen of them and place them in your pocket, then you put the rest of them in the sack and give it to Spike >"Y'know, I've never made money before." "Well, there's a first time for everything." >Pinkie Pie chimes in >"Soooooo now that we're done with work, whaddya wanna do Anon?" >You think for a moment >Honestly, kicking back at home sounds like a good idea >Maybe watch a movie or two. And you can invite your girlfriend and your bro "You guys wanna hang at my place tonight?" >"I'd love to! Whaddya say, Spike?" >Pinkie looks to Spike expectantly >"Well I gotta ask Twilight first." >Oh yeah, you forgot >You promised Twilight you'd make sure Spike gets home safely >Well that doesn't mean you can't deviate from the plan just a little bit "C'mon dude, we'll ask her if it's cool for you to crash at my house." >You finish your carrot smoothie and say goodbye to the Cakes >The three of you leave Sugarcube Corner and head to the library; your left arm draped over Pinkie's neck and Spike on your shoulder >The orange sky is slowly turning into a deep dark blue >You make it to the library and head inside >Twilight greets you, turning pages rapidly in one of her books >She's obviously looking for something. It doesn't concern you though; you have an objective. "Hey Twilight, Spike wants to crash at my place tonight. Watch a few movies, hang out, y'know usual stuff." >"That's fine. I was going to do some late-night studying anyway. Have fun, Spike." >Twilight seems more occupied than usual >You suppose it's just her way. She doesn't really pay much mind to anything when her head's in a book >You three leave the library and make your way to your place. >You close your door and make sure the locks are secure. Wouldn't want anything, like rape, ruining tonight >Pinkie Pie looks through your DVD collection, amazed that a movie could be put in a disk and transmitted from a box to an even bigger box >You never really mentioned it to anyp0ny, but Celestia was nice enough to use her magic to grant you a few pleasantries from back home after your first meeting. You don't know how the hell she did it just from a simple explanation, but she did it >Thanks to that you had clothes, a TV and a DVD player, and seeds of a certain plant you knew you were going to want around >Oh yeah, you can't wait until those grow nice and tall >"Oh! How about this one?" >She holds up a DVD box that says "The Cell" on it "Uhh...let's pick a different one. Together." >Spike gives you a strange look >"What's wrong with that one?" >You don't feel like explaining the journey into the mind of a serial killer "It's long and boring, you wouldn't like it." >They both shrug. Pinkie continues looking through the DVD pile. You sit on the ground next to her and look through the pile yourself >You finally decide to watch the Toy Story series. It's sure to keep Pinkie and Spike entertained >During the first movie, Spike verbally shows his dislike for Buzz moving in on Woody's territory. >Pinkie, on the other hand, thinks Buzz's functions and wings are super cool while finding Woody boring >Their broship knows no bounds though, and the three of you cheer when Buzz flies him and Woody into Andy's box. Or as he put it, "Falling, with style." >During the second movie, Spike and Pinkie are on the edge of their seats when Woody gets captured by Al. The same occurs when Buzz jumps on the plane's landing gear to save Woody >Then the third movie >At this point Spike and Pinkie have fallen in love with the whole toy crew >Spike is fighting fatigue just to get to the end of this one >You, having seen the entire series already, brewed up some tea to help him stay awake >It's at the part where the crew gets thrown in the dump with Lotso >Spike gasps when Woody almost gets shredded saving Lotso >Then Lotso betrays the gang and runs off, leaving them to the incinerator >It's to the point where the gang has given up and holds hands to wait out the inevitable >Pinkie's tearing up like crazy while Spike's standing on the cushion saying under his breath "C'mon, C'mon, it can't end like this." >Then the three alien children of the Potato Heads use the power of 'the claw' to save everyone >You all cheer >When Andy is giving his toys away, Pinkie holds your arm and leans on you. You can feel her tears through your shirt >Then the movie ends >"Oh man, that was awesome!" Spike yells as he jumps up and down on the couch >Pinkie rubs her eyes and kisses you on the cheek >She's tired, and you gotta admit you are too "Hey Spike, I'm pretty tired. I'm gonna head off to bed. You cool down here by yourself?" >He nods and rubs his eyes >You get up from the couch and grab a blanket and pillow from the closet next to the front door, giving them to Spike >He thanks you, then curls up and almost immediately falls asleep on the couch >The TV is still on. You decide to turn down the brightness of it, creating something of a night-light for Spike >You and Pinkie head upstairs and jump into bed >She arches her back into your body and spoons with you >You kiss her on the cheek and let her sleep >You dread what comes next >It's inevitable, but you haven't gotten any more used to it... How did I get here? Why was I brought here? What am I doing here? What is my fu- >Pinkie releases a deep, content sigh as she lay in your arms She grabs the arm on top of her and curls it underneath her front leg and around her chest >It rips you from thought >You smile and bury your face in her mane "Thank you, Pinkie....I-...I love you." >You can't tell, but Pinkie's smile is rivaling yours >Sleep finds you easily