So going over my plans for Lucyne's 'condition', I found that making it interesting yet fair hard. So I grabbed my trusty GURPS books and statted out the changes, and lo and behold, all in all it cancels out to a -1 point disadvantage. (Revision changed to 0 point build) (GURPS uses points to keep track of how powerful a character is, you can spend points on advantages, aka abilties or similar, skills and such. Disadvantages give you extra points in return for a serious flaw.) So I'm gonna break down the individual advantages and disadvantages, their mechanical benefits and why I chose them. The descriptions are somewhat vague to save time. I really did this as more of a mind exercise and to show that the concept can be balanced quite nicely. The theme is that her body is now pretty much [DATA EXPUNGED]. This has some nice bonuses such as no pain and great durability, but also *severe* disadvantages. I'd like to add I tried to model the [DATA EXPUNGED], but couldn't find a good way to do so, also I would have given a higher penalty for [DATA EXPUNGED], personally.

Advantages: Doesn't Breath [20], Doesn't Eat or Drink [10], Doesn't Sleep [costs Fatigue 1/Day -0%, 20], High Pain Threshold [10], Injury Tolerance (Unliving) [20], Unaging [15], Universal Digestion [5], Unkillable 1 [Achilles' Heal ([DATA EXPUNGED], rare) -10%; 45]

Perks(One point mini bonuses): Sanitized Metabolism

====>146 Points

Disadvantages: Dread ([DATA EXPUNGED]) [-10], Flashbacks (Mild) [-5], Guilt Complex [-5], Manic-Depressive [Only during stress, -20%; -16], Numb [-20], On the Edge [-15], Paranoia [-10], Phantom Voices (Disturbing) [-10], Supernatural Features [Can't think of any good ones], [DATA EXPUNGED] [-30], [DATA EXPUNGED] [-5], Vulnerability ([DATA EXPUNGED]) [-20]

====>-146 Points

Quirks(Things that have no direct rules): [DATA EXPUNGED]

Doesn't Breath: Obvious, really. I picked this to drive the whole '[DATA EXPUNGED]' point home. Mechanically, it won't actually be too useful seeing as air rarely comes into play outside of water. Lucy would need to actively simulate breathing to fool others, might be a good call for a perception roll when she isn't careful.

Doesn't Eat or Drink: Obvious again. Little mechanical use really, she will still have to eat and drink to keep the facade up when watched. I could easily drop this one, but it makes the character feel very much unreal, which I like. As an added nuisance, I'd say she doesn't actually taste food anymore, making eating rather bland and annoying.(The longer you think about it, the more you notice what a disadvantage that becomes in the long run)

Doesn't Sleep: Now this is an expansion to the stasis we'd discussed, but I find this more fitting. Bodily fatigue would still exist, which would effectively keep work per day limited as before, the only mechanical benefit would be a kick ass sentinel at night. The limitation means that for each day she doesn't rest at least 8 hours, she takes 1 nonlethal damage that she cannot recover until she rests. Again, Lucy will have to act as if sleeping to fool others.

High Pain Threshold: Mechanically, this would give a +3 bonus to resist torture and any pain induced shock or penalties. OOC this is meant to help model the numbness of her not quite living body.

Injury Tolerance (Unliving): This means that her flesh technically isn't alive if looked at closely, instead [DATA EXPUNGED]. Mechanically, this makes piercing weapons do half damage. Fluff wise this means that even injuries that would normally be critical may mysteriously not down her animated body.

Unaging: The by far mechanically most useless trait. She doesn't age in her current state, which is mechanically useless since we aren't playing over years and magical aging is exceedingly rare.

Universal Digestion: Allows her to digest any organic material, be it fuzzy blue cheese and dishwater. This is mostly fluff to simulate her not tasting and caring for food anymore. This gives her no protection against ingested poisons other than basic food poisoning, though, making it quite useless mechanically.

Unkillable 1: The only trait I'd say is a serious boon. In effect, Lucy will not *die* until her body is reduced to paste, at -100HP. This gives her no resistance to unconsciousness though, meaning once she fails a roll to stay conscious at -HP, coupled with her [DATA EXPUNGED](See below), she effectively becomes a corpse until revived. Thinking about it, mechanically not that great either. This is to simulate her body not being based on biology anymore and [DATA EXPUNGED].

Dread ([DATA EXPUNGED]): This is the best approximation I could find. Basically, if she ever comes within an [DATA EXPUNGED], she ceases to function and becomes dormant (unconscious) until someone drags her out of range. This is to statt what happens when [DATA EXPUNGED].

Flashbacks (Mild): Whenever in a very stressful situation, or somewhere where she might remember tough memories, the GM may call a roll vs DC 5. On a failure, Lucyne has vivid flashbacks for 1d4 rounds, distracting her and giving her -2 on all rolls involving any form of skill. This is to simulate the harrowing memories of things by gone.

