>It's getting dark now. >Ponyville is cast in twilight of the non-pony kind. >Dinky walks beside you to your house. >She's a timid filly... >The whole way home she keeps looking around as though something will jump out and grab her. >She gives a cute 'eep!' when you pick her up. What's wrong Dinky? >She blushes and her ears droop, "I-I'm just nervous... can we get there faster?" >Success! >This pony is WAY too timid to try anything shifty. >Your body is safe again. >[INDEX] What is happening to me? [SCENE] >You walk a little faster for her sake. >The sun begins to fade. >She lights her horn to lead the way. >You don't really need it, but don't say anything after feeling her rapid breathing. >It reminds you of your younger self. >Scared and hopeless. >Powerless against your mind. >Is this little filly the same way? >[KEEP] not at all. [DREAMING] >You get to your home and bring her inside. >She hops from your arms and skitters under the coffee table. >You get on your hands and knees looking under the furniture. Dinky, what are you doing? >She sits in the shadows cowering, "I-I don't feel s-safe..." >Hnnnnnn-mother fuckin-nnnnnng >You pull a piece of candy stolen from Pinkie's out of your pocket and wave it at her. Come on, it's safe. No one is here but us. >She tentatively approaches the candy, stops to look around, then wobbles to your hand. >She sniffs the sweet then looks up at you with watery eyes. >You give her little horn a rub and she collapses with a *pomf* >You laugh and scratch her ear. >It twitches and she closes her eyes with a smile. >After you stop, she snatches the candy and stuffs it in her mouth, wrapper and all. >Why do ponies do that? >You can see that she's losing her bearing again after she finishes the candy. >Picking her up you walk to the couch and sit with her in your lap. >"Wha- uh... um, what are we going to do M-mr. Anon?" Actually Dinky, before we try to get you a cutie mark, I'd like to learn more about you. >She sits down and digs in, trying to get as close as possible to your warmth. >"Like... what?" What about your family? >She flinches, "y-you mean mommy?" >Derpy was a mail-mare. >And walleyed. >That's about all you knew. Yeah, tell me about your mother. >"Well... Mommy is brave. And funny. She loves me a lot and always protects me. She works hard and isn't very good at cooking. She likes muffins from Sugarcube Corner and always smells like them. She sleeps a lot and I watch her... Sometimes I touch her. I think Mommy is lonely and just needs someone to touch her. So I do." >What is that supposed to mean? >[Searching Index] What about your daddy? Where is he? >She looks confused. >"I never knew my daddy..." >You rub her head, I'm sorry. >"D-do you have a foal Mr. Anon?" >You chuckle and idly run a hand through your hair, No. Can't say I've ever thought about anything like that. >Her eyes widen and she smiles, melting your heart, >"You could be my daddy!" Uh, well Dinky, you see- >She ignores you and hops up licking your face like a puppy, "daddy daddy daddy!" >You grab her and hold her up at arm's length. I don't think I could be your daddy Dinky, but I CAN help you get a cutie mark. >She whinnies, "okay daddy!" >You never asked for this. >Whatever. Hmm, what should we try first? >"Cuddling!" Cuddling? I don't think that will- >"Snuggling!" She squirms out of your grip and nuzzles back into your lap. >This is bad. >Boner stahp. >You move her away. >"Awww daddy please?" >Fighting not to lose to her puppydog eyes, you sigh, Dinky, I'm not your daddy. >She looks as though her birthday has been canceled. >Bad move... >The tears start flowing, her ears fall and she begins trembling again. >"But- but... I *hic* WANT you to love me!" >She burrows her face into your stomach and wails. Dinky I didn't mean it like that! >She pulls her face back and looks up at you, "you would b-be a good daddy, you wouldn't hit mommy. You wouldn't leave us!" >You rub her horn again to calm her down and she melts into your lap with a hiccup. Hit your mommy? >She nods, "daddy used to hit mommy and call her stupid. A lot of ponies call mommy stupid. But she's not! She's just clumsy..." >All of your feels to this filly. Well those are the kind of ponies that you should just ignore. They have no idea how great your mom is. >You recieve a big smile and she wiggles. >"Can we do something dadd-... Anon?" What is it? >She looks down, unsure of herself, "will you cuddle wiv me?" >She really needs affection... >Fine. >You pick her up again and lay down on your side pulling her into your chest. There, how's this? >She sighs and moves closer, "thank you." >Looks like she's going to sleep. >You set your watch to go off in an hour and close your eyes as well. >Soon you're awoken by the feeling of something soft on your lips. >Something soft and wet. >You open your eyes to see yellow eyes inches from yours. >Dinky pulls her lips off of yours and blushes. >"Sorry daddy, you were having a nightmare." >So her idea was to kiss you? >"That's what I always do when mommy has a nightmare..." she looks bashful and scuffs the couch cusion with a hoof. Ah well... thanks? >You yawn and sit up. Well let's try some activities to get a feel for what your cutie mark could be. >Her horn glows and you feel a pressure on your chest