>Celestia sat next to you on the couch as the movie loaded up into your old DVD player. >Your TV, powered by magic, displayed an ordinary menu screen before going black. >The movie in question that was about to be watched was something that came into the mail today, addressed specifically to you. >With it was a message that said, "Watch this with Celestia. She'll be hugging you for dear life throughout the whole thing. From, some faggot." >That was seriously what it said at the end. >The princess watched the screen intently, waiting for the movie to begin. >"So, you never did tell me what we were going to watch, Anonymous." >You look at the small, paper case the movie came in, and turn it around. >The back reads "V/H/S" in bold letters, and under the title is a description of the movie. >Skipping down to the bottom, the genre is listed as "horror". >Somehow, that didn't shock you. "It's some movie called V/H/S. It's supposed to be scary." >Celestia hums, and looks at the TV screen apprehensively, the movie itself starting. >If the beginning was anything to go by, this movie was going to be more shock value than scares, what with the intro being random thugs sexually assaulting a woman. >Celestia was appalled at the content of the movie, and clearly looked uncomfortable watching it. >"Anonymous," she said while the next segment about some guys trying to get laid played, "where exactly did you get this movie?" "It came to me in the mail. I don't know who sent it, though. There was no return address." >Whatever Celestia was going to say next was interrupted when it was revealed one of the girls the guys picked up was a succubus via a close up and an ear-piercing shriek from the creature. >Celestia jumped, and her hooves shot out at you, wrapping themselves around your torso tightly. >Her shivers only intensify as the scene continues, with the last remaining guy left helpless with a broken leg as the creature approaches him. >The princess only watches in fear as the segment ends, while you enjoy her touch. >"I-I-I'm not s-sure we should k-keep watching this, A-A-Anonymous." "You sure, princess? It looks like it's just getting good." >"I-I don't think I'd u-use the word 'good'." >The next segment plays, featuring a vacationing couple. >Compared to the last segment, this one was pretty tame, and Celestia's shivers slowly stopped as it went on. >"This one isn't so bad..." >Then a scene played where a stalker broke into the couple's hotel room, and suddenly, the white pony's hooves tightened around you again. >She tensed up when the stalker pulled out a knife. >Whoever sent this movie was a genius. >"I really hope nothing happens. I really hope nothing happens. I really hope nothing happens," she repeated to herself over and over. >She breathed a sigh of relief when it cut to the next day. "This one seems boring. It's just a couple on vacation." >"It's better if it stays this way!" >Soon after, it cut to the stalker again, and this time when the knife came out, it was plunged into the husband's throat. >Celestia gasped, and winced. >Nevermind the confusing scenes of lesbian makeout, you were enjoying being cuddled by the sunhorse herself. >Who needs 3DPD? >The scene cuts back to the dark room with the thug watching the tapes, except an old man thought to be dead in a chair behind him is gone. >Of course, Celestia notices this. >"Wh-what happened to the man in the chair? "Relax princess, it's probably nothing to worry about." >It's definitely something to worry about. >The next segment plays, featuring the classic setup of stupid teenagers entering some woods infested with a killer. >What both you and Celestia didn't expect, however, were the sudden flashes on the camera of the killer's last victims. >Their gory forms were enough to make even you jump. >"Th-that's going to happen t-to them, isn't it?" "Nah." >Yes. >Each flash of a dead body only made the princess tighten her grip around you. >This was good. >Keep going, movie. >Two of the teens walked off to a random part of the forest, and while the girl tried to show off some dance or something, a knife was thrown into the back of her head, causing her eye to pop out of its socket and hang out. >Celestia jumped, and looked sick. >It didn't help that right after, the killer went for the guy and stabbed him in the head repeatedly. >"What d-drives humans to s-s-such violence, Anonymous?" "Mental problems, poor life decisions, dissatisfaction with life, the works." >She whimpered as the movie played on, another teen getting his throat slit. >"H-hold me, Anonymous." >With pleasure. >Your arms wrapped around her shivering body as she watched the movie, terrified. >"Th-thank you." >The last teen fought against the killer, and for a moment, Celestia's hopes were raised. >Then the kid got killed and had her intestines pulled out. >Talk about mood whiplash. >The segment ended, and the princess' body continued to quiver. >"I-is it alm-m-most over?" "I think so." >The scene cut back to the old man sitting in the chair, while the thug was gone. >"Wh-where'd the criminal go?" "Probably just went out for some air." >He's dead. >As the other thugs investigate their friend's disappearance, Celestia stays at the edge of her seat. >"I-I'm scared to