-Fetish stuff, yeah -Contains pudgy horses, pudgy horses making themsevles more pudgy, and bellybuttons ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You open the door to the tree house and trudge in, tired beyond all reason. Your first stop is the bathroom, intent on taking a long, hot shower to ease your muscles. You've been gone the past few days, out of town as some hired muscle to help the Apple family with their most recent cider shipment. Despite the assistance from Big Mac, you worked yourself ragged, and can feel every ache and pain in your tired body. You strip down and climb into the shower, closing the curtain. Turning the water on the hottest setting you can stand, you sit down in the tub and lean back, letting the near-scalding hot water cover you. Your eyes closed, you didn't notice her enter. You feel something soft brush against your hand, and Twilight is by your side with a beaming grin. "How was your trip? I missed you." You groan, your head tilting backwards, and recount your grueling trip. You feel her brush against your hand again, and open your eyes. She looks over you, worried. "Are you okay? I could try and give you a massage but... you know I'm no good with my hooves. Maybe there's a spell somewhere that can help." She turns to leave, and you catch a glimpse of her wide rump. Her plump belly swaying from side to side as she walks makes you pause for a moment before you tell her to stop. She turns, and you swear you can see every slight little motion and movement in the form of a jiggle across her soft body. You grin like an idiot. "What do you mean? I'm almost positive I've seen a spell out there that deals with fatigue and pain. It's no trouble, and I don't want you to hurt if you don't-" You gently place a finger against her muzzle and shush her softly. You explain that for now, you would just like to try and relax and wind down. There can be time for spells later. Your finger, still placed over her muzzle, feels her lips stretch into a smirk. "Well then... can it be time for a massage now?" With a little bit of effort, and some huffing and puffing, you help Twilight into the tub with you. She breathes deeply and smiles, seated on her plush rump, between your legs. The water from the showerhead falls against her back, wetting her hair and having it hang down straight in front of her eyes. She uses a bit of magic to move it, her deep purple eyes almost sparkling as she looks at you. You can't help but smile again. She leans in, her hooves running past your hips and stomach. You can feel them make their way up your sides and to your shoulders. You give her a small kiss on the forehead before she resumes her motions, her hooves making small circles around your shoulders and upper arms. You sigh happily. She’s awfully clumsy with those hooves, but you won’t deny that it feels fantastic right now. The longer she goes on, the heavier her breathing becomes, before you can hear her apologize under her breath. “Sorry... I’m sorry.” She slumps forward, no longer able to support herself, and her soft, plump body presses into you. You can feel her cushy stomach press into your crotch, and bite your lip for a second as shift to a comfortable position. “I’m so fat,” she speaks into your chest, just wanting to make the statement known. You brush the hair out of her eyes and tell her that you love her the way she is, any size that she is. She looks up at you, still not quite believing it. You softly squeeze her chubby cheeks before moving your hands down her body. You compliment her size in any number of ways, about how you can’t stop staring at her gorgeous form any chance that you can get. You recount of how you preferred heavier women back on Earth, and how none of their hips and asses could ever match up to hers. And her belly? Oh god, you don’t even know where to begin. You tell her how much you loved girls with a nice bit of pudge, a potbelly to play with and squeeze, to caress when you’re holding each other close, to... You just now realize that she’s giggling in the middle of your description. “Mmh... I guess you were telling the truth, after all.” A mischievous smile on her face, it takes you a moment to realize that in the middle of your description, you popped a boner that’s digging right into her plush stomach. Your face flushes bright red, and she leans back letting your cock spring up to attention. “You know, I’ve read a lot of books about attraction, sexual and emotional. A lot of books.” She leans back, placing her hooves on either side of her stomach, and squishing them together a bit. “But none of them ever said anything about an attraction to stomachs. Care to teach me?” The ache in your muscles fades away as you sit up straight, reaching for the shampoo that Twilight uses for her coat. She’s leaning forward now, pressing her stomach out more than usual. Your eyes follow the curve of her belly, from her chest down to where it seemingly pools out between her haunches, squishing flat against the bottom of the bathtub. You take a bit, and drizzle it on top of her belly. Working your hands over her stomach, you begin to play with it. Almost treating it as a massage, you slip your hands across its surface, kneading and squeezing, playing with the thicker parts of her gut and the rolls forming at her sides. You can hear her stifle a moan as you work, lathering up the shampoo into silky suds, spreading them evenly across the expanse of her soft belly. You run your hands underneath it and lift it gently, letting it plop against the bottom of the tub, observing and cherishing every ripple across her body. Moving a hand up slightly, you trace a finger around her bellybutton, eliciting and soft coo from