>You just lay in bed, unable to sleep >It was kind of understandable, Anon had barely known you for a day >3AM >The bed felt cold tonight >You roll over a few times, not able to get comfortable >Your bedroom door opens slowly >Anon? >He walks over to your bed and lifts up the covers, hitting you with a blast of cold air >Something larger than you slides onto the bed and pulls you in >You could feel Anon's face in your mane, warming your neck >It was a little warm with Anon >But it was better than being cold >He pulled the covers back over the both of you >You hadn't done something like this before, this was so much better than the pillow >When you woke up the next morning, Anon was still there >He was awake but trying to go back to sleep >And with both arms wrapped around you, he seemed to determined to keep you in bed with him >Good lord, he had you in an iron vicegrip >A-at least you didn't have anywhere to be >As the sun slowly rose, your room brightened >At some point a little after sunrise, Anon began to move and get out of bed >"Morning, Fizzy." he said, brushing his hand down your neck >You roll to face Anon and get out of bed too >Anon lifts you off of the bed >He needed to stop it with the holding >This wasn't oka- >Anon sits down on the couch and leans back with you on his chest >Yet again, you were too comfy to voice your protests >With Anon's face in your chest fluff, you start going back to sleep with him on the couch >For a moment you almost forgot your crippling lack of confidence with stallions >Your biggest issue with ever talking to stallions was sitting right on your face >N-not like that >Your horn kind of did cause you to be a social outcast >Not many stallions wanted to even talk to the scary, lanky mare >You were what they pictured when they heard the word 'rapist' >But Anon didn't seem to be able to tell >As the sun finally began to shine, indicating morning was well over, he decided to wake up >But you weren't done yet >Just a few more minutes >You hadn't gotten cuddles since you were a filly >Anon didn't argue, and wrapped his arms around your back to better apply your chest fluff to his face >Eventually, you both come to the silent agreement that it was time to get up >11AM >Anon rolls, sliding out from under you and standing up while leaving you on the couch >He stretches, what a weirdly-shaped creature >"So what's happening today?" Anon yawns >You didn't have anything planned for today >You had a lot of cash left over from Storm King's payroll if you transferred stormbucks for exotic furniture and art and then traded that for bits, and you made profit too >Basically you were living like a NEET for now "We should get breakfast... Or lunch at this point." >You crawl off of the couch and stretch >Anon starts getting dressed >H-he was in underwear and you didn't even notice >All that skin-to-fur contact >You can feel your face heating up >"Food sounds good- Hey, are you okay?" "Y-yeah..." >Anon picks you up again, looking into your eyes >"You're such a pretty pony." he says as his nose comes into contact with yours "Th-thanks." >You didn't have anything to wear and were getting used to going nude everywhere >Apparently humans always wore clothes for protective reasons >Anon straightened out his clothes as you walked to the door >As you opened it, you are greeted by two of the four princesses >Twilight and Cadance, you opened the door up moments before they were about to knock >"Hey there Fizzlepop, we just wanted to check in on you and Anon." Twilight says "If you're wondering, I haven't killed him." >"Ahahaha, really try not to, Fizzlepop." Cadance laughs nervously, "We found him especially for you." >Cadance and Twilight invite themselves in >"Woah, who are these two?" Anon motions to the two ponies >Cadance starts making short chat with Anon while Twilight talks to you >"So how goes things with Anon?" she asks "He... It's clear he doesn't see me the way a typical colt would." >"That's a neat thing about humans, their females are evil. You and every other mare in Equestria beat 3.5 billion possible mates by virtue of being capable of love." >3.5 billion? >You look at Anon >He really dropped everything on Earth for you >"There wasn't much on Earth for him, he's a passionate romantic and his love would be lost on a human female." "Oh." >"That is so cute!" Cadance squeals, talking with Anon across the room >Twilight turns back to you >"You'll be good to him, won't you?" "Of course. He- He's the first to ever look past my looks." >"I trust you, Fizzlepop. Anon trusts you too." >Twilight turns to Cadance >"Cadance, do you want to head back home?" >She nods, "It's a love more pure than any, Fizzlepop. He cherishes you beyond words!" she said in a singsong tune as she practically floated by >As soon as they left, you look at your hooves >Why couldn't Twilight trust you with this? >Your dark thoughts were immediately pushed away by Anon >He had dropped onto all fours and was leaning curiously into your field of view with impressive contortion >"Hey, don't look so sad." Anon says >You straighten up and look away from his game >He cherishes you beyond words >Anon makes another move to get into your line of sight but you face away >"Weren't we going to eat?" "Yeah. Let's go." >You lead Anon through the busy streets towards a little cafe you ate at sometimes in the midnight hours >You notice Anon moving a little sluggish >He sees that you notice >"Just a little tired." he says >You and Anon take a seat at the little table in the corner of the cafe >Less chance of being spotted >You trade out the lunch menu for a breakfast menu and look at it >Anon scoots in next to you instead of across, and peers at the menu >"I uh... I can't read any of that." he says, pointing at the pony manuscript on the menu >Anon yawns, "I'll have whatever you're getting." >As the waiter pony walks up, you