>There’s a rhythmic beeping in your ear. >Your eyes crack open and you are hit with a splitting headache. >You’re in a hospital, any moron could figure that out. >What the fuck. >What happened last night?... Oh yeah, you got drunk on vodka and almost swapped spit with Rarity. >You feel a chill go down you spine. >No more booze for you. >”Ah you’re up!” >You look over to the door to see a white mare with pink mane. And you would be? >”Nurse Redheart” Okay, can you tell me what happened. >”Miss Rarity brought you here, she said that she found you passed out on her floor and you weren’t breathing, she was inebriated so we called a cab to take her home.” >She pauses and stick a thermometer in your ear. >”We thought she had brought in a corpse after we took you in, you were so cold in stiff we were about ready to send you to the morgue, but you’re pulse told us otherwise. “ >Redheart pauses. >”It’s not every day we have the Spirit of Winter in Ponyville hospital.” Wait what? How cold was I? >The white mare takes a look at you chart. >”Nurse Hollyhock took your temperature when you first came in; it says your skin temperature was 36.4 degrees and your core was 60.02 degrees” >Jesus Christ. So if you knew I’m immortal then why keep me here? >”Equestrian law dictates that if an unconscious or severely injured patient is brought in, then the hospital has to take care of them until a diagnosis is made or they wake up” >You don’t even want to try and figure out how healthcare woks here. So when will I be allowed to leave? >”Well now that you’re awake I’ll have to get your vitals before you leave. But first you need to have some breakfast.” >Nurse Redheart wheels in a small table. On it is a Greek salad without the cheese and two cups of jello. >Something’s wrong with the jello though... It’s not frozen. ----------- >After you consume you’re vegetarian breakfast Nurse Redheart take your vitals. >”According to your records sent to use from Canterlot, everything appears to be normal.” >You grunt in reply. >”Looks like you’re good to go Mr. Anonymous” Thanks. >You swing your legs over the bed and stand on the warm tile floor >There's a mirror next to your bed along with a sink. Looking into it you cringe at what's staring back at you. >Your hair has become a tangled mess, black bags are forming under your eyes and dirty five o'clock shadow only adds to the mess that is your face. >Turning the handles of the faucet, cupping your hands under the water you splash your face and begin to scrub your face down. >The water turns gray after your lather your face with soap washing all the dirt away. >Normally you'd be a little grossed out at all the grime coming off of you, but all you can really think about is what happened last night. >The minute you do so before your eyes flashes things you can’t make out accompanied by a loud screech that make your headache return. >You stumble slightly. >”Are you alright Mr. Anonymous?” >You look to your left and see that Redheart has returned with a wheelchair. Yeah.. just a bit of a head rush. >You quickly throw off your hospital gown and put on the pair of pants and with sash that Rarity has given you. >You complacently sit while she wheels you out, your too busy to care, you just want to figure out what exactly happened last night. >You remember the wine, the Vodka and leaning in to kiss Rarity after that everything just goes blank >”Here we are, you’re free to go Mr. Anonymous.” Thanks >”Have a nice day now.” Yeah you too. >Now you’re just a shirtless freak with nothing to do. >You could go to Twilight’s house and get your jacket so you’d no longer be a shirtless freak... ---------- >You've decided that you should probably go get your jacket from Twilight. >You should just let her keep it. >No. >It probably stinks. >We need to get it back. >It’s probably all stiff and shit. >We’ll get it washed. >Don’t do this dude. >Too late we’re already here. >You can hear the muffled voices of Twilight and Spike inside. >Well here goes nothing. >You give Twilight door a few knock before it opens up. >It’s Twilight . >”Oh hi Anon! Where were you last night?” >You lie. Hey Twilight, Rarity didn’t have my cloths done, she went to bed after putting these pants together for me, and I just slept on the couch. >”Oh! Okay then, so why are you here?” Well I kind of need my jacket. >”Of course! It’s just over here on the rack.” >Surrounded by s purple aura your jacket is hovered over to. >"I sewed all the buttons on and mended some of the tears on it." >You give Twilight a weak smile. Thanks. >You turn around but before you can walk off Twilight stop’s you. >”Anon, what really happened at Rarity’s house last night.” Nothing. >”I saw Rarity drag you off to the hospital. Please Anon I just want to help” I’m telling you nothing happened. >”You don’t have to hide anything from me Anon... I really care about you and I don’t want anything bad to happen.” >Twilight places her hoof on your shoulder. >When she does this a white light flashes for a split second in front of your eyes accompanied by a loud screech. >This makes your head hurt again. Please... Just leave me alone Twilight. >”Anon please just tell me...” Leave me alone. >”Don’t do this.” Leave-me-alone. >”Anon-“ LEAVE ME ALONE!! >You then turn your body into ice and are taken away by a gust of wind you created. >You sweep up your cloths along with you. >Your body and you clothes are blown out Twilights sight. >As you have just stated you need to