[Twilight Sparkle] >You lock the door and turn back to Anonymous. >He looks... unsure of himself. >Other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time, there is no evidence that he has actually done anything bad. >Here you are, with a stranger from a never-before-seen species. A stranger that you have treated terribly. >He said something about how he didn't mind being treated as a suspect, right? But like he said, that didn't excuse the way you treated him after he was captured. >He's done nothing to make you think he was a bad guy. He could have killed you a dozen times over by now. >You're not stupid enough to just blindly trust him, but you are at the very least going to be civil. >Treat them as good until they show themselves to be bad, as the guard-detectives in those mystery novels always say. >You slowly walk up to the couch opposite his and sit down without taking your eyes off of him. So... what are you reading? >Ugh. That was lamer than when you tried to make that friend back in magic kindergarten. >””Princess Celestia: Myths and Facts”. I was going to read up on basic social customs and such, but I couldn't find any book called “How to Function in Society: A Guide for Complete Imbeciles”, so I decided to just learn as much as possible about the Princess before meeting her instead.” >You let out a quick giggle before you can stop yourself. >When he was a crazy monster in your basement, you were fine, but as soon as you decide to try to interact with him like you would anypony else, you become your usual awkward self? >As soon as you realize that you were letting your mind wander, you look up at him and start thinking of a way to continue the conversation. You expected him to look almost as lost as you, but instead, he looks sad. >After a few seconds, his look shifts to one of determination. >”What did Fluttershy's injuries look like?” >What? >Why would- >Why did- >”The second I'm free of suspicion, I am going to find whoever attacked her and make sure it doesn't happen again.” >You look at him, surprised at the sudden change in tone. >”She saved my life. The least I can do is try to return the favor.” >You look at him. He looks... sad. Determined and angry and sad. Deep gashes. The doctor didn't know what caused them. Could be claws or some sort of bladed weapon. Could be a spell. I... I didn't think to check for magical residue until it was too late. >”Where did you find her?” On the outskirts of the Everfree Forest, about ten minutes from her cottage. >”Isn't that place supposed to by full of monsters? Why would she live that close to it?” She has a way with animals. They never seem to bother her, at least not the ones that live close to the edge of the forest. >”Rarity found blood inside her house?” Right by the front door, just to the left of that couch by the kitchen. >”I... never actually left my room while I lived there.” Really? >”Yeah, I was only awake for brief moments the first couple of days, and I pretended to be unconscious for the next three while trying to figure out what was going on. She left to go get you less than two hours after I finally let her know I was awake.” Right, I remember you mentioning that. When we investigated her cottage, the blood stains made it look like whoever was bleeding had been dragged outside. >”So she was attacked inside the house? That can't be right... I would have heard something.” >That's true, actually. You didn't realize it until he brought it up, but it seems like a pretty big hole in his story... >”Anyway, are you sure it was her blood?” It seems likely, given the state we found her in. >”Do you have any way of making sure? Just in case.” There is a spell like that, but it's specialized medical magic. I don't think there's anypony in town who can cast it, myself included. It would probably have been too late by the time we searched her cottage anyway. >”It's probably hers.”, he says with a dejected shrug. “Hopefully, she can just tell us who did it once she wakes up.” Yeah. I just hope nopony else is attacked before then. >”We should keep investigating anyway, of course.” Of course. >Wait, what? >This morning, you darn near had a panic attack at the sight of him, and now you're sitting around discussing books and crime scenes? >”In what capacity is the Princess coming here, anyway?” What do you mean? >”Is she coming here as a ruler? A guardian? A scholar? Or” He looks uncomfortable. ”a judge?” >You ponder his question for a few seconds. You've never really though of the Princess like that. >She was just... Celestia. Always warm, always kind, always wise. >It was a reasonable question though, and it deserved an answer. Probably all of the above. She'll want to welcome you, to make sure that you're not a threat, to learn about you, and... >You think about how to finish that sentence. There's probably not going to be a trial. There's not nearly enough evidence. >You look away for a second. She might lock you up while the guards try to figure out what happened though. I'm sorry, but there is nothing I can do about that. >”That's okay. I enjoy a challenge.” >What did he... >Oh. >You feel a tinge of shame spread across your face. Please don't try to escape if she does that. I know that I was being a horrible warden with the tiny Sphere and the lack of food and... and other accommodations, but if you actually try to escape from a real prison... >You can actually feel a tear trying to escape from your right eye. You messed up. >”Twilight.” >Looking up, you see him leaning across the table. His face is less than a meter away now, and he is making eye contact with you. >You are startled, but not nearly as much as you should be. >”You had just captured the giant monster that you thought had put your friend in the hospital, and you wanted to make sure it didn't hurt anyone else. It wasn't an acceptable way to treat a suspect, but I would have probably done the same thing if I was in your sho- in