>Day 300 in Equestria >You are Anonymous, and you are an INVENTOR. >Now, you're no Leonardo Da Vinci, but he's certainly influenced your work. >Ever since you've arrived in Equestria, you've introduced television to the public, created Equestria's first automobile, (The design was lifted wholesale from the Model T, save for the water-powered engine. You didn't want Equestria to suffer the same enviromental issues as Earth, after all.) and as a result, the quality of home life in Equestria improved by a huge margin. >But no matter what you could do, you could never figure out how to make a proper flying machine. You could have done it Wright Brothers style, but that wasn't the kind of flight you wanted to experience. No... What you wanted was something faster, something... 20% cooler than that. >Yes, you wanted to create a device that would allow you to soar the skies with your closest friend and bro-est of bros, Rainbow Dash. >But no matter how hard you worked, no matter how many revisions you made, it always seemed like you were always out of reach of your goal. >But you never gave up. >No sir, you weren't a quitter, everyone in Equestria knew that by now. But they also knew about your attempts at flying. >And how each attempt ended in failure. >They would laugh at you, and make jokes at your expense, but Rainbow never laughed; that's just the kind of mare she was. She knew you had a dream, and that you were hell bent on acheiving it. >She knew that, and she respected you for that. >Your name is Anonymous, and today, you are CLOSE. >You sit in your workshop, formerly the Apple Family barn, pounding away at your latest prototype. You've BEEN pounding away at this thing since a week ago, in fact. >The Apple family, while initially leery of your various "fancy thingamabobs", grew to admire your drive, and offered to let you use their barn as a workspace whenever you needed it. Heck, they were the first ones to test out the first Equestrian-made television, a fact that Granny Smith is STILL proud of to this day. >You sip a glass of fresh apple juice, courtesy of Apple Bloom, then flip down your welder's mask, and ignite your blowtorch. >As you continued your tireless work, you feel a hoof on your shoulder, and cease what you're doing. Flipping up your mask, you turn to find Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Big Mac standing behind you. >"Anonymous..." began AJ, clearly worried. "Th' family thinks you should take a break fer today. ya'll been runnin' yerself ragged, and you hardly eat at all. As much as I'd hate t' admit it, you can't jus' survive on apple juice alone, you know..." >You sigh; she's right, after all. What you were doiing WASN'T healthy. Still... "But I'm so close... I got a good feeling about this one." >This time, it's Apple Bloom's turn to speak. >"Isn't that what you said about th' LAST one Anonymous?" "... Yeah, it is." >You sigh. Maybe you SHOULD take a break. For a little bit, maybe. >Yeah, just a little break, and then back to work. "Okay, I'll take a--" >Before you finish, you're extracted from the barn, and promptly ejected from Sweet Apple Acres. "--break?" >You sigh. As you walk through the town, you're met with jeering citizens, most of them being pegasi. >You try to ignore it, but some days, it's just so hard... >"Hey Anon! Is that you? It's been a while, man!" >But there's always a silver lining to these grey clouds. "Hey Rainbow, I didn't know you were back in town today!" >"I know, huh? I've been so busy ever since I got into the Wonderbolts. Spitfire's been flying me ragged. How've things been in P0nyville, Mr. Genius Inventor?" "Oh you know, same old, same old." >"I see... Oh! How's your project coming along, Anon? What number are you on this time? Twenty... Two, right?" "Twenty-nine..." >"Oh." "That's alright. I got a good feeling about this one. For real, this time!" >"Really? You think you could let me come watch you fly once you finish it?" "Hell yes!" >The two of you share a laugh, then you send her off with your patented friendship hoofshake. >Now you were even more determined to finish this thing up! >Grinning, you return to Sweet Apple Acres, which is rather quiet, oddly enough. You spot Big Mac standing in front of the barn. >Running up to the barn, you call out to him. "Hey Big Mac! Where is everyp0ny, huh?" >His eyes widen when he spots you coming up. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he seemed... nervous? >"Er, uh... They went out." "Really? I didn't see them in town..." >"Oh, uh... Ya must've just missed them." "Maybe. Now can you move? I want to get back to work, okay?" >Before he can speak, he's interrupted by a loud crash from within the barn. >A loud METALLIC crash. "Oh no..." >Pushing past Big Mac, you burst into the barn, where you find Applejack pounding away at your latest work, a sledgehammer haphazardly held in her jaw. "Applejack?! Wh-what... WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" >Applejack immediately drops the sledgehammer, and begins stammering, taking one step back for each step you take forward. >"I, uh... Well, y'see... Uh..." "You have THIRTY SECONDS, Applejack. Explain. NOW." >She sighs, her head hung low, and her ears drooping. >"Ah just can't stand it, Anon... Yer workin' yerself to th' bone... and ALL FER A CONTRAPTION THAT MIGHT NOT EVEN WORK!" >You don't dare say anything. Not now. You were pissed. No, not pissed, you were beyond that. You were LIVID. Your rage was more intense than the burning heat of a thousand of Celestia's