Pre-Requisites – Coordinator, A musical instrument (1000), 17 CHA Cross Classing Pre-requisites - Touched, 12 CHA; 14 CON, 14 CHA, a musical instrument Ability Bonus: Charisma Bonuses: +1 CHA Class Features: Round, Calming Chord **Feature Key** [ S ] – Static Effect [ FA ] – Can be performed as a Free Action [ TA ] – Can be performed as a Trainer Action [ LP ] – League Permitted [ LI ] – Not permitted during League Matches < --C-- > - Can only be performed once per Contest. < --M-- > - Cannot be performed multiple times within a round; see the Mechanic for further details **Calming Chord**: Musician Feature [ TA – LI ] At-Will Target: Pokémon, Trainers Battle Effect: Use the move Growl. When used in this way, Growl creates a blast with a radius and maximum range of 5m. Contest Target: A judge or audience Contest Effect: Declare use of this feature at the start of a Contest round. Roll 1d20 and add your CHA modifier. On a roll of 15 or better, the target’s Voltage is lowered by 1. **Field Concert**: Musician Feature [ TA – LP ] Daily Target: Anywhere in a City or Town Effect: This power takes place over one hour. Roll 1d20 and add your CHA modifier. If the roll exceeds 15, you attract a crowd to watch you perform. You receive money in tips equal to sixty times your CHA modifier. After having received 5000 or more Poke through use of this feature, you may take this feature a second time to increase the amount received to 80 times your CHA modifier. This feature may also be taken a third time after earning 10,000 Poke with this feature to increase the amount to 100 times your CHA modifier. = = = = = = = = = Musicians have an ear for music and understand its finer intricacies. Musicians know how to pull your strings by plucking away at their own. By using the power of song, a Musician can use the songs they’ve learned (or perhaps even written themselves) to inspire those around them to perform at peak efficiency, or perhaps even break the fighting spirit of those who oppose them. Mechanic: Several of the Musician’s features take place over the duration of multiple turns. When you use a Musician feature that does so, you may not perform must give up a Trainer Action on your turn in order to sustain the effect of the Feature. At the start of your turn, you may choose to end the effects of a Musician feature early as a Free Action. If, during the course of a round, a Musician takes half of their Maximum HP in damage while using a Feature that lasts for multiple turns, at that point, and at any other time the Musician takes damage afterwards in the round, they must roll 1d20, adding their CON modifier. If the result is less than 15, the Musician’s feature ends immediately. If the instrument a Musician decides to use requires that they use their mouth to perform, a Trainer will need to train each of their Pokemon to read cues issued through their music in order to simultaneously command them in battle, which requires two hours of one-on-one training plus 20 minutes times the difference between 4 and the Pokemon’s Intelligence Capability if there is one. (Just to clarify, Pokemon with Intelligence higher than 4 subtract that amount of time instead.) = = = = = = = = = **All Together, Now**: Musician Feature [ TA, LI ] Pre-requisites: Musician, 22 CHA, Round Daily Target: A Pokemon who can learn the move Round. Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your CHA modifier. On a result of 15 or better, the Pokemon learns the move, Round, as if it had been taught a TM. Once you successfully use All Together, Now on a Pokemon, All Together, Now may not target that Pokemon ever again. Contest Effect: Declare use of this feature at the start of a Contest round. All Pokemon roll an extra 2d4 during their appeals for the round. **Battle Cry**: Musician Feature [ TA – LI ] < --C-- > < --M-- > Pre-requisites: Musician Daily Target: Pokemon Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your CHA modifier. On a result of 10 or more, you create a burst of 5 meters. All Pokemon whom are legal targets have their Attack and Special Attack raised one Combat Stage each for X rounds, where X represents half of your CHA modifier. Contest Target: A Pokémon Contest Effect: Declare use of this feature at the start of a Contest round. The targeted Pokemon adds X to their appeal roll, where X is half of your Charisma modifier. **Battle Cry +**: Musician Feature [ S, LP ] Pre-requisites: Musician, Battle Cry +, 20 CHA Static Target: Self Effect: You gain an additional use of Battle Cry for every six Trainer Levels you possess. On a result of 20 or better, Pokémon within this feature’s range of effect instead have their Attack and Special Attack raised two Combat Stages each for X rounds. Contest Effect: X is now your Charisma modifier when using Battle Cry. **Nature’s Song**: Musician Feature [ TA, LI ] < --M-- > Pre-requisites: Musician, a Pokemon with the move Grasswhistle OR 22 CHA Daily – Every 8 levels, you may perform this feature another time per day. Target: Anywhere on a Route Effect: Outside of combat, roll 1d20 and add your CHA modifier. On a result