Living with Spaghetti Sparkle 15

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>the ring Twilight gave you is just a simple golden band with an inscription on the inside

"Love is in Bloom, within my heart is the stranger from a strange land."

>you read it aloud to considerable fanfare
>according to pony custom, everyp0ny present kisses you on the cheek (even Spike)
>then, Twilight comes in last and kisses you on the lips

>after silently cuddling with your fiancee for a few minutes, Pinkie Pie becomes restless
>it looks like she has to pee
>her eyes are darting every-which-way
>her mouth is closed and her cheeks are dilating like balloons
>she hops off behind the kitchen counter
>suddenly, she pulls a new pony, Vinyl Scratch, out from below
>she has a turntable
>she lays down the phat beatz
>Vinyl Scratch is a super famous DJ pony
>Pinkie Pie sure has some scary-awesome connections!

>PP:"Let's play... CANDYLAND!"
>Rarity groans
>RD:"It's only four-player."
>PP:"You're right! That's a huge big totally bad PROBLEM! Hmmmmm. We should draw straws, because I know everyp0ny wants to play Candyland. It's the best game ever!"
>RD:"Actually! You're in luck. I hate Candyland.
>PP:"WHAATT? How can you hate Candyland?! Well, whatever. What are you gonna do instead?"
>Rainbow Dash turns to you
>RD:"Hey Anon?"
>RD:"How about some beer pong?"
Paddles or no?
>RD:"I didn't bring paddles."
Then it's Beirut.
>RD:"Whatever, fag."
Who's your team-member?
>RD:"Spitifre. You?"
Isn't it obvious?
>you pull Twilight close
>Twi:"Wait a sec! I'm not sure... I haven't really drank alcohol before..."
>PP:"Waitwaitwaitwait! ALCOHOL?"
>RD:"Yeah, so?"
>PP:"Alcohol is WRONG you sillies! Capitol "R" WRONG! I could give you one billion million quintillion zillion reasons for why alcohol is wrong!"
>RD:"Really? Me and Anon drink all the time. At least, we used to."
>PP:"And just LOOK what happened to your super cute relationship!"
>Twilight brushes herself up to you
>Rainbow Dash turns beet red and looks absolutely livid
>PP:"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! Just... I'm sorry. Alcohol didn't put a lot of smiles on ponies faces where I'm from. I'm sorry."
>RD:"Just play Candyland, okay?"
>PP:"I'm sorry."
>Pinkie Pie retires to the Candyland board

>Rarity:"If it's any consolation Pinkie, I know what you mean. I had a problem not too long ago."
>PP:"Thanks... Anywho! Whooo's playing Candyland with me!?"
>Spike, Sweetie Belle, Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy raise they're hooves and claws
>PP:"Rats! Still too many..."
>AJ:"It's okay... ah'll jus play Twister over there. Heh... Ah always wanted to try it."
>Rarity:"M-me too!"
>PP:"That settles it! Me, Spike, Sweetie Belle, and Fluttershy will play Candyland! Wohoo!"
>AJ:"Hey Anon, could you spin the Twister dial for Rarity and ah when we get too tangled up?"
Sure sure.

>Twi:"Anon... I'm still not so sure about the alcohol thing."
>you can tell she's legitimately concerned
>Twi:"What if I say something I don't mean or do something weird or throw up or--?"
It'll be okay. I'll protect you and I won't take anything you say with anything but a grain of salt, if you're drunk that is. I doubt you'll get anything but buzzed. How old are you?
You'll be fine. You're a grown mare who should be able to take some alcohol.
>it strikes you as kind of weird that you had to ask your fiancee how old she was just now
>however, mares in Equestria all typically look the same age, so it's not THAT weird
>the moment strikes you and you suddenly feel the need to reveal your age to Twilight
I'm twenty-seven, by the way.
>Twi:"I know."
>of course she would

>PP:"I WIN!"
>RD:"You... what?"
>PP:"I already won! I told you I'm the best at Candyland!"
B-but it's a game based on chance! How could you possibly be... good?
>PP:"Superior strategy."
>SB:"The first card she pulled was the "Ice Cream Sea".  It brought her to the end of the board on her first turn."
>PP:"See! Strategy!"
>PP:"You mad? Wanna try again?"
>Spike:"Sweetie Belle, calm down."
>SB:"No Spiky! We're gonna win this together. Pinkie Pie, can we trade cards if we want to?"
>PP:"Sure... heh, if you think you can beat Pinkie Pie, you can do what ever cerneveling conniving cer-traps you can... cer-n up with *giggle*!"
>FS:"I'll just... *squeekmumble*"
>SB:"You're ON!"


