Biggest thing is that as a design principle, I'd try to have 2 things going on at all times if I could manage it, and try to mix up the timings on those 2 things frequently. If you just have one thing, then you can avoid it easily by doing the thing that counters it. If you have 2 things, then you need to select the right counter based on the scenario. In general the easiest thing to deal with in a beat em up game is a single enemy you can lock down.

On higher difficulties I'd ramp aggression a lot more. If there is a single enemy onscreen, it should never be idle. If there are two enemies onscreen, they should be idle only to mix up the times they attack you. If there's 3 or more, then one of them should always be attacking, if not 2.

Style switch on the Dpad. Really obvious choice. Throw in whatever other DMC4 tech is relevant, though probably not DT distortion, or at least don't make Distorted Real Impact so powerful.

Nerf the iframes on the quicksilver activation to like 20 frames.

Give Vergil Doppelganger, Royal Guard, Quicksilver.

Wraths need to be changed up in some way to make them actually menacing, like giving them a charge attack. I imagine that would look really demented, which could be cool. They need something to force them into your face so you accidentally blow them up on yourself. Maybe have them attracted to other enemies in their normal movement too.

Of the other 7 hells, the wikipedia page describes envy, sloth, gluttony, and lust as being "similar to pride" That's 5 out of 7 hells that are similar in body type and moveset, with the significant derivation being that sloth can teleport, gluttony can shoot sand blasts from its mouth, and lust can apparently dodge and dash attack. If it were up to me, I'd merge all the Hells together that aren't greed and wrath, since those clearly have a different niche. 7 is supposed to be thematic, fitting with the seven deadly sins, or whatever, but this makes more sense designwise. So we go from 7 enemy types there to 3. With teleporting, sand blasts, dodges, and basic attacks they'll have a decent variety. If we cared to uphold the theme, then I'd make some of the hells more liable to do certain things, and mix in abilities from the other enemies or invent new ones for them.

On harder difficulties, mix the enemy types more. We should be seeing enemies in different niches mixed together to prevent the whole mono-type weakness thing.

Give Enigmas a melee attack that pushes Dante significantly away from them. They excel at a range, up close they need something to reset the encounter.

If enemies are being juggled, allow them to jump out of it, similar to god hand. Make the jump-out direction slightly randomized, so it's not the same thing every time, but it also gives good players a chance to react to it in order to keep the combo going. If they're knocked down, have a tech roll that can similarly be reacted to.

Remove the passive dullahans entirely. Those sections are a waste of time. I don't know entirely how to revise the dullahan's moveset to be more interesting. The obvious unique niche it has is that it can only be attacked from behind, but I'm not sure how to play with that dynamic really. I suppose it would make sense if they were especially vulnerable to lock-on based attacks, given that you can't circle strafe well while using lock-on attacks, so you need to release lockon to get behind them, then re-engage it to attack. Perhaps a better route would be that the dullahan needs to take a certain amount of damage to its back, then it becomes invulnerable on its back and you need to move back around to its front for a more head-on confrontation, but even that doesn't sound very compelling to me.

The Fallen, remove their ability to go out of bounds. They're fine apart from that. Maybe remove the shields protecting them and grant them hyper armor all the time I guess?

Bloodgoyles work fine mixed with other enemies.

Mix the damned chess pieces together more with themselves and other enemies. Never use pawns by themselves except on the easiest difficulties.

I have no idea how to fix soul eaters, they're just a lame enemy concept. Maybe mix them with dullahans in some way?

Remove elemental weaknesses from the game, they're pointless.

Hell Vanguard is fine and excellent, leave it as is.

Cerberus, just have him do more things simultaneously to you. Remove his idle downtime. Get some icicles going, get a paw sweep across that you have to jump over (new attack). Get the heads to anti-air you. Have windups on all of these things, and keep them on irregular cycles that overlap each other intermittently. Have him prioritize attacks that would hit in your current area. Make the icicles the duty of the head furthest from Dante at the time so that the whole body isn't caught up in that and can do other things, let him interrupt them if he can get over there with any melee attack. Don't have any of the other attacks be interruptible.

