>"M...mares, I-I-I really don't w-w-ant to..." said Butterscotch, wincing rapidly from the feeling of her ministrations.
>Rarity responded, "You'd be surprised how little that matters, darling~", adding a lip bite and a speed-up for good measure.
>The other mares stared at the nonconsensual hoofjob intently, though none moreso than Applejack and Rainbow Dash, who could scarcely await their turns, soaking the chairs they sat on in anticipation.
>Dash was outright humping her's.
>Twilight, as always, was taking notes on a small journal she kept aside for these little get-togethers.
>How best to restrain a stallion while still letting him wriggle. How best to tease a stallion without letting him cum. The topics went on and on like that.
>She had already written a treatise on how to get past the various animals he thought could guard him.
>Twi's brow furrowed as she nodded and erased something.
>By contrast, Pinkie Pie mindlessly shoveled another hooful of cookies into her mouth in anticipation.
>She had a special recipe for when they raped Scotchy all together like this, and it was her favorite thing in all Equestria to cook, and her second-favorite thing in all Equestria to taste.
>The first-favorite was, of course, the yellow stallion, bound to the bed in the center of the room, ineffectually protesting.
>He was the first-favorite thing to taste for all five of them, really, no matter how bad he didn't want to be.

>Rarity, made an 'mmmm~' noise as Scotch blushed harder and harder, breathing becoming shallower as his panic deepened.
>It was a process they had all happily caused in him over and over again.
>And Rarity took great pleasure in removing her slicked hoof from his turgid length before he shot, leaving him able to do little more than whimper from the release falsely promised.
>Applejack reflexively shouted out "That's tha way, Rare!" before thoughtfully elaborating with, "Keep the feller guessin'! More fun fer all tha mares here that way.".
>Looking up from her notebook, Twilight chimed in.
>"That's right, Applejack! All five of us enjoy this a lot more when Butterscotch gets-" she paused and began flipping through prior pages, "-'blueballed' for a little while. He hates it so much~"
>She trailed off with a satisfied sigh, staring into the pained eyes of the element of kindness.
>He didn't plead verbally. He learned to stop bothering with that some time ago, when Twilight forced him to be the 'entertainment' at Cadance's bachelorette party.
>He didn't like remembering that day one bit.
>Returning the stallion's mind to the present, Rarity stuck her head forward, and gave him a brief, sucking, kiss on the neck. Whether as a consolation prize or another way of stepping up his frustration, who could say?
>Pinkie certainly found it funny. She giggled so hard, she snorted, just slightly.
>"Ooh, I should try doing that next time!" she said, chipper, eyes closed in simple elation.
>Rainbow Dash nearly cut her off with a speedy "pft." before adding "*I* should try it right now. No, wait, something even better right now!"
>Her blue ass elevated off the seat slightly, a trail of clear, fragrant fluid between the two.

>Rarity took her eyes off her winged, yellow prize for the first time since she approached the bed, turning them instead to the now-paused Rainbow Dash.
>Being careful to fully enunciate every word, the most ladylike mare in the room admonished, "Rainbow Dash, that is *very* rude!"
>Rarity actually turned completely away from Butterscotch for full effect, as Dash's face dropped.
>More in shock and disappointment than in embarrassment.
>"The rules we came up with *cuh-learly* state the mare at the bed is the sole decider of what happens to our friend Butterscotch."
>Dash rolled her eyes.
>"I *know* that, Rarity! But-"
>"'But' nothing." Rarity said, closing her eyes in finality. "We. *Agreed*."
>The blue pegasus sat back down.
>Scotch found himself speaking up, despite himself.
>"M-mares, if maybe just this once, if it's okay, maybe...*I* could decide what happens to me?"
>Dash rolled her eyes again.
>"Scotch, dude, the ENTIRE point is you DON'T. Seriously, how do you not know that by now?"
>Butterscotch whimpered, less in shock and disappointment, and more in embarrassment.
>Obviously, he knew he had no say here. His five marefriends taught him that over and over and over...
>"I-I...I'm sorry..."
>Rarity turned back to his prostrate form, warm smile on her face.
>"It's alright, Butterscotch, dear. We all make silly mistakes from time to time."

>"Anyway, you're not going to finish with my hoof like that, my dear, sweet Scotchy." Rarity said, tone thoroughly devoid of malice.
>She pinched his cheek for effect.
>Face-cheek. She loved his backside as much as the other four did, but such a display would be simply too crass.
>Of course, it was already quite obvious to everypony in the spacious room how she intended to actually finish him.
>She climbed her way onto the bed as Butterscotch gulped, feeling the psychological pressure escalating.
>He knew what was coming.
>Rarity made her way to the headboard, savoring every inch of his sweating, frustrated form that made contact with her.
>"Ah do like watchin' 'im shoot in one 'a' us proper. Sumthin' about seein a mare all pleasured an' whatnot.." overshared AJ, completely ignorant of her latent bisexuality.
>Rarity sat up, groin nearly in contact with Scotch's head.
>Butterscotch's face twisted in pained recognition at the sight and smell of his prissiest marefriend's immaculate vagina as she spread her lips slightly with her magic.
>"Today, you're going to leave me a little gift in here~ A nice, warm white one~"
>She back off an inch and smiled.

