>You are now Anon. >You are at Rarity's boutique. >She has decent looking clothes for gentlemen . >Besides, her store is much cheaper than any of the clothes stores in the city. >"What do you think about this suit Anon?" "Looks great Rarity, I'll try it on." >You go to the changing room. >Rarity decides to talk to you outside the changing room. >"Anon, I noticed you were sad in the library, and Twilight was very angry. What happened?" "I don't want to talk about it Rarity." >"Oh puh-lease darling, apparently it was such a big deal." "Well, it was, I told Twilight that Flash only wanted to -well- have sex with her." >"..." "And I showed her some evidence." >"What evidence darling?" >You play the recording, and she hears it all. >"I knew that ruffian was up to no good!" "But, you said plenty of good things of him that I lack!" >"I know darling, but you have something that he doesn't." "Oh yeah, and what's that?" >"Good feelings, a heart of gold, and a desire to help others, frankly, it's the things that a woman loves in a man." "...Thank you Rarity." >"You are welcome darling, now, let's see how you look in that suit." "Okay...here goes nothing." >You exit the changing room. >"..." "So...what do you think?" >"Darling, you look...marvelous, just fabulous, I...must have a date with you!" "Hell yeah it works! Thanks Rarity! Here you go." >-$200 USD. >You exit the store. >"Now I see why AJ likes him..." Rarity says. >Walking on the street. >You decide to spend some of the money you've earned. >You must show off this suit. >What do you want to do? A. Call a friend and hang out. B. Call Applejack to go out with you. C. Call Rarity to go out with you. D. Go clubbing and try to get laid. >Time to repay Applejack her sweetness towards you. >Since you know her, she's been so nice with you. >You don't know why. >Take out your smartphone. >An old lady answers. >It's her granny, the school's cook. >"HELLO?!" "Hello Mrs. Smith. Is Applejack around?" >"WHO IS IT? IS THIS THING ON?!" "It's me, Anon!" >"A CANNON?!" "NO NO IT'S ANON, look, could you just call Applejack?" >"Alright alright sonny! No need to get angry." >What? >She clears her throat. >"APPLEJACK, ANON'S CALLING!!!" >Shit, even for an old lady, she has strong lungs. >"...Hello?" "Oh, hi Applejack, look, I've been thinking about you, and all the stuff you've done to cheer me up. So, I wanted to repay your kindness by hanging out with me tonight." >"..." "Is that a yes?" >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZO3LSe1_bg >"Of course Anon, Ah'd love to! Ah'll get ready, pick me up at 7:00 okay?" "Sure AJ. See ya." >That wasn't so hard. "See Twilight? I'll have a date with AJ! I'm not pathetic! HAHAHA" >"Mom? why is that man talking to himself?" >"Just ignore him sweetie..." >7 P.M. >You arrive to AJ's farm. >Her granny greets you. >"AJ's upstairs sonny, treat her with respect, so don't get too frisky with mah girl, or else Ah'll be putting a couple of rounds in yer' butt." >You chuckle. >http://youtu.be/SyGA5iZukZ0?t=4s >"Ah'm not kidding son." "Ah..sure Mrs. Smith." >You nervously say. >"Ah'm ready!" >AJ comes downstairs. >"Golly Anon, you look so fancy." "And you look absolutely amazing!" >You open the trucks door for her and then you get in. >"Where are we going Anon?" A. Movie Theater. B. Restaurant. C. Driving through the country side. D. Dancing. "We'll have a nice dinner at a restaurant." >"Oh good, Ah'm so hungry Anon." >Her stomach growls. >She blushes and looks away embarassed. >Aww she's so cute. "I better move quickly." >She chuckles. >While you're on your way, you talk about plenty of stuff. >Happy and sad things that happened to your lives. >She tells you how she lost her parents and how she had to deal with the farm. >You tell her how you lost your father, and how you work hard everyday enough to sustain yourself and help your mom with the bills. >Talking with her is like having therapy, but free. >That's one of the things that you like most of her. >She's there to hear your problems and gives you a shoulder to cry. >What an amazing woman she is. >Ten minutes later. You arrive to the restaurant. "Here we are Applejack, 'Dick Goblin's World of Coq.' The food here is absolutely tasty." >"Gosh Anon, it looks kind of expensive." "Nah, don't worry, I can pay it, I have plenty of money." >"But, it's your mo..." "Shh...it's okay." >You sit on a table and begin chatting. >"...Anon? Applejack?!" >That voice. >It's...Twilight and Flash. >Oh fuck. >"Hey there AJ, man you look nice tonight, nice blouse. It really perks up your attributes!" Flash says. >AJ covers her breasts with her arms. >"And Anon, nice suit! Where did you steal it? Everybody knows you can't afford such things." >"Flash...stop being so rude to my friends." Twilight asks visibly annoyed. >"Alright baby, whatever you say. >Oh boy, why does this happen to you? >Applejack mumbles to you. >"Now what in tarnation are they here?" "I don't know Applejack. It's just a big coincidence. Let's just ignore them, this night is about us and only us." >"Oh Anon." >You order some ribs, and AJ orders pork chop. >She loves them. >Yeah, she does. >"Wow, Anon, this fancy place has very tasty food, you were right!" "I knew you would like it AJ." >"...Enjoy the food hicks! Even my dog eats better than you do the whole week." >Twilight looks away embarassed. >http://i.imgur.com/HumjhU3.png >"Ignore him Anon." >Fucking Flash... >20 minutes later. >Flash and Twilight left five minutes ago. >You both have finished your meals. >You pay up the bill. >-$63 USD. >Kind of expensive. >But Applejack loved it, so it's all worth it. >She belches, but not in