Guilt Complex: Whenever people close to her are seriously hurt, Lucy must roll a standard roll or suffer from crippling depression for 2 days if it wasn't and 4 days if it was her fault. During a depressive period, she must roll a standard roll each time she attempts *anything* other than mop around all day, on a failure, she takes the route of the least resistance. I could drop this because >edgy, but it models her guilt pretty well.

Manic-Depressive: Oh joy. I kinda took some liberties with the limitations rules but I think I hit it pretty well. Whenever Lucy is subject to serious trauma, the GM can call for a standard roll. If she fails, she must roll a d2. On a 1, she becomes manic for the rest of the day, on a 2, depressive instead. While depressed, she must roll a standard roll to do anything fun or useful, while manic she has to roll a standard roll to *resist* doing anything fun. We've seen how this one goes IC, haven't we? I believe the mania is actually far more dangerous, personally.

Numb: Now here's a serious disadvantage. Lucy can hardly feel anything. She has a limited sense of pressure, enough to feel her weight and walk without falling over, but cannot distinguish textures by touch at all. Feats that depend on touch alone (e.g. untying your hooves behind your back) are simply impossible. When attempting a task that requires hand-eye coordination, she suffers a -3 penalty unless she takes twice as long and can clearly see what she's doing. She experiences pain, temperature and shock mostly as normal, with some tolerance for pain compared to a normal pony, but she won't know *where* she was injured without looking. Instead, the pain is felt as a general shock traveling through the entire system. As a result, she cannot perform first aid on herself without seeing the wound. Now this I like, it will cause serious inconvenience both in combat and out. The whole concept is very alien and creepy if you think it through, a great way to add to the theme.

On the Edge(huehuehue, it's really called this though): Lucyne takes *grossly* unreasonable risks in the face of mortal danger. She must roll a standard roll each time she is faced with a life threatening situation: Piloting a burning ship, staring down an armed gryphon gang armed with nothing but a toothbrush etc. If she fails, she may not back down from the challenge, but she may reroll after every roll for success pertaining to the situation. In combat, she rolls a standard roll every turn, if she fails, she must perform an all-out-attack or similarly near-insane, suicidal action. The reasoning for this trait should be obvious, I believe?

Paranoia: Lucy is somewhat out of touch with reality and thinks that everyone is plotting against her. She only trusts close friends...and keeps an eye on them too, just in case. Since there is no reaction roll system, this has no mechanical disadvantages, but seriously inconveniences the character. The idea here being the whole dying triggered a severe schizophrenic episodes, which OOC I've had a few times before.

Phantom voices (Disturbing): Lucyne is plagued by whispering voices only she can hear. Whenever in a situation the GM deems stressful, the GM can call for a roll vs DC5. If it fails, the voices start talking again. They sometimes also just chime in for no reason. Lucy is relatively sure the voices aren't real, but they can drown out outside sound and even startle and frighten her. This is again more of an IC inconvenience, people would not take well to seeing her talk to unheard voices and the voices are quite menacing and tormenting towards her.

Supernatural Features: I wanted to add things such as no mirror image and stuff, but couldn't think of anything original so meh.

[DATA EXPUNGED]([DATA EXPUNGED]): And here is *THE* disadvantage that ties everything together. Lucyne cannot [DATA EXPUNGED]. She does not [DATA EXPUNGED]. First aid can [DATA EXPUNGED], but even surgery cannot [DATA EXPUNGED]. Technologies that [DATA EXPUNGED] are *[DATA EXPUNGED]*. Only [DATA EXPUNGED] can [DATA EXPUNGED], [DATA EXPUNGED] we severely lack. This is a disadvantage if I ever saw one, if she is ever [DATA EXPUNGED], she could [DATA EXPUNGED]. This I think more than balances out the advantages of [DATA EXPUNGED], I would give it more than -30 in this setting personally.

[DATA EXPUNGED]: As her [DATA EXPUNGED] are quite different from the norm, whenever she [DATA EXPUNGED], Lucy must roll a d6. On 1-3, [DATA EXPUNGED]. On 4-5, [DATA EXPUNGED]. On a 6, [DATA EXPUNGED]. Just added this for more [DATA EXPUNGED] strangeness.

Vulnerability ([DATA EXPUNGED]x4): The [DATA EXPUNGED], any strike with [DATA EXPUNGED] deals *quadruple* damage to Lucyne. If she is brought to -HP by such an attack, she needs to immediately roll a standard roll to survive and repeat the roll whenever she is struck again. [DATA EXPUNGED] ignores her Unkillable advantage. This means that a single [DATA EXPUNGED] is most likely to slay her immediately. This is to add the possibility of murdering her quickly, if the need should ever arise.

Again I'd like to express I am not trying to powergame or gain an unfair advantage, I want to add interesting things for players to explore and interact with. As you can see above, GURPS thinks my character is balanced. Thoughts? Comments? I'd find it very sad to drop this story arc, it would be so interesting to explore, maybe far in the future a way to 'cure' Lucy? And not even mentioning the [DATA EXPUNGED]. Fun, fun, >fun!