2:55] * Able_Tome arrives into clinic after a brief walk through streets, brushing the snow and pulling the hood off. [03:01] * Able_Tome checks up with the head receptionist at the time, asking about the latest patient in regards of the spider, frost injuries or alike and the ward's number. After several queries the unicorn goes down the hall and carefully knocks on the door [03:02] * Whitelight is still in her room, quietly writing things down in her journal as well as giving the notes a quick glance every now and then with CrystalShine snoring lightly next to her on a chair. turning towards the door as she hears the knock "c-come in!" [03:05] <Able_Tome> After hearing the voice from the other side, he slowly opens up the door and peers inside, slinking his head through the opening, "... may I- oh...", he notices a snoring poni and hushes his voice, "-maybe not the best of times...?" [03:06] * Whitelight leans towards the nightstand and lays the feather down near the bottle of ink, slowly sitting up on the bed and leaning on the wall behind the bed looking towards the door a bit surprised by who she sees "n-...no its sir you can come in..." [03:06] <Whitelight> its fine* [03:08] * Able_Tome felt a bit weary about disturbances and looked away into the hall... technically he could get all information from the reception, but..... after a short hesitation he let his hooves step forth until his was inside the ward, letting the door click behind him, "... just wanted to check up on how you're feeling.", he says with the same quiet voice. [03:11] * Whitelight seems to tense up a little and takes the journal and the notes and quietly lays them on the nightstand, looking at the sleeping sister with a small smile before quickly turning her attention to the gray unicorn "I'm alright...the cobewebs just kinda melted when i walked in here..." [03:11] * Kaiasha is as usual, perusing a curious book from her trip up the mountain. keeping an ear up for disturbance [03:13] <Able_Tome> [Perception roll] [03:13] <Able_Tome> !roll 1d20+2 [03:13] <GameServ> Able_Tome rolled 1d20: 17 <Total: 17(+2) = 19> [03:13] * Whitelight "it doesn't look like it did anything other than hurt a lot and trap me." she starts lowering her voice, sounding a bit worried for a while "i'm a bit worried it might have been poisoned...maybe." [03:13] <Able_Tome> \[For myself] [03:16] * Able_Tome starts to approach the bed, but stops half way as he notices something... hm... change in voice and body language? The stallion slows his pace half way through the ward and stops without reaching the bed 'n nightstand, electing to simply sit down where he was, "Hmm... do you feel any numbless spreading through your muscles? Cracking feeling in your joints like there's lots of [03:16] * Able_Tome sand in them?" [03:18] * Whitelight makes a concerned smile as she looks at her hooves, the red marks that the ice cobwebs have left seem to be slowly fading "...no not really just some slight pain mostly." [03:24] <Able_Tome> "Poisoning spreads through tissue and circulation system in which case, depending on toxin, swelling, necrosis or other reactions start to affect the region, but prior that, your heartbeat and respiration rate aka breathing might accelerate. Headache, numbless, swelling, bluriness in your eyes, tongue going numb and dry. If you'll sense any of these symptoms in coming hours, call for [03:24] <Able_Tome> docs asap." [03:28] * Whitelight lifts her head again and returns her glance to Able_Tome, quickly nodding "alright I'll make sure to do that if i feel anything of the sort." she says, still a little tensed up but looking a bit more relieved now that she knows about that. [03:32] * Able_Tome looks towards her hornless forehead and then slowly back to forehooves or forelegs, "On a side note, if you've been attempting to practice arcane arts at any extent, I'd suggest to take a break from that, too... If anything odd will happen in that regards, pass the message to Vault's technicians through one of clinic's ponies. There was a case of spider's poison 'n chemicals [03:32] * Able_Tome affecting a magic user before, odd effects on body's sense of magic, so... just in case, you know..." [03:35] * Whitelight quirks an eyebrow "erm, no i haven't been practising the arts...mainly because i don't know how to." she says. feeling a bit curious "earth ponies can cast spells?" [03:39] * Whitelight slowly looks off to the side to hide her blush, feeling as if she asked a dumb question, opening her mouth but hesitating for a minute before asking another question "erm...is it ok if i ask a few questions just out of sheer curiousity?" [03:41] * Able_Tome gives a silent nod in reply, "Though 'casting' is not exactly what it is and more a 'staple' of horned ones.... at least without training, enchantments and bodily alternations, but, yes, all Equins posses capacity for thaumatological manifestation... Certain earth pony 'cultist' from several months back had a magical capacity that dwarfed all local unicorns... majority, that [03:41] * Able_Tome is, embassy not included." [03:42] <Able_Tome> "And sure, shoot 'em away... as long as your, uh...", he glances at Crystal, slowly, "-friend is not disturbed." [03:46] * Whitelight looks over at CrystalShine for a minute "I don't think she's going to wake up soon...as long as we keep a hushed tone we should be fine." she says with a small amused smile on her face before looking back at Able_Tome "well, what kind of spells ia earth pony able to cast compared to unicorns?"she asks, speacking just loud enough for Able_Tome to hear her. [03:52] * CrystalShine nuzzles the chair backrest and smiles from her sleep [03:54] <Able_Tome> "Mm... it all depends on several components that each individual possesses. 