>Another tiring schoolday done. >You're finally out of school, and you're making your way back home. >There's no-one home as usual, as your parents come back everyday at 8 p.m. >There's nothing much you can do to entertain yourself,unless you take videogames as an answer. >Who are you kidding,videogames are the only thing you have. >And the chunz, on which you have been doing nothing but shitposting. >You were a cool kid who don't need no rules, so you visitied 4chan even if you were 13. >Moving away from the subject,you drop your bag near the door and make your way to your room. >"Living the dream" you say to yourself, opening up your computer. >You've never had many friends, 4 or 5, 3 which were your closest friends. >You like to call yourself a "Horsefucker" unlike many other faggots who called themselves bronies or some other shit. >Browsing through the /mlp/ catalog you spot a pretty peculiar thread. >A pretty peculiar one indeed. >The title reads "Story Time!"... >"Option 1: You get sent to equestria catch is ,there is no sex" >"For what purpose" you think,dismissing it. >It's not like you could've had sex with them >"Option 2: You get your favorite pony here on earth, the catch is ,nobody can see her but you because if she does get seen, she will be taken away" >"Sex exists,and it will fall in love with you shortly after." >A magical pony from another realm and she falls in love with you? >Who could say no? >Too bad it isn't actually real. >Or is it? >You hear a knock on your door and then a thump. >'It can't be real can it?' you think. >You open your front door and see burlap sack neatly placed on the ground. >"What the shit" you mutter to yourself as you take the sack inside. >It's actually real. >Who would've tought, a pony just for yourself... >Yeah about that, you can't let anyone else see her. >Who made up these fucking rules? >You pick up the bag gently, Making sure not to shake the pony inside. >You then take her to your room, putting the bag with the pony inside on your bed. >You open the sack only to reaveal Vynil Scratch. >"Holy fucking shit" you think to yourself. >What are you going to do? >You're living with your parents and if they see her it's all over. >You remember about the other guys who also said they've gotten a pony. >You brushed them off, thinking they were baiting or the ones who wrote about it were just writefags looking to hone their writing skill. >You also remember they had an irc channel. >You open it up and surprise, they were talking about their ponies >Not knowing what to say, you being underage and all. >Trying to think something up you just give up and tell them what happened. #############IRC @Rizon.net############## [13:25] Adrian32: Hello? [13:25] Jamie:   Hey, did you also get a pony? [13:25] JohnD:   Which pony? [13:25] Adrian32: Kind of, but it's complicated. [13:25] Andrew2: Why? [13:26] AdrianC: You're gonna laugh at me for this but i'm underage... [13:27] Jamie:   You fucked up, faggot. [13:27] Andrew2: Holy shit, you've fucked up big time. Do you still live with your parents? [13:27] Adrian32: Yeah, I do realize I fucked up. What do I do? [13:28] JohnD:   You stil didn't answer to my question, kid. [13:28] Adrian32: It's Vinyl Scratch. [13:28] Jamie:   Shit taste, I wouldn't expect an underage to have a non-shit opinion. [13:29] Adrian32: Yeah I know, I know. But I need help guys! [13:30] Andrew2: Well, you have to become friends with her real quick because you wouldn't be able to hide her from your mom. [13:31] JohnD:   I fucked your mom last nite m8 :^) [13:31] Adrian32: Hold up, I think she's waking up. ########################################## >You hear rustling behind your back. >"W-where am I?" said the scared pony inside the sack. >You didnt know what to do, heart bp/m rising like a overflowing toilet in the middle of the night. >You could hear your heartbeats. >Trying to mutter something, you speak up. H-hey... >"Who are you? Where am I? What the fuck is going on?" >"What the fuck are you?" >She has a dirty mouth. Uh... I'm A-anon and I'm a human. I just found you outside in a sack, I couldn't have left you outside. >"Why should I trust you?" >"Why am I here? Did you kidnap me?" >You don't know what to do. >Do you tell her the truth now? >Or do you tell her later. >Remember, the choice is very crucial as it may lead to something good or something bad. ... CH 01 Alright, I'm gonna be honest with you. But you've gotta listen. >"And again, why should I trust you?" B-because... >Come on Anon, think fast! Because I'm gonna tell the truth! Someone told me he could bring you here.I didn't think I would've been real. I'm sorry. I said fine yeah, go ahead. I never tought he could've brought you here. So he did. But one more thing, You can't be seen by anyone otherwise you will be taken to god knows where, anywhere but your home. I'm sorry, really sorry. I'll do everything I can to send you back. >The little pony sits there, trying processing it all. >She has an angry expression on her face but after some moments she calmed down. >"I would wish to be alone for some time." Sure, I'll just leave you alone fore some time >You don't do good under pressure. >You leave the your bedroom and you head to the other room. >Now you are alone and worried. >Worried if she'll be okay. >Worried of how you'll hide her from your parents. >Worried of how she'll cope with it. >You feel so guilty right now. >You open the IRC back up, ready to get showered in shit from the other guys. >Conveniently you just alt