Gigapede, have more bridges across the boss arena, or keep him low enough to jump onto at all times. Increase the number of ways to get up to the upper level, and to get on top of him. Have him electrify segments of his body randomly, telegraphed ahead of time so the player has to find safe spots, and/or have an electrical current run down his body. Have some type of warning about which hole he'll come out of next or have him always exit from the same hole he entered. When on top of him, have the electrical orbs spread out above him then go directly at dante.

Jester, have him layer his different attack patterns on top of each other simultaneously. Take some Shmup inspiration. Remove the segments where you shoot him, or at least make them go by more quickly. Combine the attacks he has in the third battle into the first one, don't bother using this boss fight 3 times.

Nevan works fine, maybe give her an ability to teleport behind dante to then attack up close or something.

Agni and Rudra work fine, maybe make it so you deal less damage to them when their health values are close to each other, encouraging you to defeat one before the other. Also make their attacks less predictable and more asynchronous.

Leviathan's heart, I dunno, It's a lame design in general I think. It drains the red orb drops and your DT meter, but without any push and pull, it just does it. The right and left lung don't function particularly differently. The lungs themselves should have attacks of some kind, like a close range burst and a far range projectile that drains health/DT from you, powering the elecrical ball attacks or laser attacks the heart does. Something should also probably be done to play with the dynamic that you need to move across the left and right side of the room to damage each, so that there is a reason to not just stay on one side of the room most of the time while focusing on a lung, but to actively switch between them, and be uncertain in some way of whether you're making the right choice focusing on one over the other, needing to use logic to determine which would be better based on a physical property of the room/lungs. I can't think of a good way to facilitate that right now.

Remove Beowolf's weak point, or have it so it can interrupt attacks in progress, but not stun him for a significant period of time. Focus on having him move around more in his low to the ground running stance to move outside and around your attack range and lunge at you from your side. I imagine a diving paw slash attack on the ground as well as an aerial lunge attack (looking at footage, he actually has the latter, he just doesn't use it much or very effectively). could also use some telegraphed anti-air moves. His cage attack might be better reserved as something to bust people using ranged weapons, meaning make it immune to ranged weapons. Also shorten the time he spends stomping to get the cage. One stomp is fine. If he misses after two cages, have him rush in for a lunge of some kind. Hell, have cages drop randomly or he just stomps occasionally to call cages for later. Remove his idle times, especially on higher difficulties. Don't have him swing uselessly as much, focus more on wrecking specific attack areas.

Geryon is fine, just shorten the cycles for running around, and give it a way to buck people trying to ride it.

Doppelganger, only have the light interrupt its current attack and stun it long enough for one counter attack rather than a full combo. Also don't have that be the only way to damage it. And have it mimic more attacks of dante's. Allow Dante to interrupt its ranged attacks with melee ones. Allow locking onto the shadow ball. Allow the shadow ball to be deflected by charged shots, but not regular ranged attacks.

Vergil 1 and 2 are fine, integrate more elements of vergil 2 into Vergil 3, as well as generally having him play a bit more crazy and less slow. Throw in some judgement cuts while he's doing other things. Have him move around more. Less idle time.

Kalina ann, add lady's kalina ann grapple options from DMC4:SE, including the ability to grapple to get yourself closer. Maybe rocket surf like in that one cutscene? Damage yourself if you don't jump off before hitting an enemy.

Maybe move air hike over to being a universal ability instead of a weapon-specific one? I feel it's kind of the character of the game that only some weapons have it, and you need to switch to them in order to get a double jump, but I also feel it's silly having such a useful ability like that being constrained in such a way.

Remove all items, remove the style levelup system. Give all upgrades automatically. Remove blood orbs, cut the HP bar in half. There's no economy here, there's no strategy here. It's a waste of time when players could get into the full game instantly instead of needing to spend most of the game slowly unlocking things via collectathon.

Lock off unnecessary areas of the game. I've honestly made the mistake of walking from nearly the end of the game back to the beginning of the game once before (it doesn't help that there was actually a fight waiting for me back there). This isn't an exploration-based game or a metroidvania, it's a pain to backtrack for nothing considering how linear the route of each mission is. Add clear guide markers to the map screen to tell you where the next point to be interacted is. Saves everyone a lot of trouble.

I feel like most of the weapons are fine, I can't think of anything that is really flawed or lacking at the moment.