Previously >Anon's face twitches, stunned. >Quiet Dawn is standing, mouth agape. >The air is thick with shock. >The robe you wear thankfully keeps you from Jasmine's sight. >There's no way you're getting out of this one. >This is all Anon's fault anyway. >If he hadn't practically forced you to come here, none of you would be in this situation. >That treacherous guard... >If only you could explain to Luna! >If only... >You've all been too afraid to move. >“You know, I can't believe you, Dawn! I always gave you a chance and told you where to improve and-” >The black-maned mare stands firm, shouting down at the guard. >What an odd disguise she donned previously. >Convincing too. >Fooled you well enough. >But there's other matters at hand. >“Told ME where to improve?! Your whole life you've been a stuck-up prude! Not to mention your boring, tear-inducing stories that could drive anypony insane!” >The arguing continues, but you've lost interest. >You want to escape, but you don't reckon that chance is in your favour. >Echo looks up to you though, giving you a funny look. >Shrugging your shoulders, you try to ask what the hell she means. >She moves her head towards the side lane beside the entrance. >You whisper to her, the two guards distracted by their own bickering. “Think we can make a break for it?” >“Jasmine is the slowest pony I know. We could be in Ponyville and she'd not even be close to the Everfree.” >You two look away from each other. >“-and furthermore, Quiet Dawn, what have you ever done to deserve the royal guard position?” >You hold up three fingers. >“More than you, that's for sure!” >Two. >“Hell, I could name fillies who'd make better guards than you!” >One. >“You're a fool, Dawn. A liar and a fool!” >As light-footed as you can, you make a break for the lane. >An enormous gasp is heard from Jasmine's throat. >“DAWN! AFTER THEM!” >“Who said you give the orders around here?!” >“If you catch them I'll let you go free!” >Oh great. >A whooping noise from the traitorous foe. >“Sorry, Anon. I didn't count on that!” “Well, we'll just have to outrun the pair of them. Think you're up to it?” >Your friend turns up to you, a gallant look on her face. >“You bet.” >You wonder why she hasn't used her wings yet. >The gallops of Quiet Dawn are sluggishly but steadily catching up to you. >“Anon, when I give the signal, grab onto my leg.” “What?” >She huffs, her breath slowly dissipating from her tiny lungs. >“Just trust me!” >Feet slamming down on the cold ground, you focus on one thing only. >“Now!” >The jumping batpony. >With an almighty thrust at the floor, physics takes place. >You grab onto the flying pony, getting some height above the ground. >“Ugh-! You're a- a little heavier than I thought you'd be!” >Holding onto her curled hindlegs is more of a challenge than you thought it'd be. >You can feel your grip surely slipping. “Echo, we can't keep this up much longer.” >“Ngh! No- Anon. I can do this.” >Her words ring hollow. “Echo, set down now!” >“We'll be sitting ducks!” >Eyes tracing downward, you see the buildings of Hollow Shades beneath. >And you're not that far from the gates. “Echo, trust me. We'll be home-free before you know it.” >She grunts. >“Fine.” >The black-maned guard cries out at you from the distance. >“Get back here NOW!” >She's barely through the sideway passage of the lane. >No way she'll catch you. >Dawn, though... >She's gaining. >In the middle of the square however, attempting a leap over the statue of Princess Luna... >Results in a pitiful smack of flesh and stone. >A wincing screech makes its way from the idiot. >You hadn't noticed before, but her wings are fairly little. >That'll be it, then. “Echo, now! Set us down!” >She puffs for breath, and almost descends into freefall. >Your grip isn't tightening any. >Hands slipping, you feel yourself about to fall... >Out of nowhere, the hard stone touches your feet. >“Get back here, you two!” >A cringe-worthy scream from the faster guard. “Let's hurry.” >The gates are still open in the dead of the night. >“CLOSE THAT GATE!” >The shunting groan of steel scrapes along the rock. >No time to pace yourself. >“Run!” >You obey. >Pedalling along the floor, almost all oxygen inside of you has drained. >Your legs are fatigued, your head is pounding with adrenaline. >Maybe it's enough to get you through. >Creaks and clangs. >“Anon, hurry!” >She starts flapping her wings to the point where they blur, and bolts out of the village. >You never were an athlete, but... >You can run to save your life. >That's exactly what you're doing. >Boot upon gravel, wind passing by, you're going to make this. >The dark streets of Hollow Shades will be gone soon. >The guards that stand beside the mechanism try to reach out to you as you pass the gate, but no use. >You're through! >A slam of metal hits your ears. >You plop yourself down behind the wrong side of the hulking steel gate. >Now you're going to be thrown to the jails for sure. >Your ears perk up, and pants enter your auditory nerves. >“Dih... Did you catch