>It’s been 2 years since you’ve moved to Canterlot. >Several more since you’ve been magically teleported to Equestria. >You’ve now spent over half of your life here. You hardly think of Earth anymore. It’s better that way. No thoughts of old family to occupy your mind, no worries of the supposed horrors Celestia told you about your world. >Yes it’s better her- >SHIT! YOUR APARTMENT WAS ROBBED! AGAIN! >Nevermind, it’s worse here. Worse than Ponyville, that is. You hardly remember Earth. >You live in the Canterlot slums, which still have stupidly high land value. >And attempted break-ins are a monthly thing. >They usually fail since hooves are incredibly awkward and magic is easy to trace back to its user. >But, today they got in and wrecked EVERYTHING! >Nothing looks stolen, however… >You enter the bedroom… Nope, nothing. >Bathroom? Why would anyone even steal something from here? >Kitchen? Fridge looks full, plates still in cupboard, silverw- >Silverware! >Someone went through all this for some FUCKING SILVERWARE?! >AAARGH! >You thought the headlines were joking when they said, “Silverware Bandits Strikes Again!” >Nope! He’s real and he stole all of your utensils! >… Damnit, you’re going to have to spend more money than you’d like, 0, on some new silverware. >Tomorrow. Tonight, we clean! >When you said “clean”, you meant, “Push all the stuff in a corner and deal with it later.” >And you will! >Later. >Right now, you’re on a lunch break from being Crane Operator at the Canterlot Skydock. >You normally take lunch in the break room, getting what little social interaction you can from the other workers, but today you needed to restock on a few things. >But, today you’re wandering through the Canterlot market district, looking for a cutlery store. >Why wouldn’t they just put it by the grocery store? It makes so much sense, it’s stupid. >You tower over the rich looking ponies who go about their business as usual. >You don’t like talking to them because they like everyone to know they’re rich. They already make it obvious with the stupidly expensive outfits and their noses pointing to the clouds. >But, you’re lost. >You grab the attention of the nearest pony, a pink mare with a purple and white mane. “Excuse me, do you know where I can find some sort of cutlery store? I’m not very fam-“ >”EW! You again! I thought I wouldn’t have to see you after I left Ponyvile!” >Wait, what? >You take note of the small tiara on her head and the one emblazoned on her flank, as well. “… Diamond Tiara?” >”Who else?” >She poofs her hair a little, showing off to the non-existent audience. >”So what do YOU want?” >Her attitude is starting to tick you off. She was never pleasant when she was a filly and she isn’t now. “Cutlery. Silverware. Do you know where I can find some?” >”UGH!” >You’ll take that as a “No.” >”Of course I do! What makes you think I’m going to tell you were it is, weirdo!” >You’ve had enough. You suppress you rage and continue along the cobblestone road like nothing ever happened. >”Hey!” >You ignore her. >”HEY!” >She’s starting to draw the attention of other ponies on the road. >”Don’t you ignore me, do you know who I am?!” “Yes but, if I forget I’m sure you’ll remind me.” >”Hey! I’m only trying to help and you’re going to act like that?” “You’re not helping me at all.” >”Yes I am, I’m showing you where to find a cutlery shop.” “But, you’re following me.” >She speeds up her trot to pull ahead of you before returning to your pace. >”Hurry up, before I change my mind.” >You internally sigh as you concede to following Diamond Tiara. >You quickly realize it was the right choice. >She leads you out of the market district, >Over a bridge, >Past the castle gates, >Over another bridge, >Into the high-end of Canterlot, >And to the doorstep of a large mansion. “Is this it?” >”Hush!” >She unlocks the door. >Apparently Diamond Tiara owns a cutlery store. >You step in after her. >”What are you doing? I didn’t invite you in!” “I thought…” >”You can’t just barge into a pony’s home! Didn’t that Applebloom teach you any manners? Oh wait, she spent all her time bucking apples and bucking y-“ “Whoa, hey. That’s too far.” “Wait, home? Weren’t you taking me to a cutlery store?” >”Yeah! It’s somewhere in the Market District, I just needed to stop by my home.” >Oh, Diamond Tiara! You never changed! “I’m leaving, thanks for taking me to the other side of Canterlot and wasting my time.” >”Don’t be stupid, you came here for directions and you’re getting them.” >She yells back into the mansion. >”SPOON~, WHERE ARE YOUUUUU?” >You hear someone respond from deep within the mansion. >”She can be so slow, sometimes… She wouldn’t be working here if we weren’t my best friend!” >It’s hard to describe how annoying Diamond Tiara is being right now. >She hasn’t changed AT ALL. Everything is like a whole new Elementary School hierarchy system to her. >You envy those with that lifestyle but you don’t desire it. >Clopping from inside the mansion gets louder as it approaches. >”Sorry, DT. I-I couldn’t let the vegetables burn. Your meal shall be ready in a few minutes.” >”Oh, throw it out. We’re going to eat in town this afternoon.” >Diamond Tiara opens the door wider, revealing another mare, gray mane and coat with big, blue glasses. You remember this one, vaguely. She was always hanging around Diamond Tiara. While she wasn’t as vocal as Diamond, she was still a bitch. >”But… But, I’ve been working on this all morning. You said-“ >”I know what I said. Wrap is up and put it in the cooler. You can continue on it tomorrow.” >”It won’t work like… Anonymous?” >The gray mare notices