w-watch, but I can't l-l-look away." >The next segment plays, and features a man and woman talking over some kind of internet chat service with webcams. >At one point, while the two are talking, a ghost child runs into the room the girl sits in and slams the door shut. >The whole sequence causes Celestia to yelp and jump. >She takes one of her hooves off of you and covers her eyes. >"No more. No more!" >And then her eyes slowly peek out to watch more. >Horror movies just have that kind of appeal. >As the segment progresses, she is intrigued by the daytime segments when the girls complains about arm pain, and is disgusted when the girl eventually cuts open her arm to investigate the pain's cause. >"Why w-would someone d-d-do that? It's-it's disgusting!" "Maybe she's a doctor in training," you quipped. >"N-not funny." >The last scare of the segment approaches, and Celestia tenses up. >The girl is out in her dark apartment, and she's looking for the ghosts. >When they suddenly appear onscreen accompanied by a bright flash and static, Celestia pulls you into a bearhug and holds you in front of her chest. >"This is too much, Anonymous! I'm getting too scared at this point!" >And then she peeks over you. >As usual, once the segment ends, it cuts back to the dark room, except now it's completely empty. The last living thug walks into the room and investigates the disappearance of his ally. >Grabbing the camera on the VHS player, he sets off downstairs, only to find the decapitated corpse of his friend, his head rolling on the ground. >Celestia gasps, and then jumps when the camera is turned to the old man thought dead, with blood on his shirt. >The thug runs down some stairs, but trips and sprains his ankle. >The old man slowly walks down as the thug is helpless. >You can feel Celestia's heart pounding in her chest, and she jumps back when the old man suddenly attacks the camera. >"It'salmostover, it'salmostover, it'salmostover," she repeats to herself. >The last segment plays, this one featuring four guys going to a Halloween party. >"M-m-maybe this one w-w-won't be so b-bad," the shaky princess hopes. >The house they go to for the party is deserted, but the four investigate and search around for any fellow partygoers. >Meanwhile, the cameraman picks up hints that something sinister is happening, with Celestia whimpering at each minor scare. >"W-why don't they j-j-just leave?" "It's a horror movie, princess. They're supposed to be stupid." >The gang of guys finds an odd cult ritual happening in the attic of the house, and the members of the cult try to drive them off, while a girl the cult is torturing begs the guys for help. >However, the ritual's interruption causes supernatural events to occur, and two of the cult members are dragged off by an unknown force. >"Wh-what?" is all Celestia is able to manage. >The guys run away, but then decide to go back and save the girl, fighting off the remaining cultists. >As the house begins to undergo a huge supernatural shift, hands form from walls, and the house shakes and rattles. >Celestia is tense as the guys try to escape with the girl, and breathes a sigh of relief when they are able to make it out through a basement entrance. >"It's all over..." she says with a sigh of relief. >Then their car stalls. >Right on some train tracks, too. >"Oh no." >It turns out the girl was the reason for the supernatural occurrences, and escapes from the car, screaming at the guys. >As the girls walks away, an incoming train blares its horn. >The guys try to escape the car, but the forced-locked doors and hard windows seal their fate, as the movie ends with the camera cutting out as the train hits the car. >The movie title is shown soon after, and the credits roll. "Alright, movie's over." >You try to get up from the couch, but Celestia's iron grip prevents you from even moving away from her hooves. >"J-just stay r-r-right here with m-me, Anonymous." >She uses her magic to shut off the DVD player and TV. "O...kay." >A few silent minutes pass, and her shivers stop. >You yawn. "I think it's about time for bed, wouldn't you agree, princess?" >You try to get up, but again her grip prevents you. "Celestia-" >"J-just sleep with me here tonight. Please?" >Jackpot. "Alright, sure." >She hugs you closer to her chest, and shuts off the light. >Sleeping on a couch with Sunhorse laying behind you was surprisingly comfortable, as you were asleep within a few minutes. >If only you could take a picture of this. It'd be the icing on the cake. >A week later, you sit in a guest bedroom and read a book on your bed. >There's a knock at your door. "Come in." >A messenger pony enters the room and hands you a letter with something attached to it. >"Message for Anonymous." >Taking the letter, you open it up and read it. >"What'd I tell you? You got some non-sexual cuddles with the sun princess, and you were her teddy bear that night you watched V/H/S. Was I right, or was I right? Anyways, I have another gift for you. Toodles. -The same faggot from before." >Looking at the gift attached to the letter, it appears to be a small, square-like package taped to the envelope. >You take the gift and rip off the brown paper that covers it, smiling at what you see. >A small case for V/H/S 2.