Hoss stumbles up to the water, bottle in his mouth as he looks around for a certain someone [16:19] * Flora_dishpnored soaks in the cool water in a little inlet from the river her arms propped up on the shore just looking out. She's trying to relax from her long hike back into town from visiting a jew with only hours rest after she went into the desert for over a week staying long their then she intended [16:21] * Hoss narrows his eyes as he looks around aimlessly, only stopping when he notices flora. [16:22] * Hoss slowly stumbles over to the mare, holding the bottle firmly in his mouth as he comes closer, seemingly nervous [16:22] * Flora_dishpnored is sitting in the water her eyes closed and head reclined back [16:22] == Flora_dishpnored has changed nick to Flora [16:23] * Hoss stares at her for a moment, hesitating [16:24] * Hoss grumbles and pulls the empty bottle of moonshine from his mouth, gritting his teeth as he steps closer [16:25] * Hoss gulps before clearing his throat and drunkly grumbling "Flora?" [16:26] * Hoss huffs before speaking louder "Flora, hey" [16:28] * Flora looks up and ahead before turning around to spot him and responds wearily remembering how he chased her home last time "Oh... hey Hospik" [16:30] * Hoss blinks a few times before putting in a little effort and standing firmly next to the zebra "Flora it's enough, i'm going to ask you if you will take me back" [16:30] * Hoss sighs and drops the empty bottle on the ground "will you take me back?" [16:32] * Hoss rubs his forehead "I know I screwed up but these things just happen , and some times you need to move past those things" [16:34] * Hoss frowns "just listen, I always had a thing for her, we were drinking together for so long, but some fight happened and she ended with, Phoenix, ever since we've been drinking together, so yes some things happened, but we have been screwing around drunk for so long, it was bound to happen" [16:35] "And have you ever thought about what would've happened if I DIDN't tell you?" [16:37] * Hoss groans "I could've ignored it, the guilt, I just wouldn't have told you and then just go along with her, but I didn't because I cared about you, I fucked up, but I'm done crying about it to myself, flora, I'm sorry, I never expected something like that to happen, but it did" [16:39] [damn dud you put me in one hell of a pickle] [16:39] * Hoss pulls the jade teardrop necklace from his neck "I was never done with this, so I need to know if there is a chance we can move past this, or not" [16:42] * Hoss places the necklace on the ground and sits, waiting for the answer [16:43] * Flora is surprised and looks up at him from her hole before leaning on the edge of it as if in shock "Hospik I-" she stammers "I don't know if I can.. I've been through so much and I've changed in so many ways . I barely know who I am at this point in my life." she pauses hearing him go on "And I've tried to move on I really have, but I'm still caught. You know I cry every time when I look at the locket you gave me, because it hurts. It hurt me bad to." she starts to shake her head "I don't know if I can go [16:43] through that again." [16:44] * Hoss glares "that's just complete bull, if you care so much then you could at least try" [16:45] "I'm still wearing the necklace, you are not, if you have moved on, it's fine, but be clear" [16:46] "I can't anymore man. I- I just can't" [16:46] "You can't goddamn care this much about what I did if you don't care" [16:46] * Hoss rubs his forehead and grumbles [16:47] * Flora never said she didn't care [16:48] * Hoss takes a deep breath "if you are so shocked about this whole ordeal, then you still care, and if you still care then please, just give me the chance" [16:49] * Flora sinks slightly lower into the water shaking her head "Hospik, I'm sorry but I can't" [16:49] "If two people care about each other then what in the living hell would..oh.." [16:50] * Hoss narrows his eyes at the mare "but you still care, what's keeping you?" [16:52] == Mary_ONette_ [~kvirc@d-burl-bng1-64-222-152-5.ngn.east.myfairpoint.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 186 seconds] [16:54] * Hoss stands up, seemingly furious "so if I didn't tell you, then there wouldn't have been a problem, but because I can't do something like that to you, because I am willing to stumble through the entire town, drunk, and put myself out there like a complete idiot" [16:54] == Mary_ONette [~kvirc@d-burl-bng1-64-222-152-5.ngn.east.myfairpoint.net] has joined #fourcannon-docks [16:54] "Flora, how the hell can you even claim to care?" [16:55] == Dreamy [~Dreamcatc@2600:1012:b009:f254:820b:21b7:4430:c604] has joined #fourcannon-docks [16:58] "Well Flora, are you going to answer me, or cower away from me" [16:58] [give me aminute] [16:58] == Dreamcatcher [~Dreamcatc@cpe-108-184-72-104.socal.res.rr.