>Day rotten apples still >You are Applejack again >You have awakened after hearing the worst news of your life >And then being congratulated for it >Mac's looking at you, looks like the Doctor is gone Hey Macintosh, did the Doctor come back >"Eeyup" A-and did he tell me what was botherin my stomach >"Eeyup" And was that that I was preg- p- >*sigh*"Eeyup" >You can't even meet his gaze anymore, what is your life now >You can't buck apples next season >You can't haul the apples to market >In a matter of months you can't even sell them at the market >Cider season will worse than ever, and it was always tough keeping up with demand. >"Who?" Ah, ah dunno. >Mac looks at me a bit harder, thinking I'm protecting somepony no doubt. Ah mean it Mac, ah ain't been with a stallion since ah met Twilight and started this whole Harmony business. >"Who?" Macintosh that ain't neither here nor there, it was years ago, ah don't go 'round askin you what mares you mounted. >"Ain't got none with child." >You glare at him for a hot second, but in the end he is right. >You are pregnant, and aren't even married. >Your anger withers to simple despair Yer right, but ah mean it. Ah ain't had no relations with a stallion in years. >"Bar?" No, Mac ain't had a touch a drink since Pinkie's little get together at the end of cider season. You were the only stallion there, and you were almost as stone sober as Fluttershy >"Any come after?" No, it was just you and An- >"IMPOSSIBLE!" Was that Rainbow? >"Eeyup." Did you tell them? >"Nnope" Did they see me? >"Eeyup" Ask to get them when ah woke up? >"Eeyup" *sigh* don't suppose ah could hide it for long anyway. Go ahead and get 'em. >"Eeyup" >Big Mac walks out and gives you time to think >You, Dash, and Anon had a hell of a rut. >No stallions though >Can't be right though, Anon isn't any kind of Equine >He literally has zero hooves >He doesn't even walk on all fours >Everypony knows that if you get with a dog, drake, or minotaur the worst you get is humiliated parents >Ain't been nopony else though Ah can deny it all day but there is nopony else it could've been >"Applejack! Applejack! Applejack! Applejack, guess what it is the bestest most awesome thing that could've happened ever! Well aside from a cake that makes cupcakes, that makes cookies, that taste like they've already been dipped in milk!" That sounds uh, great Pinkie. Ah suppose Dash got into the Bolts then. >"Yep, yep, yep, and you should have seen it she was all BOOM then WOOSH then ZAP BOOM! It was the coolest thing ever! Then something even cooler happened!" >"Now Pinkie that news isn't yours to tell," Rarity said cutting off the endless stream of Pinkie's excitement, "It is for Rainbow Dash to say or not say." Wait, what happened ta Rainbow >"I'm fine Applejack, just a bit of news," she says flying in slowly alongside Fluttershy. Iffn you don't mind mah sayin, you look awful down for somepony who finally got on tha Wonderbolts. >"Don't remind me," she said with pure spite. What are ya on about now Rainbow, ya did it, your lifelong dream. Bolts this Bolts that, now that you're in tha Bolts you're mad, what happened Rainbow. >The girl looked like she was told she could never fly again >I've known Rainbow for a long time, I've seen her look down, but now she just looked beat. >"I'm pregnant AJ. There now everypony knows, assuming the Wonderbolts decide to keep me, I won't be able to fly for at least a year and nine months." >For the first time I've known Rainbow Dash she was crying. Not holding it back, or hiding it. >"By the time I can fly again, I'll be so out of shape I won't even qualify." >"I'll be out of the loop for so long nopony will know or care, beyond 'There's the stupid whorse who lost her one shot, and doesn't even know the stallion that knocked her up!'" >My eyes went wide, there was no doubt now. >I looked over at Mac, who was sitting on his haunches by the door. >He was too smart to not know what was going on. >The girls were already hugging Rainbow trying to calm her down. >Trying to convince her that this was a good thing. >"Um, Applejack," Fluttershy breaks me out of my shock >"W-what was the matter with you, when we came by you were unconscious. Are you alright?" >"That's right Fluttershy, but you seem fine now Applejack. What did the Doctor have to say to you?," Twilight asks, still hugging Rainbow. >No hiding it now, all I can do is hope the girls don't think less of us. What ah'm about to say cannot leave this room, not yet. >"Darling, please we have no intenti-" No Rarity ah mean it, all of ya have to Pinkie promise right now that what ah'm about to say doesn't leave this room >The girls all go through the motions, Pinkie being the only one to produce an actual cupcake. >That crazy mare You too, Macintosh. Pinkie promise me right now, or leave the room. >"Ugh, eeyup." he huffs as he goes through the motions. Mad that I noticed him. Ah'm pregnant too >"WHAT!" Everypony in the room is shocked except Big Mac Yep, and Dash ah'm sure we both came to the same conclusion, now if not before. >All eyes were on her, as usual Rarity was the first to speak up >"Scandalous! Both of you taken by some stud of a stallion, able to satisfy the two most athletic mares in Ponyville! A full minute of ecstasy!" >All the girls looked at Rarity like she had grown a second head, except Macintosh who