Suns. After a tense silence, you finally speak. "Applejack..." >She flinches. "Y-Yeah?" "Leave. NOW." >She obliges, and she immediately runs off to the farmhouse. Big Mac looks at you, then to the farmhouse, and shakes his head. >"Mares..." >You don't even register the fact that he left. >You had work to do. >You work nonstop; you didn't dare waste any time. >You work for the rest of the morning, and well past lunchtime. >Finally, with the last twist of your wrench, and the last pound of your bal peen hammer, it was done. >You waste no time running back to Ponyville. This was IT. Finally, you could fly in the sky with her, just like you promised. >As you run along, you hastily strap your contraption to your back, not even caring about the looks you were receiving as you did so. >You stop, looking around the square for any sign of Rainbow Dash. You'd think it'd be easy, considering how much her mane stood out... >You grab a nearby p0ny, who had been staring at the device affixed to your back. >You could barely form a coherent sentence; You were in that much of a hurry. >"Rainbow Dash. Ponyville. WHERE?!" >The pony, a pegasus stallion winces at the deathgrip you have him in, and barely manages to stammer out a response. >"I-I-I think she went to... to... Sugarcube Corner!" >You don't even say thanks. >As you enter SUgarcube Corner, you find that Rainbow Dash isn't here, but you ARE greeted by Pinkie Pie. >"Well HEY Anon! Whatcha doin' here? What's that doohickey on your back? Is it one of your flying machines? Why are you-- Mmph!" >You clamp her mouth shut with your hand. "Pinkie. Now's not the time. Rainbow Dash was here. Did she say if she was going somewhere?" >You take a deep breath, releasing her snout from your grip. She rubs a hoof over where your hand had been, then resumes speaking as though nothing had happened. >"Oh! I know, I know! She said she was gonna wait for somep0ny by the fountain!" "The fountain, got it! Thanks!" >Before she could say anything, you're out the door. Pinkie Pie blinks, then giggles. >"Hehe, WOW! Anon's really fast today! Wonder why..." >You arrive at the fountain to find... no one there. God DAMN IT. >"Anon!" >You whirl around as you hear someone call your name, but it wasn't who you expected. "What the hell do you want, Applejack?" >"Ah..." She pants, obviously out of breath. Had she ran all the way here? >"Ah wanted to apologize, and tell you somethin'... It's about Rainbow Dash..." "... I'm listening." >"Ah know you've been all over town, asking about her. Everyp0ny's talking about it!" "Yeah, so?" >"You've been lookin' in all the wrong places! She's at th' FARM, Anon. Waitin' fer YOU." >You blink. "So, all that running around I did..." >"Pointless... Sorry hun." >You shake your head. "No, I'm sorry... I was really upset, and I wasn't thinking straight..." >"Sorry." "Look, just stop apologizing, will you?" >She hangs her head low. "Okay." >Dammit AJ, why do you gotta be so cute when you're mopey? >You sigh, and tousle her hair. "Quit feeling sorry for yourself. You had your reasons for what you did. I won't forgive you, but I'm not angry at you. Not anymore." >At that, Applejack manages a small smile, and runs off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres, with you hot on her tail. >It wouldn't be long, now... >Finally, you arrive at the farm, and your eyes go wide. >There she was, just like Applejack said. >Before you can blink, she's in front of you. >You smile; she was as quick as ever. >"Hey Anon," she says, a smile on her face. "Is that it? Number Twenty-Nine?" >Borrowing a page from Big Mac, you nod, and with all the eloquence you can muster, you reply with one word. "Eeyup." >"Well, what're you waiting for?" >You grin. This was it; this was the moment you've been waiting for. >You start at the gate, and pump your legs as fast as possible. >Working the controls, the wings on the device begin to flap, it's large wingspan generating lots of lift. >You grimace; this wasn't enough; you needed MORE! >As if on cue, Dash flies beside you, grasping two straps in her hooves. Assisted by her speed, you let your legs straighten as you begin to glide over the ground, your wings flapping faster. >You nod to Dash, who takes that as the signal to let go. With one final push, you go skyward. >Below you, Applejack, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom look on in awe. >"Big Mac, is he...?" >"Eeyup." >"He's FLYIN'! ANON'S FLYIN'!" >You can barely hear them anymore; you're that high up. Right beside you is Rainbow Dash, sporting a grin even wider than yours. "Told you I'd do it." >"Yeah, you did." >This was incredible. Everything had WORKED!NOTHING could ruin this moment. >And then it broke. You don't know how, but it broke. The wings went limp, and you could hear Applejack screaming as you plummeted through the air. >You were falling. Fast. >You heard Rainbow Dash call out your name. >Then everything went black. >You groan. What happened? >You look around you; were you in the hospital? >You spy a vase full of flowers, a get well soon present from the Apple family. >It was then that you realized that you couldn't feel your arm. >Fearing the worst, you look down to find... Rainbow Dash sleeping peacefully on top of it. >You sigh, and tousle her hair. She mumbles something, and smacks her lips. >God she was a heavy sleeper. >You hear a door click shut, but with Dash on your arm, you couldn't really investigate. >"Big sis... Are ya sure?" >"Yeah, Ah am. Celestia knows he's earned it. Earned her, too."