Chapter 5 >You drum your fingers quickly, as the brew slowly boils. >Chrysalis stares at you worriedly, back in her changeling form. >Behind her, is a group of lesser changelings. >They literally followed you home. >Turns out, the city was infested with these creatures. >Feeding on average ponies- they lived an… adapted lifestyle. >The whine from the kettle catches your attention, as you slowly make your way to it. >You were so used to waking up to that noise in the morning. >You would run downstairs, to face your mother, always making some strange mixture in that kettle. >You push the thoughts away as you pour the greenish-black liquid. >You seal the warm mixture, and pocket the container. >You push in several more vials, and take a single swig. >There, that will keep the coughing down for a while. “Chrys, you ready?” >She still has that pitying look on her face. >You want to wipe it off, you don’t need pity. >Mother always said actions speak louder than words. >”Anon, the- my people and I have been talking…” “Your people? When did you grow that sentiment? Or that ego?” >”Save it, Anon. If they want me to be their queen-“ >A spark of joy lights her face, before she covers it away, noticing your displeasure. “What did you talk about?” >”What we will do after this…” >You raise a brow. >You better be careful with your words, Chrysalis. >”Issue.” “And now you’re their leader, just-“ You snap your fingers. “-like that?” >She nods. >”Who else to lead but me?” “Ignoring that, what’s the plan?” >Chrysalis nods at a changeling, and he (?) steps up. >”As far as the scouts could pick up, the rival queen is in the southern part of the slums.” >You nod once. “And?” >The changeling hesitates for a moment, before continuing- >”We also found out that the rival queen is the leader of the local crime group, having a monopoly over every resource over that area.” >”Good thing that place is a shit-hole.” Chrysalis chimes in. >You ignore her, as the changeling continues. >”Our plan was to cause some civil unrest in the area, and spread her forces thin.” “What’s our number?” >”Around thirty or so willing men.” “When are they available?” >”As soon as the queen commands.” >You turn to Chrysalis, who nods. >The changeling watches you intently, before he proceeds. >”As soon as her forces are spread thin, we can quickly round up the rogues and turn them under our queen’s cause.” “Turn them?” >”Yes, our queen has powerful… Scent.” >You can’t help twitching at the word. “Scent?” >”We changelings work under pheromones. It would be hard for you to grasp the idea.” >You shrug. “Fine.” >”And once we are done, we can march straight up to the rival queen, and eliminate her.” >Chrysalis suddenly cuts to the front of you, blocking the changeling. >”OR, we could go with my plan.” >Both the changeling and you are focused on Chrysalis. >What scheme was she up to now? >”How about we march straight up to her base, and end her trouble right there?” “Christie, I don’t think-“ >”No, you don’t. Look, if I’m as influential as they think, then why don’t we just remove all of the seriousness?” >Before you can muster up an answer, the changeling pops in. >”That… might work.” “Christie-“ >”Look, you want that bitch gone, do you?” >You stay silent. >”I thought so.” Chrysalis turns to the changeling. “Commander, prepare the forces, we move out now.” >The commander nods, before heading out. “Christie, you sure about this?” >The changeling queen looks surprised. >”Anon, I thought you liked it better this way- faster to the point.” “I’m just worried we’re walking into fire here.” >And for once in the afternoon, she laughs, albeit a quick-lived one. >Her solemn expression returns, and she comes to lean on your shoulder. >”You alright?” >That was the final blow. >All floodgates opened, and you soon found yourself sobbing. >Your tears wet the old wooden floor below. >You wrap around her, and wipe your tears. “It’s not fair, Christie.” >She gently strokes your hair, sighing at the scene. >”It never is.” “We just got her back, Christie.” >Chrysalis goes silent here, and pulls you close. >”Anon…” “Yeah?” >A hoof slaps your face. >You hold your burning cheek, looking surprised. >”Man the hell up, we got trouble coming, and I can’t have you crying like a little filly.” >You quickly wipe the tears, and face Chrysalis again. >”Better?” “Much.” >”Now let us go visit someone.” >You look around the dying neighborhood, packed to the brim with poor, sick ponies. >The sight reminded you of your own condition, to which you took another swig on your drink. >It was foul, but the stench drowned it all. >Chrysalis is right next to you, marching in her full Changeling glory. >A small crowd is behind you right now, and it grows larger as you progress. >All sorts of ponies, starts following Chrysalis blindly. >Many simply drop their work and follow a smell. >You’re guessing it is the pheromones at work. >Of course, more ponies that rally behind her, the smugger Chrysalis becomes. >They all have this blank expression, eyes shooting forward. >You try to ignore the stares coming from the normal ponyfolk and the stare from behind you. >It was almost frightening. >You look up to the rooftops to spot several changelings making haste, only to be pulled down by swarms of changelings from Chrysalis’ group. >There are light thrashing, before you can see bluish-green liquid. >There is a sound of chitin cracking- >And you look away. >After a few minutes of walking, you spot a mansion, which easily out-classed anything in this part of the city. >You spot a blockade few more blocks ahead, several well-armed changelings converging upon it. “Christie, this isn’t going to end well if we keep going.” >”I know.” >She pushes you into an alley, and quickly changes into a human. >”Come on, let’s climb.” >You hold on to the crack on the wall, and pull yourself up. “So, what’s the plan?” >”Easy enough, get me close so I can control them.” “How