of 20 or better, a Wild encounter is started. The Wild Pokemon will not be hostile, and will not attack unless provoked. In combat, use the move Grasswhistle. When used in this way, Grasswhistle creates a Blast with a maximum range and radius of 5m. **Nature’s Song +**: Musician Feature [ S, LI ] Pre-requisites: Musician, Nature’s Song Static Trigger: You or an allied Trainer attempt to capture an unprovoked Pokémon that appeared as a result of Nature’s Song. Effect: Subtract your CHA modifier from the Capture Check. Dependant on the circumstances, this may provoke any other Pokémon that appeared as a result of Nature's Song into attacking. **Off-Key**: Musician Feature [ TA, LI ] Pre-requisites: Musician Daily – Every 8 levels, you may perform this feature another time per day. Target: Pokemon Effect: When you first take Off Key, choose the move Metal Sound, Supersonic, or Screech. This feature may be taken multiple times, selecting a different move each time. When used in this way, Metal Sound and Screech each create a Blast with a maximum range and radius of 5m. Contest Effect: Declare use of this feature at the start of a Contest round. Roll 1d20 and add your CHA modifier. On a result of 15 or better, the target Pokemon’s appeal roll is reduced by X, where X is half of your CHA modifier. For each additional time this feature is taken, you may target an additional Pokemon with Off Key, but a separate CHA check must be rolled for it. **Rile ‘em Up**: Musician Feature [ TA, LP ] < --M-- > Pre-requisites: Musician, 24 CHA Daily – Every 10 levels, you may perform this feature another time per day. Target: A Pokemon Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your CHA modifier. On a result of 25 or better, at the end of the turn the targeted Pokemon may perform an extra action. Contest Target: A judge or audience Contest Effect: Declare use of this feature at the start of your turn. Roll 1d20 and add your CHA modifier. On a result of 20 or better, you may change the Contest type of the target to whatever type you like for the duration of the round. **Round**: Musician Feature [ TA, LI ] Pre-requisites: Musician, a Pokemon who knows the move Round. Daily – Every 6 levels, you may perform this feature another time per day. Target: Self Effect: Use the move Round. Use your CHA modifier as your Special Attack stat. When used in this way, Round creates a Blast with a maximum range and radius of 3 meters. Uplifting Melody: Musician Feature [ TA, LI ] Pre-requisites: Musician, 20 CHA Daily – Every 10 levels, you may perform this feature another time per day. Target: PokemonThe user creates a 3-meter burst. All legal targets are temporarily at full happiness. If they level up without a negative incident within 10 minutes of Uplifting Melody and have met all previous requirements for evolution, evolution is guaranteed. In addition, roll 1d20 and add your CHA modifier. On a result of 20 or better, their Center Frequency moves are treated as if they are unused. **Victory Anthem**: Musician Feature [ FA, LP ] Pre-requisites: Musician, 6 Musician Features Daily – Every 10 levels, you may perform this feature another time per day. Target: A Pokemon under the effect of a Musician feature that just KO’d another Pokemon. Effect: The target Pokemon gains an amount of Experience equal to 50% of what it would normally receive for defeating that Pokemon. This feature may only be used once per turn. Contest Target: A Pokemon Contest Effect: Declare use of this feature at the start of a Contest round. Roll 1d20 and add your CHA modifier. On a result of 25 or better, the target Pokemon’s appeal roll for this round is doubled. **White Noise**: Musician Feature [ TA – LI ] Pre-requisites: Musician, 6 Musician Features Daily – Every 10 levels, you may perform this feature another time per day. Target: Pokémon or Trainers Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your CHA modifier. On a result of 15 or higher, use the move Heal Bell. When used in this way, Heal Bell creates a Blast with a maximum range and radius of 3 meters. Contest Trigger: A Pokémon is targeted by a Feature that takes a Trainer Action to perform. Contest Effect: You may declare use of this Feature as an Interrupt by giving up your next Trainer Action. Roll 1d20 and add your CHA modifier. On a result of 20 or better, you may negate the effect of that Feature. **Worrisome Waltz**: Musician Feature [ TA, LI ] < --C--, --M-- > Pre-requisites: Musician, 20 CHA, Off-Key Daily – Every 10 levels, you may perform this feature another time per day. Target: Pokemon and Trainers Effect: Roll 1d20 and add your CHA modifier. On a result of 18 or better, the user creates a burst of 5 meters. All legal targets become Unsettled for X rounds, where X represents half of your CHA modifier. An attack made on or by Unsettled targets requires +2 on the accuracy check to hit. Target: A Pokemon Contest Effect: Declare use of this feature at the start of a Contest round. Roll 1d20 and add your CHA modifier. On a result of 20 or better, the target Pokemon’s appeal roll for the round is reduced by half.