>Day highbrow in Equestria. >Is your tie on straight? "Is my tie on straight?" >"Do stop messing with it, dear. It looks fine and that's the end of it." >You give the offending knot a quick shift before letting your hands fall. >Far from your normal attire, this necktie was specifically designed for this occassion. >Unfortunately you are adamant you will never wear this accursed thing again. No matter how you look at it, it appears lopsided. "I wish they would hurry up and start already. And would it kill them to turn the AC on in here?" >At that moment a bead of sweat drips from your eyebrow onto an eyelash, causing you to furiously rub at your eyes. >You feel a hoof drape over your knee and see a sympathetic Rarity peek at you from under a fancy hat. >"Anon, please try and relax. I know that this isn't really your type of get-together, but you only have to bear with it for just a bit longer." >How can you get frustrated at such a lady? Even if she is a talking horse. "Alright alright, I'm sorry. I guess I should've let the pony at the door take my jacket." >Rarity titters. "Well, pardon me for saying so, but it seems as if you have, say, hit yourself on the foot?" "Yeah. I have. Thanks." >With a nod, she goes back to staring at the auditorium door, sighing occasionally. >You scan your eyes out across the auditorium, taking great care not to look down at your tie and be tempted to fiddle with it again. >The sheer amount of ponies packed into the room has definitely made the air humid. >To make matters worse, because it is a shindig for rich horses, the air is saturated in all manners of perfume. >As you wipe at the back of your neck, you remember how at first you were repulsed by Rarity's own cosmetic aroma. >Not to say it was awful, but you were never one for perfume. Smelling nice is ok, dousing yourself in it is bad. >These fancy ponies are definitely doused in the stuff. >You pinch the bridge of your nose as you get another blast of Essence of Pony Water #0945. >Rarity should be to blame for this, but instead it is you. You signed up for this crap. You promised to take her out for this fancy evening on her birthday. >And by golly are you going to stick with it. >Besides, it seems extremely douchey to start complaining about it now when the event has not even begun. >Not that you know what the event is. You bought the tickets, thrust them at Rarity, and let her guide you this far. >She seems pretty excited for whatever is going to happen. She even put on an attractive dress and hat. >Wait, how come she isn't boiling in that dress- >The big doors to the auditorium swing open. Immediately every camera begins to flash and you are momentarily struck blind. "What's going on?" >You are unsure Rarity heard you, because suddenly everyp0ny starts stamping the fuck out of the floorboards. >Additionally, Rarity seems to have been overcome with this sudden display of insanity. >She lets out the girliest scream you ever heard and faints right in front of you. Luckily you catch her before he brains herself on something. >Cradling the unconscious unicorn, surrounded by stamping and hollering ponies, your eyes and ears abused, you utter a silent prayer to anyone watching over you. >Seriously what in the flying fuck is going on? >You look once again at the doors to the auditorium. During the lulls of camera flashes, you make out the silhouette of a single pony that approaches the lectern in the middle of the room. >Once positioned in front of the microphone, the newcomer waves a hoof. >The hammering stops. The cameras stop. Everything stops. >You get a better look at this sudden god among ponies. >The first thing you wonder is whether it is a boy or a girl pony. With the blue-gray mane and tail so pompous and curly, and the face hidden behind thick shades, you could go either way. >Instead of a traditional top hat or monocle, they wear an extremely big clip-on collar. It looks fairly ridiculous. >The overly large cuffs on his front hooves are also ridiculous. >In fact you are going to just straight up and say it. "This pony looks ridiculous." >Immediately you are shushed by every nearby pony within earshot. >Fucking killjoys. >The ridiculous pony taps the mic and briefly mumbles into it in a low male voice. >Well, at least that resolves the gender confusion. >"Greetings, esteemed fellow ponies, to this, my opening comment on the coming year's fashion in the city of Canterlot." >A brief explosion of stampeding assaults your ears. Just as quickly, it stops with another wave of the stallion's hoof. >"Now whilst I am aware that some of you have already formed a...rudimentary opinion on the upcoming season, I am afraid that you simply do not have the same insight into the fashion world as I do. Nevertheless, I have taken it upon myself to inform you today of my predictions and hypotheses." >You may not be a fancypants, but you know a smug shit when you see one. And this pony is a smug shit. >From the enraptured looks of the other ponies around you, however, you feel you may be the only one who thinks so. >The speaking pony then launches into a brief synopsis of last year's trends. You lose the thread of the lecture after a couple of minutes. >Heh, thread. Fashion lecture. You're a killer. >Rarity briefly stirs in your arms and opens her eyes. >"W...where am I?" She mumbles. "Welcome back to the land of living. You fainted when that pompous pony walked into the room." >With a gasp Rarity springs upright and looks down at the pony at the lectern. You watch with some amusement as she crams a hoof into her mouth to stifle a squeal. "I take it he's the reason we're all here?" >"Anon, that's Hoity Toity!" Rarity hisses, her eyes never leaving him. "The top fashionmeister of Canterlot! My