are we getting down without being stabbed?” >”We’ll improvise.” >She gives a signal to the commander, and the swarm charges to the barricade. >Your movements are fuelled by the war cry they let out, as you climb faster and faster. >You feel the cold, flat roof, and hoist yourself up. >You peek out to pull Christie up as well. >”We make a good team.” >You smile. “We always do.” >”Come on.” >She begins running, and then jumping over to the next building. >You can’t help but to feel the rush of excitement as you criss-cross through the roof tops. >Soon enough, you’re right above the entrenched changelings, wildly batting away at Chrysalis’ forces. >”How are we getting down?” >You smirk. “I got an idea.” >You stand up, and look down again. >Alright, just need to- >No time to think, you’re already running. >You push with your feet one last time against the edge, and you go off into the air. >You sail through the air, ignoring the shouts from behind you. >You aim your feet just right and- >You feel the impact on your legs, soaring up quickly. >You also hear a crack, a familiar sound. >And then you are thrown frontward. >You roll, to reduce the momentum on your body. >You come to a stop tumbling into several bodies, and you quickly spring to your feet. >You see several unconscious changelings in front of you. >They must have cushioned your fall. >You turn around to see a crushed changeling, slowly oozing out their distinctive blood. >You look up, and before you can muster a call, Chrysalis makes a jump as well. >She lands a clean shot, grabbing and letting a changeling absorb all of the impact. >She smiles and proceeds to remove the spears placed over the crowd. >You do the same, letting the changeling mob climb over and make their way to the mansion. >The swarm splits by you, letting you move unscathed. >Chrysalis is far ahead, back in her changeling form, leading the assault. >You march slowly, wondering how was Canterlot infested with these creatures. >Soon enough, the mansion erupts in fire, sending broken debris everywhere. >This can’t be good. >You join the changelings pouring in, and enter the besieged building. >You can see each side, biting and clawing onto one another. >No sign of Chrysalis and the other queen anywhere. >You dart around, trying to avoid any fire or fight. >You take a nearby stairs to the second floor, only to duck at an incoming magic bolt. >Yep, they’re here. >”You ruined everything!” the rival shouts. >”Great, now you know how he felt.” Chrysalis erects a shield, blocking an attack. >The rival grits her teeth, and fires a large bolt. >Chrysalis easily side-steps, and dodges the attack. >Which meant it was headed for you. >You let out a small yelp and jump to the side, barely missing the bolt. >Which easily blew a crater on the wall. >You come into full view, the rival changeling queen staring at you. >”There’s your boyfriend.” >Chrysalis quickly turns to you, unaware of the bolt coming her way. “Chrys! Behind you-“ >You are cut off and thrown to the floor, due to the explosion. >Chrysalis falls to your side, limp. >You cough and try to get to your feet, but a hoof presses you down. >”Good thing you showed up, human.” >She lets out a cackle, as the smoke steadily filled the room. >”Looks like I get two things today- One, my only rival in this city is gone- and Two, you brought me all these changelings to control.” >Another laugh. >You begin to cough violently, not because of the smoke. >You reach into your pocket to grab your container, but a hoof stops your hand. >”Oh, but what’s this?” >In a single sweep of her legs, she bats out the container. >”The dying boyfriend? Oh, the drama-and I’d love to taste it, but I have my subjects to get to.” >She kicks the container, and flies out of the room. >You are left with the unconscious Chrysalis. >You stagger to your feet, wading through the thick smoke. >You cover your nose and mouth with your elbow, but your cough is already there. >You fall to your knees, still in your coughing fit. >You are given a single moment to draw a breath, before you go on coughing. >Did it always hurt this much? >You wipe your lips, clearing any fluids. >You are crawling now, trying to reach Chrysalis. >And then you finally see it. >A red stain on your hand. >You try to ignore it, and bite down any cough that is coming up. >In this heat and condition, it feels like your throat is being ripped out. >Was it Lung Rust? >Doesn’t matter. >You stand once more, and make a mad dash for the knocked out changeling queen. >Dammit, Christie, wished you weren’t a heavy sleeper. >You grab one of her forelegs, and slowly drag her to the nearest open window. >A wooden pillar falls, covering the room in burning ash. >Of course, some make it out to your mouth and nose. >You gag and wipe the tears forming by your eyes. >With a grunt, you lift Chrysalis, and begin to run. >The window was getting closer now. >You hunch a little, and try to cover Chrysalis as much as you can. >To be fair, she was your size, maybe bigger. >Heh- lose weight, Christie. >You turn in the last moment, crashing back-first to the window. >The glass shatters easily, as the flames cover the second floor. >You get a breath of fresh air- even if it stank of sewage. >The cooler air outside instantly brought relief to you, for a moment. >And then, gravity kicked in. >Likewise to the window, you land back-first. >Whatever oxygen you had left, it was knocked out of you. >You roll once on the damp ground, still wanting to protect her. >Not sure why. >Must be the pheromones getting to you. >You slowly drag your head to face Chrysalis, still out. >Just like her to sleep this one out. >Don’t ever change, Chrysalis. >You cough once, and turn to the skies. >You are still gasping for air, as far as you can hear. >You turn to her again. >Not sure why. >Maybe, just maybe- >You were- >Your eyes flutter, and everything slowly dims away. >And then, darkness.