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 201 seconds] [17:00] == Dreamy has changed nick to Dreamcatcher [17:01] * Flora brings her knees up turning in the water so her arms can rest on them bringing her hands to her head [you get the picture of the position im talking about right?] unsure of her own feelings a cloud of confusion pulling her left and right before her turns and shouts at him "I fucking care all right! I've cared every single fucking day and you know what?! It's killing me on the inside, so I decided that I can;t die just yet, being dead and burned out on emotion at 17 is just to much for me to handle. And [17:02] == EyeSpy has changed nick to EyeSpyAFK [17:03] [hang on] [17:05] I'm just not ready to croak just yet." she point to the scar on her chest "It's like being stabbed in the heart by one of your friends but 100 times worse and I have to live with it day in and out to no end. So I'm done. I can't go on living like this anymore." she takes a deep breath trying to calm down yelling at people a rarity for her "I appreciate the fact you told me like a man you have feelings for another , and I still have feelings for you to but I can't go on like this" [17:06] == Dreamy [~Dreamcatc@cpe-108-184-72-104.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #fourcannon-docks [17:08] == Dreamcatcher [~Dreamcatc@2600:1012:b009:f254:820b:21b7:4430:c604] has quit [Ping timeout: 186 seconds] [17:09] == Dreamy has changed nick to Dreamcatcher [17:14] == Defualt0 [~GreenSlee@c-24-2-239-245.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #fourcannon-docks [17:16] == GreenSleeves [~GreenSlee@c-24-2-239-245.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 180 seconds] [17:16] == Defualt0 has changed nick to GreenSleeves [17:16] I'm just not ready to croak just yet." she point to the scar on her chest "It's like being stabbed in the heart by one of your friends but 100 times worse and I have to live with it day in and out to no end. So I'm done. I can't go on living like this anymore." she takes a deep breath trying to calm down yelling at people a rarity for her "I appreciate the fact you told me like a man you have feelings for another , and I still have feelings for you to but I can't go on like this" [17:16] [a repsot] [17:17] * Hoss drops the glare, staring blankly at Flora " alright, Flora, I understand how you feel , i don't need you to 'croak' or, i just" [17:18] * Hoss clears his throat once more, speaking calmly "alright, flora you know how I feel, I was drunk, things went wrong, but doesn't this count for anything?" [17:19] "You care, I do aswell, I would do anything to stop that moment from happening, but I was just drunk, it didn't mean anything" [17:20] * Flora sighs resting her head on the bank of her hole "Do you think we could still be friends Hospik?" she asks earnestly [17:20] * Flora knows he's drunk so her must tell the truth [17:21] * Hoss points at Flora "YOU did though, that's why I still wear the necklace, and why I,m still acting so possessive..." [17:22] * Hoss picks up the necklace from the ground "since the first time, I never saw you as just a friend, even after what happened, you're still more then that to me" [17:24] * Hoss rubs his forehead "you're basically throwing everything over board, why?" [17:24] * Flora nods her head "you [17:25] "You said you couldn't go on like that, but I can't understand, if you still care, then how..Ergh " [17:26] [hold on] [17:26] [i wasnt done typing yet >:c] [17:27] [blame the terrorists] [17:27] * Flora nods her head "you're still more than a friend to me as well but I can't do it anymore." she says tiredly "I have to move on and so do you. I still want to be friends, but I can't put myself through it anymore." [17:27] [i'll judt retcon that for you then] [17:29] * Hoss basically growls "all this, just because I got drunk?" [17:29] == Liven has changed nick to Liven|Pathfinder [17:30] "Get over it Flora. IF you still care about me then this makes no sense at all, i HAVE moved on, you're the one still stuck in the past" [17:31] "I'm not the one asking to come back" she turns her back to him [17:31] "There is nothing keeping you in the past but yourself, I'm reaching out, basically begging, and you are still crying about what happened" [17:33] "Just move on, we both know what went wrong, Flora I don't care what you do after this if you just give me a chance " [17:34] "You need to get past this, even if you decide that I can go fuck myself, you can't just hang in the past" [17:35] "Hospik" she says sharply "No, I've said my peace. I'm try but now your just making me feel worse. So just stop!" [17:37] * Hoss raises his hooves "you know what, no, I love you, get over yourself" [17:38] "What the hell do you think I've been trying to do all this time since we broke up?" she snaps she makes a groan "Just leave me alone Hospik you've done enough" [17:40] * Hoss puts his hooves down and grabs the necklace from the ground before standing up "I'll take whatever I can get, I'm fine with friends , but you did say you still cared about me, I'm begging you to just think about our past, if you want it back then I'll still be there , I'm not giving up on you " [17:42] * Hoss mumbles something about a little aphelandra before heading home [17:43] == Hoss [Mibbit@ip4da3bb68.direct-adsl.nl] has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client] [17:44] * Flora sinks deeper into her water hole until only her mane is above the water. She comes up for air one more time before kicking her legs and swimming away trying to run from her own thoughts