you for the first time. >”Was that its name? Dumb name, makes no sense!” “Uh, yeah. Hey, long time, no see.” >”Yes, it’s a pleasure to see, Anonymous. How’ve you-“ >”Yeah okay, we’re all best friends again. Let’s GO, Spoon.” >Silver Spoon! That was her name. >”That’s fine, may I comb my hair before we leave? It’s a little messy and-“ >”Forget it, your hair looks fine. Besides, a few more stallions will be looking my way if you leave you hair looking scraggily, like that.” >Oh shit, you remember Silver Spoon being a bit of a pushover but there’s no way she’s going to take that! >”Um… That’s okay, I suppose. Is Anonymous joining us for lunch?” >Her face lights up a little when she says your name. It’s kinda cute. >”Phbbt, no! It just needs to find some place to buy plates or something.” >”Then why is he out here?” “I thought she was leading me there.” >”I told you, I wanted to stop by my home and get my BFF!” >She gave Silver Spoon a tight hug, Spoon looked uncomfortable with it. >”Can we just go?” “Yeah, I have a job to get back to,” >Diamond Tiara snorts and nudges Silver Spoon. >”Somep0ny actually gave him a job…” >Silver Spoon rolls her eyes. “And I’d like to get this taken care of before I go home tonight.” >The three of you walk back towards the marketplace, Diamond Tiara wouldn’t shut up. >You tried to ask Silver Spoon how she’s been doing for the past few years but… >Diamond Tiara. >”Did you know her family lost ALL their money two years ago?” >”DT…” >”Oh be quiet, Spoon. He asked and I’m answering for you! So, they lost their money in the stock market because they invested in something stupid. What was it? Nevermind, it’s not important. Maybe your daddy should have been like my daddy and put him money somewhere smart. That stupid Apple family has no idea how much their enterprise is worth. Maybe when my daddy dies, I’ll buy it out and stick some cheap labor in there. That’ll make me even richer!” >Both you and Silver Spoon were tired of listening to Diamond Tiara. >She seems really interested in talking to herself, you figure you can now talk to Silver Spoon without interruption. “Soooo, you actually tolerate this?” >”Well, I have to. It’s a little personal, if you don’t mind…” “Not at all, I won’t pry.” >Diamond Tiara heard a conversation going on without her. >She won’t have it. >”Aside from the fact that we’re best friends, the reason she spends so much time with me is because she had nowhere else to go after her family lost its home. I offered her a room as long as she became my house maid!” >”DT, that’s really none of his business…” >”Oh please, I know you’re ashamed of being poor but, you don’t need to hide it around other poor ponies. They don’t even care!” >”That’s not-“ >”I’m going to get us a spot at La Pergola, you show the human where to find the cutlery store.” >”I don’t know where it is!” >”You don’t?!” >You don’t?! “You don’t?!” >”I-I’m sorry! I didn’t know I was supposed to!” >”But, your name is Silver Spoon!” >”… So?!” >”Isn’t your talent, like, spoons and knowing about them?!” >”…” >… This is stupid. >Welp, these two mares have wasted your entire lunch break. Now you’re hungry and silverwareless. “I’m going to get out of here. Thanks for nothing, Diamond.” >Diamond Tiara shouts, “What did I do?!” and you turn around to walk away. >”Anonymous, wait!” >Silver Spoon trots in front of you. >”I feel terrible about what happened here,” “It wasn’t your fault, really.” >You shoot a glare back at Diamond Tiara, who still looks dumbfounded. >”I know but, please allow me to treat you to dinner. It’s the least I can do for wasting your time.” >”Whoa, whoa, whoa.” >Diamond Tiara pulls Silver Spoon away. >”Spoon, that was WAY too forward! And why him? He’s not even wealthy!” >You bring your hand to your forehead. How Silver Spoons puts up with this is… far beyond your understanding. >”DT, I didn’t mean it like that.” “You know what, it’s fine. I really need to get back to work.” >”Oh, goodbye, Anonymous!” >”Finally…” >Took the words right out of my mouth, Diamond. >The rest of your day goes by slowly. >Stupid Diamond Tiara, wasting all of your time… >Silver Spoon was nice, though. >It’s nice to see she has done some growing up. >You spent another hour looking for the stupid silverware, plate, fucking pointy stick store, anything store, after work. >Alas, no success. >You’re now walking back to your apartment in the dark. >The Canterlot slums are dangerous in the dark. >Eyes peer out from abandoned buildings. >The alleyways bustle with illicit activity. >Sidewalks and roads are littered with trash and homeless ponies. >The town guard has forgotten about this part of town, it seems. >Your apartment is in sight, the outside lights have been shattered again, it seems. >You see a figure near your front door, hiding just under the staircase to the second floor. >A pony waiting in ambush? Homeless? Hard to say. >You’re unarmed and have little experience with fist fighting. If it ends up being a mugging, you’re willing to relinquish the small amount of bits you have on you to preserve your life. >It moves from cover once you approach your door. >”Anonymous?” “… Silver Spoon, is that you?” >The moonlight reflects off those big glasses once she steps closer. >”Yes, I wanted a chance to talk with you but DT, made it hard…” “You must be getting cold, here,” >You unlock and open the door to your apartment. >”Thank…” >She notices the mess caused by yesterday’s robbery. “… Not my fault.” >She lightly titters. >”What do you say I make that dinner I promised?” >You let out a soft sigh as a smile grows on your face. “I would like that.”