tabbed out of it. #############IRC @Rizon.net############## [13:47]Jamie:   I bet that faggot was just screwing with us [13:47]JohnD:   Either way, he fucked up big time. [13:48]Andrew2: I'm playing devil's advocate here but how would have he known it was real? [13:48]Andrew2: Any idiot with half a mind would've discarded it as clickbait or spam. [13:48]Jamie:   I guess you're right. Wonder if he's still around. [13:48]Adrian32: Hey guys, I'm back. I think I fucked up big time. [13:49]Jamie:   What did you do? [13:49]Adrian32: I told her the truth, but not the thing about her never seeing her friends or family ever again. [13:49]Andrew2: Where is she now? [13:50]Adrian32: In the other room, she said she needed a little breathing room. [13:50]JohnD:   Well, good luck hiding her from your parents. [13:51]Jamie:   I think you should go talk to her. [13:51]Adrian32: I just feel so guilty about bringing her here. [13:52]JohnD:   We've all been there [13:52]Adrian32: I'll do that. Later. ######################################## >You figure out it's best to talk to her a little bit later. >Let her steam off a bit. It's never good to try and talk to someone who doesn't want to. >It either ends in a fight >Or in very very angry sex. >You hear the little pony in the other room sobbing. >Your heart aches at the sound. >You try to take your mind from it. >You open up youtube and fire up some drumstep. >https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVMuwa-HRCQ >You get around the middle of the song before you hear some shuffling in the hallway. >It's Vinyl. >"What's that?" Just something I like to listen to. >You press the resume button. >She is fascinated by the sound coming out of your speakers. >"Anon that's amazing! Is there more?" Yeah, a whole lot actual >"Can I listen to some? I haven't listened to any music since I was brought here..." >"Where exactly am I?" >"Where exactly am I?" Uhh...Earth I guess. >"Where is earth?" In the Milky Way™ >"Where is the Milky Way?" I...Don't know. >"You don't know? Then how do I get back to Equestria?" I.. Uhh. I don't know. I'm sorry. >She becomes sad. It hurts you to see her like this. Guilt envelops you and you feel sad for her because it's mostly your fault. Hey..Uhh Are you okay? >"I just miss my home and my friends." >A deep rumble emits from her stomach. >She must be hungry. Are you hungry? Do you want some food? >"Y-yeah kind of." >Man, What do horses eat? >Hay and grass I guess. >Or fruits and vegetables? >You've never taken care of a horse er... pony >Maybe she knows? w-What do you usually eat? >"Do you have any fruits or vegetables?" She spoke in a low voice. I think so, let me check. >You head to the kitchen and check what kind do you have. >3 Carrots, 4 apples. Some bananas and uhh... >That's kind of it. >You have some grain cereals and some oats. "This'll do" you think to yourself. >You cut the carrots in little slices and put them on a plate. >You head back to your bedroom to see Vinyl standing on your chair browsing your music libray. Hey, I found some food. Is this good? >She looks at the plate with the arranged fruits and vegetables reluctantly Come on, it's not gonna bite. >She takes the and starts munching on the veggies. >It's a cute sight. I never got your name by the way. >"It's Vinyl, Vinyl Scratch. And you're Anon, right?" Yeah. >"You have some pretty chill music. I used to be a DJ back home..." Yeah...About that. Sorry >"It's not your fault. You didn't know"" But it was my fault. >"We all make mistakes" >You remember something, Vinyl can't be seen. Vinyl, We gotta talk about something. >"What's that?" You remember when I told you that you can't be seen by others? >"Yeah?" I live with my parents? >"You still live with your parents?" >She didn't notice you're underage? >Right, she hasn't ever seen any human being Vinyl, I'm 15 years old. >"You don't look that young" >You were pretty tall for your age. Anyways, Can you hide yourself pretty well? Do you have some kind of spell that can make you look like a human or something? >"I could try mimicing your appearance" Can you? Sweet! >A bright light blinds you. >A naked,human Vinyl appears before you. >Boner no. >Blush mode activate. You haven't seen a girl naked before, unless it was porn. >Glorious petite body with just perfect boobs. >"Anon? Why are you staring at me like that?" >You try to not blush even harder. W-well, you need some c-clothes. You c-can't sit around naked. >"Why not? Ponies do it all the time." T-thats indecent on e-earth. >She suddenly realizes. >She starts blushing as hard as you, if not even more. T-there are some clothes of m-mine. P-pick some which fit you. >She turns your back looking at the wardrobe giving you a view of her butt. >Hooooly shit. >Her ass is so smooth you could almost call it jazz. It was beautiful. >You turn rock hard. >You turn around with your pants trying to conceal your boner. >Not now donger! >"Y-you can turn around now anon." >Using the waistband trick, you conceal your boner pretty well. >It was always useful in class. >She was wearing your shirt, which was huge on her. >And some of your boxers >Cute and kind of arousing. >"How do I look?" Vinyl saying with a blush on her face. Uh...Good? Yeah, I think I can make a backstory to my parents of how you got here. You're my new classmate, right? >"Huh?" Did you even pay attention to what I said? >"Oh yeah, the thing about the backstory" So we're all set right, at least until I find you a way back. CH 02 2bad i need sleep to you fucking niggers