your situation.” >He gives you a smile and you do your best to return it. >”So when is the Princess getting here?” he says as he glances at the clock and sinks back into his couch. She just said some time this afternoon. She may be delayed because of the storm though. >”Do you think Rainbow Dash is doing ok?” She's one of the best fliers in town. I'm more worried about Ponyville. >”Where did Spike go, anyway?” What? >”That was the dragon-lizard-guys name, right?” >Spike! Oh gosh, he went to get Applejack. But- but I'm sure they wouldn't be foolish enough to leave the farm in this kind of weather... >”Even if they thought that you were trapped at home with a giant monster?” >You turn your head and look out the window. Spike... >The wind had picked up to the point where you couldn't go outside safely any more. >”I don't think you could even move out there, but maybe I can.” >Was he offering to... >But there was no point. It's too dark and windy out there. You don't know your way around and you probably couldn't find them even if you did. >You try to suppress the uncomfortable blob of fear growing in your stomach. We'll just have to hope they're safe. >About ten minutes pass in silence as you both gaze out the window. >”Could I use your shower? I don't hear any thunder and I could really stand to get some of this dirt off of me.” >The sudden request catches you off guard. Wh- yeah, sure, just- do you need any help? >He looks amused. >”No, I should be fine. I could use a towel though. Do ponies use towels?” “Yeah, they're in the bottom cabinet to the left inside the bathroom.” >”Thanks. Sorry about dragging dirt all over your house, but this is the only outfit I have.” >You take a closer look at what he's wearing. It looks like a sheet of dirty, mud-caked white fabric draped over the area around his neck and covering him all the way down. I can wash it for you, if you want me to. >He looks a little uncomfortable at the thought. >”I... appreciate the offer, but nudity is sort of a human taboo.” Even in the shower? >”We usually shower alone, so no. Still, it wouldn't be dry by the time I finished. Unless you have a spell for that. I think I might. Just water to clean it and then heat to dry it, right? >”That should work.” >He walks off to the bathroom, leaves the door ajar, and holds his clothes out for you to grab with your magic. >He closes the door and you make your way to the basement, shutting all the curtains on the ground floor as you go. >You hear the shower start as you descend the stairs and drop his clothes into a barrel of clean rainwater. You let them soak for a few minutes and proceed to swirl them about with a spell. >Glancing over to where the Warding Sphere had been located just a couple of hours ago, you strain your mind trying to figure out how he escaped it. >Another ten minutes pass and you hear the shower shutting off. You place his clothes on your meticulously-cleaned-as-always floor and dry them off with a stream of heated air from your horn. >You walk back upstairs just as he's leaving the bathroom. He is wearing two towels that together cover his backside and the area where you would assume a mammals genitals would be located. >His upper body featured two round, bumpy discolorations. Teats? Was “he” actually female? You blush a little at the sight and resolve to figure out a tactful way to ask. >You float the garment over to him, and he walks off towards the bathroom, presumably to get dressed in peace. >He returns after about ten minutes, wearing the outfit. It looks like he re-tied the many knots that shape the fabric, giving it a much tighter, cleaner fit. It actually looks pretty good. Like those bulky robes that were popular with some unicorns a few years ago. That... actually looks nice, to be honest. >”I know, but what do you think of my clothes?”, he says with a smile. >What? That's... That's what I was talking about. >He looks at the ground and sighs. >He was still smiling though. >”I know. I was jokingly implying that you... Ah, never mind.” >What did you miss? What was he talking about? Did you embarrass yourself? >Almost as though he had noticed your discomfort, he moves the conversation in another direction. >”The storm seems to be dying down. I can't believe it was that dark outside just a few hours before noon.” Yeah, the weather can get pretty chaotic, even with Rainbow Dash on the job. |Especially| with Rainbow Dash on the job. >That was mean. She takes her job very seriously. >Your minor, self-induced guilt trip is interrupted by a knock on the door. >”Twilight? Are you in there?” >Rarity. >Anon looks really nervous for some reason. Coming, Rarity! >You walk up to him and speak quietly. What's wrong? >”Remember how she was acting last night? How do you think she's going to react if she finds out that you let me out of the Sphere? >Not well. Not well. >”Exactly.” What do we do? >”I'll... hide in the basement. You try to ease her into the idea that I'm not guilty. If she looks like she believes you, tell her. If not, try to get her to leave. >Alright. Just try to convince Rarity that Anon was... >innocent? >Did |you| believe that? >You feel a chill go down your spine as you realize that in less than a day, he had made you trust him enough to make you consider lying to a friend. >There was no new evidence. No additional reason to believe that he was innocent. >And now you were bringing Rarity into a building where he was hiding, intentionally keeping his presence a secret from her. >... >Don't let your guard down, Twilight Sparkle. >You do feel guilty about the way you treated him, but don't let those feelings blind you to the fact that he might be the reason you spent half an hour scrubbing dried blood out of your fur yesterday. >The memory makes you shudder. >”Twilight? Is anything wrong?” >Rarity was starting to sound concerned. >”Go.”, he whispers, as he grabs his book off the table and sprints to the basement door.