>Gilda’s demand hangs in the air for an eternity. You play it over and over again in your head. Get your pants off. We’re using your seed. No, there really was no way to mistake what she said, especially as she gives you a rather amorous grope, that coy smile still lighting up her eyes. “You, can’t, be, serious.” >“Oh, believe me you bare-back gorilla, I’m serious. You don’t mess around with bonding rituals unless you’re willing to see them through to the end. Get your pants off.” “I’m not going t” >“If you don’t, I’m going to rip them off you.” “I really doubt that.” >Quirking an eyebrow, she gives a few squeezes, her brow furrowing in concentration. At last, her eyes widen and she chuckles, flexing her claws. The sound of tearing fabric causes you to squirm. >While grabbing at your crotch, she had been sizing you up, and was now sitting with her talons nestled comfortably on either side of your penis. That glint shows for a moment as she brushes her cheek against yours again. >“Do you now?” “I’ll, get my pants off.” >“Good boy.” >She nods and falls back into a seated position, all four feet on the ground, watching you intently. > >Honestly, you’re a little surprised it took that much ‘coaxing’ to get him to take off those ridiculous pants. First, you throw yourself at him and he tries to play it off like it’s nothing. Then you make it clear what you want, and he still acts like he doesn’t get it. You’re not even making him work for it, it’s every male’s dream! >Sighing, you give him a small smile as he struggles out of his pants, now sporting four talon sized holes in the crotch. A small chuckle escapes at the sight. It was sort of fun to drag him, kicking and screaming, into this situation. As he yanks off his underclothes, you get a good chance to size him up. >Well, that’s not so bad. A little bigger than a griffon’s, the testicles are definitely larger, but the shaft looks so abnormally, smooth. He clears his throat and raises an eyebrow. >“So, uh, how does this work?” >You roll your eyes. “Are you really that dense? You stick it in me and then cum. Piece of cake.” >“So, I have to uh…” “You have to cum inside me, yes! Haven’t you ever done this before?” >“W-well yeah, just, I have to get uh, hard first.” “Hard? What are you even talking about? You look ready to go to me. I mean, you’re out and everything.” >He sighs and scratches the back of his head, giving an uncomfortable smile as he reaches down to his crotch, touching himself. Great, a show. You really just want to get this over with, he doesn’t need to show how ‘male’ he is, just gear up and stick that… >…steadily growing dick of his inside you. “What are you even doing to yourself?” >you want to scream, but it comes out as a harsh whisper, as if loud noises would somehow make it grow larger. As he begins to stroke himself, you stand utterly transfixed by the fact that his penis is nearly double the size you thought it was. >“I thought this is how you wanted to do it?” “Well yeah, but, why is it so big?” >He laughs a little and you can feel the heat rush to your face. You avert your eyes and scowl at the ground. “It’s not like I’ve ever looked at monkey-junk you know.” >Another quiet laugh and a silence descends between the two of you, broken only by the slightly rhythmic sound of his fist falling against his hips on the down stroke. You chance a glance over and really get a feel for what you’re dealing with. >Considering his size, you expected him to be larger than a griffon. But his, pecker, outclassed anything that you had ever seen. The abnormally large testicles seemed rightly snug beneath that burly behemoth. >He’s focused on himself now, his eyes have glazed over a little. You take a few steps closer and when he doesn’t respond you chance a few more. Standing in front of him you watch, entranced. >You feel your forepaw moving, but don’t try to stop it, gingerly cupping him, dragging your feet along the tender, forgiving flesh. He seizes up, his hand clutching the shaft tight as if you had shocked him. You can see the tip darkening to an angry purple color as you explore his crotch, balls to base, and base to head with your foot. “It’s warm.” >He gives a mute nod and removes his hand. He shudders a little as your feet slide up and down, a slower, more careful pace to be certain, but from the way he’s breathing, he’s enjoying himself. You allow yourself a small smile and marvel at the satisfyingly spineless texture. > >When her claw descends around your balls, you tense up. You aren’t sure how she managed to get so close without you noticing. Clearly the cat part of her is to blame. As she gropes you, your hand does its best vice grip impression on your dick. Gilda has already shown that her talons could easily rend cloth, and you aren’t too eager to see if she can rip your boys off. >The yellow skin that covers most of her claw is ridged, providing a unique sensation as she juggles you back and forth, testing