>The fluffy ponies are playing happily in their yard. >It is a large group of about 20 fluffies each giggling and giving each other huggies. >They run about chasing each other and the random butterfly. >They are in a spacious back yard surrounded by a plain picket fence. >It has a gate to the every back and ends at a typical suburban house. >The back door to the house opens up and a man walks out. >All the fluffies cheer at once, “Daddeh!” >The truddle over and start to hug his legs as he looks down on the fondly. >”And how have my little fluffies been today? Have you missed your daddy?” >They babble excitedly, “Fwuffy wub daddeh!”, “Fwuffy wan huggies!”, “Daddeh! Daddeh! Pick fwuffy! Daddeh!” >He laughs heartly, “I knew you guys missed me! I hate leaving you guys but daddy has to work.” >”Hey! Who here wants to play a game?” >The fluffies all get quiet and huge smiles cross their faces. >They all jump at once babbling excitedly and running around the man’s legs. >”Wub nyu game!”, “Yay! Fwuffy pway!”, “Tee hee hee!” >The man bends down and pets a few lucky fluffy ponies on their heads then goes back inside. >He comes back out carrying several boxes. >He quickly gets to work emptying the boxes of various rails and boards. >The fluffies form a circle around him watching as he reads directions and puts beams and screws in place. >Helpful fluffies bring him stray pieces he points at getting a brisk head rub as a reward. >After a while the project is finally finished. >The man has built a track in the yard. >It is raised off the ground about three feet. >The surface is smooth fitted wooden planks with no rails on the side a few feet wide. >The track has two long runs that have curves connecting the ends. >The man stands up and looks over his work, “Well, this turned out better than I expected!” >He looks down at the fluffies, “Ok! Who wants to be the first fluffy on it!?” >The fluffies clamber around his feet excitedly asking to be the first fluffy picked. >The man starts picking up the wiggling giggling balls of fluff and places them on the track. >”Ok now, stand still until everyone is one.” >Soon he has all the fluffies standing on the track. >He then starts to walk around the track looking at the fluffies standing on it. >After he is satisfied that everything is correct he looks at the fluffies, “Ok, who wants to play a game for daddy?” >The fluffies babble excitedly asking what game they get to play. >”I want you all to walk around this track.” >”Otay daddeh!”, “Fwuffy am walkies fo daddeh!”, “Tee hee hee! Fwuffy wub game!” >The fluffies begin a disorganized truddle around the track. >They walk around giggling and laughing. >The man watches taking in how the fluffies manage to walk around the little raised trail. >After a few minutes he looks at the fluffies, “Is everyone having fun!?” >”Fwuffy haf funsies daddeh!”, “Fwuffy am happy!” >All the fluffies babble happily about how fun it is to walk around. >”Well then, how about we have more fun!” >He looks down at the fluffies. >”Go faster.” >The fluffies start to truddle faster. >They are laughing and giggling as they jump and truddle along the course. >They easily go around in a lazy mob as they make their way around the track. >”Daddy loves his fluffies, and I know my fluffies love me. Don’t you guys?” >The fluffies start yelling about how much they love their daddy as the happily go around the track again. >The man looks on, “If you really loved your daddy though… you would go even faster!” >The fluffy ponies start to trot. >”Wub daddeh!”, “Fwuffy wub daddeh de mostest!”, “Tee hee hee! Fuffy go mo fas fo daddeh!” >They start to trot quickly around the track. >They start to bump into each other. >They quickly apologize and continue to trot. >After a few moments their giggles stop and they start to huff. >One fluffy stops in front of the man, “Daddeh… fwuffy am tiwed daddeh…” >The man looks down at the fluffy, “Oh! I’m sorry, I thought you loved me!” >”Nuu! Fwuffy wub daddeh!” >”Then why aren’t you moving!? I said fluffies that love their daddy move fast!” >The fluffy quickly turns and trots again, “Sowwy daddeh! Fwuffy wub daddeh de mostest! Go gud fo daddeh!” >The fluffies keep trotting and bumping into each other. >”Pwease nuu boop fwuffy! Nee mof fo daddeh!” >After a minute one of the fluffies legs pulls up cramping, “Owwies! Pwease nuu be meanie weggie… ne mof fo daddeh!” >The man looks on, “Oh, it looks none of you really love me!” >”All of you are ungrateful and don’t care!” >The fluffies whine and plead that still love their daddy as they huff along the track. >He pulls his belt off and looks at the huffing fluffies, “If you love me you will run!” >”Run as fast as you can!” >”NOW!” >The fluffies start to run as fast as they can. >The fluffy with the cramped leg stumbles and falls off the side of the track. >He yells as he falls to the ground landing hard on his face. >There is a snap as his face hits the ground and blood starts to pour from his mouth. >”Ahhhhhhh! Fwuffy haf owwies! Nee huggies pwease! Wahhhhhhh!” >Some