be alone. >You don’t care where you go you just want to be alone. ---------- >You end up landing under a blossoming tree. >This will do just fine. >You reform your body and quickly get dressed. Your naked ass isn't something everyone has not seen before. >Everything seems gray. It's not exactly overcast, but everything is still gray. >Wine, candles, vodka, kiss... >What happened after that? >You got the wine, you went upstairs, you got drunk and you almost tonged Rarity... What happened next!? >Wine, candles, vodka, kiss. >Wine, candles, vodka, kiss. >Your head hurts again and there is a slight ringing in your ears. >Why... >You were a happy little hermit living in a Yurt, killing wolves and eating caribou and now you're a fucking immortal supernatural being responsible for bringing about winter. >Maybe some more booze wouldn't be so bad. >”ANON!!” >You cringe slightly. Everything seems so loud. >”Oh thank Celestia ah found yah! An you wer right under mah nose too!” >You look up... dull pinke apple blossoms... why didn't you see that before. Hey AJ. >”No time to talk, ah need you tah help me clear out some ghosts.” >Applejack is wearing horseshoes around her neck and a yoke with some weird writing on it What? >”Tha Orchard’s haunted! An since you’re a sprit an all ah thought you could get em ta go away. >You sigh. How do you figure it’s haunted? >Applejack is now an inch away from your face and has now hushed her voice. >”A few day ago ah was havin mahself a nap under one of the apple trees. “ Mhm. >”An then out ah nowhere I felt a gust a wind colder than anything I've ever felt. I woke up all frightened like and then ah heard a ghostly laugh on the wind!” >Jesus H. Christ. >”An ever since I’ve been tryin tah chasem away an- Appljack... >”Have you seen any ghosts Anon? Is that a thing that comes with being winte-“ Appljack! >"I’ll ask questions later, cmon ya need t-" APPLEJACK! >”...” There are no ghosts in the orchard; I just blew some cold air on you for a goof. You don’t have anything to worry about. >”Oh...” >You didn't have to be an ass about it. S-sorry about that. >”Well ya should be sorry. Scarin me like that, now I’ve gotta go calm granny smith and Big Mac down.” Yeah >Awkward Silence. >”What’s wrong sugar cube?” >Not this shit again again. Nothing. >”Ah know somthins wrong, you don have ta worry about tellin me anything Sugarcube” >You should talk to someone. >Why? >Because it’s good for you. >You sigh as Applejack sits next to you. It’s, just that... Don’t’ touch me... something happened to me last night... >You explain everything that happened with Rarity the previous night. >Applejack is now look long and hard at you. >”That’s odd... an why don’t you want me touchin you?” When Twilight touched my shoulder I got a splitting headache and there was a loud ringing in my ears, I told her to leave me alone, and then I yelled at her. >”Now wha’d ya have ta go and yell at her Anon?" I don't know. >”Listen how about we discuss this over a couple of drinks." >With the how the last set of drinks went. No thanks. >”Anon please, you honestly think I’m gonna try an suck face with you?.” Yes. >”I’ll be honest with ya, I’ll never try ta do anything with you, ah don’t like you like that” What element did you say you were? >”Honesty.” >You look long and hard into Applejack eyes. >She doesn't flinch or smile in the slightest. Alright, I trust you. >”Alright where do ya wanna go then?” Don’t know, you decide. >”how about we go to-“ >”Appljack!” >From behind both of you, you hear a small voice with a southern drawl to it. >You look back to see three little filly’s running toward you and Applejack, all wearing the same get up as Applejack >”Were back from Zecoras house an she gave us this powder to sprinkle around the orchard!” >”Applebloom, we don need that anymore” >”What!? Wha not?” >”Caus I found out the ghost was O’l Anon here." >Now all three fillies are looking at you, one being Sweetie Belle >You give a little wave. >”Hi Anon!” Hey Sweetie Belle, how’s your sister doing? >”She’s sick, she said she has something called a ‘hangover’." So what’s with the get up? >”Were trying to Help Applejack" >All three of them shout in unison. >”Cutiemark Crusader ghost hunters!” >You try not to laugh your ass off after hearing this. >”Anon? Wait you’re that hoomin everypony was tawkin about a couple month ago?” >The orange filly interjects. >”Of course he is, you ever see anything that looks like him?” >”Well now that ya say it, no” >Applejack now has her hoof on your shoulder and surprisingly nothing is happing. >you look over Applejack who is now darting her eyes over in the opposite direction signaling that you two should probably leave. >”Wait, Rarity said he’s some king of spirit now.” >”Spririt of wut?” >”She said winter” >”So what what does that mean?” >”*ugh* it mEans he makes winter come” >The three collectively gasps excitedly. >Now they are all tugging on your pants as you and Applejack are trying to slip away. >”Anon! Do you think yoo could heylp us get our Cutiemakrs?” What? >”Our Cutie marks! They represent our special tAlent" >You look over at applejack who points her hoof to her flank >It’s a circle of three apple, well no surprise there I don’t know I've got... special winter things to do... Yeah >”We can help you!” >All three of them are now looking up at you >”Pleeeeease?” >You look over Applejack who rolls her eyes and nods. Alright. >They all cheer. >”CUITEMARK CRUSADER WINTER SPRITES!!” >