business, no, the entire designer world hangs on his every word!" >You squint as he says 'haut couture' in the most unconvincing french accent. "I'd say he needs hanging for his every word." >You recieve a sharp hoof in the gut for your attempt at comedy. You also notice a fair number of nearby ponies giving you the evil eye. >Perhaps you should hold off on insulting the top brass for now. >The lecture drags on, with the Hoity Toity character discussing such exciting topics as stitching, color complimenting, and the average size of a pony. >No really, he pulls up a small diagram of the 'trending average of pony wither size'. >Being here is suffering. >Finally the venue seems to be drawing to a close. Hoity seems to be gesticulating and talking louder, a sure sign the speech is reaching a conclusion. >"Do not look upon the tacky attempts of the Appleloosian folk to introduce garish brown into this season's wear. For we are of Canterlot, and we shall adhere to the fashions we know and adore and bring black to every clothing store!" >Raucous applause. Some of the ponies are even wiping their brows and eyeing the exit. You are glad you were not the only sweaty person/pony here. >Hoping to avoid the general post-auditorium rush, you stand and make your way to the stairs. >"Anon! Wait for me!" Rarity quickly tries to follow, but you pay her no heed. You need to get out into the fresh open air. Down the stairs you go. >"Wait! Halt! You there!" >Out of the corner of your eye, you spot the Hoity character waving a hoof in your direction. >On a whim you carry on walking. You're almost to the door. >"Stop! Large freakish bipedal creature!" >Crap. >You turn to the lectern, trying not to obviously huff at being delayed. "You talking to me?" >Even as you say it, you realise how dumb it sounds. Hoity merely raises an eyebrow as he approaches you. He gives you a very long glance, even going so far as to peek over his ridiculous shades. >"That outfit you are wearing...you wouldn't happen to know a Miss Rarity of Ponyville, would you?" >"Hoity, darling!" On cue, Rarity pops out from behind you and all but skips forward. "It is absolutely delightful to see you again! Oh I just loved the lecture you gave! I absolutely agree with everything you had to say about this year's fashion!" >You proceed to watch Rarity practically fangasm in front of everyp0ny. Hoity tries his best not to look embarassed. It isn't hard with those shades covering most of his face. Seriously how the fuck does he see anything? >"My my Miss Rarity, I did not know that you kept such company, aaand dressed them in such amazing attire." >Once again you are given a glance up and down by Monseuir Ridicule. "Is there something amazing about a suit?" >"Why of course. I did say that black was the new color of this season, did I not?" "I dunno, I wasn't really paying attention." >You can see Rarity visibly tense at your disinterest, yet Hoity does not appear to bat an eyelid. Not that you would know if he did. Them shades. Good lord. >"I-I must apologise profusely Hoity dear." Rarity paws at the stallion's foreleg. "Anonymous is not really a...creature who understands fashion." >Hold the phone, you wouldn't go that far- >"Nevertheless, he certainly wears fashion well." Hoity unexpectedly reaches out to run a hoof down your leg. "Such form and stature..." >Whoa unwanted horse contact. >"Rarity, do you think you could lend me your friend for...a period of time?" >As you see the unicorn's eyes light up, your own narrow. "What for?" >He waves his hoof in an attempt to make the request trivial. "I simply must have you model for some of my prototypes. Granted you are not exactly the correct build for a stallion, but Canterlot is hardly a pony-centric civilisation. I'm positive many of my griffon and minotaur creations could use your physique as a template." >You try not to feel flattered that he has compared you to a minotaur in stature. >"Aaaand I can reimburse you and Miss Rarity for your assistance." He adds. >As much as you want to leave, Rarity's expectant face and the promise of easy bits are too hard to refuse. "Sure, whatever." >The two ponies clap their hooves in happiness. >"Thank you thank you so much Anonymous!" Rarity dashes forward to give your knees a hug. "Oooo this is the best birthday ever! I get to see, meet and make a business arrangement with Hoity Toity!" >You brace yourself ready to catch her if she faints again, but she manages to compose herself. >"My Dear Miss Rarity, think nothing of it." Hoity says. "I'm sure this venture will benefit all of us." >You are not sure, but was he looking at you specifically when he said that? >The two ponies exchange more idle chit chat before finally getting around to farewells. >As you and Rarity exit the auditorium, you throw your head back in bliss as cool air washes over you. "Dang it feels good to get out of there." >"Ahahh, yes, the atmosphere was certainly stifling somewhat." Rarity agrees, using her hat to fan her face. "And I must admit, my temperature certainly skyrocketed when I was talking once again to Hoity Toity himself." "Is he really that big a deal? He seems...eccentric." >"Anonymous, please, everyone in the fashion world has to be eccentric." She playfully bats her eyelids. "It is to be expected with such talent and ingenuity." "Uh huh. He's still weird though." >"Hmph. Well despite your outlook on the experience, I for one had a wonderful time." She lifts her snout into the air. The move is so Rarity-like that you chuckle. "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Happy birthday whitedress." >She giggles at your friendly pet name and gives your legs another hug. "Thank you so much, baldmonkey." >The two of you laugh as you walk back to the Boutique.