fluffies look over at the hurt fluffy only to hear the snap of the belt striking the track behind them, “RUN!” >”Otay dadeh! Fwuffy go fas! Fwuffy am fas fwuffy!” >A few fluffies are openly crying as they try to keep up their fast pace. >One fluffy starts to wheeze and stumble. >Pink froth starts to form on his lips as he tries to keep moving forward. >”Fwuff…*huff*… fwuffy… no am…*whezze*… pwease da…” >He crumples and falls on the track. >A fluffy behind him trips over the body and falls off the side. >”Nuuuuuuuuuuuu!” >It lands on the ground rolling and crying. >The fluffy hops up sniffling and truddles up to the man with a noticeable limp. >”Fwuffy nee huggies daddeh… have hewties…” >The man looks down sneering, “I thought I said fluffies that really love me would run!” >”Only fluffies that LOVE their daddy get hugs!” >He snaps the belt over the fluffies back. >He falls to the ground crying at the daddy sorries, “Wahhhh! Am sowwy daddeh! Fwuffy wub daddeh mo den anyting! Wahhhhhh!” >The fluffy pops up and starts to truddle around the track trying to keep off his hurt leg. >”Huuuuu… hu huuuuu… wub dad… huuu deh…” >Tears stream down his face as he makes laps around the track. >The man looks up and sees a fluffy hugging the fluffy laying in the middle of the track. >”Pwease fwen! Daddeh wan gud fwuffy go fas fo daddeh,,, gif gud huggies make fwen betteh…” >The man looks at the fluffy, “Don’t you love your daddy! RUN!” >He slaps the belt across the back of the hugging fluffy. >”OWIEEEESSS!” >The fluffy abandons his friend and starts to run again. >”Sowwy..*huff*.. wub daddeh….*huff* huuuuuuu….” >No more giggles are heard. >All the fluffies are whining, moaning, wheezing and crying. >The technicolored mass writhes around the track as the man follows behind swatting the mob with his belt creaming at them to go faster. >”RUN!” *SNAP* >”RUN!” >”Huuuuuu…. WAHHHHHHH!” *SNAP* >Another fluffy stumbles and falls over knocking off two other fluffies with it. >They slam onto the ground. >The fluffy that hit first has its head twisted unnaturally as it lays still. >Another fluffy cries pitifully as it rolls around with one of his front leg knees dislocated. >The other fluffy gets up wheezing and stumbles back to the track, “Fwuffy… *wheeezzeee*.. ne go… *huff*huff*… daddeh…*wheeze*..” >The man keeps following the fluffies slapping his belt mercilessly across their butts and backs. >Finally the man looks at the fluffies and yells one more time, “STOP!” >The fluffies slow to a truddle and stop. >”Huuuuu huuuuu…”, “Weggies hewt… nee huggies…”, “Wahhhhhh! Pwease nuu mo sowwies! Wahhhhhh!” >The man walks in front of the mob and smiles at them, “You have all proved that you really love your daddy.” >”You have made me so happy.” >He then walks to the fluffy who fell on the track and pushes him off. >He bends down and picks up the fluffy still tuddling his best around the track and picks him up. >He hold him up in front of his face looking the fluffy in its eye. >The fluffy manages a smile between his gasp for air. >”Fwuffy wub daddeh…”, he says meekly. >The man smiles back then says, “No you don’t!” >He looks at all the fluffies on the ground, “None of you love me! If you did you would have stayed on the track!” >The fluffy in his arms face falls into despair as he wails, “Nuuuuuuuuuu! Fwuffy wub daddeh! Pwease wisten fwuffy! Wahhhhh!” >He stomps to the back fence carrying the fluffy in one hand. >He opens the fence and looks at a trash can next to it. >He opens the lid and flings the fluffy into the trash can. >The fluffy starts to screech in terror, “PWEASE DADDEH! GIF YOO BESTEST HUGGIES! PWEEEAAASSSSSEEE!” >The man ignores the fluffy and slams the lid on the can. >He walks back and grabs the dead fluffies carrying them to the trash can. >He drops them ontop of the groveling fluffy. >He then walks back and grabs the injured fluffies who cry pitifully resigned to their fates. >The fluffy with the injured leg cries, ”Fwuffy sowwy daddeh… fwuffy wub daddeh… huu huuh uuuuuuu….” >The other fluffy huffs spraying blood out of its mouth with each breath. >He throws them into the can as well. >He walks back to the fluffy standing at the bottom of the track and picks him up as well. >”You too! You didn’t love me enough….” >He looks at it for a moment. >”Wow, thing died standing there trying to get back on the track… Hilarious!” >He walks back to his trash can whistling and tosses the last fluffy in. >”Pwease daddeh… fwuffy gif yoo huggie-“ *SLAM* >After the lid is back on he closes the gate and walks back to the track. >He takes the remaining fluffies off, “I am glad I have such good fluffies that love their daddy.” >They smile at him weakly and start to giggle again. >One fluffy slowly truddles in front of him, “Can gud fwuffies ge’ daddeh huggies?” >The man laughs, “Maybe tomorrow.” >He turns and walks back into the house and closes the door. >All the fluffies stand at the door and in unison say, “Wub yoo daddeh!” >They all go back to giggling and playing ignoring the cries from the other side of the gate.