>You are Nightmare Moon, and right now, you were a mare with a mission. >You would hunt down that cur “Anonymous” and make him beg for Luna's forgiveness, or suffer through humiliating, demeaning, and positively EMBARASSING torture at your hooves. >Yes... You would enjoy making him lick your hooves... >And you would force him to beg like the dog he was, down on all fours... a deliciously pitiful expression on his normally defiant face... his beautiful eyes overflowing with tears as you... >No. NO! >FOCUS. >You shake your head as you continue your flight to Ponyville. Being the dark side of the Princess of the Moon had its perks, but sharing her... darkest fantasies... were a bit of a toss up in that respect. >As you fly over the Everfree Forest, you lock eyes with a... smaller than normal Ursa Minor, who attempts to swipe at you as you fly by it. >You would not have any of that. >Firing a concussive blast of magic from your horn, you watch as the beast falls to the forest floor, many a tree splintering apart under its weight as it looses consciousness. >It wouldn't die, but it certainly wouldn't bother you any more tonight. >before long, you reach your destination; your draconic eyes are affixed on the library that both Anonymous and that undeserving wench Twilight Sparkle resided. >You sneer. Once you were done with Anonymous, you would teach that brat to fear you as everypony should. >Yes... You would enjoy that... Almost as much as you would enjoy making Anonymous squirm... >You breathe deeply, your body becoming a fine black mist, indistinguishable against the night sky as you slither towards a nearby window... Watching... Waiting for the perfect opportunity. ============ >You are Anonymous, and right now, you were EXTREMELY thankful for the invention of the Sleepytime Tea. >As you sit on the edge of your bed as you nurse the cup of tea, you feel a sudden chill. >Turning around, you find that the window is closed; that couldn't have been it... >Shrugging, you finish your mug of tea, and set it on your nightstand, already feeling its effects. >You can feel your eyelids growing heavier, even as you slip beneath the covers. Before long, you can feel yourself finally drifting off... >”...ymous...” >... >”Anonymous...” >Damn, this was some powerful stuff... Was it morning already? Whose voice was that anyway? It wasn't Twilight's, and it CERTAINLY wasn't Celestia's. >”Wake up Anonymous...” >Against your better judgement, you force open your eyelids, and find yourself face to face with a pair of rather reptilian eyes. >”Good, you're awake... It wouldn't have been as much fun taking you while you were asleep.” “WHO THE FUgrphrmph-!” >You're cut off by a hoof to the mouth. A hoof that, unfortunately was wearing HEAVY metal boots. “RRRRGH!” >”Shh shh shhh... No talking... Wouldn't want any unwanted attention, would we?” >Whoever the fuck this mare was, all kinds of alarms were going off in your head. This mare was BAD NEWS. You had to get out of there, NOW. >... Which was easier said than done, considering she was SITTING ON TOP OF YOU. Jeez, she had to be as big as Celestia! >Thank god your arms were free. You attempted to push her off of you, but this only made her laugh. At least she took her hoof off of your mouth. “Oh, you really think you can fight back, do you? How cute. If only your arms were as strong as your words, Anonymous.” >Your blood ran cold when she said that. It couldn't be... >You looked at the mare that was currently holding you captive. She was as big as Celestia, all right... But her coat was pitch black in contrast to her pristine white coat. Her mane was like the... night... sky. >Oh no. >You crane your neck, confirming your fears; Right there on her flank was an all too familiar cutie mark. “Luna...?” >There was that laugh again. It was enough to make you feel like there was ice running through your vains. There was no happiness in it... No mirth... Just... bitter cold. >”In a sense, yes I am.” >In a sense? What? >”While I am Luna... At the same time, I'm not. I'm simply her shadow, if you will. Her dark side. All her negative thoughts, emotions, and turmoil, all condensed into a whole other pony. I am...” “... Nightmare Moon.” >You remember Luna talking about her before, back in the castle. She had become Nightmare Moon over a thousand years ago after being overcome with jealousy and hatred, all directed towards her sister, for being the more beloved of the two mares, jealous that they all adored her sister's daytime, and slept through the night, ignoring the stars she has so painstakingly strewn across the sky, and the moon that watched over Equestria at night. >You remember how regretful she had been for doing that, but she could only watch as somepony that wasn't her said such hurtful things... Things that she had thought to say, sure, but never did say... Never WOULD say. Yet she could, and she DID. >You look at Luna... No, Nightmare Moon, and frown. “What do you want from me?” >There's that fucking laugh again. >”What do I want, Anonymous? It's simple, really...” >She smiles, and leans in close to you. She's so close, you can feel her breath tickling your ear. >”I want to break you Anonymous... I want to break you just like you broke Luna... I want to hear you beg for her forgiveness, like the dog you are.” >In any other situation, this would be hot as hell, but right now, you were NOPEing like no one has ever NOPE'd before. >Summoning up what little courage you had despite the situation, your left arm shoots out and grasps the closest object it can, and brings it crashing down on Nightmare Moon's head. >With a loud CRACK, the mug that you had left on the nightstand shatters on her head, sending her reeling backwards in pain, and right off of your bed. >The look she shoots your way would have made you shit your pants out of sheer terror, but fortunately, you were running on