>You're sitting together with Beanie, brainstorming some ideas for a Strongholds & Sapiens adventure.
>Despite it being her job now, she still loves doing it with her friends...
>Wow, that came out wrong.
>"What do you think about... a dragon that is also a lich?" the purple rabbit asks while skimming over several old notes of hers.
"Too tough, way too tough."
>Beanie scratches lightly along the length of her ear, deep in thought. She's reading the scribbles and notes of four different campaigns seemingly at once, her eyes flicking back and forth between the papers.
>"I just wanna... ugh. Why is this so damn hard?" she mumbles, clearly annoyed with herself.
>With a flick of her wrist, she propells a good dozen of sheets of paper off of the kitchen table, caring little for order or tidiness.
>The rabbit suddenly jolts upright from her chair and slaps her palms on the table, leaning over it to get as close to you as possible without keeling over "I just want the perfect adventure, Mike." she exclaims almost desperate "Goose is like, the pinnacle. If I can make her fall in love with Strongholds & Sapiens, I can make EVERYONE fall for it!"
>She rolls her eyes and slumps back into her chair before you have a chance to reply "I just don't know... "
>A heavy sigh escaping her lips.
>"I'm sure she will love it, you're just overthinking it. Besides, the adventure is in your head, shes more suited to this kind of stuff than any of us."
>Beanie's shuts her eyes gently, her eyebrows raised and with a grin that comes dangerously close to cheeky, she responds "And that's, Mr. Schmidt, where you're WRONG."
>Ridiculous, it's not like getting the blind chicken on board is gonna be a wild goose chase.

>Hours later, Beanie and you make your way to 87-A. Bonbon is quick to answer the door "Hey Beanie, hi Mike." she welcomes the two of you "Come inside, Chichi and Rackham are practicing their dice-arms already."
>Bonbon gives Beanie a quick hug and ushers her inside the depths of her apartment.
>You go for the traditional handshake, but the energetic bunny ignores your hand completely and goes directly into an embrace. With one paw slung around your neck and the other on your back, you awkwardly try to return the affection, but with your hands filled with a suitcase and a big plastic bag full of snacks, it's less than it could be. Noticing your predicament, the blue furball uses the opportunity to squeeze your ass shamelessly, her lower hand running wild across your glutes. "So good to have you back." she says in a husky voice while rubbing her face into the nape of your neck.
>"B- Bonbon, you've been practically camping in 87-B since I returned." you push out through clenched teeth, fighting over control of your body against your libido. The smell of her is intoxicating, part of you just wants to drop everything and ravish her right here and now, but your reason isn't that numbed... yet. The way she rubs and presses her whole body against you sends tingles do-- oh no. Your little nightguard started his shift. Hopefully Bonbon won't notice, please don't notice.
>Damn, who are you kidding, she knows. There is no way she doesn't. The way she's taking deep huffs from the nape of your neck is-- wait, she's doing what?!
>Suddenly she pulls away, her [eyeclolor here] eyes locked with your own. The short fur on her skin does little to hide the flush of her skin, a barely stifled smile growing on her features tells tales of you not doing any better.
>Throwing a quick glance behind herself, Bonbon acertains that none of the others noticed your spontaneous moment of intimacy. Realization of what just happened slowly catches up with her, eyes going wide and mouth wrestling with her lips to keep a straight face. Her shade of red grows deeper just enough for you to notice. "I-- I-- I-- uhm, Igottagotothebathroomrealquick." she shouts for everyone to hear, already halfway there when she's done.
>It takes you a moment to gather yourself.
>Millions of years ago, your ancestors didn't learn the use of tools just so you could embarrass yourself needlessly, so you simply utilize the suitcase and bag as tools to hide your raging boner as you enter the apartment.
>You close the door behind you and take a seat next to Rackham, pushing the suitcase across the table where the purple rabbit sits while simultaneously tucking your hardon under your belt. Chichi leans over the fox to shake your hand, who's looking like he's about to orgasm from her bosom touching him lightly "Hi Mike, good to see you. I baked some cookies for us." The chicken points to a duo of trays with an exotic variety of crunchy goodness, next to the kitchen sink.  "How's the chest doing?" she asks as she receeds back to her seat. You can practically feel Rackham's dopamine levels dropping.
>"It's okay, doesn't even hurt anymore." Not exactly a lie, as long as you keep chugging the painkillers.
>Chichi smiles earnestly in reply "That's great to hear! Listen, if you have some spare time, you can give me a hand with baking if you want. The coming month, there's a ton of orders and I've been working Foxie here to the bone."
>The fox in question clears his throat in embarrassment "Nothing I can't handle... but if Mike wants to earn a few extra bucks, I can take a few days off, of course."