make your order "I'll have an omelet with some daisies." >"Me too." >You look around the cafe and notice a pony gawking at you >She giggles and then keeps walking >You sigh and stare at the table >Anon had made you forget that you were still an ourcast >His hand came up under your chin and turned you towards him >Anon smiled gently >He made you forget >His hand ran through your mane >"Smile, Fizzy. You're beautiful." Anon said, leaving a kiss on your cheek >For the first time ever, you finally felt comfortable with yourself >Even if Anon was incredibly strange, even for a human he was really weird >He looked at you with an even greater softness than your parents did >He didn't lie when he said you were beautiful >You couldn't stop a cheeky smile from appearing >"There she is!" Anon said, wrapping his arm around you, "There's that pretty smile." >Tears welled up in your eyes >How in all the world had you been denied this saccharine love for so long? >So many years wasted, so many cold nights, far too many lonely days >The tough commander melted away under Anon's unwaivering gaze >You lean against him >You're glad he wasn't sitting across from you >You just wanted to sit here forever with him >Anon's hand went through your mane again, settling behind your ear and rubbing in a small circle "S-so you and I are... Together?" >Anon stops rubbing >He is silent for a moment >Your heart skips a beat >FIZZLEPOP WHAT THE FUCK >YOU RUINED IT >WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU >"Of course, why wouldn't we be?" "I... Uh. Nevermind." >"Well, you came and got me from Earth so that makes me yours, and since I'm not planning on leaving you ever, you're mine." >Anon laughed and hugged you against his chest tightly >"You're stuck with me forever!" >Hahaha... >You hoped he would never let go >Finally the waiter came back with your orders, interrupting one of the few hugs you've ever recieved >Anon looks like he regretted getting daisies in an omelet >Humans probably don't eat those >He definitely tried, making a muted cringe with every bite >"Those sure are bitter, huh?" "I think they're okay." you were getting used to eating real food instead of Stormâ„¢ food-flavored pudding substitute >Anon ate less than a quarter of his food and then noted that he had made a horrible mistake "You can get something else, it's no issue." >"I'm good, I needed to make some changes to my diet anyways." >You and Anon walked out of the cafe after paying for the resonably cheap food >Anon tried to pay with a strange rectangle, and then with green paper >He seemed really upset when he found out "they didn't take American Express" >It cost you like four bits for the both of you >You also found out the Earth economy is in shambles because Anon freaked out over four gold coins >Apparently he lived on like 3 bits a week >Something about the value of gold >You weren't a pony that studied economics, but humans seemed to have no idea how money worked >Paper wasn't money >Gold was money >You and Anon had a whole... afternoon left to do stuff >And nothing to do >He sat down under a tree with you, relaxing in the shade >"So how long have you lived here?" "Only a few weeks." >"Before that?" "I, uhh... I worked for a really nasty guy. He tried to take over the world." >"And Twilight was just cool with you, no problems or anything?" "I don't think she trusts me fully... I'm really trying to change." >Anon lays over in your lap >"I don't think you need to change, you're already a good pony. I can tell." >You laugh nervously "I-I..." >"She trusts you enough to leave me with you. That or she doesn't care." Anon shrugs "Do you trust me?" >"Because I see good in you, yeah." >You place a hoof on Anon's head, trying to pet him like he did to you >It isn't as effective when you did it >After a few moments of your hoof on his face, Anon sat up and drew a knee close to his chest >"So, what did you do before you moved here?" he shifted uncomfortably >You suddenly realized what had happened "Oh my gosh, are you into hooves?" you ask with a smug grin >"N-no..." "Ha! Yes you are!" >Anon crossed his arms >"I've just... You put them right in my face, what were you expecting?!" "Tell me, what else do you like?" >"I've been alone my entire life, I don't care as long as I get to feel intimacy." >That struck your heart directly "Yeah... I see where you're coming from." >Damnit Anon, quit taking the wind out of your lewd sails >"What did you do before you moved here?" "I-I... I did a lot of things I regret now." >"That's okay, everyone makes mistakes." "I was misguided, I'd take it all back if I could." >"But then you'd be completely different." "I'd be a better pony." >"You're perfect the way you are." >You look at Anon >What drove him to be so... good to you >You'd done nothing to deserve this >"What about before that?" "Before what?" >"Before your job for what's-his-face, the nasty guy who tried to take over the world?" "I'd rather not go any further into my past. I want to be happy in the present." >"That's fine." "What about you, Anon? What was your life on Earth like?" >"It was... It was empty. I don't really want to go any further than that." "What do you want to do with your new life here?" >"I have some plans, but I can't tell you yet." Anon smiles >You lay down in the grass under the tree "Why can't you tell me?" >"It's a surprise for you." "Well in that case..." you lean in and whisper "Pleeeaase?" >"Nope. Lips are sealed." "Are they?" you rush in and give Anon a quick smooch on the lips >"H-hey! That- that's not fair!" Anon changed from green to red >You'd never had a kiss before, it was certainly satisfying >You'd never have done that to anyone else but Anon >He just made you comfortable enough to let down your guard and act like a normal pony for once >Anon was still bright red >You had accidentally gotten too lewd, even for him