?“Hey Anon, can we talk?” Twilight Sparkle asked. The purple unicorn… Well, you could never remember their word for a unicorn with wings. Regardless, your heart dropped when she spoke up. You really didn’t want to have this conversation right now. ?“Sure.” You said. She was kind enough to take you in. Most of the ponies were extremely nice, and great friends. But you had never considered them as potential mates, at least, not until very recently. ?“I’m sorry for… Err… Propositioning… You last night.” Twilight said, blushing. “That was wrong, and I realize it now.” ?You didn’t know how to respond. You had seen plenty of women, and people in general, act exactly like Twilight did. People was the key word. Twilight was not a person, and thus she had really caught you off guard. You figured you should say something, but all that came out was “Thanks.” ?“You see, I’ve had feelings for you for a while.” Twilight dropped a bombshell on you. This was just getting more and more awkward. “I didn’t really know how to convey it to you. There are no books on humans yet.” ?You still didn’t know what to say. Twilight was very kind, and intelligent. You were sure that she was attractive by pony standards. But you had never looked at her this way, and you weren’t sure how to feel about it still. You remained silent. ?“You don’t… Ehh… Have to Ehh… HEHH…” Twilight paused, rubbing her nose with her hoof. Suddenly, you were much more interested in this conversation. Twilight was a pony, true. But if you closed your eyes, you could imagine anyone… perhaps that girl from Chem class. You had imagined her sneeze on many occasions. “Ehh… Excuse me. You don’t have to make a decision right now. But hehh… Can you EHH… EHHEHH… Can you at least give me EHH… Something?” ?Twilight deserved to at least know how you were feeling as of right now. Plus, you wanted to be there when she lost her battle against this sneeze of hers. “Twilight, it’s hard for me to communicate what I’m feeling. I’m really…” ?You were distracted by a particularly loud hitching breath from your host. “EHHEH! HEHH… Hehh… Cuhhehh… Continue…” ?“I’m really confused. As of right now, I think I’m only attracted to humans.” The bulge in your pants said otherwise, but you didn’t communicate that to Twilight. ?“HEHH… Anon… HEHEH… HEHEHOLD on…” Twilight put a hoof on your shoulder, and you opened your eyes to see a face that clearly needed to sneeze. Twilight seemed to agree. “I thehh.. Think I’m HEHH… Gonna HEHHAFTA! HEH… Ehh!” ?“HEHH!” Twilight’s hoof left your shoulder, and began to fan in front of her face. Her tongue pressed against her cheek. Her left eye was half-lidded, but her right eye was squeezed shut, and a teardrop escaped from it, rolling down her face. Her head tilted farther and farther back with each desperate breath. Somehow, you couldn’t close your eyes this time. “HEHEH! EHH! HEEEEEEESSSHHHOOoooooooooh!” ?Twilight sneezed, her head snapping forwards. She sniffled, and her eyes squinted slightly. Her nostrils flared, and she rubbed them with her hoof. Her face went from sneezy to sad. “Well… That’s disappointing.” ?“It’s not like it’s something that could never happen…” Something about Twilight’s downtrodden look made you begin backpedaling. “I just don’t know if it’s right for me at the moment.” ?“Hmm… Hehh… Ehh… EHH…” Twilight began, her mouth falling open as she brought in air. She rubbed at her nose with her hoof, her nostrils flaring rapidly. Her head tilted back, and her ears pressed in as she drew in a particularly large breath. “HEHEEHHEHH! HHHEEEEEEECHOOOOHHiiieeeee!” ?“Bless you.” You said, your member throbbing in your pants. “Are you feeling alright?” ?“Apart from the obvious.” Twilight said, huffily. She looked at you. “Sorry, that was rude. I’m Ehh… confused, just like Yehh… EHH… you are.” ?“Twilight, I meant the sneezing. Are you getting sick?” You asked, concerned. ?“Oh.. Ehh… I’m f-ffFEHH… fine. I just got into some Muhh… Muhhuh… Heh! Heh! Some mold this morning, and I’m quite… Ehh… EHH… Allergic… HEHH! HEHHEH!” Twilight’s hoof began to fan in front of her face as she launched into one of the sexiest buildups you had ever seen. It was like she knew exactly how to push all of your buttons. Her face just looked so desperate, so enormously sneezy, that you could hardly contain yourself. It was wrong, but you were attracted to sneezy Twilight, dammit. “EHH! EHHEH! Very BEHH! Big SNEEZE! EHH! HEHH! HEHHEHHH!” ?“KKEERRRRRTTIIIIIEEEEEEECHH-” Twilight exploded, her head snapping forwards, and coming to rest face-down in your lap. She screamed the final syllable of the sneeze directly into your crotch. “CCHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHH!!” ?You were stunned, unable to remember the last time you had been this horny. It was before you showed up in Equestria, that was for sure. Twilight blinked, recovering from her sneeze, and her face went beet red when she realized what she had done. “Sorry. Sorry!” ?