them?!” >Jasmine. >You have no energy left. >You're for it. >And the secrets inside the Chronicle will be returned to a vault in Canterlot, likely. >Not sold to the highest bidder. “No.” >“What?! Wha- hold on a sec...” >She coughs for a moment. >“What do you mean you didn't catch them?!” “They're past the gate, Jasmine!” >The pony looks horrified. >Her voice softens. >“Do you even understand what this means, Quiet?” >It's unnerving. >“You know what's going to happen, right...?” >That, you do. >The torment of Luna's dream spells have only been spoken of in folklore. >But you know full well, for capital offenses like this, you're going to drown in insanity. >Those two will pay. >Oh yes, they'll pay. >“Where to now?” >You and your friend are still going at a steady pace. >Better safe than sorry. “Back to Ponyville, I suppose.” >It's becoming increasingly difficult to navigate through the brush of the Everfree. >That map is still in your pocket. >“Won't they think to look there?” >The navigational tool is broken, though. >You wonder if there any more of those bright opals in the vicinity. >While you push aside some rough branches, you spot a clearing. >A small one, yet enough room for the two of you. “One second, Echo. We need a break.” >Before you can even lift a foot, she interrupts. >“No, you mean YOU need a break.” >She giggles. “Well... Yes.” >A smug grin greets you in the gloom. “Quiet Dawn and Jasmine don't know where I live. They probably haven't even heard of Ponyville.” >Taking a seat on a rock, you pick up a miniscule stone and throw it as far as you can. >“Probably not.” >She sits on her haunches, peering around. “What are you doing?” >“Sonar.” “Oh, of course. You're a batpony.” >The mares face looks to you. >“You're really something, Anon. You know that, right?” >You chuckle. >Noises of the forest creep around you and your friend. >A minute bug on the floor crawls beside your boot. >“Anon, why are we here?” >Your gaze is drawn to her. “Huh?” >“Why did you leave your home? Why come for the Chronicle? I'm nothing significant. I'm just your average stole-an-ancient-artifact-and-got-banned-from-her-hometown batpony.” >She's good with words, this one. “I...” >Echo's legs raise slightly. “I don't know. I'm curious about you.” >Her eyebrows do the same. >That bug begins to crawl away. “You say you're regular, apart from stealing the book. There's something about you.” >“What? What could there be?” >You ponder for a moment. >She waits intently, lurking for an answer. “I'm not sure. Shall we head off home now?” >Dejected, she sighs gruffly. >“Fine.” >After about an hour of fast walking, and some more assistance from Zecora, you and Echo come into the village. >Dawn breaks. >Dawn. “I don't like this.” >The small mare looks to you. >“Why?” >You can't meet her gaze. “It just... doesn't feel right. Us being here at daybreak exactly.” >She doesn't seem as concerned with it as you. >“Oh come on, Anon! You're just being facetious. We lost those ponies an age ago. There's no way they'll find us.” “Maybe you're right.” >Tiredness in her stride, Echo trots with want of sleep. >“Hurry up, I need a good sleep.” >You can't argue with that. >Your feet pursue her into the house. >It feels like an age since you were last in here. >The clopclop of hooves on the stairs greet you. >“Goodness, I'm so tired. I'm still stealing your bed, by the way.” >Smiling up at her, an air of guilt surrounds you. “Take it. You deserve it.” >“Alright.” >Under a false small, the batpony looks... >Drained. >Grim. >And worst of all... >Betrayed. >There's a sinking feeling this won't be your home much longer. >You're too tired to dwell on it for now, though. >For once, sleep comes easy. >A swirling coldness grabs you. >Blackness surrounds the air around you, tightening its grip with every breath you take. >“This is your fault.” “I didn't mean for this to happen!” >There's another squeeze upon your life. >“Oh, of course! Nah, thought you'd just waltz on into my trust, and then shatter it like glass.” “I... My intention was never-” >“Shut up! Just shut up shut up shut up, SHUT! UP!” >There's an almighty screech. >“You're a coward, Anon! A lousy, pathetic, worthless coward!” >The sound of bones snapping. “No!” >“You know you are! Don't deny it!” “I'm not!” >“You can't even steal a book right! You're not even worth the effort of being killed!” >An inglorious roar. >A knock at the door. “Agh!” >That dream wasn't pleasant. >The voice... >It was like Echo's. >But it was different, somehow. >The curtains are still drawn inside, but a tiny lick of light shines. >She sounded... >Anguished. >The knock comes again. “Ugh, I'm comi-coming, just wait a minute.” >A rough head and a cold body isn't a great combination for neighbourly activities. >You pull open the door. >“Where have you two been?!” >It's Lyra. >“I've been looking all over town for the past two days worried sick! I thought you two had disappeared!” >You look off to the side. >Canterlot Palace is in view. “We might be gone again sometime soon.”