The click of the door's latch as it closes is the only thing that breaks the silence. He wouldn't be expecting you, naturally but he'd still be trying to keep as quiet as possible. You're a heavy sleeper and of course your boy knows how to exploit that. In a way you have to admire him, having obviously taken lessons in how to move that way from the others. But he's still breaking the rules you'd agreed to and that has to be handled. There's a bump, a muffled curse and the sound of something heavy hitting the floor. The little clop-clop of his hooves pauses and you see his silhouette against the dim light, reaching about in the darkness for whatever item he'd knocked over. It was just one of your books, left there where you knew he'd meet it. His head swivels this way and that until he resumes his nightly subterfuge. That is, until you strike a match and light the lamp beside your chair. Garnet freezes where he stands, still leaning off from the table. His eyes flick from yours to the front door but he knows not to run. He may be more acrobatic than you but you'd still easily catch him in a pure chase and even if not he'd still have to come home eventually. "Boo," you whisper, standing from your chair, "is something wrong, Garnet?" Of course there's not - he's decked out in his black cotton pants, the pin striped waistcoat and the white silk shirt. If there was something wrong he wouldn't have dressed himself quite so well. For a moment he stands there, watching you approach. He shifts about until he's standing properly, tail lying flat against one of his legs. "I'm sorry, father." You've heard him lie before, all teenagers do it. You've even heard him lie about his remorse - teenagers do that too. This isn't a lie, however, there's no mistaking his sincere tone nor the way he hangs his head for deceit. Even in the soft light of the lamp his beautiful sapphire eyes glimmer brightly and for a moment you're caught between continuing and simply letting it slip. Your resolve is regained when you recall that this wouldn't be the first time you've let him off and that there's more at stake. "And so you should be." You stop short of him and fold your arms across your chest. Garnet struggles to meet your eyes. "Do you have any idea how long I spent pacing that floor in worry for you? Do you know what I was prepared to do to get you back?" "They wouldn't have done anything," he barks sharply, his breath now coming in heavy pants, "Dumbbell makes sure none of the patrons are allowed touch the performers!" Performers. As if he's just some piece of meat for the horny stallions of Ponyville to ogle and beat themselves off to. As if he hasn't a scintillating personality and possesses looks that put anyone to shame or that he's undeserving of someone that would appreciate him as full and deeply as he should. "This isn't up for discussion." Pacing over to the couch, he stands there with his mouth agape. "Discussion? Of course it's not; I am not some colt in swaddling you may order around and... and..." He was most likely not expecting you to sit back down or for you to pat your lap. While other parents might attest to spanking their fillies and colts when they were young, you still found it a good deterrent even at Garnet's age. Goodness knows he's got too sharp a mind for you to try and argue around. But it's just another point that you're proud of him for. He's never had to lift a fist against a pony because of that silver tongue. His hoofsteps are heavy as he makes his way over to you, already unlooping his belt from his pants. One hoof down then the other and he stops, eyes going wide and his fingers digging into his waist. "Father, c-could you spare me this, tonight? Please, I beg of you, I do not wish anything to happen to these." He gives a little tug on the pants. "They were quite expensive, as you know." "I know." You wave a hand towards yourself. "I also know that you'll swap out what you're wearing tomorrow morning." Garnet goes stock still, his eyes never leaving your own. He knows, of course he does. The air feels thick with tension but you let him sweat it out. He's done just the same to you tonight. There's still no way out, no argument he can turn to get you to relinquish. Resigning himself to his fate, the young satyr resumes his slow walk over, tugging at his pants the whole way. A few inches finally allow you to see them - ah, so they were the black ones with the purple lace trim. Clop, clop, clop go his hooves, now muffled by the pants beginning to bag around them. His hair is just as immaculately styled and his face as spotless as ever. It's almost a shame that that will soon be changed but it was out of love that you did this, as you always did. When he lowers himself across your lap he readily grabs a cushion and stuffs it under himself before taking another and thrusting his face into it. He's beautiful. That was something you've long accepted. The subtle curve of his back that sweeps up over his rump; the way his smooth, white skin transitions to silky, white hair; the way his lower body is toned without being bulked up by muscle or fat. Garnet still runs with Cinnamon Cider, eager to keep his figure in check. The results of that faultless attention are bare for you to appreciate as you lower your hand to the small of his back and run it down. Down onto his tail which you lightly tug to one side, down onto the fine cheeks of his rump which feel as satiny soft as you knew they would. Down onto one of his