pushing you back down. >"I thought of some while you were asleep..." What are you doing? >Her magic wasn't very strong, but you could still only move your arms and legs a little. >Dinky hops into your lap again and pushes your shirt up with her horn. >"I like your body daddy, it's really warm and makes me feel safe." >She lowers herself onto her face against your stomach with her back legs still extended. >Her back legs push and her face slides up your stomach. >"Mommy cuddles with me sometimes but she's not as warm as you. You make me really... warm." >She gets to your collar bone and rolls onto her back, rubbing into your chest. >"And I want your smell all over me daddy. Your scent makes my belly feel all tingly. I think it means I love you." >Okay so, this little pony is starved for attention. >She just wants to snuggle. >Your chances of not being raped are looking up. >Dinky stands again, her crotch inches from your face and blazing with heat. >Okay, scratch those chances. >She looks back, "can you feel that daddy Anon, you make me so warm!" Okay Dinky, let me up now. >She sits and slides her warm little backside down your chest, "but I need to get my *oooh~* cutie mark!" >This isn't happening... >But a half chub is. >She stops moving and looks down at your rising pants. >Of all the days you could have chose to wear sweats. >Dinky stands and shuffles down to your waist. Dinky stay away from there! >Her little yellow tail moves to the side, exposing some pink. >"THIS looks interesting daddy!" >Using her horn, she lifts the waist band over your growing erection and slides the sweats down to your knees. Dinky this is not very nice! >She stares at your cock mesmerized, "this is though..." >Her small hoof pokes it tentatively and she giggles. >"Wow you're REALLY warm here!" >She puts her face to it and nuzzles into the base. >Full mast. >"I can feel your heartbeat through your... uh, horn daddy!" I'm not your dad and that's not a horn! >You struggle to no avail. >She sniffs it up and down, tickling you then gives it a lick. >"Yeah it doesn't taste like a horn..." You have to stop. Now. >She smiles up at you, "aw, daddy's embarrassed." >Dinky puts the tip in her mouth and looks back up with mischievous eyes. >"I have a good idea!" >She lays on her back putting her crotch to your shaft. >It's incredibly hot and her lips part around the bottom of your dick. >"Oh that feels good..." Dinky this is too far! >"No daddy," she slides up using her hooves for leverage, "this is perfect." >Her folds slide up and down your length becoming slippery. >*Ung ah~* >You pray she doesn't try to stick it in. >Precum dribbles out, adding to the slickness. >"I- I'm going to stick it in..." No! >She changes position to lay on her back on your stomach and takes you up with a hoof, guiding you to her entrance. >The precum has made it slippery enough to slide off to the side of her muff. >She giggles and bends her head back up to look at you. >"Will it fit?" It won't! >She ignores you and pushes herself down onto it. >"AHH!" her motions halt as she gets the head in. >It swells and you can feel it leak more eager precum into her. >Dinky gulps and resumes pressing down. >When you're halfway in she stops again, breathing heavy. >"I... will *huff* do this." >Her insides work against her to push you back out, but Dinky pushes down with all her might and screams as you fill her up. FUCK! >She drools a little with you all the way in and wipes it with her hoof. >"That kinda hurt daddy..." >She slowly slides back up, her walls sliding around you like an agonizingly pleasurable vice. >*AH~* she begins working back down and looks back up at you. Dinky just stop... >Her eyes go like her mother's and she arches her back with a yelp. >"T-THAT'S A GOOD SPOT!" >She works her small hips and stimulates her g-spot on your cock. >You feel her hole become creamy and you groan. >She may be inexperienced, but she was tighter than anything you'd ever felt. >Falling back onto your abdomen she begins withering in spasms. >"I can- I- I- AHHHHH!" >She begins squirting, your balls receiving a coating of fluid. UNGH! O-OKAY YOU'RE DONE! >The cum is about to escape. >She wiggles side to side and strokes her horn with her eyes closed. >"Don't make it stop daddy..." >That's it. >You fire a shot of the load into her and she squeals. >Your cock pops out of her and continues to unload onto her stomach and chest. >She reaches down and rubs some of it into her little nipple. >"W-what is this stuff?" >Dinky dabs some onto her tongue and swishes it around. >"Yumm!" She quickly scoops up all she can and slurps it up. >"Thank you daddy! I milked you haha!" >You go flaccid again and begin to sob. >Dinky frowns and releases the magic holding you. >She walks bow-legged up to your face and kisses your forehead, "please d-don't cry..." >You want to get away. >You need to shower again. >You need a drink or two. >She curls up on your chest and begins to cry. >"I j-just wanted to make you like me!" >You put a hand on her head, not knowing what else to do. >She eventually cries herself to sleep. >Poor little filly... >Once you had the guts, you would talk to her mother. >The image of Sweetie Belle looms in your mind as you fall asleep holding Dinky. >Tomorrow... END OF PART 5