a loud way. >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BT_D99bjeGM >You chuckle. >She's kinda cute. >"Could you please take me home sugarcube?" "Sure AJ." >She hooks her arm to yours and rests her head on your shoulder. >You both head to the parking lot. >"...Come on Twilight. Just a little blowie and I'm good." >"I...said...NO Flash! Anon was right! You're nothing but an asshole, I'm leaving!" Twilight says. >"...No you are not! Look at all the money I spent to take you out on a dinner! You're supposed to do whatever I want now!" >He rips her blouse off and starts licking her tits while fingering her. >She screams. Her voice is immediately muffled by him because he forced his tongue in her mouth. >You arrive to the parking lot. >"ANON! LOOK, IT'S FLASH!" "OH SHIT!" >"DO SOMETHING ANON!" "With pleasure!" >You approach and he notices you. >Twilight runs to Applejack, crying. >"Oh...hey Anon, what's up...buddy? "I'm not your buddy." >"I...you didn't saw that right? Please, I can give you some money, if you let me go, I can ask my parents to buy you a new truck, not that shitty one you own!" "Firstly, you are an asshole to us, then you want to fuck my friend without her consent and now this? I'm gonna make you scream like a cat in heat." >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itU0mVokJOs >Punch the fucker in his dumb looking face. >He falls to the floor. >Kick the asshole in the ribs. >He winces in pain. "Take that fucker!" >He runs and gets in his car. >He's making a run for it! >The girls get in your truck. >Applejack horns. >"ANON LET'S GO!" >You get inside and turn the engine on. >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pW1i1vWDniQ >Tires screech. >Let's take that asshole off the road. >His car is kinda fast, but you're a better driver. >He turns right. >You get on the sidewalk and get nearer to him. >Flash looks scared. "Hahaha, run Forrest run!" >"YEEHAW, Now this is what I call a rodeo!" >He accelerates. >Oh shit! >You stomp on the brakes. >Flash hits another vehicle. >"What in tarnation?! Is he gonna be okay?" "...I don't know." >"Shoot, it's the cops. Anon, take me home, then you can drop off Twilight." "Okay AJ, that was kinda...fun." >Twilight says nothing. >Be Flash Sentry. >You had an accident and the air bags saved your life. >And now your Camaro is completely destroyed. >Thanks to Anon. >You couldn't satisfy your dick. >Thanks to Anon. >And now Twilight Sparkle thinks you are some sort of rapist. >If she only said yes. >Anon's guilty of all this shit. >You'll have your revenge. >Anon's going to regret meeting you. >He'll lose everything he has ever loved. >You'll start with that shitty truck he loves so much. >"Thanks Anon, the meal was very tasty, and that chase was so fun!" "I'm glad you liked it." >"Ya think Flash got the message?" "Not to mess with us? Definitely." >"Well, now you should take Twilight back to her house, it's been a pretty rough night." "Alright Applejack, I'll see you tomorrow's morning. We're taking those apples to Filthy's company." >"Yup, uhh...goodbye." "Bye Applejack, thanks for the date." >You give her a kiss on the cheek. >She blushes intensely then she gets out of the truck. >Drive off back to the suburbs. >Twilight's been so silent since she entered your truck. >Probably almost getting raped by Flash was very traumatic. >But hey! You gave her a warning, she didn't want to listen. >Well, to be honest, you wanted to fuck Twilight too. >But only in a loving way, and only when she offered it. >You glance at Twilight. >She's trying to cover her almost exposed breasts. >You can see a purple nipple. >What the fuck boner, she almost got raped! >15 minutes later, you arrive to Twilight's house. "Well, here we are Twilight." >Twilight's sobbing. >..."I'm sorry." "What was that?" >She looks you in the eyes. Tears running down her cheeks. >"I'm so sorry Anon, now I realized how a bad friend I am, I ignored you, treated you like garbage, and called you pathetic, you were only trying to protect me! I'M SORRY!" "Oh dear...Twilight, calm down!" >She hugs you. >"I'll make it up to you, I'll do your homework, I'll hang out with you more, just, please...please don't hate me..." "...Twilight." >Be Twilight Sparkle. >And you're taking a long bath at home. >It helps you to relax and think about every concern you have. >Things didn't go out as you expected. >You really thought Flash was the one for you. >And you still can't believe he actually tried to rape you. >Anon saved you. >Anon... >She warned you about Flash, but you didn't listen. >Anon wanted to take you out on dates several times, but you invented excuses so you could spend more time with Flash. >Even if you rejected him, he never insulted you, or begged you to go out with him. >You are the dumbest intelligent person in the world. >Everything's clear now. >Anon is the right guy for you. >And now Applejack is trying to steal him from you. >You won't allow it. >Maybe Anon still loves you. >You'll have to be extra nice with him so he can forget about Applejack. >He used to say that you had pretty hair, beautiful eyes, and everything. >Applejack on the other hand... >She has bigger breasts and thighs than you. >Plenty of guys like AJ already, Anon can't be an exception. >She has a big chance of winning Anon's heart. >You'll end up alone! >As far as you know, people at Canterlot high say you are a weird girl and a nerd. >Anon is kind of weird, and he's definitely a nerd. >And Flash is the exact opposite to you and Anon. >That's why Flash wanted to have sex with you. >Because...you meant nothing but an easy target to him. "I'M AN IDIOT!!!"