>Then she moved her bottom to one side of the bed, as if contemplating leaving entirely.
>Scotch felt her hoof alight gently on his chin, and she looked into his eyes with the sweet succor of a lover who cares about what you have to say.
>"Do you want to do that, Butterscotch?"
>Twilight couldn't tell what Rarity was playing at - her quill came to a sudden stop on the page, neatly interrupting a sentence on the merits of raping a stallion with penetrative sex.
>Pinkie just widened her eyes a little further. She knew what was coming.
>All she had to do to figure it out was ask herself, 'what would be the most fun-for-Rarity thing Rarity could do with this question?', and she knew the answer.
>"N-no!" Scotch said, almost wincing from the sudden feeling of self-determinism in his chest.
>Rarity's face fluttered with relief, her gaze softening with the bliss of a mare who knows she's doing *exactly* the right thing.
>She responded.
>"Why, my dear Butterscotch, that is-"
>She brought her groin once more centered over his body, but this time angled the entrance over the head of his overly teased dick.
>Applejack whispered a simple, "Yeah." at the site of Rarity's gyrating hips - not that Scotch's dong and predicament didn't play a valuable role in exciting her.
>Rainbow Dash was thrilled things were finally getting where they're supposed to be.
>She had to keep from rolling her purple eyes, as sick of waiting as she was.
>Rarity was done waiting to.
>"-exactly what I want to hear." Rarity finished up, before dropping her sex down upon his.

>Scotch was within her almost instantly.
>The stimulation Rarity had forced upon him left him not only as hard as he had ever been, but slick with the thin ooze of precum - his utter lack of mental arousal, or even comfort, did not enter into the equation.
>As always, Butterscotch's body betrayed him, and served the mares he knew were his friends when - this - wasn't going on.
>Rarity herself was likewise ready for the particular kind of 'love' they all made Butterscotch share.
>She was wet, winking, and open.
>And unlike the poor stallion, she was perfectly comfortable with the situation, unabashedly turned on by it, even.
>The same was true of every other mare in the room.
>Twilight had opened a second notebook she brought with her today - this one already full.
>As Scotch writhed on the bed and tried to choke back moans and pleas for mercy with alternating breaths, his friend Twilight was rereading some notes she had taken on one of the times *she* raped him, some time ago.
>The memories of this particular incident never failed to the stir the fire in Twlight's loins - she loved reliving that incident in her mind, and most of her subsequent romps with the restrained Butterscotch were but attempts at living up to it.
>They had all failed so far, though, she loved making *him* relive it too.
>Her eyes darted back and forth across a particularly favored line about once when he got serious about resisting, and she got to bring a hoof to bear against his testes to remind him who the princess in the room was.
>She brushed her pink and purple mane from her eyes, and set that same hoof against her vagina, aching as it was for a touch.
>Then she stopped, and reminded herself that today was one of those days when she didn't have to masturbate, alone, in her bedroom.
>Butterscotch is here now, and giving her genitals what they need is *his* job.

>Pinkie Pie's marehood was oddly still compared to the other four in the room.
>She was aroused, but oddly modestly so. Her real investment with these group rapes was simply that all of her friends had so much fun, all together, and all at once.
>It was like a 'rape your one male friend' party, and the elements of harmony were always invited.
>Plus she got good dick out of the deal. That part's always nice.
>She looked out over the room, taking in their smiling faces, and gnawing messily on another of her special cookies.
>Sure, Scotch wasn't smiling, but that was sort of the point.
>Every good party has a pinata, after all.
>They don't *want* to get split open and spray candy over all the other partygoers, but that's what they're *for*. That's why they exist.
>All six of them knew the same was true of their pal Butterscotch.
>She munched on another cookie and smiled.
>She'd offer one to her friends, but AJ was leaning in to Rarity's bouncing ass so hard it was amazing she didn't fall out of her seat.
>Rainbow Dash was busy clopping, tongue lolling sloppily out of her mouth.
>And Twilight --
>Well, honestly, Pinkie just wanted them all for herself.
>They were butterscotch cookies, and if they wanted butterscotch, they could get their fill from their stallionfriend.
>She didn't mind sharing him of course.
>She loved it.
>It made them all so happy.
>"Are you enjoying yourself, Scotchie, dear~?" said Rarity, the arousal she felt expertly prevented from showing in her voice.
"N-No! I don't want t-t-this!" he said. "I'm NOT happy!"
>Pinkie giggled.
>Alright it didn't make *him* happy, but that was what made these gang rapes so great.
>At least to her.