RavenBlackPhoen1x: Hey hun SnowTheodosia: Evening RavenBlackPhoen1x: How are you? SnowTheodosia: i came to formal congratulate you on your new found love SnowTheodosia: im alright RavenBlackPhoen1x: Well thank you RavenBlackPhoen1x: Hey V Vuryal: Wassup? SnowTheodosia: -She titles her head slightly- RavenBlackPhoen1x: Nothing much just thought i hang out here at Dante's training grounds. RavenBlackPhoen1x: V this is an old friend of mine Lilith. Vuryal: I am kinda bored. SnowTheodosia: so the rumors are true then RavenBlackPhoen1x: Well care for a small spar session V RavenBlackPhoen1x: Yes Dante is back SnowTheodosia: my very first old Mentor is back Vuryal: Hmph, sure. RavenBlackPhoen1x: How about a fist fight V? RavenBlackPhoen1x: So not too spoil the threeway fight Vuryal: I am a moderate powered or powered character tier one fighter. Vuryal: So I stick to those tiers. RavenBlackPhoen1x: Well powered does have inhuman strength Vuryal: You mean moderate powered. RavenBlackPhoen1x: sooo fist fight would be good to use and i am a MP SnowTheodosia: -She grin malevolently- such events happen in the same month Az returns to Shiz....Dante returns.....i wonder Vuryal: Powered characters borderline powers that can destroy universes or worlds. That tier can come so close to god modding it isn't even funny. RavenBlackPhoen1x: Well I wish i can say i had a hand but i can hell it is a wonder of all things but i am not complaining snow RavenBlackPhoen1x: Oh RavenBlackPhoen1x: >.> well shit RavenBlackPhoen1x: Well what do you think we cna do in a MP fight Vuryal: One moment, gotta use the restroom. Then you can decide what to do. RavenBlackPhoen1x: Without showing our hand RavenBlackPhoen1x: ok SnowTheodosia: -She smiles- im a weapons specialist RavenBlackPhoen1x: fuck it im going al lout not like i got anything to hide RavenBlackPhoen1x: Care to watch SNow? RavenBlackPhoen1x: Snow* Vuryal: There is a question I have to ask. RavenBlackPhoen1x: ? Vuryal: What's this about rumors? RavenBlackPhoen1x: Oh about Dante being back RavenBlackPhoen1x: a rival ofmine and her mentor SnowTheodosia: close combat with me go hand in hand i burn more energy in the first 15 mins of close combat now weapons is different advantage to it keeps a distance between me and my Opponent RavenBlackPhoen1x: az being back with frost RavenBlackPhoen1x: but the rumors is more of Dante am i wrong there snow Vuryal: I am going to do what I did during a deathmatch. SnowTheodosia: -She closes her eyes- RavenBlackPhoen1x: Well you may start us V Vuryal: I am going to construct a character while fighting. RavenBlackPhoen1x: nothing wrong there SnowTheodosia: for Dante sake he better not appear in my presents SnowTheodosia: let leave it there Vuryal: Although I am tempted to try out the robot chicken. Vuryal: Fuck it, why not. SnowTheodosia: the less said the better RavenBlackPhoen1x: Well i wont say you were here snow SnowTheodosia: dont matter if he knows or not Vuryal: What do you know about my surroundings? Vuryal: Should I go based on whatever I am seeing right now in the room or what? SnowTheodosia: absorb information in the surrounding RavenBlackPhoen1x: -looks around- honestly not much he is still working on it but i say we are in a ruins of the Last omens i am sure he will want too use in a detail of the room but that is my guess SnowTheodosia: be creative Vuryal: Works for me. SnowTheodosia: its ruin most from many battles including one of his last battle with Nxy RavenBlackPhoen1x: btw Snow you hear he readded me dont you think that is odd at best? SnowTheodosia: -Shrugs- lucky guess i say -she cross her arms - SnowTheodosia: ( raven this is lilith first Stage in battle no one really gets to see her second lol) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( i dont want too know that it ruins the fun in finding out)) SnowTheodosia: first stage is basic lol )) SnowTheodosia: (( i must return to work now ill be back in later )) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( ok it was good seeing yeah again)) SnowTheodosia: ( mhm ) Vuryal: (I am still typing.) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( no worries take your time honestly )) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( hey bee hope you enjoy the fight and v is doing his post soo you made it in time )) Beebala: ((Alright.)) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( how are you bee?)) Beebala: ((Im alright! A bit sleepy but its defineatly not bed time yet lol)) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( Well i woke up from a small nap and in for a spar soo i say thats a productive day)) Beebala: ((lol)) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( making me coffee)) Beebala: ((Ok tyt)) Beebala: ((If i leave without saying anything its because i crashed while playing in the shop)) RavenBlackPhoen1x: ((bk and no worries hun)) Beebala: ((Welcome back)) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( thank you)) Vuryal: ((Almost done.)) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( i am not worried V)) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( munches on a pizza roll.)) Beebala: ((Brb getting food)) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (9 tyt)) Vuryal: /me The man-eating demon's movements along the path overturned loose gravel with each step were brisk strides, the pace he kept did not seem to waver as he cleared the forest edge, the humidity distorted the air around the demon that made it complicated to observe at a distance, the reason for this is the change in atmosphere, but around the three-mile range from the base of the ruins, his features started to become evidently clear. The man-eating demon appeared to be in his thirties that could not be further from the truth. He stands six-feet two-inches and weighs one hundred and sixty-seven pounds, his face is shaped like a heart, wears a crisscrossed mask that covers almost his entire head except for his nose because he had no eyes, he can see things such as the electromagnetic pulses that course through the bodies of his foes and he can identify certain strands of color that allow him to have a decent understanding of the type of spells someone is about to release, and that makes him a difficult opponent to face off against. His garb happens to be composed of mostly leather, a leather coat, leather gloves, boots, plating at his biceps, shoulder pads, and some shoulder fur around the back of his neck. The length of his kodachi is less than sixteen centimeters and has a slight curve along the blade that is composed of anti-metals that can cut users off from the source of their magic on contact. The forty-fives on his hips that compress ammunition out of the chambers that are composed of anti-magical properties that send the mana out of control so that it rips foes bodies apart are nothing to scoff at either. Now that he was visible in the middle of the land site of the ruins, he decided to look about until someone, or something caught his eye.. Vuryal: (I am going to get my medication.) (Brb) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( take your time and i am reading it then will post)) Vuryal: (There are some perks to being blind I guess.) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( oh yeah this will be interesting)) RavenBlackPhoen1x: ((posting )) Vuryal: (Take your time.) RavenBlackPhoen1x: It was late at night and Raven had been needed some addition in to his training which was usual for him as he never wanted to be out of shape nor having his skills feel out of place. He yawned as he had woken up from a long nap and had been making his way towards the Ruins of the instructions he now has memorized that Dante had given him. Yawning once more to get the sleepiness from his system he caught scent of someone else within the ruins; he slowly began making his way further in grasping an Odachi in his left hand. The sword in question would have a blade length of around 3 shaku (90.9 centimeter's (35.8 in)). The handle would be the same length as the forearm; as the blade itself is sleek and crafted as the previous blade from carbon steel. The blade is also a cursed blade as it's covered and doused in blood from freshly oozing blood as if it never stops bleeding out. The handle of this blade is wrapped in a black cloth with rubies crafted in to the handle itself giving the holding a comfortable grip as well helping too keep that firm grip from sliding when the blade would be tempted to be knocked from hand. Raven was a height of six-four and a weight of hundred eighty; he was well toned and built for a young man who looks as if he has never aged a day which was the curse of being a mix born of a blackphoenix and a elementalphoenix. He had the ability too control the four elements in which would serve him in need when he applied his energy to each of them as well as his skin was the one element of fire allowing him too create explosion. He donned a black trench coat that came down to his calves which he also wore leather pants with leather boots donned and laced along the calves and outer leggings to his ankles of the boot of carbon steel a light and durable metal that did not hinder his movements nor speed. At and wrapped about his left thigh was a satchel which carried a few tools one of which was six orbs that contained the electricity that one would have within ones body that sends information to and throughout the body from the brain in Raven's case he was able too apply this to the orbs which allowed him too use this when needed as it held a voltage of rough range of 1,000 amps. He came in sight of the stranger where he was just a few feet away as Raven shifted his silvery hue's over the male and sniffed that he was a Demon of sort but didn't know the type. Raven stood there his hand loose on the length of the Odachi yet never made a stance nor moved to attack as he wanted too see what this male would do first as it would have been foolish too attack him at once. Vuryal: (There is one thing I forgot to mention.) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( sure)) Vuryal: (Before I mention it, do you know what Psions are?) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( i heard the term and may have what it can do but may need a refresher on it)) Vuryal: (Psions are tricky.) Vuryal: (This character can use more than one type of energy against someone.) Vuryal: (While I am typing watch this video.) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2Zp87RzfjU) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( honestly i am not up to watching the vid but i will most likely come to understanding it while we fight)) Vuryal: (Sounds good.) Vuryal: (I might have to continue this fight another time after this post.) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( sure i understand it is late)) Vuryal: (My apartment has a time limit for electronics and we must shut them off at a certain time.) LordAzraelSilverstar: ((well thats gay)) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( that sucks)) Vuryal: (No shit.) Vuryal: (I am trying to get my own apartment because of that.) Vuryal: (Gahh, my head if flooded with ideas of what to do right now.) RavenBlackPhoen1x: ((XD)) Vuryal: (I mean, seriously..)) Vuryal: (We're going to have to continue this later buddy..) Vuryal: (Save the logs and lets chill for a bit.) RavenBlackPhoen1x: (( ofc ill save it))