>So now, you were a Cutie Mark Crusader. An unofficial one. But it probably isn't too different from being a real one, and it probably won't be too long before it becomes official anyway.
>you sit by the small window, looking out for Fluttershy while Scootaloo and Applebloom spend their times planning out what they will do tomorrow. Making a list for Sweetie Belle aswell. So they could pick from it together.
>Scootaloo walks up to you, and tugs at your shirt "Hey Anon, don't you want to plan things out with us?"
>you look at her, she's got a pleasant grin on her face. It makes you smile.
>you shrug "Sure why not? I just gotta think of like..."
>you only hesitate for a moment, today's adventure was more like a job. So perhaps thinking of a job would work. "Cutie Mark Crusader...umm..."
>again, you take a moment. then it dawns on you. "How about, researchers?"
>Scootaloo gets interested "That sounds pretty cool, but, what exactly would we research?"
>you scratch your head, but then think of the most obvious answer "Anything I think, anything somepony doesn't know too much about. That sounds like it might work."
>Scootaloo nodded in agreeance "Yeah, that does sound like it might work. Especially if we learn......wait....we already thought of trying that...and you sorta said no."
>ah boy, she's right. They did plan to ask you all those questions "Well, what about other things? There's gotta be more interesting things to research than me right?"
>Scootaloo disagreed "Nope, come on Anon. Nopony has ever even heard of a human before. If we did get researcher cutie marks. It'd definitely be from learning more about you at a...um..scientific level I guess."

>You sigh, you didn't have many answers yourself. And this time you brought about the subject of study .But maybe, it wouldn't be so bad. They were nice enough, you became friends with them. It wouldn't feel so uncomfortable. At least you figured that. "Well, hmmm...I guess next time we're together. I wouldn't mind letting you girls research me. Just don't get weird about it ok?"
>You couldn't put a finger on it. But something about that invitation seemed suggestive...of something.
>Scootaloo lit up in excitement, and why not? It could possibly work. "Woah, Anon really?!"
>you put your arms forward, waving your hands infront of Scootaloo to calm her down "Woah, Woah scoots! D-don't get all excited like that. Heh, I mean. you know...." great, you made yourself feel uncomfortable about it.
>Applebloom walked over to see what the excitement was about "Heya Scootaloo, whatcha jumping for?"
>Scootaloo turned to Applebloom, her face beaming with energy "Anon said we could research him next time he visits! Like....FOR REAL!"
>Applebloom could feel it, that energy Scootaloo had. She turned to you, jumping. "Wow Anon, Are ya really gonna let us study you?"
>you blushed, why we're you blushing?! It's just girls wanting to learn more about you and research you! you turn away from them and look out the window, hiding your shame "Y-yeah, you know. it might get you cutie marks in uh...u-h-m..you know..Researching....:"
>Applebloom squeed "Yeehaw! Then I hope ya visit soon!" she jumped up and hugged you. You nearly fall back as you feel the force of her body push into you.

>even though she was hugging you due to her unbridled eagerness. It still felt warm. You don't hug her back though, you feel really uncomfortable and your face is deep red "...u...u..."
>Scootaloo hopped over to the scroll to add in that plan. She didn't want any chance of either her or Applebloom of forgetting the "Research" plan. Though, given the reaction. They probably wouldn't anyway.
>You started to sweat. Applebloom was getting pretty chummy, rubbing her head into your chest. Maybe it's a good plan, maybe not. there's gotta be some bonus points to it given you are the ONLY human ANYONE has ever heard of.
>Though, at this moment. You were hoping Fluttershy would come a knocking. The hug didn't feel bad, but. You didn't know if you should hug back. It was just really awkward.
>and, as if your thoughts were magical. there was indeed a knocking. and a soft "hello?". Definitely her. All this hugging made you miss her flying over.
>Applebloom hopped off you, and almost danced hop towards the door. "Hello! that you Fluttershy?"
>"Oh yes, i've come to pick up my little Anon" it was definitely her
>Scootaloo snickered, probably at the "little Anon" bit.
>Applebloom didn't however and opened the door.greeting Fluttershy
>Fluttershy peered her head and scanned for you. Smiling the moment she spots you "There you are!"
>oh man, that warmth in your heart. You could never get used to how warm Fluttershy makes you feel. "Mom!"
>You feel a jolt of energy as you rush up and give her a hug. She just giggles and nuzzles into you "Oh my, I didn't know you'd miss me that much."
>You nuzzle into the side of her head. Her mane was so soft "I always miss you when you're away mom!"
>Scootaloo couldn't hold it, and started giggling.
>Applebloom backed away from you both. finding the moment heartwarming. Then she gave a soft kick to Scootaloo's leg
>Scootaloo gave a small yelp, and rubbed her leg "hey Applebloom, what was that for?"

>Applebloom "for laughin, can't ya see they are havin a tender moment?"
>Scootaloo groaned at her "it's kinda mushy"
>Applebloom groaned back at her "hrmph..well..I think it's really sweet. They look so happy, ya know?"
>Scootaloo sighed, but she did take a moment to really look at the situation. a smile began to form "Yeah, I guess, thinking about it. It is kind of sweet. I mean, Anon could have turned out to be some super evil monster. But he's...kinda like us....sort of...."