pure adrenaline, and your left arm was buzzing like mad. >You're about to throw a lightning bolt her way when a quartet of purple hooves and a pair of scaly legs catches your attention. >”Anon! What's going on here?!” “Twilight! Grab Spike and get the fuck out of--” >You don't even have time to finish your sentence as you feel yourself being... PULLED by magic that wasn't your own, and hard. “--here?” >You blink. One moment, you were in the library, and the next thing you knew, you were... were... >Where the hell were you, exactly? >You look around; it was surprisingly similar to the throne room in Canterlot Castle, except it was much, much older, and in far worse shape. >”Now then... Let's get down to business, shall we?” >Oh fuck, that's right. You weren't alone. “Uh... Let's not and say we did, okay?” >There's no laughter this time. She's just looking at you. Looking at you like you were a fresh piece of meat. Every time she took a step forward, you took one back, until your back was against a wall. >Hey Anon It's your left arm. >Yeah? >Just reminding you that you can FUCKING USE MAGIC. >Oh shit, that's right. >You focus on your left arm, gathering the ambient magical energies within the room, funneling it from the bottom of your feet, up your spine, and down into your left arm, enveloping it in a soft blue glow. You continue to condense energy into your palm, forming a small sphere of magical energy. >You lift up your arm, pointing it directly at the advancing Nightmare. “Not another step, or I'll shoot.” >”Oh really?” “Yeah, really. NOT. ANOTHER. STEP.” >”Come now Anonymous... We wouldn't want to risk hurting Luna, now would we?” “W-What?” >That single statement is enough to break your concentration, causing the magic to dissipate harmlessly. >”Oh, you didn't realize it until now? Oh you poor, stupid man... I had thought it was painfully obvious at this point that Luna and I shared a body. Whatever I feel, she feels. Whatever you do to me, you're doing to her.” >You couldn't believe what you were hearing. This mare was crazy enough to actually hold HERSELF hostage. >”Oh, and by the way... That mug from earlier? THAT. HURT.” >You gulp down a lump of air. This was all kinds of unfair, damn it. >She takes another step forward, laughing that chilling laugh again. >“What's the matter, Anonymous? Where was all that bravado from earlier? Are you afraid to hurt me? You did it easily enough before...” “Well, that was... Was...” >”Before you realized just who you were hurting?” “... Yeah.” >”Really now? As I recall, you certainly didn't have any qualms about hurting Luna before, now did you?” “I...” >”Well? DID YOU?!” >You cringe. She really was upset about this... “I... Well... No... I just...” >You sigh. Looking at her, you can tell she's not too happy with you at the moment. At least she wasn't tearing you limb from limb, so that was a bonus. “What did you want me to do, Luna?” >”I-I...” >Alright, now things got turned on their head. YOU had the reins this time. “Did you really think I wouldn't flip my lid at having my mind invaded like that? At having my privacy thrown out of the proverbial window?” >”That was... I...” “I TRUSTED you, Luna. I considered you a FRIEND. And you went and stomped all over that because you didn't stop to consider any other options.” >She's completely silent at this point, and she's starting to hide herself behind her wings. “You wanted to know what I think of you, Luna? Let me tell you. I still think of you as my friend. Even though you did something stupid without thinking about the repercussions, I shouldn't have gone off on you like that. While I think you could have gone about it a different way, Nothing's going to change the fact that what happened, happened.” >She lifts her head up slightly, her voice, or rather LUNA'S voice trembling as she speaks. >”You... You don't hate me?” >You walk over to her, and lift up her head, staring into HER eyes, not the eyes of some dreaded Mare in the Moon, but HER own two eyes. “Hate you? God no, I don't hate you, Luna. While what you did was absolutely stupid, and I'm not going to forgive you so easily for it, I don't hate you. I could NEVER hate you. You're my friend, Luna.” >”Even after everything I've done... The things I've said... You're still calling me your friend?” >You run a hand through her ethereal mane, watching as a few wisps brush against your hand. “Of course I am. Just because we both did something stupid, and said some stupid things to each other, doesn't mean we aren't friends.” >”So... Are you forgiving me?” “Honestly... I can't forgive something like that so easily. You're going to have to promise me you won't do something like that. Not to me, or anyone else. Got it?” >She sniffs back a few tears, rubbing an eye with a hoof. >”Uh huh...” “Good... Now then... C'mere, you!” >Before she can ask what you meant, you grab her shoulders, and pull her in for a hug. A few seconds pass without either of you saying anything, then Luna starts to shake in your grasp, and then she starts bawling. >As you feel her tears dribbling down your neck, you can feel her body getting warmer by the second as her sobs begin to die down. >Pulling her away, you watch as her body shrinks back down to its original size, her ethereal mane and her coat changing back into the shades of dark blue they once were. >Once the transformation is complete, she opens her eyes, and yawns, leaning on your arm for support. >”Anon... Can I call you Anon?” “Yeah...” >”Anon... can we stay like this... Just for a little while? Just until my sister has to raise the sun, okay?” “... Okay, Luna. Just until the sunrise.” >Before she can respond, she's interrupted by a stampeding of hooves, led by noneother than Twilight, followed by the rest of her friends. >“Anon! We're here to... To... Uhm... Uh...” “... It's a long story. Can it wait until sunrise?” >”... Sure.”