their weight. While firm, she handles you with a delicate care, the raised segments of her claw aggravating your tender flesh just enough to encourage the flow of blood. She comments on the temperature and you manage a brief nod. Your hand releases its death grip as her claw reaches it, allowing her free reign along the entirety of your shaft. >Gilda jumps at the opportunity, the ridges sliding up and down against your penis. She doesn’t maintain the tight grip you had, but her delicate touch is a welcome and exciting change. Her eyes light up as she smiles, lifting a talon and sliding it around the head of your dick. >It’s hard, unlike her claws, unforgiving and even a little cold. The urge to shiver is suppressed by the understanding you might lose part of your dick if you do. She leans in, utterly fascinated. >“How, how do you get this inside anything, it’s huge.” >The laugh seems to come more from your chest than your throat. That’s enough to break the spell, and she looks up at you, her gold eyes stony. >“What?” “You sound intimidated.” >“I, I am not!” >Gilda’s plumage puffs up a little with her declaration, adding to the irritated look in her eyes. Her claw leaves your cock and rests on your shoulder, soon joined on the other side by her second. Steadying herself against you, Gilda takes a breath and begins her descent. >You would think that you were a gift from the gods the way her eyes contort, fluttering, twitching, crossing, and the sounds coming from her mouth, a quiet mix of chirps and growls. Despite her attempts to get lower, she gets a little more than half of your dick inside of her before you bottom out. >“Why are you so BIG?” >Gilda gives a frustrated growl as her eyes settle back into their normal positions, giving a few experimental pumps of her hips. At least, you thought they were experimental. She is quickly reduced to a quivering mess as she clenches down around you, snarling and rubbing against your neck. After a few seconds, she looks up at you, scowling. >“And why aren’t you done yet? Are you trying to make this difficult?” “Hey, we’re different, remember? Maybe I need a little more” >You buck your hips until you can’t push any deeper. Gilda arches her back and gives a breathy sigh as her claws press hard against your shoulders. “to satisfy me?” >The devilish look enters her eyes again and she brushes her cheek against yours. As always, the feathers are light, carrying an earthy scent, uniquely Gilda. With another roll of her hips, and a breathy sigh, she whispers in your ear. >“Then, you better get on top, cause I don’t think I can handle this by myself. Just, try not to bruise me.” >She gives a teasing squeeze before she slides off and turns her back to you. Putting herself down on all fours, Gilda presents herself to you. With a sidelong glance, the griffon adds >“Not, too badly, at least.” >Arousal is a powerful thing, you don’t question her and mount her from behind. With a few thrusts she is reduced to a mewling wreck, her talons searching for something to clutch to, but only finding the unforgiving stone. You still can’t get your dick all the way inside of her, but now that she’s adjusting she’s working what she can take the best she can. >You’re sure that she’s stretched to capacity just getting herself around you, but if she’s in any pain, she’s certainly enjoying it, and the rigorous pounding you’re giving her only serves to further drive that home. An eternity trapped with a griffon, might not be so bad. >Unfortunately, neither of you can wait an eternity to finish. Grabbing her around the middle, you begin to thrust frantically, not even giving her enough time to finish her purrs before a new one takes over, a cascade of cries that only gets louder the closer you get. >At last, Gilda gets what she wants. The fact you haven’t had a drink in days means that there’s not much to give, but it seems to be enough to get a rise out of her. >Her body goes taut as she snarls, growling and pushing her hips back against yours. >“Ahh you, ANIMAL!” >Panting heavily, Gilda laughs and rubs her face against the cool stone. “You like that that much?” >Giving a quiet growl of approval, she nods. It takes a few minutes, but she pushes herself to her feet and crawls off of you. You notice that she shuts up tight as a trap in the process, leaving only a small dribble of seed against her fur. She staggers a few steps as she regains her balance, shaking her head to knock everything back into place. >As for you, well you don’t exactly jump to your feet either. Days of suffering under dehydration has left your body sore, tired and constantly weak. You feel a little amazed you managed to pull this off in the first place. >Laying there against the stone, watching the light creep in, you feel at peace with your decision. Moreso when Gilda nudges you with her beak, her eyes alight with a fire you hadn’t seen in quite a while. >“Now, lets finish the bonding.”