>He shoots you a nervous glance, lips tightly pressed together as he tries to signal you some kind of message through rapid eye movement. You are receiving conflicting data.
>Meanwhile, Beanie leans to the side from her chair, not bothering to get up, and stares down the hallway where the other rooms and restroom are, 'not-very-impressed' written all over her "Mike, go and fetch Bonbon and Goose, will you? We can't start with only half the players." the purple rabbit cups her mouth with her paws "Bonbon! Goose! Get your asses over here!"
>A minute later you're knocking on Goose's door. "Goose? Is everything okay in there?" you ask through the door. It takes you another full minute of knocking and asking until you decide she's either dead or asleep.
>"I'm coming in." you announce cautiously.
>Opening the door, the room that bares itself to you is pitch black. Like an abyss that swallows light, like Cheeky food. You flip the lightswitch, but the light bulb is either dead or gone entirely. "Goose?" you ask into the darkness, and this time your inquiry is answered by a sleepy groan. "Come on, Goose. Rise and shine."
>The light from the hall is strong enough that you can make out most of Goose's room once your eyes adjust to the poor lightning, and you quickly make your way to the window. It smells strong in here, not unpleasantly smelly or moldy, just... like Goose? Ignoring the girly scent in the air, you try to pull up the shutter, only for it to jam immediately. No effort from your side is enough to fix the broken mechanism. With a grumble, you decide to deal with this another time, can't have your friends wait for a couple hours while you play janitor.
>In the back of your mind, you're a little happy that you can't properly illuminate the room. God knows how messy it is in here, given how much you stumble around. The floor must be covered in clothes and such.
>"Hrmmm~" the chicken in the room croons "Mike?"
>At least you know she's still alive.
>"Yeah, it's me."
>Her voice comes from the darkest corner of the room, still bright enough to make out the shape of a bed and a person lying in it, but not much more. "Everything okay?"
>"Mmm, sure. Haaahn~" she yawns "What's going on?"
>Standing right beside her bed, it's hard to see too many details. To the sound of cloth against cloth, a yellow figure appears out of nowhere on the bed, like a slideshow, and you establish that in addition to the poor lightning, her bedding must be black as the night. "We wanted to play a round of Strongholds & Sapiens, remember?"
>The blinded bird searches for something on her bed "Uhm, I... guess? Can you give me a hand?" her feathers pat over the majority of the mattress "My pants, I took them off earlier because they were too warm, they must be somewhere on my bed."
>You take a deep breath "Sure." which fills your nose with goose brand body perfume. If Bonbon almost made you lose your mind earlier, then Goose is in the process of blowing it. Carefully feeling your way over bed, the chicken makes no move to get out of the way as you feel your way over her.
>"Check the crack between the wall, please. Stuff always slips in there." she almost whispers.
>Her wing snakes it's way across your back as soon as you lean over her, the other going across your chest, connecting her feathers on your shoulder in a firm hold. She doesn't apply any pressure or pulls you down, for all you know she's just resting her arms.
>The temperature rises a couple dozen degrees while you quickly feel through the entirety of the mentioned crack. "They're not here." you say quietly, ignoring the chicken breathing down the neck of your shirt.
>"Sorry." comes off of Goose as she releases a wing from her hold on you, she wiggles around for a moment before a warm mask of some kind lands on your face, and she resumes her Goose choke. "Found it."
>One deep breath is all you need to know: That's not a mask she just slung around your head.
>Months of pent up frustration blast through any and all inhibitions you would've had under normal circumstances, not resisting when the sweaty girl gently pulls you down into her. The feathers covering her skin are slightly damp, she didn't lie when she said it was too warm. Deeper and deeper she pulls you, until your head is tightly pressed against the cleft between her breasts, soft flesh enveloping you in a welcome embrace. Your own hands greedily explore the giggly, jiggly bird. From her soft belly, fingers burrow trenches through her plumage to the small of her back. From there it's only a short way to the place they were looking for all along, and waste no time in grabbing, kneading and exploring, the tips touching flesh that is hotter and far more wet than the rest.
>Goose is breathing faster, almost out of breath, fighting with your shirt to get rid of it. You're completely on top of her, getting peppered by little kisses down your neck, when Bonbon bursts into the room "Hey, guys. What's taking you so-- NOT WITHOUT ME!" Relieving herself of her sleeveless blouse in one fell swoop motion, the bunny jumps on your back, barely careful enough not to relentlessly pummel into you like a wrestler. Two paws move past your sides, mercilessly homing in on your cruiser, which happens to be about to set sail after being loaded to the gunwales for months. You're content to just let it happen, the blue lop stroking your length with a lewd fervor that would make Cheeky blush, licking whatever skin she can get her tongue on.
>"Bonbon?! I heard you scream!" Beanie stands in the door, alarmed and ready to pounce "WHAT THE F--"