“It’s… fine, Tw-Twi…” You could barely speak. Your heart was racing, pumping blood to your genitals. The unicorn got up from beside you, stopping with her backside facing you. She looked over her shoulder. ?“I suppose we can Ehh… Ehh… Continue this conversation HEH… EHEHH… later…” Twilight hitched, her head tilting back as she faced forwards again. Her jaw dropped open, and she looked up at the ceiling. You could see her nose on top of her face, wiggling desperately. She lifted a hoof and began to fan the air in front of it. “HEHH! EHHH! HEHHEH! HEHHHH!” ?“HHIIIRRRREEEEEEESSSCCHHHOooooooooo!!” Twilight sneezed, bending forwards as she did. Her hips pushed outwards as her back arched inwards. Her tail flew up, draping itself over her back, and revealing her pussy. You couldn’t help but stare, and as the seconds ticked by, she didn’t move a muscle. You saw that she was sopping wet, and suddenly it came to you. ?This was a setup. You didn’t know how Twilight had done it, and quite frankly, you didn’t care. Somehow she had deduced your fetish, and was trying to manipulate you into having sex with her. Your brain knew that this wasn’t going to end well, but your body ached for Twilight’s, and drops of pre-cum began to leak from your member. You unzipped your pants, and Twilight’s tail began to swish back and forth as you walked over to her. ?Your head swam. Part of you felt sorry for Twilight. She had probably never had sex before, that was the reason she was acting so depraved, and believing that her behavior was normal. Part of you still knew that this was wrong, and that it would end your current relationship with her, for better or for worse. Part of you honestly just wanted to fuck the sneezes right out of her. ?That was the part that was going to win. You placed your hands on her hips, rubbing the mark on either side. Weakly, Twilight called out to you. “…Anon. p-please…” ?“ohh…” Twilight moaned lightly as you entered her. You began to pump, your hips pushing against hers. “hff.. mmm… Aaah!” ?You put one of your hands on her belly, and slowly slid it up until it reached her loins. Surprisingly, her genitalia was very similar to a human’s. You lightly brushed Twilight’s clitoris, and she gasped in response, her face against the floor. ?“Eeee!” Twilight squealed, and shoved her forearm into her mouth. Muffled moans escaped her mouth as you picked up speed. Twilight came, unexpectedly, and she collapsed, her back legs and hips the only things standing. You could feel her heart pounding as she struggled to catch her breath. ?You felt as if you could keep going for hours, but Twilight seemed done. You knew there was one thing that would finish you easier than anything else. But Twilight’s nose seemed to have calmed down. If only there was some mold around. You wondered if Twilight even had allergies in the first place. Perhaps she could magically sneeze on command. ?Ah, to hell with it. She had used you, so it was only fair that you could get what you wanted. You spoke up. “Twilight… I’m surprised your allergies calmed down.” ?“Huh..?” She said, seemingly dazed. ?“I would have thought that you would need to sneeze still.” You said, in a demanding tone of voice. ?“…Oh. Oh!” Twilight said, and her horn flickered. Sparks flew out of the tip, and a large pile of mold appeared in front of her nose. Twilight’s eyes went wide, and she instantly sneezed, sending the pile everywhere. “HHEEEEESCCHHOOOOOOHH!” ?“T-too… Ehh… EHH… HEHEH! HHHEEEEECCHHOOOOOOOOOHH!! T-t-t-TEHH! EHHEHH! HEERRIIIIISSCHHOOOOOOOOOOH! Too muh… Muh… MUHUH… MUUCH-HERRSSSCHOOOH!” Twilight exploded into sneeze after sneeze as you continued fucking her, this time focused on your own pleasure. ?“HHEEEECHHHIIIIOOOOOO! HEHH! KERRRCHOOOOOH! EHHEH! HEEEESSCHHOOOIIIEEE!” Twilight sneezed, pushing against you with each expulsion. You could feel your orgasm drawing close. ?“Hehh… EHH..” Twilight hitched, her head lifting off of the floor. This was it. This was the sneeze that would end you. “EHHEH… Hehheh!” ?“HEHHEHEH!” Twilight’s wings expanded and flapped as she pulled herself to her feet. Clouds of mold circled around the two of you. Her head reared back. From behind Twilight, you could see her nostrils quivering, and the bulge of her tongue pressing into her cheek. An allergic tear ran down her face. ?“HEHHEHHEHHEHH!!” You lost it. Your vision went white, and your ears began to ring as you came. Twilight exploded too. “KKKEEERRRRRTTTTTTIIIIIEEEEEEEEEECCCHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH!!!!” ?You pulled out of Twilight, falling to your knees, and putting your hands onto the ground to catch yourself. ?“I’m Ehh… gonna… EHH… go Sh-sh-SHHOOOOOOH! Go shower.” Twilight said, walking away. You collapsed onto your stomach, breathing heavily as you heard the shower start up. You wondered what was going to happen next?