'Channeling outlet', 'focus', 'thaumatological energy potential', 'conscious control' aka experience and 'will'. All races have all of these components available in them at all time, with the main difference being the 'outlet'. Unlike unicorns and pegasi, earth pony 'channeling outlet' lies within something [03:54] <Able_Tome> that is available to every other race - their bodies... or rather their 'sense of body' - CNS - something that is extremely difficult to master for unicorns and pegasi due to our apparent 'advantages' binding us to a 'certain path'." [03:56] <Able_Tome> "There was a hornless unicorn mage who visited our town, somepony who lost his horn in a bloody incident... and even with his decades of practical application of magic on doctorate level and knowledge of alchemy forced him to go through a gruelling several years worth of routine just to 'tap' into this outlet..." [03:58] * Able_Tome sniffs "What earth ponies can manifest, by default, are passive changes in their surroundings due to the nature of how this 'outlet' works in comparison to more 'bruteforcing' type of spells.... Currently there's a book on earthern magic, mainly targetting novice earth pony conjurers, that is being looked through by several ponies... something that should come out at the school [03:58] * Able_Tome house in the coming months." [04:05] * Whitelight takes a few moments to process the information "sense of body..." she whispers to herself and slowly nods "i see, i think i do at least. so we...can use our bodies to channel spells. right..? so the cultist ponies had to go through decades of training and...other things to get so powerful, unless there was something else involved?" she looks down at the bed, slowly rubbing her ear [04:06] <Whitelight> "it will take me a bit to process all of this...thank you for giving such a detailed answer, sir....and for checking to see if i was ok." [04:11] == Umbra_Electrum [~Nova@99-72-221-45.lightspeed.stlsmo.sbcglobal.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 198 seconds] [04:16] <Able_Tome> "It's not a problem, really.... Every Equin as intristically magic-touched being can use their bodies to channel and consciously manipulate energy flows around us. Horn, for example, is just an evolutionary catalyst that gives a jump start in 'outlet' and 'focus', an 'antenna' and 'catalyst focus' which allows better 'collection' and 'expultion' of energy - something that that mage [04:16] <Able_Tome> called 'bruteforcing' or 'arcane' magic, a type of magical manifestation that 'injects' magic to accelerate or augment laws of physics through thaumatological transformation..." [04:16] * Able_Tome makes a small pause, "But horn and wings aside, as he relayed, everyone still has their central and peripheral nervous systems available within their reach, something that is spread through your entire body with your brain and spinal cord being the largest concentrations of bio-electrical activity - an 'antenna' and possible 'focus outlet' in their own regard. Thaumatological [04:16] * Able_Tome transformation through this outlet works differently than horn or wing based magic. Instead of injecting and bruteforcing reality by energy expulsion, one uses internal potential to slowly slowly coordinate the energy around oneself, bringing out something similar to a 'domino effect' through little rifts of focus, until it snowballs into a certain effect." [04:19] <Able_Tome> "In short, you can compare a horn based magic to a syringe, or a narrow energy transmittor, like that of a radar; whole-body magic to... a radio grid antenna that alternates between different wavelengths to bring out effects and wings to something that alternates between both methods." [04:20] <Able_Tome> "If you want to learn more, there are courses at the school house that look over these concepts, miss." [04:21] * Able_Tome slowly stands up on his hooves, noticing a little bit of snow still hanging to his shoulder and blowing it off [04:27] * Whitelight blinks and continues rubbing her ears for a minute silently looking at him before speaking up again "I'll definetly look into it as soon as i can." she nods eagerly, letting her hoof fall on the bed again "thanks again...uhm..sir." she gives him a broad smile and reaches over to her journal.. [04:29] <Able_Tome> "Like I've said, 'tis not a problem...", he smiles and rubs one of his forelegs against the other one, "... do rest well and have a peaceful sleep." [04:29] == GreenHoof [~GreenHoof@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] [04:30] * Able_Tome glances up at his horn and after a second of staring, turns around to face the door [04:32] * Whitelight quickly nods to him "y-you too." she said, cheerily and hurriedly lays the book on the pillow, laying on her belly as she grabs the quill in her mouth again from the nightstand. she's got a bunch of things to write now.