looked at nothing like he wanted to tear a head off of somepony. >"You're sure about this Applejack, we both know he is-" The fact that it is both of us means that there ain't no other option, even if it does spits in the face of what we all learned in school. >"What do you mean Applejack?," Twilight asks teleporting in a quill, some ink, and a scroll. No, Twi. Ya Pinkie promised. >"I'm sorry Applejack, but you said that you aren't ready for it to get out yet. So I figured I could take some notes in the meantime. Of course I won't publish them without your consent." No, Twi, no notes, no studies, its far too soon to even consider it. >"Alright Applejack, I'm sorry, but when you said it spits in the face of what we were taught, I couldn't help myself." >"Honestly, Darling hold off I need to find out who this gift to mares is, now please continue uninterrupted Applejack." It is Anon >"ANON! But, but how. Applejack he is clearly bipedal." Ah know. >"But bipedal and quadrupedal races can't interbreed, this has been known since before Luna's banishment." Ah know, but he is the only male ah've been with since ah've known ya Twi. Ah'm willin to bet the same goes for you Dash. >Once again, all eyes were on the blue pegasus, who merely nodded Ah, thought we were safe. Ah mean he is bipedal, and from another world. It doesn't make sense that he can plant in mah field. >"We? You mean y-you mean both you and Rainbow," Fluttershy asked, unable to even finish the question. >"Yeah, AJ and I had a drinking contest, with Anon, when we finished off the cider one thing kinda led to another and..." >"Ho yeah! Best party of all year! I can't wait until my next SCSCC, maybe we can get Fluttershy to join in, and hopefully stop licking on Twilight's horn long enough to get in on the the action. I knew you guys were having fun in the loft, but I didn't think it was super ciderfilled sexytime fun that lasts for hours on end!" >"H-hours, but that's impossible and frankly inconvenient. I mean, how could a species get anything done if it takes that long to breed. How did they manage to evolve to the point of sentience if it takes so long to reproduce?" >"Twilight, dear that is far from the point. Our interplanetary guest has it in him to last longer than every stallion in Ponyville combined, allegedly." >"Um, that sounds nice and all, but that isn't the point either Rarity. Anon is apparently the father to two foals, or kids of our best friends. Not to insinuate we break a Pinkie promise, but he needs to be told." Yer right Fluttershy, just nopony else. Ah ain't ready for that kind of attention yet. >As you see the girls nod in agreement, Flutter unusually calm despite the subject matter, and Rarity unusually heated, you notice Big Mac try to sneak out. Macintosh, where do you think you're going? >"Gonna kill him" >He almost made it out of the door by how stunned we all were, by the simple stallion bringing out murder like it was just another apple to be eaten. Don't you dare even touch him! >"Ya'll expect me ta ignore tha fact that he took advantage of ya. >"Uh, Big Mac he didn't take advantage of us. It was kinda the other way around," Dash said earning the spotlight again. >"Ok, now this MUST be explained, darling." >"Anon wasn't really into ponies, and well we kinda loosened him up a bit to the idea. >Blank stares, you weren't even sure the girls were even breathing Yeah, Dash and ah had been way past drunk when we invited Anon to join our drinkin contest, n he was alredy tipsy himself. >"The only reason we both even remember that night was because he kept us awake, heh. >Macintosh looked at us for a good hard minute before speaking up again. >"Eeyup, gonna kill him." Mac, if you beat him up who is going to help us with the foals! >That stopped him good, he turned back around sat down, knowing that you had made too much sense. Ah, understand that ya want to protect me and all, but we were just bein adults havin a bit of fun. None of us thought that this would happen. >"It's true, in my studies of Anon, he told me that no different species could interbreed on his planet without being closely related, like primitive horses and donkeys or lions and tigers," Twilight added. >"And we told him that even here bi and quads couldn't make children, it was an accident. An accident that cost me everything, but still an accident," Rainbow finished, worlds calmer than before. >Having gotten over the shock, anger, and depression a bit you decided to speak up. It is about time we went over and told Anon this, ah know he planned for this just as much as we have, but it is only right he know. >With that we all left the hospital, picking up some medicine to help with the nausea, and some pamphlets on healthy pregnancy habits that Twilight insisted we needed. So Macintosh, you takin the stuff down to the farm? >"Eeno." Coming with us? >"Eeyuh." Gonna make sure Anon takes responsibility >"Eeyuh." Well, ah can't fault you for that. Just let me talk to him first, nopony will want to be near me if mah brother wants to rip 'em apart for talkin to me. >"Mmm eeyuh." He nods, finally resaonable enough to at least fake being calm. >So my best friends and brother make our way to Anon's place just outside of Ponyville >Getting strange looks thanks to Big Mac looking like he wanted to kill somepony with the bucket in his jaws.