thighs, just enough bared for you to touch. A body as fitting for his mind as he deserves. There are no more words exchanged, no need and no right for a warning as you lift your hand high. Experience has also taught him not to tense up his rump to soften the blow and so it sits in your lap, perfect and round. The air whooshes around your hand as you bring it back down as fast as you can, your fingers kept tightly together. And then a loud, sharp crack reverberates throughout the living room as your palm connects with the cheek of his behind. Garnet's backside quivers for a moment as you hold your hand there, the soft flesh shaking until he regains his composure. If he'd made a sound it was so quiet that the cushion stopped it. But this was just the beginning. Raising your hand again you bring it down on the other cheek to another crack that fills the air. Garnet's cheeks tense up suddenly and there's a sound like a little squeak above you. From where you're sitting, the way he tightly holds onto the cushion is perfectly visible. You give the cheeks of his rump a light rub, helping the sting to dissipate. It would only make further strikes sharper than they should. Except the black panties he wears get in the way so you simply unclip the hook that holds them above his tail and slowly bring them down, baring his rear completely. Again, your hand sweeps over his cheeks and this time you can feel the tiniest little shiver running through him. Did he expect your other hand to lower and rub at one of his stockinged legs? The silk and lace are a nice complement to his coat but it's hard to decide on which is softer. Perhaps there were stallions at the Frisky Filly that were asking themselves the same thing. He's had enough time for the pain to dissipate and you give one last rub before quickly lifting a hand and then putting all your might into the smack you give, centred between the cheeks of his rump. Garnet's tail snaps up and he cries out into the cushion. His behind rises before he pushes it back down and even now you can feel his sheath swelling out against his panties and pressing into your knee. As if forgetting what's happened before his tail comes back down, nestling between his legs protectively. In response you just wrap your free hand around it and pull it up. "Please, be gentle!" Looking back there's no tears in his eyes but there's supplication in his voice. You keep your eyes level with his and his tail held high as your hand smacks at the point right under the dock of his tail. It's horribly sensitive, soft flesh but he only grunts, wincing with the effort of restraining himself. His cock gives another throb, more inches of flesh spilling out of his sheath to strain against your leg. His legs splay and then come together with each blow as he tries to find some way of managing through this. Each smack leaves him straining more and more to contain his vocalisations, either grunts or high pitched cries. Each smack sees your palm opening more and more, each blow becoming that bit more forceful until you can make out red marks glowing through his white coat. But you're not quite done yet. With every blow he starts grinding in against you, his cock now firmly at attention. He knew if he let this happen it would only get worse but sometimes--just as now--he willingly threw himself into it, longing for your strong arm to punish him. You may not have had quite the refinement his mother did but you weren't some giant either - it was just enough that you could give him a firm rap. From cheek to cheek you switch your spanking, making sure each one receives ample attention. Garnet squirms under you, crying out into his cushion so far-gone is his desire to maintain his modesty. Once or twice your hand strays lower, down over his thighs and in those moments his member twitches the hardest, wetting your own pants with his excitement. But eventually you start to slow down. Each smack to his behind becomes less forceful and the resultant cracks are softer. Not until you look down to see his rump pink as Pogo's tail do you finally stop. Garnet shifts about, trying both to grind himself on you and to hide his erection. Breathing heavily, you end it with a few gentle rubs from his back to his legs. Each time your hand strays over the tender flesh of his rump he squeaks and tenses before relaxing as you pass over his legs. Somehow, through it all, his pants have come off, baring the black silk stockings that he wears. Fit for a pony, they perfectly cling to him and accentuate every curve as well as the length. "Alright, Garnet, that's it." Shuffling back off your lap, he slowly stands. All it does is make his erection spring free of its lace prison, spattering a few drops of pre over your nose. Garnet looks aside suddenly, cheeks alight. Thankfully he doesn't see you wipe it off and then taste. "I'm sorry, father." It almost breaks your heart to hear the sheer remorse in his voice. Standing, you wrap our arms about him and welcome him into doing the same. "I know you are. I'm only looking out for you, you know." He nods against your chest and you separate. "Alright, I think we should both be getting to bed. Garnet nods and goes to retrieve his trousers. "You can leave those." He looks up at you suddenly and you smile, waving him back to you. "We'll get them in the morning. And Garnet?" You take his hand in your own and lean down to kiss him. "I love you, never forget that." For the first time that night he smiles. "I love you too."