Twilight. You use some of the lather to gently insert your pointer finger into her navel, probing in and out, inserting it deeper and deeper every time. Your breathing quickens along with hers as you find yourself able to insert your entire finger with ease, not knowing her bellybutton to be that deep. Something gnaws at the back of your mind, something that you always wanted to try but never got the chance to do. It’s so hot, your finger feels like it’s burning with the amount of heat radiating from her body. You pull your finger out, and come back with two, pushing them up to the knuckle. Twilight moans aloud as you play with her pliable belly, two fingers in her navel, stretching and probing, with your free hand squeezing and groping her fat gut. She squirms in her seated position, breathing more heavily now. You remove your two fingers, and plunge in three. “Ah! I... hah... have an idea...” She can barely contain herself, her forehooves trembling as her hips slowly gyrate, grinding against the bottom of the tub. Without a word, she uses her magic to push you backwards so that you’re lying on your back again, in the tub. She gets up, on trembling legs, and takes a step forward. You can feel it now, something soft and velvety smooth. Looking down, you see the swell of her belly hanging down, brushing against the tip of your cock. She wiggles a bit, belly wobbling and jiggling, until you feel the head of your cock push slightly into her bellybutton. Your mind is racing. You ask if she has some sort of new mind-reading spell. “Mmm... no. You’re just an easy read.” She smirks as she dips her hips once, her belly sliding down over your cock for just a single moment. You groan, and she giggles once more. “Now, stay still.” Her horn glows, and you wonder what she’s up to. You can see the showerhead come off of its holder, and float down next to her. With ease, she unscrews the showerhead, leaving only the hose. You can see her back legs tremble, and a pleasurable smile wash over her face as she pushes the hose into her rump. “You, ah... hah... said that you’d like me at any size, right?” Your mouth hangs agape. Your hips twitch, and you thrust into her bellybutton slightly. She smiles proudly, knowing your answer without you saying a word. You lean forward and lock your lips with hers in a deep kiss, your hands instantly darting to her stomach. You can feel a churning beneath your fingers, and you start to feel her stomach swell outwards. Outwards and downwards. You thrust your hips again, going almost to the hilt, but she moans and shakes her head slightly against your lips. You groan, but do your best to comply, basking in the sensation. You can feel her grow with every passing moment, your hands slipping over her slick coat, and her belly inching down, slowly enveloping your cock. You feel the intense warmth of her stomach radiate against your member, along with every single motion, wobble, and jiggle. Your tongues dance with each other, greedily trying to invade one another’s mouth as you grope at her swelling belly, causing it to slosh against your cock. She breaks before you do, her hips moving and wiggling from side to side. You’re in absolute ecstasy as you watch your love enact the fantasy you never had the chance to express before. Her belly now completely envelops your cock, slick, tight, warm, and squishy. It’s starting to overflow a bit, pressing into your own stomach and against your thighs. With a loud moan, she slowly pulls the hose from her rear. No longer able to hold herself up, her trembling legs collapse and you feel the full weight of her gut pressing against you. It’s heavenly. You grope and squeeze the expanse of her gut, unable to get enough. Your lips are just as hungry as your hands, it seems, never breaking from your kiss. You thrust once, the wobble lasting for a few moments. Twilight is speechless, her breathing hot and heavy against your lips. You can see her hips gyrating, grinding her mound and puffy lips against the sloshing expanse of her own stomach. After a long while, the kiss is broken, each thrust punctuated by a loud moan from your lover as she feels her own body stimulating itself. Your pace increases, as does your breathing, Twilight’s belly becoming and endlessly jiggling mass. Her moan is long and drawn out, stuttered by the impact of each thrust. Her horn begins to glow, and her hips twitch involuntarily. She screams in ecstasy, brought to climax by her own wobbling stomach. She bites her lip and whines as you keep thrusting up and into her tight, hot navel. You won’t be able to last much longer, your breathing and moaning becoming as erratic as hers. She squeaks and squeals again, coming a second time right before you release your load into her bellybutton. You lean up and lock lips with her, feeling each other’s muffled moans as you embrace, trembling, riding out each other’s orgasm to the very end. It takes several minutes before either of you are able to speak again. She wears a giddy drunken grin, her horn flaring with magic as she reattaches the showerhead and puts it back in its stand. With some help from you, and her magic, Twilight is able roll back onto her haunches. Her belly settles at the bottom of the tub once more, nearly spreading out to touch both sides with its immense width. She gingerly pressed down on it with her hooves, gasping at her own touch. You can see the fruit of your labor oozing out of her bellybutton. She smiles, feeling it too. You sit, idly rubbing her belly, when you see her levitate her shampoo above her stomach. She squirts a hefty amount of it all over her belly and leans forward to give you a quick kiss on the nose. “Mmm... Care to help me wash up?”