>Twilight seems to be losing her nerve again
>she whispers in your ear,
>Twi:"*gulp* Can't we just dance? I'm... still not sure."
Don't you want to beat that overly-competitive Rainbow Dash and show my ex-marefriend a thing or two?
>Twi:"Heck yeah!"
Well then, let's show them who's the undisputed champ!
>Twi:"But I've never played before. How could I possibly be a champ?"
Okay, never mind that. Let's show them who has the home-tree advantage.
>Twi:"I don't think that matters."
Damn it Twi! I'm trying to rev you up. I'm tryin' to get you excited!
>Twi:"Oh... I'm such a baka when it comes to sports... How about a kiss to warm me up instead!?"
Hm... not until the game is over. How about that?
>she bites her lip

>there are ten cups placed in triangle formation on either side of the table
>Rainbow Dash borrowed some painters-tape from Twilight's arts and crafts room and made a midway point
>the stage is set
>you flip a coin to determine which team goes first
>you and Twilight go first
Try a bounce shot.
>Twi:"I'll try Anon..."
>her ball hits the kitchen table, bounces up and over the drinks and completely misses
>Spitfire retorts with a lifetime's knowledge of the game and scores a hit on the first try
>Twilight takes a sip of the beer and spits it out on her first taste
Here Twi, I'll get you a chaser. What do you want?
>Twi:"*cough* Maybe the blue Ramune?"
Blue. Got it.
>you return with blue Ramune and she gulps down the rest of the beer with the chaser
>Twi:"*sniff* Thanks."
>RD:"What's the matter? Can't handle a little beer? Heheh."
>Twi:"I can too!"
>Twilight tosses another ball, even though it's supposed to be your turn
>she misses spectacularly
It's okay. They won't--"
>Rainbow, speed demon that she is, takes her turn and scores on your side in less than ten seconds
>RD:"You have to drink again Twi, since you were the last throw on your team."
>Twilight turns to you
>Twi:"Do I have to?"
Unfortunately, yes.
>Twi:"*sigh* Here I go."
>she does much better this time
>when she's done and she wipes her mouth, you give her the chaser
>Twi:"No! I don't need that anymore."
>she wants to show off that she's just as good as Rainbow Dash at drinking alcohol


>meanwhile, Pinkie Pie has won Candyland a consecutive 6 times
>Sweetie Belle is furious
>she's speaking through her teeth
>PP:"Apples to Apples! We're going to play Apples to Apples!"
>Sweetie Belle's face lights up
>she grabs Spike and whispers something in his ear
>with a huge grin on her face,
>SB:"Excellent! I go first!
>FS:"Actually... I get to go first since you um... promised... *squeak*"
>FS:"Um... you promised me and Spike that if we gave you our cards in Candyland that we could go first next time..."
>Sweetie Belle looks at Spike
>Spike:"I revoke my right to go first!"
>Sweetie Belle turns her gaze to Fluttershy
>a brief staring contest ensues
>FS:"Okay! Never mind..."
>you find it difficult to believe that Sweetie Belle had become such a smooth Machiavellian since the last time you saw her six years prior
>show business is hard...
>plus, having Rarity as a sister probably helped


>it's your turn to throw
>you manage to get one this time
>Rainbow takes a drink
>she chugs it faster than Twilight ever could
>the empty cup is placed back on the table
>It's Spitfire's turn
>she misses an arc shot at your back row of cups
>Twilight is up once again
>she throws a fastball into...
>their empty cup!
>Twi:"YATTA! I GOT ONE! Anon! Did you see?"
>RD:"Full her up and take a drink, Twi."
You can't put your ball into cups already emptied. If you do, you have to fill them up and drink them yourself."
>she takes a drink
>Twi:"It's getting easier every time. My mouth is getting numb~ hehe"
>oh boy


>eventually, you only have one out of your original ten cups
>Rainbow Dash and Spitfire have four cups left
>Twilight's hand-eye coordination, while shitty from the start, went out the window after her sixth drink
>she is blitzed
>by this time, Rarity and Applejack were tangled up in Twister and needed help spinning the dial
>AJ:"Hey Anon! We need your help over 'ere!"
>it is your turn
>Twi:"It'shh oaky! ANON! I'll go... I'll do it... heh."
>you nod
>Twilight tries to make her way over to the Twister pad, but her drunkenness is causing her to stumble
>Twi:"Wow! Hehe Whao!"
>to mitigate her stumbling, she decided to start galloping
>she started slow at first
>then she got to full speed
>Twi:"I'm coming friendsss!"
>she didn't realize that her momentum would make her crash face first into the Rarity-AJ tangle

>Twi:"Unng... ANON! Help!"
>you run over to the tangled mess of limbs
>AJ:"*sigh* Twi, I'm only gonna ask this once. Get yer horn outta mah butt."
>Rarity:"Actually. EW.EW.EW.EW.EW.EW.EW.EW.EW.EW. It's mine... D-Do you wipe, Applejack?"
AHHHHhhh OKAY! Let's get you ladies untangled, shall we?

>all by yourself, you help your friends untangle
>Sweetie Belle is too engrossed in winning Apples to Apples against Pinkie Pie using dirty tactics
>Spike always throws in with Sweetie Belle
>Fluttershy usually capitulates with some heavy staring
>Pinkie Pie is losing, but she doesn't seem to care
>Rainbow Dash, Spitfire and Vinyl Scratch are all smoking weed in the kitchen, not really caring that their game is on hold

>you get everyp0ny out of the mess okay
>Twilight's too lazy to walk, so you carry her to the couch
>Twi:"Am I the only one who's drunk?"
Yeah, pretty much.
>Twi:"Can we forfeit the game?
>you turn to Rainbow Dash and Spitfire
>brohooves were had
>Twilight get's her promised kiss

What do you want to do now? It's your party.
>Twi:"We should... get everp0ny else drunk! Like me!"

~~~END PART 15~~~