>with the lovefest ended. Fluttershy looks over to Applebloom and Scootaloo. That kind smile ever so present "You both took care of my Anon, right? You didn't get into any kind of trouble?"
>Scootaloo and Applebloom both shook their head, and both replied "No! Crusader's honor!"
>Fluttershy nodded in delight of hearing that and turned her head to you "are you ready to go Anon?"
>You nod "yeah!...but hey..mom? I can come visit again right? I mean, I'm an unofficial soon to be official Cutie Mark crusader now!" did you say that? in excitement? yeah...you did. You never felt fully comfortable anywhere other than the cottage. But...well..aslong as nobody gets too weird or huggy..this place was pretty great.
>Applebloom takes the opportunity to add to this in earnest. "yeah, can he Fluttershy! since he's definitely gonna be a full time member soon! He's gonna probably have to visit lots of times."
>She didn't even have to think about it "Of course Anon can, he can come over whenever he likes. I don't mind, as long as nothing bad happens. I'm just so glad to see all of you have already become such good friends"
>Scootaloo and Applebloom let out a cheer, you. You just felt happy about the decision.
>Fluttershy stepped to the side to allow you to pass her as she looked to Scootaloo and Applebloom. "I'll be taking Anon home now. He probably is very hungry."
>she was right, you were pretty hungry now that you had the time to notice.
>she continued "But you girls can come to my home too if you want to visit Anon. never feel as if you can't alright?"
>they both nodded,"ok Fluttershy! in that case, we'll try to visit with Sweetie Belle to get you to being a Cutie Mark Crusader sooner Anon! that's ok right?" Applebloom said
>no qualms here "sure Applebloom,!"
>those sure words made Fluttershy smile brighter, she could already see you growing more mature and more outgoing. She was very proud.

>and with that, you all said your goodbyes. as you and Fluttershy made way back to the cottage.
>Fluttershy nuzzled her head into you once more and gave you that familiar motherly smile "So, what did my little gentlecolt do today? I want to hear all about it!"
>Fluttershy was very eager to listen. From what she could tell, her son had just had a very fun adventure out on his own with his new friends. Something that filled her heart with hope and love.
>you look up to the sky, it was sundown. you swing your arms to the back of your head and lean it against them. "Well,heh..you know how I said I was an unofficial Cutie Mark Crusader?."
>Fluttershy nodded "mhmmm"
>you nod "yeah, well, we sorta did something to get our cutie marks today." you grinned, thinking about it. The bits you had. You thought it'd be the perfect present for Fluttershy.She could use your share to buy better things maybe. And she'd be so proud of you. You were sure of it.
>Fluttershy started to look a little worried "oh? y-you didn't get hurt at all...did you? because-"
>oh geez,she's already jumping to conclusions. Then again, you weren't much better. "no no no no no, mom. It's ok. Trust me. All we did was go out and sell stuff. we opened our own shop for the day"
>Fluttershy was relieved "o-ohhh, ok." she sighed, glad that it was nothing bad "A shop?" she giggled "My little Anon, already growing up and being an Entrepreneur" she gave you a quick peck on the cheek
>you smile and blush in embarassment "nah no. Nothing that big. We didn't sell too much anyway. But we did have fun trying. And we did make a profit!" you reach into your pockets and pull out the bits "See, seven bits!"
>Fluttershy took a glance at them "Anon, did you earn those bits?"
>you nodded "mhmm! mhmm! All in one sale...though we kinda split all the profit evenly."

>Fluttershy looked at you, with a odd combination of cheerful seriousness "Well, Anon. You should save what you earn. You never know when you might need it!"
>"yeah, um. about that. Mom" you hand over the bits "I kind of want you to have them. You've been the best mom...well, that I can remember. I want you to have it. It will help out, I bet!"
>Flutershy took her hoof onto your hand and moved it back towards you, not taking the bits "Anon, please. You don't have to give me any money for being your mother, that's not how it works. We're doing absolutely fine. You have earned that money, and I want you to save it rather than giving it to me. ok?"
>You really wanted to give it to her, but despite disappointment. You'd rather not disobey her."yes mom..."
>You pocket the bits, she's probably right. But, you just really wanted to repay her.
>"and besides. you repay me plenty already by always being a good boy.That's why for dinner, I'm making you a delicious treat. But don't try to guess. it's a surprise!" Fluttershy said, with a soft pleasant tone
>Oh man! a delicious treat? that already made you excited. "Oh man! is it...ummm" You actually couldn't guess as what it might be.
>Even then, Fluttershy intervenes "ah ah, don't even try to guess. I want to see how excited you are when I make it for you"
>"ok mom, heh" man, hyped up for food. Doesn't happen too often.
>Though as you think about what it might possibly be. Something you temporarily forgot about enters your head.
>You look towards Fluttershy with a grimace, but she doesn't notice as she walks straight ahead.
>You turn your head back to the road ahead. Best not to say anything actually. Maybe if nobody mentions it. It won't have to happen.